178 research outputs found

    Consumo e hipermodernidad: una revisión de la teoría de Gilles Lipovetsky

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    Gilles Lipovetsky has gradually become one of the most internationally acclaimed scholars in modern French sociology due to his sharp analyses on post-modern societies. In this paper we will develop a critical revision of his main lines of thought. Our goal is to reflect upon the limits of Lipovetsky’s approach to concepts such as post-modernity, hypermodernity and consumption

    Seismic vulnerability and damage assessment in Navarre (NE Spain)

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    A regional characterization of the seismic vulnerability of the building stock of Navarre (Northern Spain) and the expected damage associated with expected ground shaking for a 475-year return period is presented. Besides the initial planning meetings, the work consists on three phases: The first is the field work conducted along different routes crossing the entire region, including main cities. Two geographical areas with distinctive construction patterns and characteristic typologies were recognised and delimited, together with a transition zone. Several buildings were sampled and documented, and empirical vulnerability distributions were obtained. The second phase relates to cadastral data exploitation and processing, selection of parcels as working units and selection of municipalities and districts as representation units. Based on the age of construction and the associated seismic code requirements; the number of stories; and the empirical distributions derived in the earlier stage, statistical distributions of building vulnerability classes were composed following three vulnerability classifications. These include the vulnerability classification of the European Macroseismic Scale, the vulnerability index approach and the Hazus classification. This phase was as important as time-consuming, and set the basis for the proper development of the subsequent analyses. The third phase consisted on calculating the expected damage with empirical as well as with analytical methods, using as seismic input an updated hazard-consistent seismic intensity map of the region. Vulnerability and damage results derived with the three methods used are compared and analysed, and their suitability discussed. Results of this work will be used in the regional seismic risk plan of Navarre (RISNA Project

    Use of recycled Aluminium for low cost production of metallic foams

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    Los metales celulares (MC) son materiales innovadores con muy baja densidad que se caracterizan por poseer una atractiva combinación de propiedades mecánicas y físicas, lo que los convierte en potenciales candidatos para una amplia gama de aplicaciones en diversos sectores como el automotriz, aeronaútico, construcción, implantes biomédicos, entre otros. Sin embargo, una desventaja inherente a éste tipo de materiales está dada por su alto costo, el cual básicamente rádica en los procesos existentes para la producción de metales celulares. Con el fn de obtener espumas de aluminio de porosidad abierta y a un bajo costo, se realizó el presente estudio basado en la selección de un proceso de producción económico aunado al uso de materias de bajo costo (aluminio reciclado) y de fácil consecución (sal comercial). Una vez obtenidas las espumas de poro abierto, su calidad se validó mediante la evaluación de los aspectos estructurales y microestructurales. Además, fueron evaluadas las propiedades de absorción de sonido y la resistencia a la compresión. Los resultados demostraron que el proceso propuesto fue exitoso, ya que las espumas de aluminio reciclado obtenidas presentaron propiedades físicas y mecánicas comparativas con las reportadas en la literatura para otros MC.Abstract: Cellular metals are innovative materials with very low density characterized by their very atractive combination of mechanical and physical properties, it makes them potential candidates for a wide range of applications in several sectors such as: the automotive, aeronautical, construction, biomedical implants, etc. However, an inherent drawback of this kind of materials is given by their high cost, which is basically due to the production process used to produce cellular metals. In order to obtain aluminium foams with open porosity , the present work based in the selection of an economical production process together with the use of low price raw materials (recycled aluminium) and easy consecution (commercial salt), was done. The obtained aluminum foams quality was validated by mean the evaluation of structural and microstructural aspects. Moreover, sound absorption and compression strength properties were evaluated. The results showed that the process was satisfactory since the mechanical and physical properties exhibited by the obtained recycled aluminum foams were comparatives with other MC reported in the literature

    Novelty without nobility: Outstanding Ni/Ti-SiO2 catalysts for propylene epoxidation

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    An efficient gas-phase production of propylene oxide (PO) with noble metal-free catalysts could modify the industrial output of this valuable compound. We present a novel catalyst based on well-dispersed Ni nanoparticles loaded on a Ti-SiO2 support for the propylene epoxidation reaction using H2/O2 mixtures. XPS, High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), and UV–Vis corroborate both the small size of Ni particles and the excellent dispersion and incorporation of Ti as tetrahedral single site species into the silica framework. The catalytic results under steady-state conditions at low temperature (200 °C) show high PO selectivity (around 85%) with a substantial propylene conversion (over 6%) and excellent H2 efficiency (~37%) using only 0.5 wt% of Ni on Ti-SiO2 (Ti/Si = 0.01 M ratio). In this work, we have also carried out a preliminary DFT study to gain understanding of the characteristics that make this nickel catalyst active and selective for the propene epoxidation reaction.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER (CTQ2015-66080-R, RTI2018-095291-B-I00, MAT2017-87579-R, and PROMETEO/2018/076) for financial support. JFC thanks MINECO for a researcher formation grant (BES-2016-078079)

    Controls on intermontane basin filling, isolation and incision on the margin of the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina (similar to 23 degrees S)

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    Intermontane basins are illuminating stratigraphic archives of uplift, denudation and environmental conditions within the heart of actively growing mountain ranges. Commonly, however, it is difficult to determine from the sedimentary record of an individual basin whether basin formation, aggradation and dissection were controlled primarily by climatic, tectonic or lithological changes and whether these drivers were local or regional in nature. By comparing the onset of deposition, sediment-accumulation rates, incision, deformation, changes in fluvial connectivity and sediment provenance in two interrelated intermontane basins, we can identify diverse controls on basin evolution. Here, we focus on the Casa Grande basin and the adjacent Humahuaca basin along the eastern margin of the Puna Plateau in northwest Argentina. Underpinning this analysis is the robust temporal framework provided by U-Pb geochronology of multiple volcanic ashes and our new magnetostratigraphical record in the Humahuaca basin. Between 3.8 and 0.8 Ma, similar to 120 m of fluvial and lacustrine sediments accumulated in the Casa Grande basin as the rate of uplift of the Sierra Alta, the bounding range to its east, outpaced fluvial incision by the Rio Yacoraite, which presently flows eastward across the range into the Humahuaca basin. Detrital zircon provenance analysis indicates a progressive loss of fluvial connectivity from the Casa Grande basin to the downstream Humahuaca basin between 3 and 2.1 Ma, resulting in the isolation of the Casa Grande basin from 2.1 Ma to \u3c 1.7 Ma. This episode of basin isolation is attributed to aridification due to the uplift of the ranges to the east. Enhanced aridity decreased sediment supply to the Casa Grande basin to the point that aggradation could no longer keep pace with the rate of the surface uplift at the outlet of the basin. Synchronous events in the Casa Grande and Humahuaca basins suggest that both the initial onset of deposition above unconformities at similar to 3.8 Ma and the re-establishment of fluvial connectivity at similar to 0.8 Ma were controlled by climatic and/or tectonic changes affecting both basins. Reintegration of the fluvial network allowed subsequent incision in the Humahuaca basin to propagate upstream into the Casa Grande basin

    Equivalence between free quantum particles and those in harmonic potentials and its application to instantaneous changes

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedIn quantum physics the free particle and the harmonically trapped particle are arguably the most important systems a physicist needs to know about. It is little known that, mathematically, they are one and the same. This knowledge helps us to understand either from the viewpoint of the other. Here we show that all general time-dependent solutions of the free-particle Schrodinger equation can be mapped to solutions of the Schrodinger equation for harmonic potentials, both the trapping oscillator and the inverted `oscillator'. This map is fully invertible and therefore induces an isomorphism between both types of system, they are equivalent. A composition of the map and its inverse allows us to map from one harmonic oscillator to another with a different spring constant and different center position. The map is independent of the state of the system, consisting only of a coordinate transformation and multiplication by a form factor, and can be chosen such that the state is identical in both systems at one point in time. This transition point in time can be chosen freely, the wave function of the particle evolving in time in one system before the transition point can therefore be linked up smoothly with the wave function for the other system and its future evolution after the transition point. Such a cut-and-paste procedure allows us to describe the instantaneous changes of the environment a particle finds itself in. Transitions from free to trapped systems, between harmonic traps of different spring constants or center positions, or, from harmonic binding to repulsive harmonic potentials are straightforwardly modelled. This includes some time dependent harmonic potentials. The mappings introduced here are computationally more efficient than either state-projection or harmonic oscillator propagator techniques conventionally employed when describing instantaneous (non-adiabatic) changes of a quantum particle's environmentPeer reviewe

    Uso problemático de redes sociales virtuales y miedo a quedar afuera (FoMO)

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    El uso problemático de Internet, y en particular de las redessociales virtuales (RSV), ha reactivado las discusiones sobre elmiedo a quedar afuera (Fear of missing out, FoMO), como unaemoción negativa que está incrementándose por asociación aluso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC). Conun total de 273 adultos, de 25 a 65 años de edad (M=42.18,D.s.=11.74), de ambos sexos y usuarios de al menos una RSV,se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional que –coninstrumentos locales– indagó las variables uso problemático deRSV y FoMO, además de adicción a internet, ansiedadtecnológica, adicción al teléfono móvil y búsqueda de novedades.Asimismo se determinaron horas de uso no instrumental de TIC ycantidad de perfiles en RSV (intensidad de uso)

    Apendicitis aguda y teratoma: ¿causalidad o consecuencia?

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    La enfermedad ginecológica puede cursar con gran variedad de manifestaciones clínicas. La coexistencia de teratoma y apendicitis aguda supone un porcentaje inusual de enfermedad abdominal en mujeres jóvenes, aunque no de forma exclusiva. Apenas hay revisiones o casos documentados en la literatura, por lo que se desconoce si existe causalidad entre ambas o simplemente es una coincidencia. Exponemos el caso de una paciente joven cuyo síntoma guía fue un dolor abdominal difuso con gran discordancia clinicorradiológica, que precisó intervención quirúrgica y confirmó la presencia de ambas entidades tras el estudio anatomopatológico. Gynaecological disorders can have a wide variety of clinical manifestations. The coexistence of teratoma and acute appendicitis accounts for unusual, but not exclusive, percentage of abdominal pathology in young women. There are virtually no reviews or documented cases in the literature, so it is unknown whether there is causality between the 2 or simply a coincidence. The case is presented of a young patient whose main symptom was diffuse abdominal pain with great clinical and radiological discordance. Surgical intervention was required to confirm the presence of both pathologies after the completion of the histopathology study

    Reposicionamiento de drogas efectos de la combinación de metformina y propanolol sobre modelos de cáncer colorrectal

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    El reposicionamiento de drogas en oncología se refiere al uso de fármacos originalmente formulados para otras indicaciones que mostraron potencial antitumoral. En este trabajo, se seleccionó un grupo de drogas en reposicionamiento que incluyen metformina (M, utilizada en el tratamiento de la diabetes), propranolol (P, indicado para tratar la hipertensión), cloroquina (CQ, se usa en el tratamiento o prevención de la malaria), DHEA (un precursor de hormonas sexuales), orlistat (empleado en el tratamiento de la obesidad), atorvastatina (utilizado para tratar niveles altos de colesterol) y dicloroacetato (un inhibidor de la piruvato deshidrogenasa cinasa). El potencial antitumoral de estos fármacos se evaluó in vitro en células de cáncer de colon humano HCT116 y HT29 a través de ensayos de viabilidad estándar, individualmente o de forma combinada. Todos los fármacos probados inhibieron significativamente la proliferación de células HCT116 y HT29 de una manera dependiente de la dosis. De las combinaciones probadas, M+P resultó la más atractiva en ambas líneas celulares, ya que mostró una fuerte inhibición del crecimiento incluso combinando dosis bajas de ambos fármacos (P <0,001). Adicionalmente, el tratamiento mostro efectos significativos tanto sobre la capacidad migratoria celular, aumentando el número de adhesiones focales en células tratadas, como en los niveles de apoptosis que también se vieron incrementados por el tratamiento. Los datos preliminares de un modelo in vivo con ratones BALB/c bajo un protocolo de carcinogénesis estándar de azoximetano (carcinógeno iniciador)/sulfato de dextrano (agente promotor) indicaron un beneficio potencial de la combinación M+P en la prevención del desarrollo de tumores de colon, sin síntomas asociados de toxicidad. A través de la tinción inmunohistoquímica para el antígeno Ki67 se detectó un menor número de células proliferativas en tumores tratados, lo que confirmó el efecto del tratamiento in vivo. En conjunto, nuestros resultados sugieren que la terapia con medicamentos reposicionados podría ser de interés para el tratamiento del cáncer de colon y, en particular, la combinación de M+P podría inhibir su desarrollo y potencialmente el desarrollo de metástasisFil: Anselmino L.E.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Baglioni M.V.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Rico M.J.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Rozados V.R.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Scharovsky O.G.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Fernández C.O.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Martínez-Marignac V.. Universidad Nacional de RosarioFil: Menacho-Márquez M.. Universidad Nacional de Rosari