392 research outputs found
Stipa glareosa (Poaceae) in the Republic of Buryatia (Russia)
Stipa glareosa P. A. Smirn. (sect. Smirnovia Tzvel.) is reported for the first time from the Republic of Buryatia (Russia). Its stations are located at the northern limit of its general distribution range. The taxonomy, distribution and habitat preferences of the species are given, along with its population size at each new locality
Sub-lattice of Jahn-Teller centers in hexaferrite crystal
A novel type of sub-lattice of the Jahn-Teller (JT) centers was arranged in Ti-doped barium hexaferrite BaFe12O19. In the un-doped crystal all iron ions, sitting in five different crystallographic positions, are Fe3+ in the high-spin configuration (S = 5/2) and have a non-degenerate ground state. We show that the electron-donor Ti substitution converts the ions to Fe2+ predominantly in tetrahedral coordination, resulting in doubly-degenerate states subject to the E⊗ e problem of the JT effect. The arranged JT complexes, Fe2+O4, their adiabatic potential energy, non-linear and quantum dynamics, have been studied by means of ultrasound and terahertz-infrared spectroscopies. The JT complexes are sensitive to external stress and applied magnetic field. For that reason, the properties of the doped crystal can be controlled by the amount and state of the JT complexes. © 2020, The Author(s).Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAADRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18–02–00332 aDeutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD: 91728513Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 19–53–0401019–72–00055Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe authors acknowledge fruitful discussions with A.S. Prokhorov. We acknowledge support of the HLD at HZDR, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL). At Ural Federal University, the research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (18–02–00332 a), UrFU Center of Excellence “Radiation and Nuclear Technologies” (Competitiveness Enhancement Program), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Program 5–100). In M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics, the research was carried out within the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (theme “Electron” No. AAAA-A18–118020190098–5. At South Ural State University, the authors were generally supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0011. The single crystal growth part was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (19–53–04010). At Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Program 5–100) and by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Michael Lomonosov Programm Linie B, 91728513. Time-domain low temperature spectroscopic experiments were financially supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (19–72–00055)
The role of small intestine in pathogenesis of common variable immune deficiency
The article presents the results of examination of 32 patients with common variable immune deficiency (barn) with involvement in the pathological process of the digestive system. The features of the clinical picture, the content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum, morphological structure of the mucosa of small intestine as well as treatment. Special attention is paid to the small intestine in the pathogenesis of the barn
Important problems in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (based on the Russian consensus 2017)
The analysis of publications devoted to the Russian Consensus on the Diagnostic and Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH), which was considered at the 43rd annual Scientific Session of the CNIIG From Traditions to Innovation (March 4, 2017) is carried out. The presence of clear algorithms and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of AIH significantly help the doctor in real clinical practice, but do not exclude a personified approach to the patient
2020 Clinical practice guidelines for Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC)With the participation: Russian Association of Cardiovascular SurgeonsEndorsed by: Research and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Task Force: Gabrusenko S.A. (Chairman), Gudkova A.Ya.* (Chairman), Koziolova N.A. (Chairman), Alexandrova S.A., Berseneva M.I., Gordeev M.L., Dzemeshkevich S.L., Zaklyazminskaya E.V., Irtyuga O.B., Kaplunova V.Yu., Kostareva A.A., Krutikov A.N., Malenkov D.A., Novikova T.N., Saidova M.A., Sanakoev M.K., Stukalova O.V
Eribulin-trastuzumab combination in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: updated results from a Russian observational study
Introduction. The standard of 1st line treatment of HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC) is double blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab + taxane, 2nd line – Trastuzumab-emtazine. There are no standards for further treatment, as well as the optimal drug sequence. Expansion of the arsenal of therapeutic possibilities and the use of new combinations will certainly improve the results of treatment of this category of patients and increase their life expectancy.Aim. We sought to describe treatment patterns of eribulin and clinical outcomes of metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer treated with eribulin plus trastuzumab combination in academic institutions and community oncology practices across the Russian Federation.Materials and methods. Patients treated with eribulin anytime between Jan, 2014 and Sep, 2019 with a diagnosis of MBC were identified by 23 providers from Russia. Providers retrospectively reviewed the health records and abstracted selected data points into an electronic case report form for each eligible patient.Results. 100 HER2-positive pts received eribulin in combination with trastuzumab. Median age was 55 (31–80) yrs and ECOG status 0–3. 67% pts had visceral metastases. Eribulin was administered as 1st and 2nd line to 23 (23%) pts, 3rd line to 31 (31%) pts, 4th line and later to 46 (46%). Median number of cycles was 5 (2–27). ORR was 12%, SD – 72%, SD > 6 months – 23%, PD – 16%. Clinical efficacy rate achieved in 35%. Median PFS was 5.07 months (95% CI 4.021–6.119). According to the ER-status the response to eribulin and trastuzumab was different. ORR was 18.8%, SD 72.9% in pts with ER-positive MBC (n = 48) and 5.8% and 71.2% respectively in ER-negative MBC (n = 52). Median PFS was 6.97 months (95% CI 3.924–10.016) in pts with ER-positive MBC and 4.67 months (95% CI 3.841–5.499) in ER-negative MBC (р = 0.3). The combination was well tolerated: dose reductions were required in 12% pts, withdrawal due to toxicity in 4% pts. The most common type of toxicity was hematological with neutropenia Gr III-IV in 14 (14%) pts. Peripheral neuropathy Gr III was observed in 5 (5%) pts. No cardiotoxicity was detected.Conclusions. This is the real-life data of clinical outcomes for patients receiving eribulin plus trastuzumab for HER2-positive MBC throughout the Russian Federation. Our experience with eribulin plus trastuzumab demonstrates that this combination may be a potential effective treatment option for HER-2 positive MBC patients
Хроническое ультрафиолетовое облучение индуцирует развитие устойчивой резистентности клеток меланомы к противоопухолевым препаратам
Introduction. Melanoma belongs to the group of the most malignant tumors characterized by aggressive growth and active metastasis. At the same time, the effectiveness of therapy, primarily targeted therapy, is largely limited by the rapid development of drug resistance.Aim. To study the effect of chronic ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the formation of a population of radiation-resistant melanoma cells; to study the features of cell signaling and the sensitivity of UV-resistant melanoma cells to the antitumor drugs.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on in vitro cultured A375 melanoma cells. Cells were cultured in a standard DMEM + 10 % FBS medium; cell growth rate was analyzed using the MTT assay; cell survival after irradiation was analyzed using a colony-forming test. Determination of the transcriptional activity of the estrogen receptor (ER) was performed by reporter analysis upon transfection into cells of a plasmid containing the luciferase reporter gene controlled by estrogen responsive element. The immunoblotting method was used to analyze the expression of cellular proteins; comparative analysis of ERα and ERβ expression was performed by immunofluorescent method.Results. Long-term UV irradiation leads to the formation of a UV-resistant subpopulation of A375 melanoma cells, which is characterized by decreased sensitivity to targeted (vemurafenib) and hormonal (tamoxifen) drugs, increased expression of Snail, an activator of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and in the absence of noticeable changes in the expression of PI3K / mTOR signaling. Metformin reduces Snail expression in both parental and UV-resistant A375 cells and enhances the cytostatic effect in combination with vemurafenib or tamoxifen.Conclusion. The data obtained demonstrate a decrease in the sensitivity of melanoma cells to targeted drugs under the long-term exposure to UV. The ability of metformin to potentiate the action of targeted drugs and inhibit Snail allows us to consider metformin not only as an antitumor agent, but also as a potential inhibitor of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition.Введение. Меланома относится к группе наиболее злокачественных новообразований, отличающихся агрессивным ростом и активным метастазированием. при этом эффективность терапии, в первую очередь таргетной терапии, во многом ограничена быстрым развитием резистентности к препаратам.Цель исследования – изучить влияние хронического ультрафиолетового (УФ) облучения на формирование субпопуляции устойчивых к УФ клеток меланомы, а также особенности клеточного сигналинга и чувствительность УФрезистентных клеток меланомы к действию противоопухолевых препаратов.Материалы и методы. эксперименты проводились на культивируемых in vitro клетках меланомы А375. клетки культивировали в стандартной среде DMEM + 10 % FBS, анализ скорости роста клеток проводили с помощью МТТ-теста; выживаемость клеток после облучения анализировали с использованием колониеобразующего теста. Транскрипционную активность рецептора эстрогенов (ER) определяли методом репортерного анализа при трансфекции в клетки плазмиды, содержавшей ген-репортер люциферазы под контролем промотора с эстроген-респонсивным элементом. Для анализа экспрессии клеточных белков использовали метод иммуноблоттинга; сравнительный анализ экспрессии ERα и ERβ проводили с помощью иммунофлуоресцентного метода.Результаты. Длительное УФ-облучение приводит к формированию УФ-резистентной субпопуляции клеток меланомы А375, отличающейся пониженной чувствительностью к таргетным (вемурафенибу) и гормональным (тамоксифену) препаратам на фоне повышенной экспрессии Snail – активатора эпителиально-мезенхимального перехода и при отсутствии заметных изменений в экспрессии белков PI3K (фосфоинозитид-3-киназы) / mTOR (мишень рапамицина млекопитающих) сигналинга. Метформин снижает экспрессию Snail как в родительских, так и в УФ-резистентных клетках А375 и усиливает цитостатический эффект в комбинации с вемурафенибом или тамоксифеном.Заключение. полученные данные свидетельствуют о снижении чувствительности к таргетным препаратам клеток меланомы на фоне длительной экспозиции с УФ. Способность метформина потенцировать действие таргетных препаратов и ингибировать Snail позволяет рассматривать это лекарственное стредство не только как противоопухолевый агент, но и как потенциальный ингибитор эпителиально-мезенхимального перехода
Surface waves and crustal structure on Mars
We detected surface waves from two meteorite impacts on Mars. By measuring group velocity dispersion along the impact-lander path, we obtained a direct constraint on crustal structure away from the InSight lander. The crust north of the equatorial dichotomy had a shear wave velocity of approximately 3.2 kilometers per second in the 5- to 30-kilometer depth range, with little depth variation. This implies a higher crustal density than inferred beneath the lander, suggesting either compositional differences or reduced porosity in the volcanic areas traversed by the surface waves. The lower velocities and the crustal layering observed beneath the landing site down to a 10-kilometer depth are not a global feature. Structural variations revealed by surface waves hold implications for models of the formation and thickness of the martian crust.D.K., S.C., D.G., J.C., C.D., A. K., S.C.S., N.D., and G.Z. were supported by the ETH+ funding scheme (ETH+02 19-1: “Planet Mars”). Marsquake Service operations at ETH Zürich were supported by ETH Research grant ETH-06 17-02. N.C.S. and V.L. were supported by NASA PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1628. Q.H. and E.B. are funded by NASA
grant 80NSSC18K1680. C.B. and J.L. were supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1679. S.D.K. was supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC18K1623. P.L., E.B., M.D., H.S., E.S., M.W., Z.X., T.W., M.P., R.F.G. were supported by CNES and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-19-CE31-0008-08 MAGIS) for SEIS operation and SEIS Science analysis. A.H., C.C. and W.T.P. were supported by the UKSA under grant nos. ST/R002096/1, ST/ W002523/1 and ST/V00638X/1. Numerical computations of McMC Approach 2 were performed on the S-CAPAD/DANTE platform (IPGP, France) and using the HPC resources of IDRIS under the allocation A0110413017 made by GENCI. A.H. was supported by the UKSA under grant nos. ST/R002096/1 and ST/W002523/1. F.N. was supported by InSight PSP 80NSSC18K1627. I.J.D. was supported by NASA InSight PSP grant no. 80NSSC20K0971. L.V.P. was funded by NASANNN12AA01C with subcontract JPL-1515835. The research was carried out in part by W.B.B., M.G. and M.P.P. at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004)Peer reviewe
Measurement of Angular Coefficients of : Implications for and Tests of Lepton Flavor Universality
We measure the complete set of angular coefficients for exclusive
decays (). Our analysis
uses the full Belle data set with hadronic tag-side
reconstruction. The results allow us to extract the form factors describing the
transition and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element
. Using recent lattice QCD calculations for the hadronic form
factors, we find using the BGL
parameterization, compatible with determinations from inclusive semileptonic
decays. We search for lepton flavor universality violation as a function of the
hadronic recoil parameter , and investigate the differences of the electron
and muon angular distributions. We find no deviation from Standard Model
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