1,312 research outputs found

    Spin-based quantum information processing with semiconductor quantum dots and cavity QED

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    A quantum information processing scheme is proposed with semiconductor quantum dots located in a high-Q single mode QED cavity. The spin degrees of freedom of one excess conduction electron of the quantum dots are employed as qubits. Excitonic states, which can be produced ultrafastly with optical operation, are used as auxiliary states in the realization of quantum gates. We show how properly tailored ultrafast laser pulses and Pauli-blocking effects, can be used to achieve a universal encoded quantum computing.Comment: RevTex, 2 figure

    Engaging MOU and People’s Participation in Project Implementation: Imperative for Sustainable Community Development in Nigeria.

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    People’s participation in project implementation in the community is generally accepted as a means of mobilizing human and material resources – all directed to increasing productivity and thus improving the living standards of the people. The practicability of this strategy will be a wild dream if it cannot be institutionalized. Hence, a need for some devices such as: engaging Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the implementation committees to help foster people’s participation in project execution. This paper focuses on engaging MOU and people’s participation in project implementation: imperative for sustainable community development in Nigeria. Being a theoretical research, secondary materials were employed and the result shows that it is the involvement of the intended beneficiaries that can help in the sustainability of projects in the community. It was therefore concluded that, authentic engagements of MOU and people’s participation are indispensable in order to make the intended beneficiaries self-reliant in the meeting of their basic needs and the making of the process of their project development self sustainable. Keywords - Community development, MOU, People’s participation, Project, Sustainable

    Effects of Noisy Oracle on Search Algorithm Complexity

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    Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms for unstructured database or library searches. This paper examines the robustness of Grover's search algorithm to a random phase error in the oracle and analyzes the complexity of the search process as a function of the scaling of the oracle error with database or library size. Both the discrete- and continuous-time implementations of the search algorithm are investigated. It is shown that unless the oracle phase error scales as O(N^(-1/4)), neither the discrete- nor the continuous-time implementation of Grover's algorithm is scalably robust to this error in the absence of error correction.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Impact of New EUV Diagnostics on CME-Related Kinematics

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    We present the application of novel diagnostics to the spectroscopic observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) on disk by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft. We apply a recently developed line profile asymmetry analysis to the spectroscopic observation of NOAA AR 10930 on 14-15 December 2006 to three raster observations before and during the eruption of a 1000km/s CME. We see the impact that the observer's line-of-sight and magnetic field geometry have on the diagnostics used. Further, and more importantly, we identify the on-disk signature of a high-speed outflow behind the CME in the dimming region arising as a result of the eruption. Supported by recent coronal observations of the STEREO spacecraft, we speculate about the momentum flux resulting from this outflow as a secondary momentum source to the CME. The results presented highlight the importance of spectroscopic measurements in relation to CME kinematics, and the need for full-disk synoptic spectroscopic observations of the coronal and chromospheric plasmas to capture the signature of such explosive energy release as a way of providing better constraints of CME propagation times to L1, or any other point of interest in the heliosphere.Comment: Accepted to appear in Solar Physics Topical Issue titled "Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere". Manuscript has 14 pages, 5 color figures. Movies supporting the figures can be found in http://download.hao.ucar.edu/pub/mscott/papers/Weathe

    Back to the future: using ancient Bere barley landraces for a sustainable future

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    Societal Impact Statement Bere is an ancient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) that was once widely grown in northern Britain, where its ability to grow on poor soils and under challenging climatic conditions made it a valuable staple. By the end of the 20th century, Bere had largely been replaced by higher-yielding modern varieties and only survived in cultivation on a few Scottish islands. This article reviews the recent revival of Bere, driven by its use in high-value food and drink products and multidisciplinary research into its genetics, valuable sustainability traits and potential for developing resilient barley varieties. Summary In Britain, modern cereal varieties have mostly replaced landraces. A remarkable exception occurs on several Scottish islands where Bere, an ancient 6-row barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), is grown as a monocrop or in mixtures. In the Outer Hebrides, the mixture is grown for animal feed, and cultivating it with traditional practices is integral to the conservation of Machair, an important coastal dune ecosystem. In Orkney, Bere is grown as a monocrop, and in situ conservation has recently been strengthened by improved agronomy and new markets for grain to produce unique foods and beverages from beremeal (flour) and malt. In parallel, a recently assembled collection of British and North European barley landraces has allowed the genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Bere and several associated multidisciplinary studies. Genotyping demonstrated Bere's unique identity compared with most other barleys in the collection, indicating an earlier introduction to Scotland than the Norse settlement (c. 9th century AD) suggested previously. Valuable traits found in some Bere accessions include disease resistance, an early heading date (reflecting a short period from sowing to harvest), the ability to grow on marginal, high pH soils deficient in manganese and tolerance to salinity stress. These traits would have been important in the past for grain production under the region's challenging soil and Atlantic-maritime climatic conditions. We discuss these results within the context of Bere as a genetic, heritage and commercial resource and as a future source of sustainability traits for barley improvement

    Ring chromosome 20

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    Ring Chromosome 20 syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder characterized by refractory epilepsy, with seizures in wakefulness and sleep, behavioral problems and mild to severe cognitive impairment. Facial dysmorphism or other congenital malformations are rarely reported making it difficult to diagnose the syndrome based on clinical findings alone. Therefore, diagnosis requires cytogenetic testing. More than 100 cases have been published since the initial report in 1972. In some patients, the ring (20) is found in all cells analyzed and in these cases, the ring is almost always accompanied by deletions of 20pter and/or 20qter. However, in the majority of cases the ring is present in only a proportion of cells, with two normal 20's in the remaining cells (mosaicism), and in these cases, no deletions of chromosome 20 have been observed. Patients with supernumerary r(20) chromosomes have also been identified, but these individuals do not generally have seizures and are not discussed in this review. Characterization by fluorescence in situ hybridization and array-based analysis has shed insight into the molecular composition and possible mechanisms of ring formation, in both the mosaic and non-mosaic patients. The age of onset of seizures correlates with the percentage of cells with the ring in mosaic patients. While the underlying etiology of the phenotype is still not understood, evidence is accumulating which suggests the deletion of candidate genes on chromosome 20 is not responsible. Cytogenetic analysis, rather than chromosomal microarray analysis is recommended for diagnosis of this syndrome, as the mosaic cases do not have copy number alterations and are therefore not identified by array-based analysis

    K -> pi pi and a light scalar meson

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    We explore the Delta-I= 1/2 rule and epsilon'/epsilon in K -> pi pi transitions using a Dyson-Schwinger equation model. Exploiting the feature that QCD penguin operators direct K^0_S transitions through 0^{++} intermediate states, we find an explanation of the enhancement of I=0 K -> pi pi transitions in the contribution of a light sigma-meson. This mechanism also affects epsilon'/epsilon.Comment: 7 pages, REVTE

    Ketogenic diet as a glycine lowering therapy in nonketotic hyperglycinemia and impact on brain glycine levels

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    BACKGROUND: Nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH) is a severe neurometabolic disorder characterized by increased glycine levels. Current glycine reduction therapy uses high doses of sodium benzoate. The ketogenic diet (KD) may represent an alternative method of glycine reduction. AIM: We aimed to assess clinical and biochemical effects of two glycine reduction strategies: high dose benzoate versus KD with low dose benzoate. METHODS: Six infants with NKH were first treated with high dose benzoate therapy to achieve target plasma glycine levels, and then switched to KD with low dose benzoate. They were evaluated as clinically indicated by physical examination, electroencephalogram, plasma and cerebral spinal fluid amino acid levels. Brain glycine levels were monitored by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). RESULTS: Average plasma glycine levels were significantly lower with KD compared to benzoate monotherapy by on average 28%. Two infants underwent comparative assessments of brain glycine levels via serial MRS. A 30% reduction of brain glycine levels was observed in the basal ganglia and a 50% reduction in the white matter, which remained elevated above normal, and was equivalent between the KD and high dose benzoate therapies. CSF analysis obtained while participants remained on the KD showed a decrease in glycine, serine and threonine levels, reflecting their gluconeogenetic usage. Clinically, half the patients had seizure reduction on KD, otherwise the clinical impact was variable. CONCLUSION: KD is an effective glycine reduction method in NKH, and may provide a more consistent reduction in plasma glycine levels than high-dose benzoate therapy. Both high-dose benzoate therapy and KD equally reduced but did not normalize brain glycine levels even in the setting of low-normal plasma glycine

    d-alpha Correlation functions and collective motion in Xe+Au collisions at E/A=50 MeV

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    The interplay of the effects of geometry and collective motion on d-α\alpha correlation functions is investigated for central Xe+Au collisions at E/A=50 MeV. The data cannot be explained without collective motion, which could be partly along the beam axis. A semi-quantitative description of the data can be obtained using a Monte-Carlo model, where thermal emission is superimposed on collective motion. Both the emission volume and the competition between the thermal and collective motion influence significantly the shape of the correlation function, motivating new strategies for extending intensity interferometry studies to massive particles.Comment: Accepted for publication on Physics Letters

    3D MHD Flux Emergence Experiments: Idealized models and coronal interactions

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    This paper reviews some of the many 3D numerical experiments of the emergence of magnetic fields from the solar interior and the subsequent interaction with the pre-existing coronal magnetic field. The models described here are idealized, in the sense that the internal energy equation only involves the adiabatic, Ohmic and viscous shock heating terms. However, provided the main aim is to investigate the dynamical evolution, this is adequate. Many interesting observational phenomena are explained by these models in a self-consistent manner.Comment: Review article, accepted for publication in Solar Physic