318 research outputs found

    Monochorionic Twins: A Delicate Balance.

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    Monochorionic (MC) twins are identical twins who share one placenta, with vascular anastomoses connecting the circulations of both fetuses [...]

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Praktek Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rada Mata Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is the provision of breast milk without other additional food. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 0 - 6 months at the Rada Mata Public Health Center, Southwest Sumba Regency, which was conducted from August to October 2020. This type of research was an analytical observational with cross-sectional study. Sampling in this study were 75 respondents who had children aged 6-12 months. Data processing was carried out descriptively and analytically. The results showed a significant relationship between education, knowledge, employment, support from health workers, family support for exclusive breastfeeding for infants 0-6 months at the Rada Mata Puskesmas, Southwest Sumba Regency. Mothers who have a good education have the opportunity to provide exclusive breastfeeding for their babies, as well as work, support from health workers and family support for mothers under five. Therefore, it is necessary to collaborate between health workers and the local community, especially mothers who have babies aged 0 - 6 months so that the program can be implemented properly

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Gizi Kurang pada Anak Balita di Puskesmas Palla Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

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    This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the risk of malnutrition in children under five at Palla Primary Health Care, Southwest Sumba District. The type of research was analytical observation with a case-control design. The sample of case and control consisted of 46 people per group. Data analysis was performed by calculating Odds Ratio (OR). The results showed that infectious diseases (OR= 2,590), mothers’ knowledge related to nutrition (OR=2,615), energy (OR= 2,067) and protein (OR=2,254) consumption were risk factors for malnutrition among children under five. It can be concluded that infectious diseases, maternal knowledge of nutrition, energy and protein consumption have an important role as a risk factor for the incidence of malnutrition in children under five


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    Di Kabupaten Nabire untuk menghubungkan daerah-daerah di kecamatan atau distrik yang pada umumnya berada di daerah pedalaman hanya mengandalkan jasa angkutan udara. Saat ini dengan adanya rencana pemekaran Propinsi Papua menjadi tiga Propinsi maka semakin bertambah permintaan perjalanan dan aktivitas pembangunan di berbagai sektor di Kabupaten Nabire maka akan mengalami peningkatan. Bandar udara Nabire tergolong sebagai bandara perintis dengan jenis pesawat yang beroperasi ATR 72-500 sehingga dianggap perlu untuk ditingkatkan kemampuan pelayanannya agar dapat memenuhi permintaan masyarakat serta ikut menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan daerah. Untuk merencanakan pengembangan suatu lapangan terbang harus memperkirakan arus lalu lintas dimasa yang akan datang. Oleh karena itu penelitian yang akan dilakukan bersifat riset. Dengan menganalisa data lima tahun jumlah penumpang, bagasi dan cargo menggunakan analisa regresi dapat diramalkan arus lalu lintas dimasa yang akan datang sehingga pengembangan bandar udara dianggap perlu dilakukan atau tidak. Berdasarkan data-data primer yang diperoleh dari bandara seperti data klimatologi, data karakteristik pesawat, data tanah, keadaan Topografi dan data existing bandara digunakan sebagai acuan merencanakan pengembangan bandar udara. Untuk pengembangan bandar udara Nabire yang akan direncanakan adalah Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Terminal penumpang, Gudang dan Parkir kendaraan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang mengacu pada standar Internasional Civil Aviation organization (ICAO) dengan pesawat terbang rencana Boeing 737-400 maka dibutuhkan panjang landasan 2.996 meter lebar 45 meter dan jarak antara sumbu landasan pacu dan sumbu landasan hubung adalah 175 meter lebar total taxiway 25 meter dengan tebal perkerasan lentur 80 Cm, luas apron 200 77 m = 15.400 m2, tebal perkerasan rigid pada apron Metode Portland Cemen Asosiation (PCA) = 33 Cm, luas terminal penumpang 127.200 m , luas gudang 880 m dan luas pelataran parkir 21538 m2. Kata kunci: Kabupaten Nabire, Pengembangan Bandar Udara, Runway, Taxiway, Apro

    Pembangunan Jaringan Komputer Nirkabel Dengan Freebsd Sebagai Gateway

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    Wireless network is a quite new technology in computer network world. It can connect computers without any wire, but it use radio frequency at 2.4 GHz. Today computer network still use wire to connected computers. Wireless is use the air medium, so there is different medium between wire and air. To connect these two medium networks we need other hardware. The hardware is called access point, but there is other problem comes. Access point price is quite expensive, so to handle this problem people were tried to look for another alternative. The alternative is use a personal computer with FreeBSD operating system, but it can\u27t simulate access point perfectly because access point is hardware. It doesn\u27t matter that can\u27t simulate perfectly because not all feature that access point have are use

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Camat terhadap Pelaksanaan Tugas Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Bacan Barat Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan

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    The influence of the supervision of the execution of the duties against the head of the villagehead is in fact the Act of comparing between planning with existing results. This is because between the twoof these frequent irregularities, then the task of supervision is make corrections over the irregularities.Issues that are questionable in this research is whether the Head could be influential in overseeing theimplementation of the village chief In North Halmahera Regency West Bacan Island South. Based ontheoretical studies indicate that theoretically a hypothesis of influence against the head of the supervision ofthe execution of the duties of the head of the village. The methods used in this research is quantitativemethods. The subject of this research is the apparatus of Government and society that is in the North Westwith Bacan Island Subdistrict total number of Village 8 villages. Research samples taken as many as 30people. Data collection is done using questionnaire and assisted with interview techniques. Analysistechniques that white is a linear regression analysis and correlation of product moment. Data analysisresults showed: (1) the regression coefficient of the variable head of surveillance against the execution of theduties of the head of the village is positive and real (2) coefficient of correlation and coefficient ofdetermination of the variable head of surveillance against the execution of the duties of the head of thevillage is situated on a high category. Based on these results it was concluded that the supervision of thehead of a positive and significant effect against the execution of the duties of the head of the village; Thismeans that the head of supervision is an important factor that determines the future of communitydevelopment. The conclusion left then suggested that "the execution of the duties of the head of a village indistrict of North Western bacan island still needs to have its increase, given the implementation and resultsof the programmes reached over this yet. Such efforts can be done ". with or through peaksanaan improvingthe quality of the leadership of the Head in the process of supervisio

    HTAD: A Home-Tasks Activities Dataset with Wrist-Accelerometer and Audio Features

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    In this paper, we present HTAD: A Home Tasks Activities Dataset. The dataset contains wrist-accelerometer and audio data from people performing at-home tasks such as sweeping, brushing teeth, washing hands, or watching TV. These activities represent a subset of activities that are needed to be able to live independently. Being able to detect activities with wearable devices in real-time is important for the realization of assistive technologies with applications in different domains such as elderly care and mental health monitoring. Preliminary results show that using machine learning with the presented dataset leads to promising results, but also there is still improvement potential. By making this dataset public, researchers can test different machine learning algorithms for activity recognition, especially, sensor data fusion methodsacceptedVersio

    Automatic Unsupervised Clustering of Videos of the Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Procedure

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    The in vitro fertilization procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection can be used to help fertilize an egg by injecting a single sperm cell directly into the cytoplasm of the egg. In order to evaluate, refine and improve the method in the fertility clinic, the procedure is usually observed at the clinic. Alternatively, a video of the procedure can be examined and labeled in a time-consuming process. To reduce the time required for the assessment, we propose an unsupervised method that automatically clusters video frames of the intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedure. Deep features are extracted from the video frames and form the basis for a clustering method. The method provides meaningful clusters representing different stages of the intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedure. The clusters can lead to more efficient examinations and possible new insights that can improve clinical practice. Further on, it may also contribute to improved clinical outcomes due to increased understanding about the technical aspects and better results of the procedure. Despite promising results, the proposed method can be further improved by increasing the amount of data and exploring other types of features

    Deep Placental Vessel Segmentation for Fetoscopic Mosaicking

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    During fetoscopic laser photocoagulation, a treatment for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), the clinician first identifies abnormal placental vascular connections and laser ablates them to regulate blood flow in both fetuses. The procedure is challenging due to the mobility of the environment, poor visibility in amniotic fluid, occasional bleeding, and limitations in the fetoscopic field-of-view and image quality. Ideally, anastomotic placental vessels would be automatically identified, segmented and registered to create expanded vessel maps to guide laser ablation, however, such methods have yet to be clinically adopted. We propose a solution utilising the U-Net architecture for performing placental vessel segmentation in fetoscopic videos. The obtained vessel probability maps provide sufficient cues for mosaicking alignment by registering consecutive vessel maps using the direct intensity-based technique. Experiments on 6 different in vivo fetoscopic videos demonstrate that the vessel intensity-based registration outperformed image intensity-based registration approaches showing better robustness in qualitative and quantitative comparison. We additionally reduce drift accumulation to negligible even for sequences with up to 400 frames and we incorporate a scheme for quantifying drift error in the absence of the ground-truth. Our paper provides a benchmark for fetoscopy placental vessel segmentation and registration by contributing the first in vivo vessel segmentation and fetoscopic videos dataset.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 202
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