898 research outputs found

    Finite Size Effect from Classical Strings in deformed AdS3×_3\times S3^3

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    We study the finite size effect of rigidly rotating and spinning folded strings in (AdS3×S3)ϰ(AdS_3\times S^3)_{\varkappa} background. We calculate the leading order exponential corrections to the infinite size dispersion relation of the giant magnon, and single spike solutions. For the spinning folded strings we write the finite size effect in terms of the known Lambert WW-function.Comment: to appear in JHE

    Chaos in classical string dynamics in γ^\hat{\gamma} deformed AdS5×T1,1AdS_5 \times T^{1,1}

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    We consider a circular string in γ^\hat{\gamma} deformed AdS5×T1,1AdS_5 \times T^{1,1} which is localized in the center of AdS5AdS_5 and winds around the two circles of deformed T1,1T^{1,1}. We observe chaos in the phase space of the circular string implying non-integrability of string dynamics. The chaotic behaviour in phase space is controlled by energy as well as the deforming parameter γ^\hat{\gamma}. We further show that the point like object exhibits non-chaotic behaviour. Finally we calculate the Lyapunov exponent for both extended and point like object in support of our first result.Comment: 15 page

    A note on oscillating strings in AdS3×S3AdS_3 \times S^3 with mixed three-form fluxes

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    We present a detailed study of the pulsating string solutions in AdS3 x S3 supported by both RR and NS-NS fluxes. This background has recently been proved to be integrable. We find the dispersion relation between the energy, oscillation number and other conserved charges when the NS-NS flux turned on is small. We further discuss the fate of the string solutions in pure RR and NS-NS cases.Comment: 26 pages, version to appear in JHE

    Perturbations of Pulsating Strings

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    We discuss semiclassical quantization of circular pulsating strings in AdS3 x S3 background with and without the Neveu-Schwarz- Neveu-Schwarz (NS-NS) flux. We find the equations of motion corresponding to the quadratic action in bosonic sector in terms of scalar quantities and invariants of the geometry. The general equations for studying physical perturbations along the string in an arbitrary curved spacetime are written down using covariant formalism. We discuss the stability of these string configurations by studying the solutions of the linearized perturbed equations of motion.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in EPJ

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah dan Perguruan Tinggi melalui Pembelajaran Aktif

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    Berbagai pendekatan dan metode digunakan dalam pembelajaran aktif sehingga melahirkan istilah-istilah seperti pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa (student-centered learning), pembelajaran yang diatur sendiri (self-regulated learning), pembelajaran kolaboratif (collaborative learning), pembelajaran untuk belajar (learning to learn), pembelajaran berbasis masalah (problem based learning), pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri (inquiry based learning) yang kesemuanya mengharapkan siswa terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran mereka sendiri

    A Structural Equation Model on Work Design in Relation to Authentic Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, and Practical Emotional Intelligence of Public Elementary Teachers

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    The study determined the best fit model for the work design based on authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and practical emotional intelligence of public elementary teachers. Using e-survey through Google Forms, data was collected from the teachers using a set of modified survey questionnaires that were tested for content validity and reliability. This study used a quantitative descriptive and causal method of research. The statistical tools employed in analyzing the data includes the mean, Pearson-r, and structural equation model (SEM). Results of the study revealed the following: the level of authentic leadership was very high; the level of workplace spirituality was high; the level of practical emotional intelligence was high; and, the level of work design for teachers was high. Moreover, a significant relationship was established between the exogenous and endogenous variables. In addition, authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and practical emotional intelligence significantly influence work design for teachers. Of the five (5) generated models, Model 5 best fits work design among public elementary teachers with practical emotional intelligence bringing the biggest impact. The model successfully passed all the conventions of a reasonable fit; hence, it is deemed the most parsimonious model

    W40 region in the Gould Belt : An embedded cluster and H II region at the junction of filaments

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    We present a multiwavelength study of W40 star-forming region using IR observations in UKIRT JHK bands, Spitzer IRAC bands & Herschel PACS bands; 2.12 micron H2 narrow-band imaging; & radio observations from GMRT (610 & 1280 MHz), in a FoV of ~34'x40'. Spitzer observations along with NIR observations are used to identify 1162 Class II/III & 40 Class I sources in the FoV. The NN stellar surface density analysis shows that majority of these YSOs constitute the embedded cluster centered on the source IRS1A South. Some YSOs, predominantly younger population, are distributed along & trace the filamentary structures at lower stellar surface density. The cluster radius is obtained as 0.44pc - matching well with the extent of radio emission - with a peak density of 650pc^-2. The JHK data is used to map the extinction which is subsequently used to compute the cloud mass. It has resulted in 126 Msun & 71 Msun for the central cluster & the northern IRS5 region, respectively. H2 narrow-band imaging displays significant emission, which prominently resembles fluorescent emission arising at the borders of dense regions. Radio analysis shows this region as having blister morphology, with the radio peak coinciding with a protostellar source. Free-free emission SED analysis is used to obtain physical parameters of the overall region & the IRS5 sub-region. This multiwavelength scenario is suggestive of star formation having resulted from merging of multiple filaments to form a hub. Star formation seems to have taken place in two successive epochs, with the first epoch traced by the central cluster & the high-mass star(s) - followed by a second epoch which is spreading into the filaments as uncovered by the Class I sources & even younger protostellar sources along the filaments. The IRS5 HII region displays indications of swept-up material which has possibly led to the formation of protostars.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Pulsating strings on (AdS3×S3)ϰ(AdS_3 \times S^3)_\varkappa

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    We derive the energy of pulsating strings as a function of adiabatic invariant oscillation number, which oscillates in Sϰ2S^2_{\varkappa}. We find similar solutions for the strings oscillating in deformed AdS3AdS_3. Furthermore, we generalize the result to the oscillating strings in anti-de Sitter space in the presence of extra angular momentum in (AdS3×S1)ϰ(AdS_3 \times S^1)_\varkappa.Comment: 15 page
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