3,262 research outputs found

    Long memory in German energy price indices

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    This study examines the long-memory properties of German energy price indices (specifically, import and export prices, as well as producer and consumer prices) for hard coal, lignite, mineral oil and natural gas adopting a fractional integration modelling framework. The analysis is undertaken using monthly data from January 2000 to August 2011. The results suggest nonstationary long memory in the series (with orders of integration equal to or higher than 1) when breaks are not allowed for. However, endogenous break tests indicate a single break in all series except for producer prices for lignite for which two breaks are detected. When such breaks are taken into account, and with autocorrelated disturbances, evidence of mean reversion is found in practically all cases.This study is partially funded by the Ministry of Education of Spain (ECO2011-2014 ECON Y FINANZAS, Spain) and from a Jeronimo de Ayanz project of the Government of Navarra

    Identification of segments of European banks with a latent class frontier model

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    This paper analyses technical efficiency of European banks over the period 1996-2003 with unbalanced panel data techniques. A latent class frontier model is used which allows the identification of different segments in the production frontier. We find that there are three statistically significant segments in the sample. Therefore, we conclude that no common banking policy can be effective for all the banks included in the sample, and that banking policies by segments are required instead

    Eta Terrorism: Police Action, Political Measures And The Influence Of Violence On Economic Activity In The Basque Country

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    In the last 15 years or so, ETA activity has substantially decreased, but also changed. Whilst the type of killings has become more specialised (politicians, reporters, etc.), a new phenomenon based on urban guerrilla tactics, and called in Basque “kale borroka” (street fighting), has emerged, creating an atmosphere of violence in the streets. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, we create a daily measure of the level of violence in the area. Second, we examine if police action and the repressive policy measures adopted by government have been effective in reducing the intensity of violence. Third, we investigate whether the level of violence has had an effect on the stock market index in the Basque Country. The results, based on daily data from July 1st, 2001 to November 15th, 2005 suggest that the only effective measure to reduce violence was the banning of Herri Batasuna (HB), the radical party close to ETA supporters. Moreover, there was a decrease in the stock market index as a consequence of the violence in the area

    Context-aware Assessment Using QR-codes

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    In this paper we present the implementation of a general mechanism to deliver tests based on mobile devices and matrix codes. The system is an extension of Siette, and has not been specifically developed for any subject matter. To evaluate the performance of the system and show some of its capabilities, we have developed a test for a second-year college course on Botany at the School of Forestry Engineering. Students were equipped with iPads and took an outdoor test on plant species identification. All students were able to take and complete the test in a reasonable time. Opinions expressed anonymously by the students in a survey about the usability of the system and the usefulness of the test were very favorable. We think that the application presented in this paper can broaden the applicability of automatic assessment techniques.The presentation of this work has been co-founded by the Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cytoplasmic Domains and Voltage-Dependent Potassium Channel Gating

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    The basic architecture of the voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv channels) corresponds to a transmembrane protein core in which the permeation pore, the voltage-sensing components and the gating machinery (cytoplasmic facing gate and sensor–gate coupler) reside. Usually, large protein tails are attached to this core, hanging toward the inside of the cell. These cytoplasmic regions are essential for normal channel function and, due to their accessibility to the cytoplasmic environment, constitute obvious targets for cell-physiological control of channel behavior. Here we review the present knowledge about the molecular organization of these intracellular channel regions and their role in both setting and controlling Kv voltage-dependent gating properties. This includes the influence that they exert on Kv rapid/N-type inactivation and on activation/deactivation gating of Shaker-like and eag-type Kv channels. Some illustrative examples about the relevance of these cytoplasmic domains determining the possibilities for modulation of Kv channel gating by cellular components are also considered

    Eigenlogic: a Quantum View for Multiple-Valued and Fuzzy Systems

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    We propose a matrix model for two- and many-valued logic using families of observables in Hilbert space, the eigenvalues give the truth values of logical propositions where the atomic input proposition cases are represented by the respective eigenvectors. For binary logic using the truth values {0,1} logical observables are pairwise commuting projectors. For the truth values {+1,-1} the operator system is formally equivalent to that of a composite spin 1/2 system, the logical observables being isometries belonging to the Pauli group. Also in this approach fuzzy logic arises naturally when considering non-eigenvectors. The fuzzy membership function is obtained by the quantum mean value of the logical projector observable and turns out to be a probability measure in agreement with recent quantum cognition models. The analogy of many-valued logic with quantum angular momentum is then established. Logical observables for three-value logic are formulated as functions of the Lz observable of the orbital angular momentum l=1. The representative 3-valued 2-argument logical observables for the Min and Max connectives are explicitly obtained.Comment: 11 pages, 2 table

    Survival of patients with AIDS and association with level of education level and race/skin color in South and Southeast Brazil: a cohort study, 1998-1999

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    Analisar a sobrevida de pessoas com aids e sua associação com escolaridade e raça/cor da pele. Coorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 e 1999, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, com análise de sobrevida (método de Kaplan--Meier), estratificada por escolaridade e raça/cor da pele; a análise multivariada foi realizada mediante regressão de Cox. Foram incluídas 2.091 pessoas com sobrevida em 60 meses, a percentuais de 65% entre brancos e 62% entre pretos/pardos; o uso irregular de antirretrovirais (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) e a idade ≥60 anos (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) foram relacionados com menor sobrevida; escolaridade >8 anos (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) e sexo feminino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) relacionaram-se positivamente com sobrevida; os menos escolarizados tiveram sobrevida menor. Menor escolaridade sobrepôs-se às diferenças de raça/cor da pele, quando relacionada à sobrevida; tais desigualdades explicaram as diferenças observadas, mesmo com políticas de acesso universal aos antirretrovirais. Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida; Sobrevivência (Saúde Pública); Análise de Sobrevida; Escolaridade; Origem Étnica e Saúde281To analyze the survival of people with AIDS and association with schooling and race/skin color. METHODS: this was a retrospective cohort study of people diagnosed with AIDS between 1998 and 1999, in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. We used survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method), stratified by schooling and race/skin color and multivariate analysis was performed using Cox regression. RESULTS: the study included 2,091 people who had survived at 60 months, with 65% survival among White participants and 62% among Black/brown participants. Irregular use of antiretroviral (HR=11.2 - 95%CI8.8;14.2), and age ≥60 years (HR=2.5 - 95%CI1.4;4.4) were related to lower survival; schooling >8 years (HR=0.4 - 95%CI0.3;0.6) and being female (HR=0.6 - 95%CI0.5;0.8) were positively related to survival; those with less schooling had lower survival. CONCLUSION: lower schooling levels overlap race/skin color differences in relation to survival; these inequalities explain the differences found, despite the policies on universal access to antiretroviral.OBJETIVO: analisar a sobrevida de pessoas com aids e sua associação com escolaridade e raça/cor da pele. MÉTODOS: coorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 e 1999, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, com análise de sobrevida (método de Kaplan--Meier), estratificada por escolaridade e raça/cor da pele; a análise multivariada foi realizada mediante regressão de Cox. RESULTADOS: foram incluídas 2.091 pessoas com sobrevida em 60 meses, a percentuais de 65% entre brancos e 62% entre pretos/pardos; o uso irregular de antirretrovirais (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) e a idade ≥60 anos (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) foram relacionados com menor sobrevida; escolaridade >8 anos (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) e sexo feminino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) relacionaram-se positivamente com sobrevida; os menos escolarizados tiveram sobrevida menor. CONCLUSÃO: menor escolaridade sobrepôs-se às diferenças de raça/cor da pele, quando relacionada à sobrevida; tais desigualdades explicaram as diferenças observadas, mesmo com políticas de acesso universal aos antirretrovirais.OBJETIVO: analizar la sobrevida de personas con sida y su asociación con escolaridad y raza/color de la piel. MÉTODOS: cohorte de diagnosticados entre 1998 y 1999, en las regiones Sur y Sudeste de Brasil, con análisis de supervivencia (Kaplan-Meier), estratificados por educación y raza/color de la piel; el análisis multivariante se realizó con regresión de Cox. RESULTADOS: fueron incluidas 2.091 personas con sobrevida de 60 meses, a porcentuales de 65% entre blancos y 62% entre negros/pardos; el uso irregular de antirretrovirales (HR=11,2 - IC95%8,8;14,2) y la edad ≥60 años (HR=2,5 - IC95%1,4;4,4) se relacionaron con una menor sobrevida; escolaridad >8 años (HR=0,4 - IC95%0,3;0,6) y sexo femenino (HR=0,6 - IC95%0,5;0,8) se relacionaron positivamente con sobrevida; los menos escolarizados tuvieron sobrevida menor. CONCLUSIÓN: menor escolaridad se superpuso a las diferencias de raza/color de la piel referida, cuando relacionada a la supervivencia; tales desigualdades explicaron las diferencias observadas, aún con políticas de acceso universal a antirretrovirales

    Ação direta de inconstitucionalidade por omissão n° 25: implicações no combate à celeuma das omissões inconstitucionais e repercussões no redesenho do pacto federativo nacional

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    The present paper describes the Unconstitutionality Direct Action via Omission 25 (ADO), showing the position adopted by the Federal Supreme Court upon judging it, unconstitutional omissions. It should be stressed that, as a result of the enactment of the neo-constitutionalism, the constitutional norms gained normative power, changing from inefficiency to efficiency. The neo-constitutionalism model emerged in Brazil as a result of the Federal Constitution of 1988. With the promulgation of the new constitution, the individual, diffuse, social and political rights were avowed; all endowed with immediate applicability. The constitutional norms became, therefore, imperative, securing their effective enforcement. Conversely, the Republic Constitution comprises a set of norms that, in order to produce their maximum effects, they should depend on subsequent regulation as those rendered by an ordinary legislator (constitutional rules of limited effectiveness). As a result of these -regulation ineffectiveness. The Supreme Court, upon judging the Unconstitutionality Direct restricting itself to notifying it. One sees here a characterization of the non-concrete current, which has no practical effect, in that it addresses the battle against unconstitutional omissions. Consequently, the Constitutional Court adopts the intermediate concrete current, by which a deadline for solving normative breach will be established. Despite jurisprudential progress, the problem of unconstitutional omissions persists. In view of this, the Supreme Court has adopted an innovative position when judging the Unconstitutionality Direct Action via Omission 25, as proposed in the absence of a complementary law to regulate the reimbursement to the States and the Federal District of ICMS (value added tax) exemption. A period of twelve months is established for the National Congress to make the constitutional provision operative; however, once this period expires, the assignment will be sent to the Brazilian Court of Audit. The aim of the present research is to highlight the jurisprudential progress of the STF (the Superior Federal Tribunal), satisfying in this way the will of the National Assembly, safeguarding the supremacy of the constitutional text, expounding that a proclaimed decision should not be taken for judicial activism.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso versa sobre a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade por Omissão nº. 25 (ADO), evidenciando-se a posição adotada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal ao julgá-la, bem como demonstrando as consequências decorrentes de seu julgamento no cenário das omissões inconstitucionais. Ressaltou-se que a partir do enrobustecimento do neoconstitucionalismo, os dispositivos constitucionais ganharam força normativa, saindo da completa ineficácia para a eficácia. O modelo do neoconstitucionalismo surgiu no Brasil com o advento da Constituição Federal de 1988. Com a sua promulgação, advieram os direitos individuais, difusos, sociais e políticos, todos dotados de aplicabilidade imediata. As normas constitucionais passaram a ser dotadas de imperatividade, de modo a se prezar por seu efetivo cumprimento. Contudo, a Constituição da República é repleta de normas que, para produzirem seus efeitos máximos, dependem de regulamentação posterior do legislador ordinário (normas constitucionais de eficácia limitada). Face à não regulamentação desses dispositivos, surge o problema da inefetividade das normas constitucionais. A Suprema Corte, ao julgar Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade por Omissão, restringia-se a declarar a mora do órgão omisso e a cientificá -lo, apenas. Houve, assim, a caracterização da corrente não concretista, que, por sua vez, não produzia efeitos práticos, no que atine ao combate das omissões inconstitucionais. A posteriori, a Corte Constitucional adotou a corrente concretista intermediária, por meio da qual resta fixado prazo para que a lacuna normativa seja suprida. Em que pese todo o avanço jurisprudencial, a problemática das omissões inconstitucionais persiste. À vista disso, a Suprema Corte adotou posição inovadora, ao julgar a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade por Omissão nº. 25, proposta face à ausência de lei complementar que regulamentasse o ressarcimento aos estados e ao Distrito Federal pela desoneração do ICMS. Deixou-se ajustado o prazo de doze meses para que o Congresso Nacional legisle, a fim de conceder plena efetividade ao dispositivo constitucional. Contudo, expirado esse prazo, a tarefa de regulamentar a matéria será atribuída ao Tribunal de Contas da União. O objetivo desta pesquisa, portanto, é o de evidenciar o avanço jurisprudencial dos julgamentos do STF, concretizando, enfim, a vontade do constituinte e salvaguardando a supremacia do texto constitucional, esclarecendo que a decisão prolatada não se confunde com ativismo judicial