16,658 research outputs found

    Form-factors of the sausage model obtained with bootstrap fusion from sine-Gordon theory

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    We continue the investigation of massive integrable models by means of the bootstrap fusion procedure, started in our previous work on O(3) nonlinear sigma model. Using the analogy with SU(2) Thirring model and the O(3) nonlinear sigma model we prove a similar relation between sine-Gordon theory and a one-parameter deformation of the O(3) sigma model, the sausage model. This allows us to write down a free field representation for the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra of the sausage model and to construct an integral representation for the generating functions of form-factors in this theory. We also clear up the origin of the singularities in the bootstrap construction and the reason for the problem with the kinematical poles.Comment: 16 pages, revtex; references added, some typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    On the nature of the solar-wind-Mars interaction

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    Plasma measurements near Mars on the U.S.S.R. Mars-2, -3, and -5 spacecraft are considered. The data are compared with simultaneous magnetic measurements. Strong evidence is obtained in favor of a direct interaction and mass exchange between the solar wind plasma and the gaseous envelope of Mars

    Dynamics of 1S0^{1}S_0 diproton formation in the pd→{pp}snpd\to \{pp\}_sn and pN→{pp}sπpN\to \{pp\}_s\pi reactions in the GeV region

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    Mechanisms for the production of 1S0^1S_0 diproton pairs, pps{pp}_s, in the pd→ppsnpd\to {pp}_s n reaction are studied at proton beam energies 0.5 -- 2 GeV in kinematics similar to those of backward elastic pdpd scattering. This reaction provides valuable information on the short-range NNNN and pdpd interactions that is complementary to that investigated in the well known pd→dppd\to dp and dp→p(0∘)Xdp\to p(0^\circ)X processes. The pd→ppsnpd\to {pp}_sn reaction is related to the subprocesses π0d→pn\pi^0 d\to pn and pN→ppsπpN\to {pp}_s \pi using two different one--pion--exchange (OPE) diagrams. Within both these models a reasonable agreement could be obtained with the data below 1GeV. The similar energy dependence of the pd→{pp}snpd\to\{pp\}_s n and pd→dppd\to dp cross sections and the small ratio of about 1.5% in the production of {pp}s\{pp\}_s to deuteron final states follow naturally within the OPE models.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Late

    Scaling aspects of the sea-ice-drift dynamics and pack fracture

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    A study of the sea-ice dynamics in the periods of time prior to and during the cycles of basin-wide fragmentation of the ice cover in the Arctic Ocean is presented. The fractal geometry of the ice-sheets limited by leads and ridges was assessed using the satellite images, while the data on the correlated sea-ice motion were obtained in the research stations "North Pole 32" and "North Pole 33" established on the ice pack. The revealed decrease of the fractal dimension as a result of large-scale fragmentation is consistent with the localization of the fracture process (leads propagation). At the same time, the scaling properties of the distribution of amplitudes of ice-fields accelerations were insensitive to the event of sea-ice fragmentation. The temporal distribution of the accelerations was scale-invariant during "quiet" periods of sea-ice drift but disordered in the period of mechanical perturbation. The period of decorrelated (in time) ice-field motion during the important fracture event was interpreted as an inter-level transition in the hierarchic dynamical system. The mechanism of the long-range correlations in the sea-ice cover, including the fracture process, is suggested to be in relation with the self-organized oscillation dynamics inherent in the ice pack

    Sensitivity and Accuracy of the Systems for the Magnetic Measurements of the LHC Magnets at CERN

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    Beam optics of the LHC accelerator require stringent control of the field quality of the main dipole and quadrupole magnets. The field quality measurements need challenging accuracy given the small size of the aperture (50 mm) : relative strength of the magnets within 2×10-4, harmonics in the ppm range, axis determination within 0.1 mm, main field direction within 0.2 mrad. We present a detailed analysis of the accuracy and reproducibility obtained with the equipment presently available for the qualification tests of the first series magnets

    A Tool for Simulating Rotating Coil Magnetometers

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    When investigating the quality of a magnetic measurement system, one observes difficulties to identify the "trouble maker" of such a system as different effects can yield similar influences on the measurement results.We describe a tool in this paper that allows to investigate numerically the effects produced by different imperfections of components of such a system, including, but not limited to vibration and movements of the rotating coil, influence of electrical noise on the system, angular encoder imperfections. This system can simulate the deterministic and stochastic parts of those imperfections. We outline the physical models used that are generally based on experience or first principles. Comparisons to analytical results are shown. The modular structure of the general design of this tool permits to include new modules for new devices and effects
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