185 research outputs found

    Pitavastatin – a new inhibitor of the HMG-CoA reductase: peculiarities of clinical pharmacology and perspectives of its usage in treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

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    Cardiovascular mortality makes up 66.3 % of the total mortality in Ukraine. Myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries are the diseases caused by atherosclerosis and are prevalent in the mortality structure. One of the most effective means of successful prevention of cardiovascular disease are drugs that reduce the content of atherogenic lipids in the blood. Statins are the first line drugs for the treatment of patients with dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis in accordance with national and international guidelines. The article presents the features of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, results of clinical trials and data on the efficacy and safety of a new inhibitor of the HMG-CoA reductase – pitavastatin (Livazo © (Recordati, Italy). Data from several multicenter randomized studies indicate that pitavastatin significantly reduces the level of cholesterol low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides, significantly increases the level of cholesterol high-density lipoproteins after 12 weeks of observation, and contributes to a significant regression of atherosclerotic plaques. It was shown that pitavastatin has a high level of safety and is well tolerated regardless of patients' age and racial origin. Pitavastatin is a new effective inhibitor of HMG -CoA reductase, which has been successfully used in many countries for the dyslipidemia treatment in patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney diseases and other comorbid conditions

    Pathogenetic aspects of retroviral infections

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    Bovine leukemia and equine infectious anemia are registered in most regions of Ukraine and in many countries worldwide. This is accompanied by economic losses and reduced quality of livestock products, which determines the relevance of the study of retroviral infections, their diagnosis, and pathogenesis. The goal of our research was to find and improve the methodological foundations of the development of the pathological process for a more in-depth study of the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of retroviral infections. The object of the study was blood, lymph nodes, spleen, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys for bovine leukemia and equine infectious anemia. Hematological, anatomical, histological, histochemical, morphometric, and statistical research methods were used for their study. The research group included 304 cattle aged 4–9 years and 42 horses, of which 25 were infected with the virus, and 17 were in the control group. It has been established that bovine leukemia and infectious anemia of horses is an irreversible pathological process characterized by slow progression, the presence of a latent or persistent form, with damage to cells, organs, and systems of the body, which leads to death. Infectious anemia of horses differs from leukemia of cattle by the hidden course of the pathological process. The pathogenesis of leukemia occurs in six stages, which we have identified and conventionally named

    The features of the structural organization of spinal ganglia in a subphylum of vertebtates

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    Fig. 6. Fragment of microscopic structure of spinal ganglion of domestic bull: a — neurocytes; b — cores if glial cells; c — nerval fibers. Hematoxilin and eosin. ×120.Published as part of Goralskiy, L. P., Guralska, S. V., Kolesnik, N. L. & Sokulskiy, I. M., 2018, The Features Of The Structural Organization Of Spinal Ganglia In A Subphylum Of Vertebtates, pp. 501-508 in Vestnik Zoologii 52 (6) on page 506, DOI: 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0051, http://zenodo.org/record/645498


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    В статье за использование морфологических, нейро–гистологических и морфометрических методов исследований изложены особенности макро– и микроскопического строения спинного мозга и спинномозговых узлов шейного и грудного отделов домашнего собаки. По результатам исследований установлена площадь и форма поперечного среза спинного мозга. Последняя в шейной части имеет овальную форму, в грудной – более круглую. Наибольшая площадь поперечного среза свойственна шейной части спинного мозга (22,86 ± 0,23 мм2), несколько меньше этот показатель в грудной – (20,88 ± 0,25 мм2). При этом белое вещество шейной части мозга занимает в 4,4 раза большую площадь, чем серая. В грудной части – площадь белого вещества превышает таковую серого вещества в 6,6 раза.Спинномозговые узлы шейного отдела домашнего собаки округлой формы, снаружи покрыты хорошо выраженной соединительнотканной стромой, от которой внутрь паренхимы органа отходят многочисленные перегородки. В отличие от шейных, грудные спинномозговые узлы преимущественно имеют овоидную форму, реже – округлую.На основе морфометрических исследований приведена количественная характеристика нейронного состава и соотношения популяций нервных клеток в структуре серого вещества спинного мозга и спинномозговых узлов шейного и грудного отдела домашнего собаки, свидетельствуют о выраженной дифференциации нервных клеток, которые имеют различную форму и размеры и соответственно разное ядерно–цитоплазматическое отношение в зависимости от морфофункционального состояния нервных клеток и соответствующего отдела нейросегмента.The article, when using morphological, neuro–histological and morphometric methods of research, provides the peculiarities of macro– and microscopic build of spinal cord and spinal cord knots of neck and chest departments of a dog. According with the result of the research it was determined the shape and size of cross–section cut of the spinal cord. The last in neck department has oval shape, and in chest – more round. The biggest size of cross–section cut is common to the neck part of spinal cord (22,86±0,23 mm2), somehow lower indicator is the chest part – (20,88±0,25 mm2. At the same time the white matter of neck part of spinal cord has 4 times bigger size than grey matter. In the chest part – the size of white matter exceeds the grey matter for 6,6 times.Spinal cord knots of the neck part in a dog of round form, outside is covered with the well expressed connecting tissue stroma, from which inside the parenchyma of an organ goes numerous partitions. Contrary to neck, chest spinal cord knots have mainly oval form, rarely – round. According with the morphometric researches it was given a quantitative characteristics of neuron content and correlation of populations of nerve cells in the structure of grey matter of spinal cord and spinal cord knots of neck and chest departments of a dog that means expressed differentiation of nerve cells that have different form and size and, respectively, different nucleus–cytoplasm relation, depending on the morphofunctional state of nerve cells and appropriate part of neurosegment.У статті за використання морфологічних, нейро–гістологічних та морфометричних методів досліджень викладено особливості макро– та мікроскопічної будови спинного мозку і спинномозкових вузлів шийного і грудного відділів свійського собаки. За результатами досліджень встановлена площа і форма поперечного зрізу спинного мозку. Остання у шийній частині має овальну форму, у грудній – більш округлу.Найбільша площа поперечного зрізу властива шийній частині спинного мозку (22,86±0,23 мм2), дещо менший цей показник у грудній – (20,88±0,25 мм2). При цьому біла речовина шийної частини мозку займає у 4,4 рази більшу площу, ніж сіра. У грудній частині – площа білої речовини перевищує таку сірої речовини у 6,6 раза.Спинномозкові вузли шийного відділу свійського собаки округлої форми, ззовні вкриті добре вираженою сполучнотканинною стромою, від якої усередину паренхіми органа відходять чисельні перегородки. На відміну від шийних, грудні спинномозкові вузли переважно мають овоїдну форму, рідше – округлу.На основі морфометричних досліджень наведена кількісна характеристика нейронного складу та співвідношення популяцій нервових клітин в структурі сірої речовини спинного мозку та спинномозкових вузлів шийного і грудного відділу свійського собаки, що свідчать про виражену диференціацію нервових клітин, які мають різну форму та розміри і відповідно різне ядерно–цитоплазматичне відношення залежно від морфофункціонального стану нервових клітин та відповідного відділу нейросегменту

    Controlled drug release from electrospun PCL non-woven scaffolds via multi-layering and e-beam treatment

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    Currently, electrospun synthetic bioresorbable polymer scaffolds are applied in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering as targeted drug delivery devices because of their mechanical and physico-chemical properties. To control the rate of polymer degradation and drug release from polymer scaffolds, surface modification techniques are widely used. In this study, paracetamol-loaded poly (ε-caprolactone) electrospun fibrous scaffolds were treated by the pulsed electron beam irradiation. Pure control PCL scaffold, as well as scaffolds with four paracetamol concentrations (2 wt./wt. %, 8 wt./wt. %, 16 wt./wt. %, and 32 wt./wt.%) were modified. The mechanical and chemical properties and morphology of modified materials were examined. The sustained release of the model drug over a period of one hour for both non-treated and treated samples was demonstrated. It was shown that treatment leads to an increase in drug release rate and does not change surface morphology of scaffolds and fibers diameter distribution

    Dynamics of parameters of elastic-elastic properties of arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after conduction of bariatric treatment.

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    According to the World Health Organization, 2.8 million people die every year from diseases associated with overweight or obesity. Abdominal-visceral form is a serious predictor of mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of the work was to evaluate the dynamics of rigidity of the arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after the administration of bariatric treatment. The study included 22 patients with morbid obesity, 11 women and 11 men (50%). The average age of patients was 41.9 ± 2.38 years. All patients were under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team of State Establishment "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine", which included surgeons, anesthetists, cardiologists and endocrinologists. Weight loss after bariatric treatment of obesity was accompanied by positive changes in the cardiometabolic profile in patients, which was manifested not only by improving blood pressure control, decreasing doses and the number of medications taken, but also reducing the rigidity of the arterial wall, which in turn led to the reduction of the risk of serious cardiovascular events in future

    The role of NO in signaling pathway in cardiac ischemic preconditioning against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Many recent studies have confirmed the effect of NO and that its relative signaling pathway is important for preconditioning of the cardioprotective effect. Mitochondria as a target for the cardioprotective effects of nitric oxide in ischemia-reperfusion injury is considered to be the ultimate goal of cardioprotection. During preconditioning, signaling is initiated from the sarcolemmal membrane and then spread into the cytoplasm via many series of enzymes, including nitric oxide synthase (NOS), soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), and protein kinase G (PKG). As a result, the signal is transmitted into the mitochondria, where the cardioprotective effect occurs. It is now well established that mitochondria act to protect the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury via the opening of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel and the inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition. This knowledge may be useful in developing novel strategies for clinical cardioprotection from ischemia-reperfusion injury