463 research outputs found

    Future climate change in the Mediterranean area: implications for water use and weed management

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    Results obtained within research activity from the Climesco Italian Project are summarized. These results suggest that in regards to the impact of climate change in the Mediterranean area, a decrease of water availability and a more frequent occurrence of drought periods are expected. In order to describe the main effects of climate change on water use in some agro-ecosystems in the Mediterranean area we showed that the Penman-Monteith equation can be modified to simulate future changes in reference evapotranspiration by recalibration of the crop resistive parameter. Moreover, the use of adjusted crop coefficients (Kc) can help quantify the climate change impact on water use for irrigated crops grown in Southern Italy and elsewhere in the Mediterannean. For this region temperature rise and the concomitant expected rainfall reduction may lead to an increase yearly potential water deficits. For autumn-spring crops a further increase of water deficit is not expected.In contrast for a significant increase of waterdeficit, and thus of irrigation needs, is expected for spring-summer crops. Another aspect considered in this review is how in the Mediterranean area, drought conditions and warmer temperatures will alter the competitive balance between crops and some weed species. We report experimental data showing how weed aggressiveness and competition is already increasing due to warmer temperatures in the Mediterranean regio

    Evidence of non-seed transmission of viruses in grapevine breeding material

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    The vertical transmission of viruses is an important phenomenon affecting a wide range of viruses and host plants. Nevertheless, the presence of virus in a seed does not always lead to seedling infection. In grapevine, seed transmission has been reported for many nepoviruses, but little is known about Leafroll, Rugose wood complex and Fleck diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to monitor the virological condition of seedlings obtained by crosses between infected parents, analyzing the sanitary status of seedlings after the transfer in experimental fields. It was observed that, although the viral state of parents was quite compromised, viruses were not detected in any of the 150 progeny plants, demonstrating that the main grapevine viruses are at low risk for seed transmission

    Ovarian cancer metastasis to the breast: a case report and review of the literature

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    Although ovarian cancer often presents as a widespread disease, metastases to the breast and/or axillary lymph nodes are a very rare event, accounting for only 0.03-0.6% of all breast cancers. Its early recognition and accurate distinction from primary breast cancer are of crucial importance to choose an adequate systemic therapy over unnecessary surgeries. We presented the case of a 53-year-old woman who was diagnosed with breast metastases 2 years after the diagnosis of advanced primary serous ovarian cancer. The patient underwent primary cytoreductive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy in combination with bevacizumab, followed by bevacizumab maintenance for 18 months. After 2 years of negative follow-ups, the disease unexpectedly spread to the left breast and axillary lymph nodes. No axillary lymph node dissection or breast surgery was performed. The patient received axillary radiotherapy and multiple chemotherapy lines: gemcitabine/cisplatin, liposomal doxorubicin, topotecan, olaparib/cediranib, paclitaxel, and cisplatin. Unfortunately, none of these treatments improved her prognosis and she died 3 years after the disease recurrence. Ovarian cancer metastasis to the breast reveals a disseminated disease with a poor prognosis. Currently, no valid treatment options are available as the disease shows multidrug chemoresistance. In the era of precision medicine, the characterization of genetic and molecular markers may play a role in offering new promising targeted therapies

    Quantitative diffusion and perfusion MRI in the evaluation of endometrial cancer. Validation with histopathological parameters

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    Objectives: To investigate the role of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in preoperative assessment of tumour aggressiveness in patients with endometrial cancer, correlating multiple parameters obtained from diffusion and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR sequences with conventional histopathological prognostic factors and inflammatory tumour infiltrate.Methods: Forty-four patients with biopsy-proven endometrial cancer underwent preoperative MR imaging at 3T scanner, including DCE imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and intravoxel incoherent motion imaging (IVIM). Images were analysed on dedicated post-processing workstations and quantitative parameters were extracted: K-trans, K-ep, V-e and AUC from the DCE; ADC from DWI; diffusion D, pseudo diffusion D*, perfusion fraction f from IVIM and tumour volume from DWI. The following histopathological data were obtained after surgery: histological type, grading (G), lympho-vascular invasion (LVI), lymph node status, FIGO stage and inflammatory infiltrate.Results: ADC was significantly higher in endometrioid histology, G1-G2 (low grade), and stage IA. Significantly higher D* were found in endometrioid subptype, negative lymph nodes and stage IA. The absence of LVI is associated with higher f values. K-trans and V-e values were significantly higher in low grade. Higher D*, f and AUC occur with the presence of chronic inflammatory cells, D * was also able to distinguish chronic from mixed type of inflammation. Larger volume was significantly correlated with the presence of mixed-type inflammation, LVI, positive lymph nodes and stage >= IB.Conclusions: Quantitative biomarkers obtained from pre-operative DWI, IVIM and DCE-MR examination are an in vivo representation of the physiological and micro-structural characteristics of endometrial carcinoma allowing to obtain the fundamental parameters for stratification into Risk Classes.Advances in knowledge: Quantitative imaging biomarkers obtained from DWI, DCE and IVIM may improve preoperative prognostic stratification in patients with endometrial cancer leading to a more informed therapeutic choice

    Otx015 epi‐drug exerts antitumor effects in ovarian cancer cells by blocking gnl3‐mediated radioresistance mechanisms: Cellular, molecular and computational evidence

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is the most aggressive gynecological tumor worldwide and, notwithstanding the increment in conventional treatments, many resistance mechanisms arise, this leading to cure failure and patient death. So, the use of novel adjuvant drugs able to counteract these pathways is urgently needed to improve patient overall survival. A growing interest is focused on epigenetic drugs for cancer therapy, such as Bromodomain and Extra‐Terminal motif inhibitors (BETi). Here, we investigate the antitumor effects of OTX015, a novel BETi, as a single agent or in combination with ionizing radiation (IR) in OC cellular models. OTX015 treatment significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation by triggering cell cycle arrest and apoptosis that were linked to nucleolar stress and DNA damage. OTX015 impaired migration capacity and potentiated IR effects by reducing the expression of different drivers of cancer resistance mechanisms, including GNL3 gene, whose expression was found to be significantly higher in OC biopsies than in normal ovarian tissues. Gene specific knocking down and computational network analysis confirmed the centrality of GNL3 in OTX015‐mediated OC antitumor effects. Altogether, our findings suggest OTX015 as an effective option to improve therapeutic strategies and overcome the development of resistant cancer cells in patients with OC

    Vulvar lipoma: rare case, rare location

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    Background. Vulvar lipomas are very rare pathologies: indeed, only few cases are reported in the literature. Case presentation. We reported clinical, diagnostic and therapeutical choices of a 44-year aged patient with a rare abnormally sized vulvar lipoma. A Diamond-shaped skin incision was performed and the neoformation was removed without capsule lesions. A vaginal plastic skin-reducing was performed to reduce redundant tissue. The deep planes of the lesion have been reconstructed to avoid leakage. Conclusions. This kind of lipomas can be potentially diagnosed through clinical examination because of their specific characteristics. However, imaging is advisable to differentiate benign neoplasm from malignant one. Different approaches can be achieved for lipomas based on the size of lump, patient’s feelings and necessities and the operation goals; however, the complete surgical excision with the removal of capsules to prevent recurrence remains the treatment of choice for vulvar lipomas. Different surgical approaches aim to achieve better esthetical results, less scarring, and less colour discordance of the connected tissues post-surgery. Surgery is the gold standard for treatment of vulvar lesions. Currently, there is no evidence of long-term follow-up in the literature. We recommend an adequate counselling with the patient to understand their needs and encouraging them to seek medical advice and to tailor the treatment of such lesions

    Hepatobiliary disease resection in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: prognostic role and optimal cytoreduction

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety in terms of prognostic significance and perioperative morbidity and mortality of cytoreduction in patients affected by advance ovarian cancer and hepato-biliary metastasis. Methods: Patients with a least one hepatobiliary metastasis who have undergone surgical treatment with curative intent of were considered for the study. Perioperative complications were evaluated and graded with Accordion severity Classification. Five-year PFS and OS were estimated using the Kaplan–Meier curve. Results: Sixty-seven (20.9%) patients had at least one metastasis to the liver, biliary tract, or porta hepatis. Forty-four (65.7%) and 23 (34.3%) patients underwent respectively high and intermediate complexity surgery according. Complete cytoreduction was achieved in 48 (71.6%) patients with hepato-biliary disease. In two patients (2.9%) severe complications related to hepatobiliary surgery were reported. The median PFS for the patients with hepato-biliary involvement (RT = 0 vs. RT > 0) was 19 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 16.2–21.8] and 8 months (95% CI 6.1–9.9). The median OS for the patients with hepato-biliary involvement (RT = 0 vs. RT > 0) 45 months (95% CI 21.2–68.8 months) and 23 months (95% CI 13.9–32.03). Conclusions: Hepatobiliary involvement is often associated with high tumor load and could require high complex multivisceral surgery. In selected patients complete cytoreduction could offer survival benefits. Morbidity related to hepatobiliary procedures is acceptable. Careful evaluation of patients and multidisciplinary approach in referral centers is mandatory

    Teacher performance evaluation: conflict, uncertainties and the search for meaning(s)

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    O texto que propomos parte de uma pesquisa longitudinal, realizada em Portugal entre 2008 e 2010, com professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Procura evidenciar os conflitos e incertezas que a avaliação do desempenho docente tem produzido e a busca de sentido(s) para esta avaliação e para o ‘ser professor/a’. A implementação de sistemas de avaliação do desempenho dos professores insere-se na procura de soluções para esta inquietação. Foi o que aconteceu em Portugal, em Janeiro de 2007, com a publicação em Diário da República do novo Estatuto da Carreira Docente e o Decreto que regulamentava a Avaliação do Desempenho Docente. As tensões emergiram entre docentes e Ministério da Educação, agudizaram-se com a tomada de consciência da problemática da avaliação do desempenho dos docentes com impacto na carreira profissional e provocaram incertezas e desmotivação face ao sentido do trabalho docente com impacto na identidade profissional dos professores.This article stems from a longitudinal research carried out with primary school teachers in Portugal between 2008 and 2010. The research sought to identify the conflicts and uncertainties, which have been caused by the evaluation of teacher performance, as well as to search for meaning(s) related to that evaluation and to ‘being a teacher’. The implementation of systems for the evaluation of teacher performance fits into the search for solutions to that concern. This is what happened in Portugal, in January 2007, when the new Statute of the Teaching Profession and the law to regulate Teacher Performance Assessment were published in Diário da República – the official government publication. Tensions arose between teachers and the Ministry of Education and they were aggravated by an awareness of how the problem of teacher performance evaluation would impact on the professional career of teachers and how it would cause uncertainties and demotivation concerning the vocation of teaching and its subsequent impact on the professional identity of teachers