40,533 research outputs found

    Concept for controlled transverse emittance transfer within a linac ion beam

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    For injection of beams into circular machines with different horizontal and vertical emittance acceptance, the injection efficiency can be increased if these beams are flat, i.e. if they feature unequal transverse emittances. Generation of flat electron beams is well known and has been demonstrated already in beam experiments. It was proposed also for ion beams that were generated in an Electron Cyclotron-Resonance (ECR) source. We introduce an extension of the method to beams that underwent charge state stripping without requiring their generation inside an ECR source. Results from multi-particle simulations are presented to demonstrate the validity of the method.Comment: 23 pages (preprint style), 14 Figures, submitted to PRST-A

    The impact of Chinese import penetration on the South African manufacturing sector

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    This article uses a Chenery-type decomposition and econometric estimation to evaluate the impact of Chinese trade on production and employment in South African manufacturing from 1992 to 2010. The results suggest that increased import penetration from China caused South African manufacturing output to be 5 per cent lower in 2010 than it otherwise would have been. The estimated reduction of total employment in manufacturing as a result of trade with China is larger – in 2010 about 8 per cent – because the declines in output were concentrated on labour-intensive industries and because the increase in imports raised labour productivity within industries

    UK open source crime data: accuracy and possibilities for research

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    In the United Kingdom, since 2011 data regarding individual police recorded crimes have been made openly available to the public via the police.uk website. To protect the location privacy of victims these data are obfuscated using geomasking techniques to reduce their spatial accuracy. This paper examines the spatial accuracy of the police.uk data to determine at what level(s) of spatial resolution – if any – it is suitable for analysis in the context of theory testing and falsification, evaluation research, or crime analysis. Police.uk data are compared to police recorded data for one large metropolitan Police Force and spatial accuracy is quantified for four different levels of geography across five crime types. Hypotheses regarding systematic errors are tested using appropriate statistical approaches, including methods of maximum likelihood. Finally, a “best-fit” statistical model is presented to explain the error as well as to develop a model that can correct it. The implications of the findings for researchers using the police.uk data for spatial analysis are discussed

    Acting without being in control: Exploring volition in Parkinson's disease with impulsive compulsive behaviours.

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    BACKGROUND: Several aspects of volitional control of action may be relevant in the pathophysiology of impulsive-compulsive behaviours (ICB) in Parkinson's disease (PD). We aimed to explore multiple aspects of action control, assessing reward-related behaviour, inhibition (externally and internally triggered) and sense of agency in PD patients, with and without ICB compared to healthy subjects. METHODS: Nineteen PD patients with ICB (PD-ICB), 19 PD without ICB (PD-no-ICB) and 19 healthy controls (HC) underwent a battery of tests including: Intentional Binding task which measures sense of agency; Stop Signal Reaction Time (SSRT) measuring capacity for reactive inhibition; the Marble task, assessing intentional inhibition; Balloon Analog Risk Task for reward sensitivity. RESULTS: One-way ANOVA showed significant main effect of group for action binding (p = 0.004, F = 6.27). Post hoc analysis revealed that PD-ICB had significantly stronger action binding than HC (p = 0.004), and PD-no-ICB (p = 0.04). There was no difference between PD-no-ICB and HC. SSRT did not differ between PD groups, whereas a significant difference between PD-no-ICB and HC was detected (p = 0.01). No other differences were found among groups in the other tasks. CONCLUSIONS: PD patients with ICB have abnormal performance on a psychophysical task assessing sense of agency, which might be related to a deficit in action representation at cognitive/experiential level. Yet, they have no deficit on tasks evaluating externally and internally triggered inhibitory control, or in reward-based decision-making. We conclude that impaired sense of agency may be a factor contributing to ICB in PD patients

    Magnetic properties of strongly disordered electronic systems

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    We present a unified, global perspective on the magnetic properties of strongly disordered electronic systems, with special emphasis on the case where the ground state is metallic. We review the arguments for the instability of the disordered Fermi liquid state towards the formation of local magnetic moments, and argue that their singular low temperature thermodynamics are the ``quantum Griffiths'' precursors of the quantum phase transition to a metallic spin glass; the local moment formation is therefore not directly related to the metal-insulator transition. We also review the the mean-field theory of the disordered Fermi liquid to metallic spin glass transition and describe the separate regime of ``non-Fermi liquid'' behavior at higher temperatures near the quantum critical point. The relationship to experimental results on doped semiconductors and heavy-fermion compounds is noted.Comment: 25 pages; Contribution to the Royal Society Discussion Meeting on "The Metal-Non Metal Transition in Macroscopic and Microscopic Systems", March 5-6, 199

    Matter-wave dark solitons in a double-well potential

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    We study stability of the first excited state of quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential, which is called "π\pi-state". The density notch in the π\pi-state can be regarded as a standing dark soliton. From the excitation spectrum, we determine the critical barrier height, above which the π\pi-state is dynamically unstable. We find that the critical barrier height decreases monotonically as the number of condensate atoms increases. We also simulate the dynamics of the π\pi-state by solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We show that due to the dynamical instability the dark soliton starts to move away from the trap center and exhibits a large-amplitude oscillation.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Models of stress fluctuations in granular media

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    We investigate in detail two models describing how stresses propagate and fluctuate in granular media. The first one is a scalar model where only the vertical component of the stress tensor is considered. In the continuum limit, this model is equivalent to a diffusion equation (where the r\^ole of time is played by the vertical coordinate) plus a randomly varying convection term. We calculate the response and correlation function of this model, and discuss several properties, in particular related to the stress distribution function. We then turn to the tensorial model, where the basic starting point is a wave equation which, in the absence of disorder, leads to a ray-like propagation of stress. In the presence of disorder, the rays acquire a diffusive width and the angle of propagation is shifted. A striking feature is that the response function becomes negative, which suggests that the contact network is mechanically unstable to very weak perturbations. The stress correlation function reveals characteristic features related to the ray-like propagation, which are absent in the scalar description. Our analytical calculations are confirmed and extended by a numerical analysis of the stochastic wave equation.Comment: 32 pages, latex, 18 figures and 6 diagram