135 research outputs found

    Fluid Evolution in the Patricia Zn-Pb-Ag vein deposit (Paguanta, NE Chile): fluid inclusion assemblages and laser ablation ICP-MS evidence

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    The Patricia Zn-Pb-Ag ore deposit represents the first known example of economic mineralization in the northern part of the Andean late Eocene – Oligocene metallogenic belt in Chile. The hydrothermal evolution has been deduced based on detailed mineralogy, fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry and laser ablation ICP-MS analysis. We present microthermometric data for fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) in co-genetic ore and gangue minerals through the different mineralization stages. In the pre-ore stage, early quartzhosted FIAs indicate high salinity values (22 to 6 wt.% NaCl) with homogenization temperatures from 270 to 205ÂșC. During the base metal and silver stage, a drop in temperature from 250 to 140 ÂșC and salinity less than 10 wt.% NaCl is related to the main ore precipitation. Primary FIAs in the post-ore stage indicate temperature up to 245ÂșC and low salinity (4 to 3 wt.% NaCl). The LAICP- MS analyses of fluid inclusions show that the metal content in the base metal stage is significantly higher than in the pre-ore and post-ore stages. This study documents the existence of different fluid pulses characterized by cooling and low salinity conditions favourable for the main ore deposition during the base metal and silver stage. The ore mineralogy and the associated hydrothermal alteration define the Patricia ore as an intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposit with low-sulfidation events.This research was funded by the Spanish research project CGL-2010-17668.Peer reviewe

    Textural and geochemical features of pyrite from the intramagmatic Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization of Aguablanca (Badajoz)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEEspaña. Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnicapu

    Preliminary Study of Recycled Aggregate Mortar for Electric Arc Furnace Dust Encapsulation

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    This article shows the preliminary results of a study carried out to determine the technical feasibility of encapsulating a high percentage of EAFD in cement-based mortars manufactured with the fine fraction of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA). Two families of mortars, with natural aggregate as a reference and with RCA, were studied. An incorporation rate by weight of two parts mortar to one part EAFD was tested. The mechanical strengths (compressive strength and tensile strength) before and after immersion in water, the rate of delitescence and the leaching behavior were studied. Mortars made with RCA showed similar mechanical strengths to the reference mortars made with natural aggregates; however, the incorporation of EAFD decreased the mechanical strengths. Encapsulation considerably reduced the leaching of heavy metals, although the Pb concentration remained above the hazardous waste limit. With this preliminary study, two wastes are managed together, and the results have shown that the use of RCA instead of natural aggregate is a viable alternative since it does not significantly impair the mechanical or leaching properties of the cement-based matrices used to encapsulate EAFD

    The Patricia Zn–Pb–Ag epithermal ore deposit: An uncommon type of mineralization in northeastern Chile

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    The Patricia ore deposit represents an unusual example of economic Zn–Pb–Ag mineralization at the northernmost end of the Late Eocene–Oligocene metallogenic belt in Chile. It is hosted by volcano-sedimentary units, which are typically tuffaceous and andesitic breccias. The ore body consists of a set of subvertical E-W vein systems developed under a sinistral strike-slip regime that included transtensive domains with generalized extensional structures where the ores were deposited. The deposit is divided into two blocks by a set of NNW-ESE-trending reverse faults, which uplifted the eastern block and exhumed thicker and deeper parts of the deposit. At least 200 m of volcano-sedimentary pile hosting the mineralization has been eroded in this block. By contrast, the western block exposes a shallower part of the system where cherts, amorphous silica and jasperoids occur. Three main stages of mineralization have been defined: (1) pre-ore stage is characterized by early quartz, pyrite and arsenopyrite, (2) base-metal and silver stage; characterized by sphalerite (6 to 15 mol% FeS), galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and Ag-bearing minerals (freibergite, polybasite, stephanite, pyrargyrite, freieslebenite and acanthite) and (3) post-ore stage; characterized by late quartz, kutnohorite and minor sulfides (arsenopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite, galena, Ag-bearing minerals and Pb-sulfosalts). Whole-ore geochemistry shows two groups of elements that are positively correlated; 1) Ag–Cd–Cu–Pb–Zn related to the base metal sulfides and 2) Au–As–Ge–Sb–W related to arsenopyrite and pyrite. Hydrothermal alteration is pervasive in the outcropping mineralized areas, including silicification and locally, vuggy silica textures. At depth, chloritic and sericitic alteration is developed along vein selvages and is superimposed to the regional propylitic alteration. Fluid inclusions indicate that the base-metal ores were deposited from 250 to 150 °C moderate salinity fluids (1–9 wt.% NaCl). The pre-ore stage is characterized by a saline fluid (6–22 wt.% NaCl) and between 210 and 250 °C whereas the post-ore stage has salinity of 4–8 wt.% and temperature from 175 to 215 °C. Cooling was the mechanism of ore mineral precipitation in the Patricia deposit, although mixing of fluids could have occurred in the pre-ore stage. Mineralogical, geochemical and fluid inclusion evidence is consistent with an intermediate sulfidation (IS) epithermal deposit type. This study highlights the high potential for hidden economic mineralization at depth in the western block and for extension of the ore body both to the south and to deeper levels in the eastern block of the Patricia ore deposit. To a larger extent, the implications of finding such polymetallic epithermal style of mineralization in the northern Chile Precordillera is relevant both to the regional metallogenic perspective and to the exploration potential of the region, where the late Eocene–early Oligocene metallogenic belt apparently disappears.This research was financially supported by the project CGL2010 – 17668 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain) and the company Herencia Resources Plc.Peer reviewe

    High levels of childhood obesity observed among 3- to 7-year-old New Zealand Pacific children is a public health concern.

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    This cross-sectional, community-based survey was designed to assess attained growth and body composition of 3- to 7-y-old Pacific children (n = 21 boys and 20 girls) living in Dunedin, New Zealand, and to examine nondietary factors associated with the percentage of body fat. Fat mass, lean tissue mass and the percentage of body fat were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. One trained anthropometrist also measured height, weight, skinfolds (triceps, subscapular) and circumferences (mid-upper arm, chest, waist, calf). Compared with the National Center for Health Statistics and National Health and Examination Surveys I and II reference data, these Pacific children were tall and heavy for their age with high arm-muscle-area-for-height. Median (quartiles) Z-scores for height and BMI-for-age and arm-muscle-area-for-height were 1.33 (0.60, 2.15), 1.20 (0.74, 4.43) and 1.09 (0.63, 1.85), respectively. Their median (quartile) percentage of body fat was 21.8% (15.0, 35.5) of which 38.5% was located in the trunk. The estimated percentage of children classified as obese ranged from 34 to 49% depending on the criterion used. Over 60% of the children had levels of trunk fat above 1 SD of reported age- and sex-specific Z-scores for New Zealand children. The nondietary factors examined (hours of television viewing and hours playing organized sports, as reported by parents) were not associated with variations in the percentage of body fat, after adjusting for age, sex and birth weight. These extremely high levels of obesity and truncal fat among very young New Zealand children will have major public health implications as these children age

    Inflation and the Scale Dependent Spectral Index: Prospects and Strategies

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    We consider the running of the spectral index as a probe of both inflation itself, and of the overall evolution of the very early universe. Surveying a collection of simple single field inflationary models, we confirm that the magnitude of the running is relatively consistent, unlike the tensor amplitude, which varies by orders of magnitude. Given this target, we confirm that the running is potentially detectable by future large scale structure or 21 cm observations, but that only the most futuristic measurements can distinguish between these models on the basis of their running. For any specified inflationary scenario, the combination of the running index and unknown post-inflationary expansion history induces a theoretical uncertainty in the predicted value of the spectral index. This effect can easily dominate the statistical uncertainty with which Planck and its successors are expected to measure the spectral index. More positively, upcoming cosmological experiments thus provide an intriguing probe of physics between TeV and GUT scales by constraining the reheating history associated with any specified inflationary model, opening a window into the "primordial dark age" that follows the end of inflation.Comment: 32 pages. v2 and v3 Minor reference updates /clarification

    Body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12283-016-0200-3This research represents the first documented investigation into the body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes (e.g., individuals with spinal cord injuries and lower extremity amputations). Two-dimensional body segment parameters (i.e., mass, length, position vector of the center of mass, and principal mass moment of inertia about the center of mass) were quantified from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In addition to establishing a body segment parameter database of Paralympic athletes for prospective biomechanists and engineers, the mass of each body segment as experimentally measured via the DXA imaging was compared with that reported by previous research of able-bodied cadavers. In general, there were significant differences in the body segment masses between the different methods. These findings support the implementation of the proposed database for developing valid multibody biomechanical models of Paralympic athletes with distinct physical disabilities.This research was funded by Dr. John McPhee’s Tier I Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics

    The molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 in the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain): analysis of transmission clusters

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    HIV infections are still a very serious concern for public heath worldwide. We have applied molecular evolution methods to study the HIV-1 epidemics in the Comunidad Valenciana (CV, Spain) from a public health surveillance perspective. For this, we analysed 1804 HIV-1 sequences comprising protease and reverse transcriptase (PR/RT) coding regions, sampled between 2004 and 2014. These sequences were subtyped and subjected to phylogenetic analyses in order to detect transmission clusters. In addition, univariate and multinomial comparisons were performed to detect epidemiological differences between HIV-1 subtypes, and risk groups. The HIV epidemic in the CV is dominated by subtype B infections among local men who have sex with men (MSM). 270 transmission clusters were identified (>57% of the dataset), 12 of which included ≄10 patients; 11 of subtype B (9 affecting MSMs) and one (n = 21) of CRF14, affecting predominately intravenous drug users (IDUs). Dated phylogenies revealed these large clusters to have originated from the mid-80s to the early 00 s. Subtype B is more likely to form transmission clusters than non-B variants and MSMs to cluster than other risk groups. Multinomial analyses revealed an association between non-B variants, which are not established in the local population yet, and different foreign groups

    Self-Reported Health Status in Primary Health Care: The Influence of Immigration and Other Associated Factors

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study are to compare self-reported health status between Spanish-born and Latin American-born Spanish residents, adjusted by length of residence in the host country; and additionally, to analyse sociodemographic and psychosocial variables associated with a better health status. DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional population based study of Latin American-born (n = 691) and Spanish-born (n = 903) in 15 urban primary health care centres in Madrid (Spain), carried out between 2007 and 2009. The participants provided information, through an interview, about self-reported health status, socioeconomic characteristics, psychosocial factors and migration conditions. Descriptive and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: The Spanish-born participants reported a better health status than the Latin America-born participants (79.8% versus 69.3%, p<0.001). Different patterns of self-reported health status were observed depending on the length of residence in the host country. The proportion of immigrants with a better health status is greater in those who have been in Spain for less than five years compared to those who have stayed longer. Better health status is significantly associated with being men, under 34 years old, being Spanish-born, having a monthly incomes of over 1000 euros, and having considerable social support and low stress. CONCLUSIONS: Better self-reported health status is associated with being Spanish-born, men, under 34 years old, having an uppermiddle-socioeconomic status, adequate social support, and low stress. Additionally, length of residence in the host country is seen as a related factor in the self-reported health status of immigrants
