70 research outputs found

    Characteristics of modern methods in milk production at the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum (Norway)

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    In Norway, all the necessary conditions have been created for the work of farm enterprises in the dairy direction of productivity. Proper treatment of animals, the creation of comfortable conditions for them, and financial support from the state are necessary components for the development of the dairy business in the country. The article describes the main components of the technology for producing ecological milk from cows at the farm Iver Tyldum, the city of Høylannet, Norway. This farm is the most potent milk production enterprise in Hoi Lannet. The total number of cows is 147, including 64 dairy cows. This is an “ecological farm”, the only one in the region, which is essential in the modern market conditions of production. The main advantage of such products is the creation of comfortable conditions for cows, proper care for them, and feeding plenty of young animals with natural feed, i.e., whole milk. The system of keeping animals is stall-pasture, and the method of keeping is untethered. An essential indicator of the profitability of ecological production is the milk productivity of cows. In the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum, when evaluating cows' milk productivity, the energy adjustment technique is used. DeLaval VMSTM 310 robotic milking machine is used for milking cows. This is the most modern milking installation of the latest generation. The reproduction process of the herd is controlled by the innovative ReProTM system, which provides a reproduction control system, detects cows in heat, and determines a fixed calving date. In addition, this system excludes the need to check the animal's body with a veterinary medicine doctor. It allows you to see a clear picture of the reproductive status of each animal. Using this technology of milk production, the farmer achieves a correct and precise balance regarding milk quotas and maintains a sufficient level of profitability in his production

    Економічна ефективність використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому оногенезі

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    The increase in milk productivity is indissolubly related to the production economy, as the payment of food for dairy products is directly dependent on the volume of the dairy. The aim of the research was to establish the economic efficiency of using the first-born cows of Holstein breed with different intensity of their formation in early ontogenesis. Experimental heifers significantly differed in development, both at the beginning and at the end of their breed. By the size of the live weight, the heifers and the experimental group dominated the elders with a high degree of confidence in the difference. At 6 months of age, the difference was 16.90 kg (10.40%), 12 months – 19.85 kg (7.07%) and 18 months – 21.75 kg (5.79%). Absolute gain for the period 0–6 months  in the first group was 17.15 kg more than in the second and was 153.75 kg. In the periods of 6–12 and 12–18 months, no reliable difference was found for this indicator. The analysis of average daily gains of experimental animals showed that the heifers of the first group for this indicator faithfully prevailed in the age groups of 0–6 and 0–18 months, respectively: 95.3 g (12.6%) and 40.7 g (6,4%). Average daily gains at the age of 6–12 and 12–18 months  in the heifers of groups I and II did not significally differ. The analysis of the milk productivity of the first-breed cows at different intensities of formation showed that the first-breed cows, which had higher daily average gains, were significantly superior to those of the same age with a lower intensity of formation of 1093.0 kg (28.06% for P > 0.999). The fat content of milk in experimental animals was not significantly different. Animals of the first group were characterized by high milk productivity.  Their milk yield for the fitst lactation amounted to 4988.5 kg, up to the second lactation it increased by 222.1 kg (4.5%), from the second to the third lactation by 304.0 kg (5.8%), and in general from the first to the third – by 526.1 kg (10.5%).  The milk productivity the first-breed cows of the second group was 3895.5 kg, the increase in the supply of the second lactation amounted to 906.3 kg (23.3%), productivity growth from from the second to the third lactation was 376.7 kg (7.8%), in the period from the first to the third lactation in this group, the overall increase in fertility increased by 1283.0 kg (32.9%). The rate of formation of primary cows in early ontogenesis of cows more affects the pulse rate and rectal body temperature and is less in the frequency of respiratory movements. In the first-born cows with a fast intensity of formation compared with analogues with a slow intensity of formation, a tendency towards higher rates of pulse and respiratory movements at a lower rectal body temperature have been observed. During conducting the correlation analysis of the relationship between the live weight at different ages of the first-born cows and the content of fat in milk we have been revealed a positive average power of a reliable relationship between live weight at the age of 6 and 18 months with the tardiness of the first lactation.  The relationship between live weight and fat content in milk was weak and unreliable. From the the first-born cows with a rapid intensity of formation, in comparison with the first-borns with a slow intensity of formation, more milk was extracted at a cost of 9890.6 UAH.  (on 100 heads – 989060,0). Calculated indicators of economic efficiency prove the expediency of selecting cows, not only on the indicators of dairy productivity, but also on such indicator as the intensity of the formation of the heifers up to 18 months of age.  In this case, it is necessary to take into account the average daily increment of live weight of heifers, which in the future can ensure the maximum profit of the milk industry.Підвищення молочної продуктивності нерозривно пов’язано з економікою виробництва, тому що оплата корму молочною продукцією перебуває в прямій залежності від величини надоїв. Метою досліджень було встановлення економічної ефективності використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому онтогенезі. Піддослідні телиці достовірно відрізнялися за розвитком  як на початку, так і в кінці вирощування. За величиною живої маси  телиці І піддослідної групи переважали ровесниць з високою достовірністю різниці. У 6-місячному віці різниця становила 16,90 кг (10,40%), 12-місячному – 19,85 кг (7,07%) та 18-місячному – 21,75 кг (5,79%). Корови-первістки, які мали вищі середньодобові прирости, достовірно переважали ровесниць з нижчою інтенсивністю формування за величиною надою на 1093,0 кг (28,06% за Р > 0,999). Вміст жиру в молоці піддослідних тварин суттєво не відрізнявся. У первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з аналогами з повільною інтенсивністю формування спостерігається тенденція до вищих показників частоти пульсу та дихальних рухів при меншій ректальній температурі тіла. Від корів-первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з первістками з повільною інтенсивністю формування отримали додатково більше молока вартістю 9890,6 грн. (на 100 голів – 989060,0)

    Hematological indicators of the blood of males and females of the Ukrainian scaled carp breed

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    The research results on hematological indicators of males and females of the Ukrainian scaly breed of carp grown in the conditions of a fish farm in the Dnipropetrovsk region are given. In Ukraine, carp cultivation is becoming an increasingly popular method of commercial fish production. At the same time, the hydrochemical and temperature regimes of the reservoir have important practical significance for the average growth and development of fish since the intensity of respiration, metabolic processes, fish nutrition, motor activity, and resistance to various diseases depend on the chemical composition and temperature of the water. The process of formation of the hydrochemical composition of pond water occurs against the background of climatic changes. Therefore, control of temperature conditions and the physiological state of fish during carp cultivation is an important measure that ensures rational consumption of feed and high growth rates and, in the future, allows to plan of optimal cultivation technology. Therefore, the work aimed to investigate the hematological indicators of blood in males and females of the Ukrainian scaly breed of carp to control their physiological state in the conditions of the hydrochemical and temperature regime of the reservoir of the fish farm. It was established that the main hydrochemical parameters corresponded to the technological standards adopted in fish farming to cultivate carp fish. The hematological parameters of the blood of male and female carp were within the physiological norm. The determined blood composition is natural and characterizes changes in the body of fish according to the season, which reflects adaptation processes in the conditions of seasonal fluctuations in water temperature. Correlative relationships between carp blood's hematological parameters and their keeping temperature conditions were revealed. The pH of the medium (r = 0.28–0.34) has the most significant effect on hematological indicators of carp blood. A positive correlative relationship was established between water temperature and the level of hemoglobin, a color indicator, and the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood of fish, which was in the range of r = 0.21–0.26. There was a negative relationship between the water temperature indicator and the content of segmented nuclear neutrophils (r = 0.24). The variance analysis of the one-factor complex revealed a significant and most highly probable influence of the conditions of keeping carp on the hemoglobin content, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and the color index of the carp's blood. The share of influence was from 56.14 to 76.90 %. The amplitude of water temperature is essential for favorable conditions for hydrophones and the formation of a natural feed base. In addition, the environment's temperature affects the speed of biological processes in fish. Therefore, the organization of carp feeding, considering scientifically based norms depending on the protein content in compound feed, water temperature, fish weight, and density of its landing, will contribute to ensuring high fish productivity and rational use of feed

    Electron microscopy analysis of ATP-independent nucleosome unfolding by FACT

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    FACT is a histone chaperone that participates in nucleosome removal and reassembly during transcription and replication. We used electron microscopy to study FACT, FACT:Nhp6 and FACT:Nhp6:nucleosome complexes, and found that all complexes adopt broad ranges of configurations, indicating high flexibility. We found unexpectedly that the DNA binding protein Nhp6 also binds to the C-terminal tails of FACT subunits, inducing more open geometries of FACT even in the absence of nucleosomes. Nhp6 therefore supports nucleosome unfolding by altering both the structure of FACT and the properties of nucleosomes. Complexes formed with FACT, Nhp6, and nucleosomes also produced a broad range of structures, revealing a large number of potential intermediates along a proposed unfolding pathway. The data suggest that Nhp6 has multiple roles before and during nucleosome unfolding by FACT, and that the process proceeds through a series of energetically similar intermediate structures, ultimately leading to an extensively unfolded form

    Properties of ZnO/ZnAl2_2O4_4 composite PEO coatings on zinc

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    Recently the successful formation of PEO coatings on zinc in a phosphate aluminate electrolyte was shown. The produced composite coatings contain various mixtures of ZnO and ZnAl2_2O4_4. In frame of the current study, the properties of the formed coatings including adhesion/cohesion, wear, corrosion and photocatalytic activity were analysed to identify possible applications. However, the coatings show internal porosity and a sponge-like structure. Thus the cohesion within the coating is quite low. Pull-off tests have demonstrated clear rupture within the PEO layer at strength values as low as 1 MPa. The photocatalytic activity is limited, in spite of the formation of a higher amount of ZnO at shorter treatment times. Interestingly, the composite coatings of ZnO and higher amounts of ZnAl2_2O4_4 spinel showed a higher activity, but not sufficient for fast and effective catalytic cleaning applications

    Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension with Preservative-Free Tafluprost/Timolol Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy : The VISIONARY Study

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    Funding Information: Funding was provided by Santen SA for the study, medical writing services and Rapid Service Fees. All authors had full access to all of the data in this study and take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis. The contribution of IRCCS Fondazione Bietti to this work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Health and by Fondazione Roma. Publisher Copyright: © 2020, The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Introduction: A non-interventional, multicenter, European, prospective evaluation of the effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of a topical preservative-free tafluprost (0.0015%) and timolol (0.5%) fixed-dose combination (PF tafluprost/timolol FC) in adults with open-angle glaucoma (OAG) and ocular hypertension (OHT) demonstrating insufficient response to topical beta-receptor blockers or prostaglandin analogue (PGA) monotherapy. Methods: Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) change from baseline was measured at study visits following a switch to PF tafluprost/timolol FC. Primary endpoint was absolute mean IOP change at month 6. Change from baseline concerning ocular signs and symptoms was also explored. Results: Analyses included 577 patients (59.6% female). Mean age (SD) was 67.8 (11.67) years. Mean (SD) IOP reduction from baseline was significant at all study visits; 5.4 (3.76) mmHg (23.7%) at week 4, 5.9 (3.90) mmHg (25.6%) at week 12, and 5.7 (4.11) mmHg (24.9%) at month 6 (p < 0.0001 for all visits). At month 6, 69.2%, 53.6%, 40.0%, and 25.8% were responders based on ≥ 20%, ≥ 25%, ≥ 30%, and ≥ 35% cutoff values for mean IOP, respectively. Significant reductions were observed concerning corneal fluorescein staining (p < 0.0001), dry eye symptoms, irritation, itching, and foreign body sensation (p < 0.001 for each parameter). Conjunctival hyperemia was significantly reduced at all study visits (p < 0.0001 at each visit). Overall, 69 treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were reported, one of which was serious (status asthmaticus). Most AEs were mild to moderate in severity, and the majority had resolved or were resolving at the end of the study period. Conclusion: In clinical practice, PF tafluprost/timolol FC provided statistically and clinically significant IOP reductions in patients with OAG and OHT insufficiently controlled on or intolerant to PGA or beta-receptor blocker monotherapy. The full IOP reduction appeared at week 4 and was maintained over the 6-month study period. Key symptoms of ocular surface health improved. Trial Registration: European Union electronic Register of Post-Authorisation Studies (EU PAS) register number, EUPAS22204.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Возможности искусственного интеллекта в измерении оттисков внутриглазного давления по Маклакову

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of Maklakov intraocular pressure imprints measurement by doctors and artificial intelligence.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two pairs of tonograms were prepared, obtained by a Maklakov tonometer with a load of 10.0 g. The tonograms were labeled anonymously, using a measuring ruler devised by prof. B.L. Polyak for 4 Maklakov tonometers. In total, 57 ophthalmologists took part in the work. A total of 40 prints were chosen based on there quality. The same prints were photographed by a Xiaomi mi smartphone camera 40 times with a different level of illumination and a different angle of rotation relative to the normal of the lens focal plane. Received photos in jpg format were analyzed by http://ai-tonometry.com algorithms and processed by the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) algorithm to extract sharper boundaries, and then translated into binary matrices (matrices consisting of “0” and “1”).RESULTS: An imprint with a maximum number of measurements of 40 and a collegially accepted reliable tonometric level of 17 mmHg was measured in the middle range of 16.48±2.7 16.0 (15.0; 17) mmHg by doctors, and 17.0±1.1 17.0 (16.0; 17.0) mmHg by the neural network. At the same time, the range of imprint diameter measurements by the neural network was almost three times smaller, than human measurements.CONCLUSION: The artificial intelligence-based mobile application allows for a high-quality monitoring of intraocular pressure and rejects prints of unsatisfactory quality, which may potentially reduce the number of patients with glaucoma progression.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить точность измерения оттисков внутриглазного давления (ВГД) по Маклакову, выполненного врачами и искусственным интеллектом.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ. Были подготовлены две пары тонограмм, полученные тонометром Маклакова грузом 10,0 г. Разметка тонограмм проводилась анонимно при помощи измерительной линейки проф. Б.Л. Поляка для 4-х тонометров Маклакова. Всего в работе приняло участие 57 офтальмологов. Были выбраны наиболее качественные отпечатки (n=40). Эти же отпечатки были сфотографированы на камеру смартфона Xiaomi mi 6 40 раз с различным уровнем освещенности и различным углом поворота относительно нормали к фокальной плоскости линзы. Полученные фотографии в формате jpg были проанализированы алгоритмами http://ai-tonometry.com. и обрабатывались алгоритмом Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) для выделения более четких границ, а после этого переводились в бинарные матрицы (матрицы, состоящие из «0» и «1»).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Оттиск с максимальным количеством измерений 40 и коллегиально принятым достоверным тонометрическим уровнем 17 мм рт.ст. врачами был измерен в среднем диапазоне 16,48±2,7 16,0 (15,0; 17) мм рт.ст., а нейросетью 17,0±1,1 17,0 (16,0; 17,0) мм рт.ст. При этом диапазон измерений диаметра оттиска нейросетью практически в 3 раза меньше по сравнению с измерениями врачей.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Мобильное приложение на основе искусственного интеллекта помогает качественно проводить мониторинг ВГД и отбраковывать оттиски неудовлетворительного качества, что позволит снизить количество пациентов с прогрессированием глаукомы

    Characterization of the cork oak transcriptome dynamics during acorn development

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    Background: Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) has a natural distribution across western Mediterranean regions and is a keystone forest tree species in these ecosystems. The fruiting phase is especially critical for its regeneration but the molecular mechanisms underlying the biochemical and physiological changes during cork oak acorn development are poorly understood. In this study, the transcriptome of the cork oak acorn, including the seed, was characterized in five stages of development, from early development to acorn maturation, to identify the dominant processes in each stage and reveal transcripts with important functions in gene expression regulation and response to water. Results: A total of 80,357 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were de novo assembled from RNA-Seq libraries representative of the several acorn developmental stages. Approximately 7.6 % of the total number of transcripts present in Q. suber transcriptome was identified as acorn specific. The analysis of expression profiles during development returned 2,285 differentially expressed (DE) transcripts, which were clustered into six groups. The stage of development corresponding to the mature acorn exhibited an expression profile markedly different from other stages. Approximately 22 % of the DE transcripts putatively code for transcription factors (TF) or transcriptional regulators, and were found almost equally distributed among the several expression profile clusters, highlighting their major roles in controlling the whole developmental process. On the other hand, carbohydrate metabolism, the biological pathway most represented during acorn development, was especially prevalent in mid to late stages as evidenced by enrichment analysis. We further show that genes related to response to water, water deprivation and transport were mostly represented during the early (S2) and the last stage (S8) of acorn development, when tolerance to water desiccation is possibly critical for acorn viability. Conclusions: To our knowledge this work represents the first report of acorn development transcriptomics in oaks. The obtained results provide novel insights into the developmental biology of cork oak acorns, highlighting transcripts putatively involved in the regulation of the gene expression program and in specific processes likely essential for adaptation. It is expected that this knowledge can be transferred to other oak species of great ecological value.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi