87 research outputs found

    Neutrino emission from spin waves in neutron spin-triplet superfluid

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    The linear response of a neutron spin-triplet superfluid onto external weak axial-vector field is studied for the case of 3P2^{3}P_{2} pairing with a projection of the total angular momentum mj=0m_{j}=0. The problem is considered in the BCS approximation discarding Fermi-liquid effects. The anomalous axial-vector vertices of neutron quasiparticles possess singularities at some frequencies which specify existence of undamped spin-density waves in the Cooper condensate. The spin waves are of a low excitation energy and are kinematically able to decay into neutrino pairs through neutral weak currents. We evaluate the neutrino emissivity from the spin wave decays in the bulk neutron superfluid in old neutron stars. This calculation predicts significant energy losses from within a neutron star at lowest temperatures when all other mechanisms of neutrino emission are killed by the neutron and proton superfluidity.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Collective neutrino-pair emission due to Cooper pairing of protons in superconducting neutron stars

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    The neutrino emission due to formation and breaking of Cooper pairs of protons in superconducting cores of neutron stars is considered with taking into account the electromagnetic coupling of protons to ambient electrons. It is shown that collective response of electrons to the proton quantum transition contributes coherently to the complete interaction with a neutrino field and enhances the neutrino-pair production. Our calculation shows that the contribution of the vector weak current to the ννˉ\nu \bar{\nu} emissivity of protons is much larger than that calculated by different authors without taking into account the plasma effects. Partial contribution of the pairing protons to the total neutrino radiation from the neutron star core is very sensitive to the critical temperatures for the proton and neutron pairing. We show domains of these parameters where the neutrino radiation, caused by a singlet-state pairing of protons is dominating.Comment: 34 pages, including 9 figure

    Vector current conservation and neutrino emission from singlet-paired baryons in neutron stars

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    Neutrino emission caused by singlet Cooper pairing of baryons in neutron stars is recalculated by accurately taking into account for conservation of the vector weak currents. The neutrino emissivity via the vector weak currents is found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than that obtained before by different authors. This makes unimportant the neutrino radiation from singlet pairing of protons or hyperons.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    New eigen-mode of spin oscillations in the triplet superfluid condensate in neutron stars

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    The eigen mode of spin oscillations with ω58/35Δ\omega\simeq \sqrt{58/35}\Delta is predicted to exist besides already known spin waves with ωΔ/5\omega \simeq\Delta /\sqrt{5} in the triplet superfluid neutron condensate in the inner core of neutron stars. The new mode is kinematically able to decay into neutrino pairs through neutral weak currents. The problem is considered in BCS approximation for the case of 3P23F2^{3}P_{2}-^{3}F_{2} pairing with a projection of the total angular momentum mj=0m_{j}=0 which is conventionally considered as preferable one at supernuclear densities.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    The Topological B-model on a Mini-Supertwistor Space and Supersymmetric Bogomolny Monopole Equations

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    In the recent paper hep-th/0502076, it was argued that the open topological B-model whose target space is a complex (2|4)-dimensional mini-supertwistor space with D3- and D1-branes added corresponds to a super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions. Without the D1-branes, this topological B-model is equivalent to a dimensionally reduced holomorphic Chern-Simons theory. Identifying the latter with a holomorphic BF-type theory, we describe a twistor correspondence between this theory and a supersymmetric Bogomolny model on R^3. The connecting link in this correspondence is a partially holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on a Cauchy-Riemann supermanifold which is a real one-dimensional fibration over the mini-supertwistor space. Along the way of proving this twistor correspondence, we review the necessary basic geometric notions and construct action functionals for the involved theories. Furthermore, we discuss the geometric aspect of a recently proposed deformation of the mini-supertwistor space, which gives rise to mass terms in the supersymmetric Bogomolny equations. Eventually, we present solution generating techniques based on the developed twistorial description together with some examples and comment briefly on a twistor correspondence for super Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions.Comment: 55 pages; v2: typos fixed, published versio

    Local mean-field study of capillary condensation in silica aerogels

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    We apply local mean-field (i.e. density functional) theory to a lattice model of a fluid in contact with a dilute, disordered gel network. The gel structure is described by a diffusion-limited cluster aggregation model. We focus on the influence of porosity on both the hysteretic and the equilibrium behavior of the fluid as one varies the chemical potential at low temperature. We show that the shape of the hysteresis loop changes from smooth to rectangular as the porosity increases and that this change is associated to disorder-induced out-of-equilibrium phase transitions that differ on adsorption and on desorption. Our results provide insight in the behavior of 4^4He in silica aerogels.Comment: 19 figure

    Neutrino Cooling of Neutron Stars. Medium effects

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    This review demonstrates that neutrino emission from dense hadronic component in neutron stars is subject of strong modifications due to collective effects in the nuclear matter. With the most important in-medium processes incorporated in the cooling code an overall agreement with available soft X ray data can be easily achieved. With these findings so called "standard" and "non-standard" cooling scenarios are replaced by one general "nuclear medium cooling scenario" which relates slow and rapid neutron star coolings to the star masses (interior densities). In-medium effects take important part also at early hot stage of neutron star evolution decreasing the neutrino opacity for less massive and increasing for more massive neutron stars. A formalism for calculation of neutrino radiation from nuclear matter is presented that treats on equal footing one-nucleon and multiple-nucleon processes as well as reactions with resonance bosons and condensates. Cooling history of neutron stars with quark cores is also discussed.Comment: To be published in "Physics of Neutron Star Interiors", Eds. D. Blaschke, N.K. Glendenning, A. Sedrakian, Springer, Heidelberg (2001

    Participation of intracellular cysteine proteinases, in particular cathepsin B, in degradation of collagen in periosteal tissue explants

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    The involvement of cysteine proteinases in the degradation of soft connective tissue collagen was studied in cultured periosteal explants. Using cysteine proteinase inhibitors that were active intracellularly or extracellularly (Ep453 and Ep475, respectively), it was shown that over-all collagen degradation, as measured by the release of hydroxyproline, decreased significantly on inhibition of the intracellular pool of cysteine proteinases by Ep453. This inhibitor also induced an accumulation of intracellular fibrillar collagen in fibroblasts, indicating a decreased degradation of phagocytosed collagen. The extracellular inhibitor, Ep475, had minor or no effects. Histochemical analysis using a substrate for the cysteine proteinases cathepsins B and L revealed a high level of enzyme activity, which was completely blocked in explants preincubated with a selective intracellular inhibitor of cathepsin B, Ca074-Me. Moreover, the cathepsin B inhibitor strongly affected collagen degradation, decreasing the release of hydroxyproline and increasing the accumulation of phagocytosed collagen. These effects were comparable or slightly stronger than those found with the general intracellular inhibitor (Ep453). Taken together, these data strongly suggest that intracellular cysteine proteinases, in particular cathepsin B, play an important role in the digestion of soft connective tissue collage