8,060 research outputs found

    Quinolone Resistance: Much More than Predicted

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    Since quinolones are synthetic antibiotics, it was predicted that mutations in target genes would be the only mechanism through which resistance could be acquired, because there will not be quinolone-resistance genes in nature. Contrary to this prediction, a variety of elements ranging from efflux pumps, target-protecting proteins, and even quinolone-modifying enzymes have been shown to contribute to quinolone resistance. The finding of some of these elements in plasmids indicates that quinolone resistance can be transferable. As a result, there has been a developing interest on the reservoirs for quinolone-resistance genes and on the potential risks associated with the use of these antibiotics in non-clinical environments. As a matter of fact, plasmid-encoded, quinolone-resistance qnr genes originated in the chromosome of aquatic bacteria. Thus the use of quinolones in fish-farming might constitute a risk for the emergence of resistance. Failure to predict the development of quinolone resistance reinforces the need of taking into consideration the wide plasticity of biological systems for future predictions. This plasticity allows pathogens to deal with toxic compounds, including those with a synthetic origin as quinolones

    Non-Normality as a Predictor of Participation in Bullying: Valuation in Victims and Aggressors

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    Bullying is related to several variables, including diversity and variables that place the victim outside of normality. However, it is not easy to find a single meaning of normality. The present study has two main objectives: to find out whether victims are evaluated as non-normal and to find out whether aggressors are evaluated as non-normal. A cross-sectional, correlational, and quantitative study was designed, focusing on a representative sample of secondary school students from the Community of Madrid. The sample consisted of 2076 participants and was constructed using a stratified, proportional, and random sampling technique. To gather this information, a questionnaire was constructed. It includes a first section where sociodemographic and normality information is collected, and a second section made up of the Defensor del pueblo-UNICEF Bullying Questionnaire. The reliability and consistency of the questionnaire are acceptable (Cronbach’s alpha 0.91). For the comparison of means between groups, a Student’s t-test was applied, and the correlation between variables was calculated by applying the bivariate correlation test. Results show that victims are evaluated as non-normal while aggressors are perceived as normal. This implies that the risk of being involved in bullying situations as a victim can be predicted. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    The diagnosis of hereditary angioedema: family caregivers’ experiences

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    The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of family caregivers in the process of diagnosing hereditary angioedema. An interpretive and qualitative research methodology based on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics was carried out. Data collection took place between May 2015 and August 2016 and included a focus group and in-depth interviews with 16 family caregivers. Two themes define the experiences of family caregivers: “Family life focuses on identifying the problem” and “Discovering and coping with a complex diagnosis.” The process of diagnosis generates fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and incomprehension. Family caregivers are the main support for patients diagnosed with hereditary angioedema. As they share in the patients’ suffering, they need a diagnosis to be established to be able to cope with the disease and offer support. Family health nurses can contribute to improving the coping process in this phase of the disease

    Formalized HR practices and firm performance: An empirical comparison of family and non-family firms

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    ©2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The International Journal of Human Resource Management. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2017.1289547The influence of the family on human resource (HR) management structures creates important idiosyncrasies with potential implications in terms of firm performance. Based on the agency and socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspectives, this paper examines the formalization and effectiveness of three basic HR practices – selection, training, and compensation – in different contexts of family and non-family firms. Using a sample of 500 Spanish companies, the results show that a higher degree of HR formalization has a positive influence on firm performance, confirming the negative moderating influence of family involvement on the relationship between the formalization of training practices and the firm performance. In addition, the findings indicate that the mediating role of selection practices in the relationship between training and firm performance is smaller in family than in non-family firm

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station “Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    Prácticas de recursos humanos en la empresa familiar: profesionalización y efecto sobre el desempeño

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    La influencia de la familia en las estructuras de gestión del capital humano de la empresa crea un marco único y diferente, con importantes implicaciones en términos de eficiencia. En este trabajo se examina la orientación de las principales prácticas de recursos humanos –selección, formación y retribución- y sus efectos sobre el desempeño organizativo en función de la presencia de la familia en la propiedad y dirección del negocio. Utilizando una muestra de 500 empresas españolas, los resultados indican que en las empresas de dirección familiar se aplican unas prácticas de recursos humanos menos formalizadas y profesionalizadas que en las empresas familiares de dirección externa. Asimismo, se comprueba una contribución de las prácticas de recursos humanos a través de la selección que se encuentra moderada negativamente por el carácter familiar.&nbsp

    Impacto del uso de un cemento de bajo carbono en la mejora de la sostenibilidad de la producción de cemento

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    A preliminary assessment of conditions for the industrial manufacture of a new cementitious system based on clinker-calcined clay and limestone, developed by the authors, referred as “low carbon cement” is presented. The new cement enables the substitution of more than 50% of the mass of clinker without compromising performance. The paper presents the follow-up of an industrial trial carried out in Cuba to produce 130 tonnes of the new cement at a cement plant. The new material proved to fulfill national standards in applications such as the manufacture of hollow concrete blocks and precast concrete. No major differences either in the rheological or mechanical properties were found when compared with Portland cement. Environmental assessment of the ternary cement was made, which included comparison with other blended cements produced industrially in Cuba. The new cement has proven to contribute to the reduction of above 30% of carbon emissions on cement manufacture.Se presenta la evaluación preliminar de las condiciones de fabricación industrial de un nuevo sistema cementicio a partir del empleo de clínquer; arcillas calcinadas y piedra caliza; desarrollado por los autores; denominado “cemento de bajo carbono”. El nuevo cemento posibilita la reducción de más de un 50% de la masa de clínquer; sin comprometer el comportamiento del material. El presente trabajo presenta el monitoreo de la producción industrial en una planta en Cuba; de 130 t del nuevo cemento. El cemento obtenido cumple con las regulaciones nacionales de calidad y su empleo tiene similar rendimiento que el cemento Pórtland para la producción de bloques y hormigón de 25 MPa. Se realiza el análisis de impacto ambiental del cemento ternario mediante la comparación con otros cementos producidos industrialmente. El nuevo cemento puede contribuir a la reducción de más del 30% de las emisiones de CO2 asociadas a la manufactura de cemento

    The prolific polytypism of silicon carbide

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    A worked example of polytypism is presented, aimed at assisting undergraduates in the learning and instructors in the teaching of this topic. In particular, this crystallography concept, not necessarily obvious for beginners, is illustrated pedagogically using to that end the model case of the prolific polytypism of silicon carbide (SiC). On the basis of concepts that are easily assimilated by students (i.e. simple topological constraints) this article first presents a unified description of the polytypism phenomenon in SiC that allows one to understand without difficulty the existence of its numerous polytypic variants and how they develop. Then the various notations used to designate these different polytypes are described, and finally the crystal structures of the most common are discussed. This worked example is thus expected to contribute to motivating undergraduates in the study of a crystallography topic that often is not treated in sufficient depth in class.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MAT2010-1684