1,274 research outputs found

    Lead-210 and polonium-210 in pteropod and heteropod mollusc shells from the North Pacific: Evaluation of sample treatments and variation with shell size

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    Lead-210 activities in carefully cleaned size groups of pteropod and heteropod shells from the eastern equatorial Pacific were typically 0.3 dpm/g shell, similar to those reported in other biogenic calcium carbonates. However, 210Po activities were in excess of levels expected from the decay of shell-incorporated 210Pb, with (210Po/210Pb) activity ratios ranging from 20 to 28 in size-fractionated samples. Sample treatment procedures were examined using pteropod shells collected from diverse locations of the North Pacific. Possible sources of 210Po in excess of 210Pb in shells include inclusion of 210Po in the organic matrix during shell formation or adsorption of 210Po from the ambient water or nuclide-rich animal tissues. We predict that other CaCO3-precipitating organisms, including foraminifera, that have high surface/volume ratios and tissues in contact with carbonate surfaces, may also contain 210Po in excess of that supported by the decay of 210Pb. Variation in 210Pb activities measured in pteropod and heteropod shells suggests differences in the depth distributions for the species analyzed. Moreover, these results suggest ontogenetic migration in the pteropod Cavolinia longirostris. Pteropods and heteropods from regions in the equatorial Pacific were enriched 8–15 times with 210Pb relative to calcium, based on reported 210Pb activities in surface water and seawater calcium concentrations. Similarly, enrichment factors calculated for pteropod shells from the North Pacific transition zone and Subarctic Current were 13–20 times 210Pb levels in surface waters. Skeletal enrichment of 210Pb is higher in pteropods and heteropods than in corals by a factor of 3–10

    On the Linearization of the First and Second Painleve' Equations

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    We found Fuchs--Garnier pairs in 3X3 matrices for the first and second Painleve' equations which are linear in the spectral parameter. As an application of our pairs for the second Painleve' equation we use the generalized Laplace transform to derive an invertible integral transformation relating two its Fuchs--Garnier pairs in 2X2 matrices with different singularity structures, namely, the pair due to Jimbo and Miwa and the one found by Harnad, Tracy, and Widom. Together with the certain other transformations it allows us to relate all known 2X2 matrix Fuchs--Garnier pairs for the second Painleve' equation with the original Garnier pair.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of fetal hemoglobin on microvascular regulation in sickle transgenic-knockout mice

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    Evaluation of data-based estimates of anthropogenic carbon in the Arctic Ocean

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    The Arctic Ocean is particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification, a process that is mainly driven by the uptake of anthropogenic carbon (Cant) from the atmosphere. Although Cant concentrations cannot be measured directly in the ocean, they have been estimated using data-based methods such as the transient time distribution (TTD) approach, which characterizes the ventilation of water masses with inert transient tracers, such as CFC-12. Here, we evaluate the TTD approach in the Arctic Ocean using an eddying ocean model as a test bed. When the TTD approach is applied to simulated CFC-12 in that model, it underestimates the same model's directly simulated Cant concentrations by up to 12%, a bias that stems from its idealized assumption of gas equilibrium between atmosphere and surface water, both for CFC-12 and anthropogenic CO2. Unlike the idealized assumption, the simulated partial pressure of CFC-12 (pCFC-12) in Arctic surface waters is undersaturated relative to that in the atmosphere in regions and times of deep-water formation, while the simulated equivalent for Cant is supersaturated. After accounting for the TTD approach's negative bias, the total amount of Cant in the Arctic Ocean in 2005 increases by 8% to 3.3 ± 0.3 Pg C. By combining the adjusted TTD approach with scenarios of future atmospheric CO2, it is estimated that all Arctic waters, from surface to depth, would become corrosive to aragonite by the middle of the next century even if atmospheric CO2 could be stabilized at 540 ppm

    Mechanical Translation

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    Contains research objectives and reports on two research objectives.National Science Foundation (Grant GN-244

    The development of the Meaning in Life Index (MILI) and its relationship with personality and religious behaviours and beliefs among UK undergraduate students

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    The scales available for assessing meaning in life appear to be confounded with several related constructs, including purpose in life, satisfaction with life, and goal-directed behaviour. The Meaning in Life Index (MILI), a new instrument devised as a specific measure of meaning in life, was developed from responses to a pool of 22 items rated by a sample of 501 undergraduate students in Wales. The nine-item scale demonstrated sufficient face validity, internal consistency, and scale reliability to commend the instrument for future use. With respect to personality, the MILI scores were most strongly predicted by neuroticism (negatively), and less strongly by extraversion (positively) and psychoticism (negatively). With respect to several religious behavioural variables, those who attended church at least weekly returned significantly higher MILI scores than those who attended church less frequently. Intrinsic religiosity was the only orientation to be significantly associated with the MILI scale scores, although the magnitude of the association was smaller than anticipated. These results suggest that meaning in life is associated more strongly with individual differences in personality than with specific religious behaviours and attitudes. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of individual's personal values and attitudes that might underlie their experience of a meaning in life

    Bladder cancer and occupational exposures

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    A hospital-based cas-referent study was carried out in Lyon with the purpose of generating hypotheses about the role of occupational exposures to 320 compounds in bladder carcinogenesis. Job histories were obtained by questionnaire for 116 cases and 232 reference patients with diseases other than cancer (one referent from the same hospital ward and one from another ward of the same hospital per case) ; the referents were matched for gender, hospital, age, and nationality. Systematic coding of exposures, with a blind analysis of job histories, was carried out by a team of experts in chemistry and occupational health. Significantly elevated odds ratios were observed for exposure to pyrolysis and combustion products [odds ratio (OR) 2.3, 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 1.0-4.0] when the general referents were used and for cutting fluids (OR 2.6, 95 % CI 1.2-5.4) when tobacco consumption was adjusted for. The latter was highest among the category consisting of blue-collar and unskilled workers, supervisors, and agricultural workers (OR 4.6, 95 % CI 2.0-10.6), while the odds ratio for the other category was 0.8 (95 % CI 0.3-2.7). An elevated odds ratio for exposure to inks was observed for the women (OR 14.0, 95 % CI 1.8-106.5) on the basis of 14 exposed cases, but confounding factors could have been responsible for this result. Odds ratios for several other exposures (rubber : OR 5.7, nitrates : OR 8.2, coke dust : OR 3.5, meat additives : OR 3.8) were also elevated, but not significantly so when based on a small number of exposed cases. The observations of this investigation should be tested in future studies, in particular since exposures to agents such as cutting fluids or pyrolysis products are ubiquitous in industrial settings and may present an important public health hazard. (Résumé d'auteur

    Mechanotransduction: use the force(s).

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    Mechanotransduction - how cells sense physical forces and translate them into biochemical and biological responses - is a vibrant and rapidly-progressing field, and is important for a broad range of biological phenomena. This forum explores the role of mechanotransduction in a variety of cellular activities and highlights intriguing questions that deserve further attention