1,772 research outputs found

    A Metric for Gradient RG Flow of the Worldsheet Sigma Model Beyond First Order

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    Tseytlin has recently proposed that an action functional exists whose gradient generates to all orders in perturbation theory the Renormalization Group (RG) flow of the target space metric in the worldsheet sigma model. The gradient is defined with respect to a metric on the space of coupling constants which is explicitly known only to leading order in perturbation theory, but at that order is positive semi-definite, as follows from Perelman's work on the Ricci flow. This gives rise to a monotonicity formula for the flow which is expected to fail only if the beta function perturbation series fails to converge, which can happen if curvatures or their derivatives grow large. We test the validity of the monotonicity formula at next-to-leading order in perturbation theory by explicitly computing the second-order terms in the metric on the space of coupling constants. At this order, this metric is found not to be positive semi-definite. In situations where this might spoil monotonicity, derivatives of curvature become large enough for higher order perturbative corrections to be significant.Comment: 15 pages; Erroneous sentence in footnote 14 removed; this version therefore supersedes the published version (our thanks to Dezhong Chen for the correction

    Assumindo novas identidades: resistência indígena no litoral sul do Espírito Santo (século XVIII).

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    Na primeira metade do século XVI, a resistência indígena nesta e em outras capitanias deixou claro aos portugueses quão difícil seria a colonização dessas áreas. Diante desses desafios a Coroa Portuguesa adotou uma nova política, da qual fazia parte o envio de jesuítas para a América. Nesse contexto foram criadas no sul do Espírito Santo as missões de Guaraparim e Iriritiba. Nesta última, local de moradia do padre José de Anchieta em seus derradeiros anos de vida, a gravidade e amplitude de uma série de levantes iniciados no ano de 1742 deixaram sobressaltadas autoridades civis e religiosas. A notoriedade desta localidade e desses eventos, no entanto, não se refletiu na academia. Buscando contribuir para a mudança nesse panorama, começamos um processo de releitura de obras sobre a história do Espírito Santo e de correspondências oficiais sobre as revoltas utilizando conceitos como circularidade cultural, hibridismo, mestiçagem e etnogênese impressos nos textos de autores como Carlo Ginzburg, Guillaume Boccara, John Manuel Monteiro, Ronaldo Vainfas, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Michel de Certeau e Maria Regina Celestino de Almeida. A princípio constatamos que apesar do esforço daqueles autores em apresentarem uma narrativa dual, que acondicionava colonizados e colonizadores em compartimentos estanques, seus textos traziam indícios que contrariavam essa representação simplista. Pensamento consolidado com a publicação do Auto da Devassa de 1761, ação organizada pelo Santo Ofício para apurar supostas irregularidades cometidas pelos inacianos durante sua permanência nesta capitania. Ao reproduzir o depoimento de índios que viviam em Guaraparim, Iriritiba e no Orobó, o documento nos apresentou indivíduos com trajetórias impensáveis para os modelos dicotômicos anteriores. Pessoas que para sobreviverem a todas aquelas transformações reinventaram-se repetidas vezes, criando e assumindo diferentes identidades. Uma parte deles, uma vez alijada dos cargos de administração da aldeia, migrou para o vale do Orobó fundando uma aldeia onde viveram, como sugeria o nome por eles escolhido, à eles, para eles, com a exclusão deles

    Compact representation of wall-bounded turbulence using compressive sampling

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    Compressive sampling is well-known to be a useful tool used to resolve the energetic content of signals that admit a sparse representation. The broadband temporal spectrum acquired from point measurements in wall-bounded turbulence has precluded the prior use of compressive sampling in this kind of flow, however it is shown here that the frequency content of flow fields that have been Fourier transformed in the homogeneous spatial (wall-parallel) directions is approximately sparse, giving rise to a compact representation of the velocity field. As such, compressive sampling is an ideal tool for reducing the amount of information required to approximate the velocity field. Further, success of the compressive sampling approach provides strong evidence that this representation is both physically meaningful and indicative of special properties of wall turbulence. Another advantage of compressive sampling over periodic sampling becomes evident at high Reynolds numbers, since the number of samples required to resolve a given bandwidth with compressive sampling scales as the logarithm of the dynamically significant bandwidth instead of linearly for periodic sampling. The combination of the Fourier decomposition in the wall-parallel directions, the approximate sparsity in frequency, and empirical bounds on the convection velocity leads to a compact representation of an otherwise broadband distribution of energy in the space defined by streamwise and spanwise wavenumber, frequency, and wall-normal location. The data storage requirements for reconstruction of the full field using compressive sampling are shown to be significantly less than for periodic sampling, in which the Nyquist criterion limits the maximum frequency that can be resolved. Conversely, compressive sampling maximizes the frequency range that can be recovered if the number of samples is limited, resolving frequencies up to several times higher than the mean sampling rate. It is proposed that the approximate sparsity in frequency and the corresponding structure in the spatial domain can be exploited to design simulation schemes for canonical wall turbulence with significantly reduced computational expense compared with current techniques

    Early developmental actions of endocrine disruptors on the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex.

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    peer reviewedSex steroids and thyroid hormones play a key role in the development of the central nervous system. The critical role of these hormonal systems may explain the sensitivity of the hypothalamus, the cerebral cortex, and the hippocampus to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC). This review examines the evidence for endocrine disruption of glial-neuronal functions in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex. Focus was placed on two well-studied EDC, the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). DDT is involved in neuroendocrine disruption of the reproductive axis, whereas polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) interact with both the thyroid hormone- and sex steroid-dependent systems and disturb the neuroendocrine control of reproduction and development of hippocampus and cortex. These results highlight the impact of EDC on the developing nervous system and the need for more research in this area

    Description of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius from canine pyoderma in Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) is of worldwide concern in veterinary medicine. The identification of resistant strains is necessary for proper treatment and the prevention of its propagation among animals. This study aimed to identify S. pseudintermedius isolated from canine pyoderma and evaluate their resistance profiles. Lesions from 25 dogs with pyoderma were sampled. Bacterial isolates were subjected to phenotypic and genotypic analysis for identification of the causative agent. S. pseudintermedius isolates were subjected to SmaI macrorestriction analysis and PFGE for genetic grouping, and PCR to identify the presence of the mecA gene. Their resistance profiles against 12 antimicrobials were also assessed. According to the microbiological analysis, 70 of the 75 isolates obtained were S. pseudintermedius. The isolates presented PFGE patterns, with similarity varying between 84.6 and 100%, and were grouped into 19 clusters. Despite a high frequency of mecA-positive isolates (66 out 70), only 12 presented resistances to oxacillin. Multi-resistance was identified in 29 isolates. The high frequency of MRSP isolated in this study highlights the relevance of identifying resistant strains to lead proper clinical treatment

    Vacuum Spacetimes with Future Trapped Surfaces

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    In this article we show that one can construct initial data for the Einstein equations which satisfy the vacuum constraints. This initial data is defined on a manifold with topology R3R^3 with a regular center and is asymptotically flat. Further, this initial data will contain an annular region which is foliated by two-surfaces of topology S2S^2. These two-surfaces are future trapped in the language of Penrose. The Penrose singularity theorem guarantees that the vacuum spacetime which evolves from this initial data is future null incomplete.Comment: 19 page

    Inequality and violent crime: evidence from data on robbery and violent theft

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    This article argues that the link between income inequality and violent property crime might be spurious, complementing a similar argument in prior analysis by the author on the determinants of homicide. In contrast, Fajnzylber, Lederman & Loayza (1998; 2002a, b) provide seemingly strong and robust evidence that inequality causes a higher rate of both homicide and robbery/violent theft even after controlling for country-specific fixed effects. Our results suggest that inequality is not a statistically significant determinant, unless either country-specific effects are not controlled for or the sample is artificially restricted to a small number of countries. The reason why the link between inequality and violent property crime might be spurious is that income inequality is likely to be strongly correlated with country-specific fixed effects such as cultural differences. A high degree of inequality might be socially undesirable for any number of reasons, but that it causes violent crime is far from proven

    Bergman Kernel from Path Integral

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    We rederive the expansion of the Bergman kernel on Kahler manifolds developed by Tian, Yau, Zelditch, Lu and Catlin, using path integral and perturbation theory, and generalize it to supersymmetric quantum mechanics. One physics interpretation of this result is as an expansion of the projector of wave functions on the lowest Landau level, in the special case that the magnetic field is proportional to the Kahler form. This is relevant for the quantum Hall effect in curved space, and for its higher dimensional generalizations. Other applications include the theory of coherent states, the study of balanced metrics, noncommutative field theory, and a conjecture on metrics in black hole backgrounds. We give a short overview of these various topics. From a conceptual point of view, this expansion is noteworthy as it is a geometric expansion, somewhat similar to the DeWitt-Seeley-Gilkey et al short time expansion for the heat kernel, but in this case describing the long time limit, without depending on supersymmetry.Comment: 27 page

    How I treat ... the athlete's foot and its non-mycotic cutaneous pathology

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    peer reviewedSkin and nails of the foot of sport practitioners of various disciplines are subjected to the effects of benign but invalidating pathologies. Microtraumatisms are frequently involved. Beside dermatomycoses and onychomycoses, a dozen of typical disorders are identified
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