
This review demonstrates that neutrino emission from dense hadronic component in neutron stars is subject of strong modifications due to collective effects in the nuclear matter. With the most important in-medium processes incorporated in the cooling code an overall agreement with available soft X ray data can be easily achieved. With these findings so called "standard" and "non-standard" cooling scenarios are replaced by one general "nuclear medium cooling scenario" which relates slow and rapid neutron star coolings to the star masses (interior densities). In-medium effects take important part also at early hot stage of neutron star evolution decreasing the neutrino opacity for less massive and increasing for more massive neutron stars. A formalism for calculation of neutrino radiation from nuclear matter is presented that treats on equal footing one-nucleon and multiple-nucleon processes as well as reactions with resonance bosons and condensates. Cooling history of neutron stars with quark cores is also discussed.Comment: To be published in "Physics of Neutron Star Interiors", Eds. D. Blaschke, N.K. Glendenning, A. Sedrakian, Springer, Heidelberg (2001

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