151 research outputs found

    Importance Of Toll-Like Receptors For B Lymphocyte Survival In Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

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    The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies.The Sjögren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the glands responsible for mouth and eyes dryness. A minority of infiltrating B cells is organized as germinal centers while the majority is aggregated into clusters of transitional and marginal zone B cells. The Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes microbial DNA but also, sometimes, the self DNA. It appears to be a key determinant of the survival and differentiation of B lymphocytes. After laser micro-dissection of B cells from salivary glands, analyses by quantitative RT-PCR showed that transitional B cells express high level of TLR9 mRNA unlike B cells from germinal centers. B lymphocytes from healthy donors were sorted by flow cytometry and stimulated in vitro with their TLR9. It induces survival, activation and proliferation associated with phenotypic changes. Transitional B cells exhibited characteristics of the marginal zone, whereas mature B cells expressed follicular germinal center specificities. Finally, IgM and IgG were secreted by both population, but with elevated production of autoantibodies by the transitional B cells. Increased expression of TLR9 by transitional B cells suggests that they may be highly sensitive to differentiate into autoantibody secreting cells through maturation into the marginal zone into the salivary glands. TLR9 might be a target for forthcoming biotherapies. Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par une infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes responsable d'une sécheresse buccale et oculaire. Une minorité des lymphocytes B infiltrants est organisée en centres germinatifs tandis que la majorité est regroupée en agrégats de lymphocytes B transitionnels et de la zone marginale. Le Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) reconnaît l'ADN microbien mais aussi, parfois, l'ADN du soi. Il apparaît donc comme un élément déterminant de la survie et la différenciation des lymphocytes B. Après micro-dissection laser des lymphocytes B des glandes salivaires, une analyse par RT-PCR quantitative a montré que les lymphocytes B transitionnels expriment fortement l'ARNm de TLR9 contrairement à ceux des centres germinatifs. Des lymphocytes B de donneurs sains ont été triés par cytométrie en flux puis stimulés in vitro par leur TLR9. Il s’ensuit une survie, une activation et une prolifération associées à des modifications phénotypiques. Les lymphocytes B transitionnels présentent des caractéristiques de la zone marginale, tandis que les lymphocytes B matures expriment des spécificités folliculaires des centres germinatifs. Enfin, des IgM et des IgG sont sécrétées par les deux types de population, mais avec une production d'auto-anticorps plus élevée issue de la différenciation des lymphocytes B transitionnels. L’expression accrue de TLR9 par les lymphocytes B transitionnels suggère qu'ils pourraient être particulièrement sensibles à une différenciation en cellules sécrétrices d'auto-anticorps par une maturation vers la zone marginale au sein des glandes salivaires. Le TLR9 pourrait bien devenir la cible des futures biothérapies


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011

    New ELISA for B Cell-Activating Factor

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    Item does not contain fulltextWorkshop Theory and Methodology - 26th ISAGA Conference, 18 juli 1995Valencia, Spain : [S.n.]24 p

    Comparative analysis of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in Italy and Tunisia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Italy and Tunisia (Africa for the Romans), facing each other on the opposite sides of the Mediterranean Sea, have been historically linked since the ancient times. Over the centuries both countries were mutually dominated so the vestiges and traces of a mutual influence are still present. The aim of the present study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the medicinal species present in the respective Floras in order to explore potential analogies and differences in popular phytotherapy that have come out from those reciprocal exchanges having taken place over the centuries</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The comparative analysis based on the respective floras of both countries takes into consideration the bulk of medicinal species mutually present in Italy and Tunisia, but it focuses on the species growing in areas which are similar in climate. The medicinal uses of these species are considered in accordance with the ethnobotanical literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A list of 153 medicinal species belonging to 60 families, present in both floras and used in traditional medicine, was drawn. A considerable convergence in therapeutic uses of many species emerged from these data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This comparative analysis strengthens the firm belief that ethno-botanical findings represent not only an important shared heritage, developed over the centuries, but also a considerable mass of data that should be exploited in order to provide new and useful knowledge.</p

    Identification of Keratinocyte Growth Factor as a Target of microRNA-155 in Lung Fibroblasts: Implication in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are critical in regulating many aspects of vertebrate embryo development, and for the maintenance of homeostatic equilibrium in adult tissues. The interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme are believed to be mediated by paracrine signals such as cytokines and extracellular matrix components secreted from fibroblasts that affect adjacent epithelia. In this study, we sought to identify the repertoire of microRNAs (miRNAs) in normal lung human fibroblasts and their potential regulation by the cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and TGF-beta. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MiR-155 was significantly induced by inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta while it was down-regulated by TGF-beta. Ectopic expression of miR-155 in human fibroblasts induced modulation of a large set of genes related to "cell to cell signalling", "cell morphology" and "cellular movement". This was consistent with an induction of caspase-3 activity and with an increase in cell migration in fibroblasts tranfected with miR-155. Using different miRNA bioinformatic target prediction tools, we found a specific enrichment for miR-155 predicted targets among the population of down-regulated transcripts. Among fibroblast-selective targets, one interesting hit was keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, FGF-7), a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, which owns two potential binding sites for miR-155 in its 3'-UTR. Luciferase assays experimentally validated that miR-155 can efficiently target KGF 3'-UTR. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that only one out of the 2 potential sites was truly functional. Functional in vitro assays experimentally validated that miR-155 can efficiently target KGF 3'-UTR. Furthermore, in vivo experiments using a mouse model of lung fibrosis showed that miR-155 expression level was correlated with the degree of lung fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results strongly suggest a physiological function of miR-155 in lung fibroblasts. Altogether, this study implicates this miRNA in the regulation by mesenchymal cells of surrounding lung epithelium, making it a potential key player during tissue injury