1,261 research outputs found

    Psycho-Physiologically-Based Real Time Adaptive General Type 2 Fuzzy Modelling and Self-Organising Control of Operator's Performance Undertaking a Cognitive Task

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    —This paper presents a new modelling and control fuzzy-based framework validated with real-time experiments on human participants experiencing stress via mental arithmetic cognitive tasks identified through psycho-physiological markers. The ultimate aim of the modelling/control framework is to prevent performance breakdown in human-computer interactive systems with a special focus on human performance. Two designed modelling/control experiments which consist of carrying-out arithmetic operations of varying difficulty levels were performed by 10 participants (operators) in the study. With this new technique, modelling is achieved through a new adaptive, self-organizing and interpretable modelling framework based on General Type-2 Fuzzy sets. This framework is able to learn in real-time through the implementation of a re-structured performance-learning algorithm that identifies important features in the data without the need for prior training. The information learnt by the model is later exploited via an Energy Model Based Controller that infers adequate control actions by changing the difficulty level of the arithmetic operations in the human-computer-interaction system; these actions being based on the most current psycho-physiological state of the subject under study. The real-time implementation of the proposed modelling and control configurations for the human-machine-interaction under study shows superior performance as compared to other forms of modelling and control, with minimal intervention in terms of model re-training or parameter re-tuning to deal with uncertainties, disturbances and inter/intra-subject parameter variability

    XAS study of the local environment of impurities in doped TiO2 thin films

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    In this work we present an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy characterization of the local environment of the impurity in room temperature ferromagnetic anatase TiO2 thin films doped with Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn, deposited on LaAlO3 substrate by Pulsed Laser Deposition. It was found that there is a considerable amount of impurity atoms substituting Ti in TiO2 anatase, although the presence of metal transition monoxide clusters can not be discarded. From our results we infer that the observed room temperature ferromagnetism of the samples could be assigned to the metal transition atoms replacing Ti in TiO2 anatase.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, Physica B (in press

    Anisotropy at the end of the cosmic ray spectrum?

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    The starburst galaxies M82 and NGC253 have been proposed as the primary sources of cosmic rays with energies above 1018.710^{18.7} eV. For energies \agt 10^{20.3} eV the model predicts strong anisotropies. We calculate the probabilities that the latter can be due to chance occurrence. For the highest energy cosmic ray events in this energy region, we find that the observed directionality has less than 1% probability of occurring due to random fluctuations. Moreover, during the first 5 years of operation at Auger, the observation of even half the predicted anisotropy has a probability of less than 10510^{-5} to occur by chance fluctuation. Thus, this model can be subject to test at very small cost to the Auger priors budget and, whatever the outcome of that test, valuable information on the Galactic magnetic field will be obtained.Comment: Final version to be published in Physical Review

    High-gain nonlinear observer for simple genetic regulation process

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    High-gain nonlinear observers occur in the nonlinear automatic control theory and are in standard usage in chemical engineering processes. We apply such a type of analysis in the context of a very simple one-gene regulation circuit. In general, an observer combines an analytical differential-equation-based model with partial measurement of the system in order to estimate the non-measured state variables. We use one of the simplest observers, that of Gauthier et al., which is a copy of the original system plus a correction term which is easy to calculate. For the illustration of this procedure, we employ a biological model, recently adapted from Goodwin's old book by De Jong, in which one plays with the dynamics of the concentrations of the messenger RNA coding for a given protein, the protein itself, and a single metabolite. Using the observer instead of the metabolite, it is possible to rebuild the non-measured concentrations of the mRNA and the proteinComment: 9 pages, one figur

    In silico prediction of secretory proteins of Opisthorchis viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis and Fasciola hepatica that target the host cell nucleus

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    Liver flukes Fasciola hepatica, Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis are causing agents of liver and hepatobiliary diseases. A remarkable difference between such worms is the fact that O. viverrini and C. sinensis are carcinogenic organisms whereas F. hepatica is not carcinogenic. The release of secretory factors by carcinogenic flukes seems to contribute to cancer development however if some of these target the host cell nuclei is unknown. We investigated the existence of O. viverrini and C. sinensis secretory proteins that target the nucleus of host cells and compared these with the corresponding proteins predicted in F. hepatica. Here we applied an algorithm composed by in silico approaches that screened and analyzed the potential genes predicted from genomes of liver flukes. We found 31 and 22 secretory proteins that target the nucleus of host cells in O. viverrini and C. sinensis, respectively, and that have no homologs in F. hepatica. These polypeptides have enriched the transcription initiation process and nucleic acid binding in O. viverrini and C. sinensis, respectively. In addition, other 11 secretory proteins of O. viverrini and C. sinensis, that target the nucleus of host cells, had F. hepatica homologs, have enriched RNA processing function. In conclusion, O. viverrini and C. sinensis have 31 and 22 genes, respectively, that may be involved in their carcinogenic action through a direct targeting on the host cell nuclei. © 2021 The Author(s

    Propiedades cinemáticas de las estrellas del tipo R Coronae Boralis

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    Se presentan resultados que sugieren que estas estrellas no participan completamente de la rotación galáctica. Este hecho, sumado a su distribución y velocidades espaciales, indica que las estrellas R CrB son objetos "suavemente" del halo de la Galaxia, en un sentido similar a como las estrellas extremas de He lo son.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí


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    El presente trabajo es un caso del servicio Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meóz de Cúcuta (HUEM), donde se realizó el proceso de valoración, diagnóstico y plan de atención de enfermería con una puérpera de 42 años de edad que ingresó al servicio de urgencias (sala de partos) en estado de embarazo de 36 semanas por FUR concordante con historia de hipertensión gestacional, mediante una metodología de estudio de caso, de tipo cualitativo observacional descriptiva-narrativo con el que se obtuvo información objetiva acerca de la forma como se aplican las etapas del proceso de enfermería en la práctica formativa del programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Pamplona. Se utilizaron varias técnicas de recolección de datos: entrevista, valoración objetiva y subjetiva e instrumentos como la inspección, medición, percusión, palpación y auscultación, APGAR familiar, familiograma, eco mapa y diferentes escalas que nos otorgo como resultados, la forma en que la madre define y percibe los acontecimientos está determinada por un núcleo del sí mismo relativamente estable, adquirido a través de la socialización a lo largo de su vida. Las percepciones sobre su hijo y otras respuestas referentes a su maternidad están influidas además de la socialización, por las características innatas de su personalidad y por su nivel evolutivo concluyendo así que el proceso de enfermería permite brindar atención integral al individuo y colectivo en desequilibrios de salud reales o potenciales y los diagnósticos orientan sobre las alteraciones de los individuos abordados con autonomía desde nuestro propio criterio