68 research outputs found

    Slender-Wing Beam Reduction Method for Gradient-Based Aeroelastic Design Optimization

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    Analysis of High-order Social Interaction of Female Mice on the International Space Station

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    Social interactions are adaptive responses to environmental pressures that have evolved to facilitate the success of individual animals and their progeny. Quantifying social behavior in social animals is therefore one method of evaluating an animal's health, wellbeing and their adjustment to changes in their environment. The interaction between environment and animal can influence numerous other physiological and psychological responses that may enhance, deter or shift an animals social paradigm. For this study, we utilized flight video from the Rodent Research Hardware and Operations Validation mission (Rodent Research-1; RR1) on the International Space Station (ISS). Female mice spent 37 days in microgravity on the ISS and video was captured during the final 33 days. In a previous analysis of individual behavior, we also reported an observed spontaneous ambulatory behavior which we termed circling or 'race tracking,' and we anecdotally observed an increase in group organization around this behavior. In this analysis we further examined this behavior, and other social interactions, to determine if (1) animals joining in on this behavior were induced by other cohort members already participating in this circling behavior, (2) rates of joining varied by number already participating

    Behavioral Adaptations of Female Mice on the International Space Station

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    Adult female mice were sent to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of an early life science mission utilizing NASA's Rodent Habitat. Its primary purpose was to provide further insight into the influence of a microgravity environment on various aspects of mammalian physiology and well-being as part of an ongoing program of research aimed ultimately at understanding and ameliorating the deleterious influences of space on the human body. The present study took advantage of video collected from fixed, in-flight cameras within the habitat itself, to assess behavioral adaptations observed among in-flight mice aboard the ISS and differences in behavior with respect to a control group on the ground. Data collection consisted of several behavioral measures recorded by a trained observer with the assistance of interactive behavior analysis software. Specific behavioral measures included frequencies of conspecific interactionsociability, time spent feeding and conducting hygienic behavior, and relative durations of thigmotactic behavior, which is commonly used as an index of anxiety. Data were used to test tentative hypotheses that such behaviors differ significantly across mice under microgravity versus 1g conditions, and the assumption that the novel experience of microgravity itself may represent an initially anxiogenic stimulus which an animal will eventually acclimate to, perhaps through habituation

    Genes required for survival in microgravity revealed by genome-wide yeast deletion collections cultured during spaceflight

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    Spaceflight is a unique environment with profound effects on biological systems including tissue redistribution and musculoskeletal stresses. However, the more subtle biological effects of spaceflight on cells and organisms are difficult to measure in a systematic, unbiased manner. Here we test the utility of the molecularly barcoded yeast deletion collection to provide a quantitative assessment of the effects of microgravity on a model organism. We developed robust hardware to screen, in parallel, the complete collection of ~4800 homozygous and ~5900 heterozygous (including ~1100 single-copy deletions of essential genes) yeast deletion strains, each carrying unique DNA that acts as strain identifiers. We compared strain fitness for the homozygous and heterozygous yeast deletion collections grown in spaceflight and ground, as well as plus and minus hyperosmolar sodium chloride, providing a second additive stressor. The genome-wide sensitivity profiles obtained from these treatments were then queried for their similarity to a compendium of drugs whose effects on the yeast collection have been previously reported. We found that the effects of spaceflight have high concordance with the effects of DNA-damaging agents and changes in redox state, suggesting mechanisms by which spaceflight may negatively affect cell fitness

    Changes in Mouse Thymus and Spleen after Return from the STS-135 Mission in Space

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    Our previous results with flight (FLT) mice showed abnormalities in thymuses and spleens that have potential to compromise immune defense mechanisms. In this study, the organs were further evaluated in C57BL/6 mice after Space Shuttle Atlantis returned from a 13-day mission. Thymuses and spleens were harvested from FLT mice and ground controls housed in similar animal enclosure modules (AEM). Organ and body mass, DNA fragmentation and expression of genes related to T cells and cancer were determined. Although significance was not obtained for thymus mass, DNA fragmentation was greater in the FLT group (P<0.01). Spleen mass alone and relative to body mass was significantly decreased in FLT mice (P<0.05). In FLT thymuses, 6/84 T cell-related genes were affected versus the AEM control group (P<0.05; up: IL10, Il18bp, Il18r1, Spp1; down: Ccl7, IL6); 15/84 cancer-related genes had altered expression (P<0.05; up: Casp8, FGFR2, Figf, Hgf, IGF1, Itga4, Ncam1, Pdgfa, Pik3r1, Serpinb2, Sykb; down: Cdc25a, E2F1, Mmp9, Myc). In the spleen, 8/84 cancer-related genes were affected in FLT mice compared to AEM controls (P<0.05; up: Cdkn2a; down: Birc5, Casp8, Ctnnb1, Map2k1, Mdm2, NFkB1, Pdgfa). Pathway analysis (apoptosis signaling and checkpoint regulation) was used to map relationships among the cancer–related genes. The results showed that a relatively short mission in space had a significant impact on both organs. The findings also indicate that immune system aberrations due to stressors associated with space travel should be included when estimating risk for pathologies such as cancer and infection and in designing appropriate countermeasures. Although this was the historic last flight of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program, exploration of space will undoubtedly continue

    Indications for complete explantation of vagal nerve stimulator devices and procedural complications

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    Epilepsy surgery as emergency treatment for status epilepticus

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