84 research outputs found

    Development of Technology of Arsenic Removal from Acidic Waste Solutions in the Form of Arsenic Trisulfide

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    During the laboratory tests the conditions of arsenic removal from acidic waste solutions of metallurgical enterprise in the form of arsenic trisulfide were determined. The technology based on the reduction of pentavalent arsenic to trivalent state with sodium pyrosulfite solution and following arsenic trisulfide precipitation from acidic solution after treatment with sodium sulfide solution was proposed. The arsenic removal proceeds with mechanical stirring, dosing the calculated amounts of reagents and collecting emissions of hydrogen sulfide. With such treatment, about 95% of arsenic, which was in the initial solution, passes into the precipitate. An enlarged laboratory experiment was carried out and the precipitate with 42.6% of arsenic and 46.9% of sulfur was obtained. The precipitate yield was ∼25.7 kg (dry weight) out of 1 m3 of the initial arsenic containing solution. Keywords: arsenic, arsenic trisulfide, acidic waste solutions, sodium sulfide, sodium pyrosulfit

    Attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture

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    The article is devoted to the problem of studying the attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture via analysis of language material; comparison; methods of classification, generalization, and differentiation. As a result, when a person is calm, fluid, flexible in his actions, it indicates his sensitivity and therefore impartiality. In conclusion, in Russian linguacultural there are more units with a positive assessment of the individua

    Microwave-assisted palladium-catalyzed C-C coupling versus nucleophilic aromatic substitution of hydrogen (SN H) in 5-bromopyrimidine by action of bithiophene and its analogues

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    5-Bromopyrimidine reacts with 2,2′-bithiophene, [2,2′:5′, 2″]terthiophene and 2-phenylthiophene in the presence of a palladium catalyst to give 5-(het)aryl substituted pyrimidines due to the palladium-catalyzed aryl-aryl C-C coupling. However 5-bromo-4-(het)aryl- pyrimidines have been prepared from the same starting materials through the SN H-reaction catalyzed by a Lewis acid. Conditions for both types of reactions were optimized. All components of the reaction mixtures, including by-products, have been elucidated by gas-liquid chromatography/mass- spectrometry. Evidence for the structure of 4- and 5-bithiophenyl-substituted pyrimidines has first been obtained by means of X-ray crystallography analysis. Molecular orbital calculations (TDDFT), as well as the redox and optical measurements for all new compounds have also been performed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Metabolic model for laboratory control of anti-ischaemic therapy effectiveness: a case study of nicorandil

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    Scientific relevance. A key anti-ischaemic mechanism of some medicinal products involves their effects on the metabolism of endothelial vasodilators, particularly the synthesis of nitric oxide from arginine and its precursor citrulline.Aim. The study was aimed to determine whether the plasma time course of guanidine derivatives (arginine precursors) is applicable to laboratory control of anti-ischaemic therapy effectiveness using a single oral dose of nicorandil in patients with coronary heart disease as a case study.Materials and methods. The authors used high-performance liquid chromatography to determine metabolites. Blood samples for analysis were obtained from 30 patients with angina pectoris (Grade II–III, Canadian Cardiovascular Society) and 30 healthy donors. All the study participants received a single oral dose of 20 mg nicorandil after 10 h of fasting.Results. At baseline, patients showed significantly higher plasma citrulline levels than donors. However, the elevated levels decreased to the healthy range after nicorandil administration. Plasma arginine levels in patients showed a statistically significant increase following nicorandil administration. Plasma homoarginine levels in patients remained reduced both before and after dosing. Nicorandil did not influence elevated levels of the endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (asymmetrical dimethylarginine).Conclusions. In addition to the established mechanisms responsible for altering cell metabolism, nicorandil enhances the contribution of citrulline to arginine resynthesis. It is reasonable to include citrulline and arginine, which are involved in the vasodilator response, in model schemes for laboratory control of the effectiveness of anti-ischaemic therapy


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    Introduction. In systemic autoimmune diseases with joint damage (SADJD), impaired angiogenesis occurs, which plays a key role in the progression of proliferative synovitis and in the development of lesions of the internal organs. Excessive production of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF-A, the main mediator of angiogenesis, leads to an increase of the inflammatory process.The objective of the work was to study the relationship of VEGF-A with glutathione metabolism parameters, activity of the process and immune status in systemic autoimmune diseases with joint damage.Material and methods. 58 patients with systemic autoimmune diseases with joint damage were examined. The comparison group consisted of 45 healthy individuals. The main clinical parameters and rheumatoid factor (RF) were analyzed. To determine the activity of the process, we calculated the indices DAS28 for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and BASDAI for patients with ankylosing spondylarthritis (AS). The activities of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPO), glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the content of GSH were determined in erythrocytes.Results. The level of serum VEGF-A in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases with joint damage was increased more than 30 %, in erythrocytes the concentration of GSH and GPO activity were 2 times lower and almost 2 times lower respectively, and GR activity was reduced by about 20 % compared with donors. A correlation was found between the level of VEGF-A and GR activity (R = 0.579; P = 0.03) in RA patients with moderate activity of the process, and absence of relationship between these parameters and the activity of the process in AS. The activity of both GPO and GR in patients with RF was lower by more than 1.5 times, and SOD activity was twice lower than control. The VEGF-A level in the blood plasma was determined by the method of non-competitive enzyme immunoassay.Conclusion. The increase in VEGF-A level in the blood plasma of patients with systemic autoimmune diseases with joint damage is most pronounced in RA patients with moderate activity of the process and is associated with the presence of RF. The relationship of VEGF-A and GR activity indicates a special role for this enzyme in the regulation of angiogenesis in RA. Введение. При системных аутоиммунных заболеваниях с поражением суставов (САЗПС) происходят нарушения ангиогенеза, играющие ключевую роль в прогрессировании пролиферативного синовита и в развитии поражений внутренних органов. Избыточная продукция фактора роста эндотелия сосудов VEGF-А, основного медиатора ангиогенеза, приводит к усилению воспалительного процесса. Цель работы состояла в изучении взаимосвязи VEGF-A с показателями метаболизма глутатиона, активностью процесса и иммунного статуса при САЗПС.Материал и методы. Были обследованы 58 пациентов с САЗПС. Группу сравнения составили 45 здоровых лиц. Анализировали основные клинические показатели и ревматоидный фактор (РФ). Для определения активности процесса рассчитывали индексы DAS28 для больных ревматоидным артритом (РА) и BASDAI для больных анкилозирующим спондилоартритом (АС). В эритроцитах определяли активности ферментов глутатионпероксидазы (ГПО), глутатионредуктазы (ГР), супероксиддисмутазы (СОД) и содержание GSH. Результаты. При САЗПС более чем на 30 % повышен уровень сывороточного VEGF-А, а в эритроцитах в 2 раза снижена концентрация GSH, почти в 2 раза снижена активность ГПО и примерно на 20 % снижена активность ГР по сравнению с донорами. Выявлены корреляция уровня VEGF-A с активностью ГР (R=0,579; P=0,03) у больных РА с умеренной активностью процесса и отсутствие взаимосвязи этих параметров с активностью процесса при АС. Активность как ГПО, так и ГР у больных САЗПС с РФ была ниже более чем в 1,5 раза, а активность СОД – вдвое ниже контроля. Уровень VEGF-A в плазме крови определяли методом твердофазного неконкурентного иммуноферментного анализа.Выводы. Увеличение уровня VEGF-A в плазме крови больных с САЗПС наиболее выражено у больных РА с умеренной активностью процесса и связано с наличием РФ. Взаимосвязь активности ГР и VEGF-А указывает на особую роль этого фермента в регуляции ангиогенеза при РА.


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    Reduction in antioxidant status with low activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase red blood cells at a low level of reduced glutathionein the background and increased NOx levels in blood plasmawas detected in patients with systematic connective tissue and joint diseases: rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Detected violations are not correlated with the activity of theprocess, and seropositivity.У больных системными заболеваниями соединительной ткани c поражением суставов (ревматическим артритом и анкилозирующим спондилитом) выявлен сниженный антиоксидантный статус с низкой активностью супероксиддисмутазы, глутатионпероксидазы и глутатионредуктазы эритроцитов при низком уровне восстановленной формы глутатиона на фоне повышенного уровня NOx в плазме крови.Выявленные нарушения не коррелировали с активностью процесса и серопозитивностью

    Метаболическая модель для лабораторного контроля эффективности антиишемической терапии на примере использования никорандила

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    A key anti-ischaemic mechanism of some medicinal products involves their effects on the metabolism of endothelial vasodilators, particularly the synthesis of nitric oxide from arginine and its precursor citrulline.The aim of the study was to determine whether the plasma time course of guanidine derivatives (arginine precursors) is applicable to laboratory control of anti-ischaemic therapy effectiveness using a single oral dose of nicorandil in patients with coronary heart disease as a case study.Materials and methods. The authors used high-performance liquid chromatography to determine metabolites. Blood samples for analysis were obtained from 30 patients with angina pectoris (Grade II–III, Canadian Cardiovascular Society) and 30 healthy donors. All the study participants received a single oral dose of 20 mg nicorandil after 10 h of fasting.Results. At baseline, patients showed significantly higher plasma citrulline levels than donors. However, the elevated levels decreased to the healthy range after nicorandil administration. Plasma arginine levels in patients showed a statistically significant increase following nicorandil administration. Plasma homoarginine levels in patients remained reduced both before and after dosing. Nicorandil did not influence elevated levels of the endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (asymmetrical dimethylarginine).Conclusions. In addition to the established mechanisms responsible for altering cell metabolism, nicorandil enhances the contribution of citrulline to arginine resynthesis. It is reasonable to include citrulline and arginine, which are involved in the vasodilator response, in model schemes for laboratory control of the effectiveness of anti-ischaemic therapy.Важным механизмом антиишемического действия некоторых препаратов является их влияние на метаболизм эндотелиальных факторов вазодилатации, в частности на образование оксида азота из аминокислоты аргинина и его предшественника цитруллина.Цель работы: изучение возможности использования показателей динамики гуанидиновых производных — предшественников аргинина — в плазме крови для лабораторного контроля эффективности антиишемической терапии на примере однократного перорального приема никорандила у пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца.Материалы и методы: метаболиты определяли методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии в образцах крови, взятых у 30 пациентов со стенокардией напряжения II–III функционального класса. Референтной группой являлись 30 здоровых доноров. Никорандил использовали перорально в разовой дозе 20 мг после 10-часового голодания.Результаты: у пациентов исходный уровень цитруллина был достоверно выше, чем у здоровых доноров. После приема никорандила содержание цитруллина снижалось до уровня, не отличающегося от уровня в плазме крови здоровых доноров группы сравнения. Содержание аргинина в плазме крови пациентов после приема препарата достоверно возрастало. При этом у них сохранялся пониженный уровень гомоаргинина как до, так и после приема никорандила. Обнаружено также отсутствие влияния приема никорандила на уровень эндогенного ингибитора синтазы оксида азота — асимметричного диметиларгинина.Вывод: в дополнение к известным механизмам воздействия никорандила на клеточный метаболизм показано усиление участия цитруллина в ресинтезе аргинина. При оценке эффективности антиишемической терапии в модельную схему для лабораторного контроля целесообразно включать цитруллин и аргинин, которые являются участниками вазодилатационного ответа

    Efficacy of high-intensity, low-volume interval training compared to continuous aerobic training on insulin resistance, skeletal muscle structure and function in adults with metabolic syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial (Intraining-MET)

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    ABSTRACT: Evidence of the efficacy of high-intensity, low-volume interval training (HIIT-low volume) in treating insulin resistance (IR) in patients with metabolic disorders is contradictory. In addition, it is unknown whether this effect is mediated through muscle endocrine function, which in turn depends on muscle mass and fiber type composition. Our aims were to assess the efficacy of HIIT-low volume compared to continuous aerobic exercise (CAE) in treating IR in adults with metabolic syndrome (MS) and to establish whether musclin, apelin, muscle mass and muscle composition are mediators of the effect. Methods: This is a controlled, randomized, clinical trial using the minimization method, with blinding of those who will evaluate the outcomes and two parallel groups for the purpose of showing superiority. Sixty patients with MS and IR with ages between 40 and 60 years will be included. A clinical evaluation will be carried out, along with laboratory tests to evaluate IR (homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)), muscle endocrine function (serum levels of musclin and apelin), thigh muscle mass (by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and thigh muscle composition (by carnosine measurement with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H–MRS)), before and after 12 weeks of a treadmill exercise program three times a week. Participants assigned to the intervention (n = 30) will receive HIIT-low volume in 22-min sessions that will include six intervals at a load of 90% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) for 1 min followed by 2 min at 50% of VO2 max. The control group (n = 30) will receive CAE at an intensity of 60% of VO2 max for 36 min. A theoretical model based on structural equations will be proposed to estimate the total, direct and indirect effects of training on IR and the proportion explained by the mediators. Discussion: Compared with CAE, HIIT-low volume can be effective and efficient at improving physical capacity and decreasing cardiovascular risk factors, such as IR, in patients with metabolic disorders. Studies that evaluate mediating variables of the effect of HIIT-low volume on IR, such as endocrine function and skeletal muscle structure, are necessary to understand the role of skeletal muscle in the pathophysiology of MS and their regulation by exercise. Trial registration: NCT03087721. High-intensity Interval, Low Volume Training in Metabolic Syndrome (Intraining-MET). Registered on 22 March 2017, retrospectively registered