2,601 research outputs found

    Il valore metodico del carattere di además

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    Uno de los temas más importantes del pensamiento de Polo es su propuesta de ampliación trascendental, que en sus obras se presenta en relación con lo que llama "carácter de además". Se estudia el significado de esta expresión, especialmente de su valor metódico para el conocimiento de la persona. Como Polo habla, en antropología, de "solidaridad metódico-temática" se dedica cierta atención a la dimensión temática, pero con el objetivo principal de aclarar la metódica, que Polo llama también "hábito de sabiduría"

    A Biased Resistor Network Model for Electromigration Failure and Related Phenomena in Metallic Lines

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    Electromigration phenomena in metallic lines are studied by using a biased resistor network model. The void formation induced by the electron wind is simulated by a stochastic process of resistor breaking, while the growth of mechanical stress inside the line is described by an antagonist process of recovery of the broken resistors. The model accounts for the existence of temperature gradients due to current crowding and Joule heating. Alloying effects are also accounted for. Monte Carlo simulations allow the study within a unified theoretical framework of a variety of relevant features related to the electromigration. The predictions of the model are in excellent agreement with the experiments and in particular with the degradation towards electrical breakdown of stressed Al-Cu thin metallic lines. Detailed investigations refer to the damage pattern, the distribution of the times to failure (TTFs), the generalized Black's law, the time evolution of the resistance, including the early-stage change due to alloying effects and the electromigration saturation appearing at low current densities or for short line lengths. The dependence of the TTFs on the length and width of the metallic line is also well reproduced. Finally, the model successfully describes the resistance noise properties under steady state conditions.Comment: 39 pages + 17 figure


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    Abstract. The paper illustrates the progress of Hadrian's Villa digital documentation with special emphasis on a series of modelling issues emerged while studying vaults and cupolas of the site. Together with the more general problem of giving scientific coherence to both active and passive sensor outputs – systematically gathered from 2013 – a methodological problem concerning data interpretation of complex opus caementicium vaults have become dramatically important for the interdisciplinary research team. A methodology for improving the understanding the original shapes of Hadrianic cupolas was designed to provide scholars and professionals operating at the Villa with reliable and easy to use outputs, for interpretation, restoration, maintenance practice. Sensors integration played a fundamental role since allowed researchers a global understanding of intrados and extrados surfaces using reverse modelling applications. Features and 2D primitives extracted from high-resolution models were analysed in order to create flexible procedural models of reconstruction hypothesis/completion of cupolas. Due to the very nature of these shapes (apparently irregular), but with a solid geometric conception, we applied the last achievements of Catmull-Clark bicubic surfaces in combination with Visual Programming Language (VPL).</p

    Polar exploration of complex surface germs

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    We prove that the topological type of a normal surface singularity pX, 0q provides finite bounds for the multiplicity and polar multiplicity of pX, 0q, as well as for the combinatorics of the families of generic hyperplane sections and of polar curves of the generic plane projections of pX, 0q. A key ingredient in our proof is a topological bound of the growth of the Mather discrepancies of pX, 0q, which allows us to bound the number of point blowups necessary to achieve factorization of any resolution of pX, 0q through its Nash transform. This fits in the program of polar explorations, the quest to determine the generic polar variety of a singular surface germ, to which the final part of the paper is devoted

    Heron’s Legacy: An Example of Ancient Calculations Applied to Roman Imperial Architecture

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    Heron of Alexandria is a well-known author in the field of mathematics and engineering, but his work is of great interest for understanding ancient construction problems related to architecture. The formulas translated and commented on by Heiberg (1914a, b) are analyzed through geometric diagrams and applied to famous Roman domed architecture

    Raman excitation spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes: effects of pressure medium and pressure

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    Raman excitation and emission spectra for the radial breathing mode (RBM) are reported, together with a preliminary analysis. From the position of the peaks on the two-dimensional plot of excitation resonance energy against Raman shift, the chiral indices (m, n) for each peak are identified. Peaks shift from their positions in air when different pressure media are added - water, hexane, sulphuric acid - and when the nanotubes are unbundled in water with surfactant and sonication. The shift is about 2 - 3 cm-1 in RBM frequency, but unexpectedly large in resonance energy, being spread over up to 100meV for a given peak. This contrasts with the effect of pressure. The shift of the peaks of semiconducting nanotubes in water under pressure is orthogonal to the shift from air to water. This permits the separation of the effects of the pressure medium and the pressure, and will enable the true pressure coefficients of the RBM and the other Raman peaks for each (m, n) to be established unambiguously.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figures, Proceedings of EHPRG 2011 (Paris

    Field reliability of GaAs emitters for fiber optic telecommunication systems

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    GaAs based emitters are widely used in telecommunication systems, and will be probably the core of short haul communications, even if a lot of doubts still exist on their reliability and the few available field results are not too optimistic. For these reasons we decided to follow with a particular attention all the problems related to these devices, investigating reliability by means of accelerated tests and of an accurate survey of field troubles. In this paper, we first of all report our field data, coming from more than five years experience, which show that "reasonable" results (in the range of 2000 FITs for LDs), can be obtained with commercially available devices; as a second step, failure analysis allows to localize failures,thus understanding the appropriate corrective actions to be taken. highlighting the specific process report also same For chip related failures, detailed examples are reported, different failure mechanisms, that, when not related to defects, are the same found during accelerated tests; we examples of failures due to interconnections and packaging

    Monitoring of the conservation state of the internal wall surfaces of Room with Golden Vault in the Domus Aurea

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    This project describes the monitoring campaign, performed in situ with the collaboration of Konica Minolta Sensing Europe, in order to verify the actual conservation state of the internal wall surfaces of the Room with Golden Vault in the Domus Aurea in Rome. Particularly, the main aim of this work was to evaluate the problems caused by aggressive environmental conditions (combination of low air temperature and high relative humidity). During this survey, characterized by the integrated use of two and three-dimensional techniques, the environmental conditions were carefully monitored. Reference sample regions of the vault were acquired by means of the 3D laser scanner Konica Minolta Vivid 9i (optical triangulation-based) that allows capturing morphological details of the stucco decorations with a good resolution. Moreover, each detailed scan was supplied with related high resolution images taken by a digital reflex camera Olympus E-510 rigidly connected to the scanner. In Cultural Heritage monitoring applications it is important to integrate the data acquired with different instruments and techniques. Therefore, by this methodological approach, it has been possible to integrate both two and three dimensional data by the projection of the acquired images on the corresponding digital model. In order to complete the cognitive framework of the vault, systematic measures of spectrophotometry by means of the portable spectrophotometer Minolta 2600d were also carried out. The digital data, collected and elaborated by this monitoring campaign, allowed to create a database of morphological information, high resolution digital images, colorimetric values and reflectance curves that may be used in the future as reference data to periodically monitor the conservation state of the surfaces

    In vitro and in vivo antitumoral effects of combinations of polyphenols, or polyphenols and anticancer drugs: Perspectives on cancer treatment

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    Carcinogenesis is a multistep process triggered by genetic alterations that activate different signal transduction pathways and cause the progressive transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell. Polyphenols, compounds ubiquitously expressed in plants, have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, and immunomodulatory properties, all of which are beneficial to human health. Due to their ability to modulate the activity of multiple targets involved in carcinogenesis through direct interaction or modulation of gene expression, polyphenols can be employed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. However, the main problem related to the use of polyphenols as anticancer agents is their poor bioavailability, which might hinder the in vivo effects of the single compound. In fact, polyphenols have a poor absorption and biodistribution, but also a fast metabolism and excretion in the human body. The poor bioavailability of a polyphenol will affect the effective dose delivered to cancer cells. One way to counteract this drawback could be combination treatment with different polyphenols or with polyphenols and other anti-cancer drugs, which can lead to more effective antitumor effects than treatment using only one of the compounds. This report reviews current knowledge on the anticancer effects of combinations of polyphenols or polyphenols and anticancer drugs, with a focus on their ability to modulate multiple signaling transduction pathways involved in cancer

    Exploring the boundaries in an interdisciplinary context through the Family Resemblance Approach: The Dialogue Between Physics and Mathematics

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    Among the relevant aspects of the family resemblance approach (FRA), our study focuses on the potential of the approach to elaborate on disciplinary identities in an interdisciplinary context, specifically regarding the interplay between physics and mathematics. We present and discuss how the FRA wheel can be used and intertwined with the framework of boundary objects and boundary crossing mechanisms (Akkerman &amp; Bakker, Review of Educational Research, 81, 132–169, 2011), which is well-known in STEM education for dealing with interdisciplinarity. The role of the FRA discussed in the article is dual: both practical and theoretical. It is practical in that we show how its use, in combination with the Akkerman and Bakker framework, appears effective in fostering productive discussions among prospective teachers on disciplinary identities and interdisciplinarity in historical cases. It is theoretical in that the combination of the two frameworks provides the vocabulary to characterise the ‘ambiguous nature’ of interdisciplinarity: like boundaries, interdisciplinarity both separates disciplines, making their identities emerge, and connects them, fostering mechanisms of crossing and transgressing the boundaries. This empirical study reveals how the theoretical elaboration took advantage of the prospective teachers’ contributions. We initially presented the FRA to characterise disciplinary identities, but the prospective teachers highlighted its potential to characterise also the boundary zone and the dialogue between physics and mathematics. The data analysis showed that the combination of the two frameworks shaped a complex learning space where there was room for very different epistemic demands of the prospective teachers: from those who feel better within the identity cores of the disciplines, to those who like to inhabit the boundary zone and others who like to re-shape boundary spaces and move dynamically across them