1,200 research outputs found

    The corporate brand and strategic direction: Senior business school managers’ cognitions of corporate brand building and management

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    This revelatory study focuses on top Financial Times (FT) ranked British business school managers cognitions of corporate brand building and management. The study insinuates there is a prima facie bilateral link between corporate branding and strategic direction. Among this genus of business school, the data revealed corporate brand building entailed an on-going concern with strategic management, stakeholder management, corporate communications, service focus, leadership, and commitment. These empirical findings, chime with the early conceptual scholarship on corporate brand management dating back to the mid-1990s. These foundational articles stressed the multi-disciplinary and strategic nature of corporate brand management and stressed the significant role of the CEO. As such, this research adds further credence to the above in terms of best-practice vis-à-vis corporate brand management. Curiously, whilst senior managers espouse a corporate brand orientation, corporate brand management is seemingly not accorded a similar status in the curriculum. Drawing on general embedded case study methodological approach, data was collected within eight leading (FT-ranked) business schools in Great Britain at Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Bradford, Cranfield, Warwick, Lancaster and City (London) Universities. Each of these eight British business schools can be deemed as ‘top’ business schools by virtue of their inclusion in the influential Financial Times (FT) worldwide list of top business schools. The primary mode of qualitative data collection was the 37 in-depth interviews with business school Deans, Associate Deans and other senior faculty members and other managers

    Can crumb rubber modifier effectively replace the use of polymer- modified bitumen in asphalt mixture?

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    Laboratory scale mechanical performances on six plant produced mixtures; three semi-dense surface courses and three dense binder courses modified with engineered crumb rubber (ECR) using the dry process are presented. The two types of mixtures produced and investigated fulfilled for the most part, the requirements of the Swiss and/or US standards regarding volumetric properties, water sensitivity and rutting. In advanced testing where no requirements exist, the dense ECR mixtures performed similar to the reference polymer modified mixtures and slightly worse for semi-dense mixtures in high temperature tests, where the binder becomes viscous in the rubber-binder composite and its ability to transfer loads is reduced. The ECR mixtures performed similarly or better than the reference in low temperature tests.  Across the advanced testing data set, all obtained results were well within acceptable values for both ECR and reference polymer mixtures indicating that crumb rubber can effectively replace polymer in asphalt mixtures

    Trypanosoma brucei gambiense group 1 is distinguished by a unique amino acid substitution in the HpHb receptor implicated in human serum resistance

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    Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (Tbr) and T. b. gambiense (Tbg), causative agents of Human African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in Africa, have evolved alternative mechanisms of resisting the activity of trypanosome lytic factors (TLFs), components of innate immunity in human serum that protect against infection by other African trypanosomes. In Tbr, lytic activity is suppressed by the Tbr-specific serum-resistance associated (SRA) protein. The mechanism in Tbg is less well understood but has been hypothesized to involve altered activity and expression of haptoglobin haemoglobin receptor (HpHbR). HpHbR has been shown to facilitate internalization of TLF-1 in T.b. brucei (Tbb), a member of the T. brucei species complex that is susceptible to human serum. By evaluating the genetic variability of HpHbR in a comprehensive geographical and taxonomic context, we show that a single substitution that replaces leucine with serine at position 210 is conserved in the most widespread form of Tbg (Tbg group 1) and not found in related taxa, which are either human serum susceptible (Tbb) or known to resist lysis via an alternative mechanism (Tbr and Tbg group 2). We hypothesize that this single substitution contributes to reduced uptake of TLF and thus may play a key role in conferring serum resistance to Tbg group 1. In contrast, similarity in HpHbR sequence among isolates of Tbg group 2 and Tbb/Tbr provides further evidence that human serum resistance in Tbg group 2 is likely independent of HpHbR functio

    Selection Criteria for Pressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) Treatment in Patients with Peritoneal Metastases.

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    The standard treatment protocol for PIPAC consists of three procedures. Completion of treatment has been shown to be prognostic of improved survival. The aim of this study was to identify predictors for completion of treatment. Retrospective multicentric cohort study of patients with peritoneal metastases undergoing PIPAC in three PIPAC expert centers. Per protocol (PP) treatment was defined as patients receiving ≥3 PIPACs and was compared to patients receiving <3. Overall, 183 patients had 517 PIPACs. The main reasons for stopping PIPAC were disease progression in 50% patients, bowel obstruction in 15%, patient's refusal to pursue in 10%, conversion to cytoreductive surgery in 7%, and medical reasons in 8%. Overall, 95 patients (52%) had PP treatment. The PP median OS was 17 vs. 7 months, p = 0.001. PP patients had r ascites (410 ± 100 mL vs. 960 ± 188 mL, p = 0.001), no prior history of bowel obstruction (12% vs. 24%, p = 0.028), and more bimodal treatment (39% vs. 13%, p < 0.001). After multiple regression, bimodal treatment was found as an independent predictive factor for completing PP (OR = 4.202, 95%CI [1.813, 10.630], p < 0.001), along with prior bowel obstruction (OR = 0.389, 95%CI [0.153, 0.920], p = 0.037). The absence of ascites and prior bowel obstruction can help to select patients suitable for PIPAC. Best results seem to be achieved when PIPAC is combined with systemic chemotherapy

    Bis-Retinoid A2E Induces an Increase of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor via Inhibition of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1/2 Pathway in Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells and Facilitates Phagocytosis.

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    Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in developed countries. Hallmarks of the disease are well known; indeed, this pathology is characterized by lipofuscin accumulation, is principally composed of lipid-containing residues of lysosomal digestion. The N-retinyl-N-retinylidene ethanolamine (A2E) retinoid which is thought to be a cytotoxic component for RPE is the best-characterized component of lipofuscin so far. Even if no direct correlation between A2E spatial distribution and lipofuscin fluorescence has been established in aged human RPE, modified forms or metabolites of A2E could be involved in ARMD pathology. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways have been involved in many pathologies, but not in ARMD. Therefore, we wanted to analyze the effects of A2E on MAPKs in polarized ARPE19 and isolated mouse RPE cells. We showed that long-term exposure of polarized ARPE19 cells to low A2E dose induces a strong decrease of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases' (ERK1/2) activity. In addition, we showed that A2E, via ERK1/2 decrease, induces a significant decrease of the retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein 65 kDa (RPE65) expression in ARPE19 cells and isolated mouse RPE. In the meantime, we showed that the decrease of ERK1/2 activity mediates an increase of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) mRNA expression and secretion that induces an increase in phagocytosis via a paracrine effect. We suggest that the accumulation of deposits coming from outer segments (OS) could be explained by both an increase of bFGF-induced phagocytosis and by the decrease of clearance by A2E. The bFGF angiogenic protein may therefore be an attractive target to treat ARMD

    Phosphorus recovery: a need for an integrated approach

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    Increasing cost of phosphate fertilizer, a scarcity of high quality phosphate rock (PR)and increasing surface water pollution are driving aneed to accelerate the recovery and re-use ofphosphorus (P) from various waste sectors. Options to recover P occur all along the open P cycle from mining to households to oceans. However, P recovery as a regional and global strategy towards P sustainability and future food, bio energy and water security is in its infancy because of a number of technological, socio-economic and institutional constraints. There is no single solution and resolving these constraints requires concerted collaboration betweenrelevant stakeholders and an integrated approach combiningsuccessful business models withsocio-economic and institutional change. We suggest that an operational framework is developed for fast tracking cost-effective recovery options

    Gesellschaftliche Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft

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    Zusammenfassuung: In diesem Bericht werden die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Studien zu den gesellschaftlichen Leistungen des Biolandbaus zusammengefasst. Als Referenzen werden dabei sowohl die konventionelle wie auch die integrierte Landwirtschaft herangezogen. Es ist den Autoren bewusst, dass alle Landwirtschaftsmethoden in der Schweiz und im Ausland eine grosse Streubreite aufweisen, da der Einfluss der regionalen sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, der Standortfaktoren, der Betriebsleiter und der unterschiedlichen staatlichen und privaten Regulierungen gross ist. Trotzdem ergeben sich für die verschiedenen Landwirtschaftsmethoden klare Unterschiede, die bei den agrarpolitischen Massnahmen berücksichtigt werden müssen. Bezüglich der positiven Externalitäten weist der Biolandbau klare Mehrleistungen in der Biodiversität auf. Dies sowohl auf der Ebene der Genetik, der Arten und besonders auch der Habitate. Deutlich sind die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus auch im Bereich des Humusaufbaus, was eine höhere CO2-Sequestrierung zur Folge hat. Obwohl eine dauerhafte Honorierung der Vermeidung negativer Externalitäten im bisherigen Konzept der Weiterentwicklung des Direktzahlungssystems (WDZ) nicht vorgesehen ist, sind hier die Vorteile der biologischen Landwirtschaft beträchtlich. Dies betrifft die Nährstoff- und Pflanzenschutzmittelverluste in Grund- und Oberflächengewässer sowie in andere Umweltkompartimente, der Verbrauch von nicht erneuerbarer Energie, die Emissionen von Klimagasen und die Belastungen mit Tiermedikamenten. Die nationalen und internationalen Studien zeigen auf, dass der Biolandbau sich besonders durch Systemwirkungen auszeichnet: erhöhte Biodiversität, verbesserter Schutz des Bodens, wirksame Vermeidung von Umweltbelastungen, effiziente Nutzung von natürlichen Ressourcen, geringer Verbrauch nicht erneuerbarer Energie und verbessertes Tierwohl. Dies sind die Effekte von komplexen Response-Massnahmen der Betriebsleiter auf einfach zu kontrollierende Einschränkungen und Verbote. Dadurch entstehen nicht zu unterschätzende Zusatzleistungen und Synergien bei der Erreichung der vom Bund definierten Ziele. Um den Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus gerecht zu werden, schlagen die Autoren zwei neue Massnahmen vor: 1) Biodiversitätsbeitrag für Acker, Sonderkulturen und intensive Wiesen und 2) CO2-Sequestrationsbeiträge. Damit sind aber die gesellschaftlich wichtigen Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus noch nicht abgegolten. Bei der Vermeidung negativer Externalitäten werden höhere umweltschutzrelevante Effekte erzielt. Diese können i) durch die Einführung eines negativen Anreizsystems nach dem Polluter-Pays-Principle (z.B. Stickstoffsteuer, CO2 - Abgabe), ii) durch ein höheres Einstiegsniveau bei den Cross-Compliance-Massnahmen für alle Betriebe (ÖLNplus) oder iii) durch einen finanziellen Ausgleich für die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus abgegolten werden. Die „Förderung des Biolandbaus“ als systemorientierte Massnahme macht auch nach dem Grundsatz des effizienten Einsatzes von Steuermitteln Sinn und stellt eine kosteneffektive Massnahme dar. Einerseits können damit die deutlich höheren positiven Externalitäten abgegolten werden, andererseits wird die stärkere Vermeidung von negativen Externalitäten genügend berücksichtigt

    Genetic characterization of early renal changes in a novel mouse model of diabetic kidney disease

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    Genetic factors influence susceptibility to diabetic kidney disease. Here we mapped genes mediating renal hypertrophic changes in response to diabetes. A survey of 15 mouse strains identified variation in diabetic kidney hypertrophy. Strains with greater (FVB/N(FVB)) and lesser (C57BL/6 (B6)) responses were crossed and diabetic F2 progeny were characterized. Kidney weights of diabetic F2 mice were broadly distributed. Quantitative trait locus analyses revealed diabetic mice with kidney weights in the upper quartile shared alleles on chromosomes (chr) 6 and 12; these loci were designated as Diabetic kidney hypertrophy (Dkh)-1 and -2. To confirm these loci, reciprocal congenic mice were generated with defined FVB chromosome segments on the B6 strain background (B6.Dkh1/2f) or vice versa (FVB.Dkh1/2b). Diabetic mice of the B6.Dkh1/2f congenic strain developed diabetic kidney hypertrophy, while the reciprocal FVB.Dkh1/2b congenic strain was protected. The chr6 locus contained the candidate gene; Ark1b3, coding aldose reductase; the FVB allele has a missense mutation in this gene. Microarray analysis identified differentially expressed genes between diabetic B6 and FVB mice. Thus, since the two loci identified by quantitative trait locus mapping are syntenic with regions identified for human diabetic kidney disease, the congenic strains we describe provide a valuable new resource to study diabetic kidney disease and test agents that may prevent it