287 research outputs found

    Proposition of an empirical model for determination of critical temperatures during continuous cooling in heat affected zones of IF steels welded by the TIG process.

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    A?os IF s?o amplamente empregados na ind?stria automobil?stica. No decorrer das aplica??es de soldagem, eles passam pela transforma??o de fase austenita (?) ? ferrita (?) que ocorre por nuclea??o e crescimento de gr?o e, em condi??es isot?rmicas, ? descrita pela equa??o JMAK. Todavia, as transforma??es de fases p?s-soldagem acontecem a partir de resfriamento cont?nuo. Assim, o presente trabalho caracterizou a cin?tica de transforma??o ? ? ? e prop?s um modelo emp?rico para prever as temperaturas cr?ticas durante o resfriamento cont?nuo em zonas termicamente afetadas de tr?s tipos de a?os IF. Amostras dos a?os foram submetidas a ensaios dilatom?tricos com diferentes taxas de resfriamento cont?nuo. Determinaram-se as temperaturas cr?ticas de transforma??o de fase (???) e obteve-se uma equa??o emp?rica que correlacionou a temperatura cr?tica com a taxa de resfriamento e que viabilizou a previsibilidade da cin?tica de transforma??o de fases. Processo de soldagem TIG mecanizado foi aplicado nos a?os IF com monitoramento de ciclos t?rmicos e, em regi?es da ZTA com condi??es de austenitiza??o e taxa de resfriamento similares ?s utilizadas nos ensaios dilatom?tricos, verificou-se que a equa??o emp?rica obtida ? uma alternativa vi?vel para prever as temperaturas cr?ticas e a microestrutura durante o resfriamento cont?nuo na ZTA destes materiais.IF steels are widely used in the automotive industry. In the course of the welding applications, they undergo the transformation of austenite (?) ? ferrite (?) phase that occurs by nucleation and grain growth and, under isothermal conditions, is described by the JMAK equation. However, post-weld phase transformations occur under continuous cooling conditions. Thus, the present work characterized the transformation kinetics ? ? ? and proposed an empirical model to predict critical temperatures during continuous cooling in heat affected zones of three types of IF steels. Samples of the steels were submitted to dilatometric tests with different rates of continuous cooling. The critical phase transformation temperatures (? ? ?) were determined and an empirical equation was obtained which correlated the critical temperature with the cooling rate, which enabled the predictability of phase transformation kinetics. Mechanized TIG process was applied to IF steels with thermal cycling monitoring and, in regions of the HAZ with austenitizing conditions and cooling rates similar to those used in the dilatometric tests, it was verified that the obtained empirical equation is a viable alternative to predict the critical temperatures and the microstructure during the continuous cooling in the HAZ of these steels

    The histone deacetylase Rpd3p is required for transient changes in genomic expression in response to stress

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    BACKGROUND: Yeast responding to stress activate a large gene expression program called the Environmental Stress Response that consists of approximately 600 repressed genes and approximately 300 induced genes. Numerous factors are implicated in regulating subsets of Environmental Stress Response genes; however, a complete picture of Environmental Stress Response regulation remains unclear. We investigated the role of the histone deacetylase Rpd3p, previously linked to the upstream regions of many Environmental Stress Response genes, in producing Environmental Stress Response gene expression changes in response to stress. RESULTS: We found that the Rpd3-Large complex is required for proper expression of both induced and repressed Environmental Stress Response genes under multiple stress conditions. Cells lacking RPD3 or the Rpd3-Large subunit PHO23 had a major defect in Environmental Stress Response initiation, particularly during the transient phase of expression immediately after stress exposure. Chromatin-immunoprecipitation showed a direct role for Rpd3-Large at representative genes; however, there were different effects on nucleosome occupancy and histone deacetylation at different promoters. Computational analysis implicated regulators that may act with Rpd3p at Environmental Stress Response genes. We provide genetic and biochemical evidence that Rpd3p is required for binding and action of the stress-activated transcription factor Msn2p, although the contribution of these factors differs for different genes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results implicate Rpd3p as an important co-factor in the Environmental Stress Response regulatory network, and suggest the importance of histone modification in producing transient changes in gene expression triggered by stress

    Evaluation of standard API casing connections and parametric API buttress improvement by finite element analysis.

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    Threaded and coupled connections generally present a non-uniform stress distribution, which is related to the higher stiffness of the box when compared to the pin. The non-uniform stress distribution can contribute to fatigue cracks and other failure modes in high pressure oil wells. An API 5CT P110 steel obtained from a seamless pipe was mechanically characterized. FEA models were carried out to investigate and compare two API casing connections under make-up torque and tensile efforts. A parametric study was performed using numerical models to determine the influence of some geometric features on the behavior of the API Buttress threaded connection. The API Buttress connection supported higher tensile loads than the API Short Round, however both standard connections showed high stress concentration in the last engaged thread and a non-uniform stress distribution. The manufacturing of grooves at the first and the last engaged threads proved to be an efficient way to reduce the stress concentration of Buttress casing connection and could be an alternative to the development of new products

    IL-1 receptor antagonist ameliorates inflammasome-dependent inflammation in murine and human cystic fibrosis

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    Dysregulated inflammasome activation contributes to respiratory infections and pathologic airway inflammation. Through basic and translational approaches involving murine models and human genetic epidemiology, we show here the importance of the different inflammasomes in regulating inflammatory responses in mice and humans with cystic fibrosis (CF), a life-threatening disorder of the lungs and digestive system. While both contributing to pathogen clearance, NLRP3 more than NLRC4 contributes to deleterious inflammatory responses in CF and correlates with defective NLRC4-dependent IL-1Ra production. Disease susceptibility in mice and microbial colonization in humans occurrs in conditions of genetic deficiency of NLRC4 or IL-1Ra and can be rescued by administration of the recombinant IL-1Ra, anakinra. These results indicate that pathogenic NLRP3 activity in CF could be negatively regulated by IL-1Ra and provide a proof-of-concept evidence that inflammasomes are potential targets to limit the pathological consequences of microbial colonization in CF

    Simulation of flash-butt welding process of a railway steel. Part 1 : residual stress analysis via FEM.

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    Trilhos longos, soldados pelo processo Flash Butt Welding (FBW), s?o a realidade das ferrovias brasileiras de m?dia e alta carga por eixo. Embora apresentem caracter?sticas desej?veis do ponto de vista do comportamento din?mico da via, as soldas s?o regi?es de descontinuidade estrutural e mec?nica onde se originam tens?es residuais, e que est?o associadas a falhas prematuras por fadiga. Simula??es num?ricas termomec?nicas, fisicamente n?o-lineares, no dom?nio do tempo, pelo M?todo dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), foram empregadas para avaliar o desenvolvimento de tens?es residuais originadas durante o processo de soldagem. Uma nova abordagem para a inclus?o do aporte de calor envolvido no processo ? proposta. Os resultados num?ricos s?o comparados a medidas experimentais de tens?es residuais superficiais e aspectos macrogr?ficos das juntas, incluindo largura da Zona Termicamente Afetada (ZTA) e dados de taxas de resfriamento. Os resultados mostram boa correla??o entre as an?lises num?ricas e medidas experimentais de tens?es residuais. Aspectos fundamentais relacionados ao desenvolvimento de tens?es residuais s?o esclarecidos a partir da correla??o entre an?lises num?rica e experimental. Ademais, verifica-se que os modelos computacionais podem ser utilizados na previs?o de pontos cr?ticos para nuclea??o de trincas por fadiga e/ou avaliar efeitos de vari?veis de processo sobre o campo de tens?es residuais.Long rails, welded by the Flash-Butt Welding (FBW) process, are the reality of the Brazilian railroads for medium and high axle loads. Although they present desirable characteristics concerning the dynamic behavior of the track, welded joints are regions of structural and mechanical discontinuity where high residual stresses originate, and, consequently, premature fatigue failures may take place. This paper employs the Finite Element Method (FEM) to carry out transient, physically non-linear thermo-mechanical analyses to evaluate residual stresses evolved in the welding process. A new approach is proposed to take into account the heat input involved in the process. The numerical results are compared to experimentally measured surface residual stresses, and to the macrographic joint aspects, including the HAZ width and cooling rate data. The results show a good correlation between the numerical and experimental measurements of residual stresses. Fundamental aspects related to the development of residual stresses are clarified, correlating numerical and experimental analyses. In addition, it is verified that the computational models can be used to predict critical crack nucleation points by fatigue, and/or to evaluate effects of process parameters on the residual stress field

    EEG-fMRI Based Information Theoretic Characterization of the Human Perceptual Decision System

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    The modern metaphor of the brain is that of a dynamic information processing device. In the current study we investigate how a core cognitive network of the human brain, the perceptual decision system, can be characterized regarding its spatiotemporal representation of task-relevant information. We capitalize on a recently developed information theoretic framework for the analysis of simultaneously acquired electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging data (fMRI) (Ostwald et al. (2010), NeuroImage 49: 498–516). We show how this framework naturally extends from previous validations in the sensory to the cognitive domain and how it enables the economic description of neural spatiotemporal information encoding. Specifically, based on simultaneous EEG-fMRI data features from n = 13 observers performing a visual perceptual decision task, we demonstrate how the information theoretic framework is able to reproduce earlier findings on the neurobiological underpinnings of perceptual decisions from the response signal features' marginal distributions. Furthermore, using the joint EEG-fMRI feature distribution, we provide novel evidence for a highly distributed and dynamic encoding of task-relevant information in the human brain

    Self-piercing riveting-a review

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    © The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com.Self-piercing riveting (SPR) is a cold mechanical joining process used to join two or more sheets of materials by driving a rivet piercing through the top sheet or the top and middle sheets and subsequently lock into the bottom sheet under the guidance of a suitable die. SPR is currently the main joining method for aluminium and mixed-material lightweight automotive structures. SPR was originated half century ago, but it only had significant progress in the last 25 years due to the requirement of joining lightweight materials, such as aluminium alloy structures, aluminium-steel structures and other mixed-material structures, from the automotive industry. Compared with other conventional joining methods, SPR has many advantages including no pre-drilled holes required, no fume, no spark and low noise, no surface treatment required, ability to join multi-layer materials and mixed materials and ability to produce joints with high static and fatigue strengths. In this paper, research investigations that have been conducted on self-piercing riveting will be extensively reviewed. The current state and development of SPR process is reviewed and the influence of the key process parameters on joint quality is discussed. The mechanical properties of SPR joints, the corrosion behaviour of SPR joints, the distortion of SPR joints and the simulation of SPR process and joint performance are reviewed. Developing reliable simulation methods for SPR process and joint performance to reduce the need of physical testing has been identified as one of the main challenges.Peer reviewe