116 research outputs found

    On the nature of spectral line broadening in solar coronal dimmings

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    We analyze the profiles of iron emission lines observed in solar coronal dimmings associated with coronal mass ejections, using the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode. We quantify line profile distortions with empirical coefficients (asymmetry and peakedness) that compare the fitted Gaussian to the data. We find that the apparent line broadenings reported in previous studies are likely to be caused by inhomogeneities of flow velocities along the line of sight, or at scales smaller than the resolution scale, or by velocity fluctuations during the exposure time. The increase in the amplitude of Alfv\'en waves cannot, alone, explain the observed features. A double-Gaussian fit of the line profiles shows that, both for dimmings and active region loops, one component is nearly at rest while the second component presents a larger Doppler shift than that derived from a single-Gaussian fit.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures - Accepted for publication in Ap

    Time delays in quasi-periodic pulsations observed during the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15

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    We report observations of quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) during the X2.2 flare of 2011 February 15, observed simultaneously in several wavebands. We focus on fluctuations on time scale 1-30 s and find different time lags between different wavebands. During the impulsive phase, the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) channels in the range 25-100 keV lead all the other channels. They are followed by the Nobeyama RadioPolarimeters at 9 and 17 GHz and the Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) channels of the Euv SpectroPhotometer (ESP) onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). The Zirconium and Aluminum filter channels of the Large Yield Radiometer (LYRA) onboard the Project for On-Board Autonomy (PROBA2) satellite and the SXR channel of ESP follow. The largest lags occur in observations from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES), where the channel at 1-8 {\AA} leads the 0.5-4 {\AA} channel by several seconds. The time lags between the first and last channels is up to 9 s. We identified at least two distinct time intervals during the flare impulsive phase, during which the QPPs were associated with two different sources in the Nobeyama RadioHeliograph at 17 GHz. The radio as well as the hard X-ray channels showed different lags during these two intervals. To our knowledge, this is the first time that time lags are reported between EUV and SXR fluctuations on these time scales. We discuss possible emission mechanisms and interpretations, including flare electron trapping

    2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства»

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    17–20 сентября 2013 года в Харькове проходила 2-я Международная конференция «Высокочистые материалы: получение, применения, свойства», посвященная памяти академика НАН Украины Владимира Михайловича Ажажи. В организации Конференции приняли участие: Национальная академия наук Украины, Отделение ядерной физики и энергетики НАНУ, Национальный научный центр «Харьковский физико-технический институт», Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина. В работе Конференции приняло участие более 50 человек

    Solar off-limb line widths: Alfven waves, ion-cyclotron waves, and preferential heating

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    Alfven waves and ion-cyclotron absorption of high-frequency waves are frequently brought into models devoted to coronal heating and fast solar-wind acceleration. Signatures of ion-cyclotron resonance have already been observed in situ in the solar wind (HELIOS spacecrafts) and, recently, in the upper corona (UVCS/SOHO remote-sensing results). We propose a method to constrain both the Alfven wave amplitude and the preferential heating induced by ion-cyclotron resonance, above a partially developed polar coronal hole observed with the SUMER/SOHO spectrometer. The instrumental stray light contribution is first substracted from the spectra. By supposing that the non-thermal velocity is related to the Alfven wave amplitude, it is constrained through a density diagnostic and the gradient of the width of the Mg X 625 A line. The temperatures of several coronal ions, as functions of the distance above the limb, are then determined by substracting the non-thermal component to the observed line widths. The effect of stray light explains the apparent decrease with height in the width of several spectral lines, this decrease usually starting about 0.1-0.2 Rs above the limb. This result rules out any direct evidence of damping of the Alfven waves, often suggested by other authors. We also find that the ions with the smallest charge-to-mass ratios are the hottest ones at a fixed altitude and that they are subject to a stronger heating, as compared to the others, between 57" and 102" above the limb. This constitutes a serious clue to ion-cyclotron preferential heating.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Multibranched Calix[4]arene-Based Sensitizers for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production

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    In the field of direct production of hydrogen from solar energy and water, photocatalytic methods hold great potential especially when metal-free molecular components are preferred. In this work, we have developed a new class of calix[4]arene-based molecular photosensitizers to be used as antenna systems in the photocatalytic production of hydrogen. The structure of the dyes has a typical donor-π-acceptor molecular architecture where a calix[4]arene scaffold is used as an embedded donor. The new materials have been fully characterized in their optical, electrochemical, and photocatalytic properties. The properties conferred by the calix[4]arene donor afforded twice larger performances compared to the corresponding linear system though showing similar quantitative optical properties. The new molecular design paves the way to a new strategy for photocatalytic hydrogen production where the calix[4]arene scaffold can afford more efficient systems and can offer the potential for host-guest supramolecular effects

    Prominence eruption observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 R⊙ by EUI/FSI aboard Solar Orbiter⋆

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    Aims. We report observations of a unique, large prominence eruption that was observed in the He II 304 Å passband of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager/Full Sun Imager telescope aboard Solar Orbiter on 15–16 February 2022. Methods. Observations from several vantage points – Solar Orbiter, the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and Earth-orbiting satellites – were used to measure the kinematics of the erupting prominence and the associated coronal mass ejection. Three-dimensional reconstruction was used to calculate the deprojected positions and speeds of different parts of the prominence. Observations in several passbands allowed us to analyse the radiative properties of the erupting prominence. Results. The leading parts of the erupting prominence and the leading edge of the corresponding coronal mass ejection propagate at speeds of around 1700 km s−1 and 2200 km s−1, respectively, while the trailing parts of the prominence are significantly slower (around 500 km s−1). Parts of the prominence are tracked up to heights of over 6 R⊙. The He II emission is probably produced via collisional excitation rather than scattering. Surprisingly, the brightness of a trailing feature increases with height. Conclusions. The reported prominence is the first observed in He II 304 Å emission at such a great height (above 6 R⊙)

    On the Nature and Genesis of EUV Waves: A Synthesis of Observations from SOHO, STEREO, SDO, and Hinode

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    A major, albeit serendipitous, discovery of the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory mission was the observation by the Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope (EIT) of large-scale Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) intensity fronts propagating over a significant fraction of the Sun's surface. These so-called EIT or EUV waves are associated with eruptive phenomena and have been studied intensely. However, their wave nature has been challenged by non-wave (or pseudo-wave) interpretations and the subject remains under debate. A string of recent solar missions has provided a wealth of detailed EUV observations of these waves bringing us closer to resolving their nature. With this review, we gather the current state-of-art knowledge in the field and synthesize it into a picture of an EUV wave driven by the lateral expansion of the CME. This picture can account for both wave and pseudo-wave interpretations of the observations, thus resolving the controversy over the nature of EUV waves to a large degree but not completely. We close with a discussion of several remaining open questions in the field of EUV waves research.Comment: Solar Physics, Special Issue "The Sun in 360",2012, accepted for publicatio