69 research outputs found

    Preclinical Tests for Cerebral Stroke

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    Stroke is the second single highest cause of death in Europe. The low reliability of animal models in replicating the human disease is one of the most serious problems in the field of medical and pharmaceutical research about stroke. The standard models for the study of ischemic stroke are often poorly predictive as they simulate only partially the human disease. This work aims at investigating animal models with diseases typically associated with the onset of stroke in human patients. We have designed and realised a knowledge base for collecting, elaborating, and extracting analytical results of genomic, proteomic, biochemical, morphological investigations from animal models of cerebral stroke. Data analysis techniques are tailored to make the data available for processing and correlation, in order to increase the predictive value of the preclinical data, to perform biosimulation studies, and to support both academic and industrial research in the area of cerebral stroke therapy. A first statistical analysis of the retrieved information leads to the validation of our animal models and suggests a predictive and translational value for parameters related to a specific model. In particular, concerning gene expression data, we have applied a data analysis pipeline that initially takes into account an initial set of 64,000 genes and brings down the focus on a few tens of them

    Intronless WNT10B-short variant underlies new recurrent allele-specific rearrangement in acute myeloid leukaemia.

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    Defects in the control of Wnt signaling have emerged as a recurrent mechanism involved in cancer pathogenesis and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), including the hematopoietic regeneration-associated WNT10B in AC133bright leukaemia cells, although the existence of a specific mechanism remains unproven. We have obtained evidences for a recurrent rearrangement, which involved the WNT10B locus (WNT10BR) within intron 1 (IVS1) and flanked at the 5' by non-human sequences whose origin remains to be elucidated; it also expressed a transcript variant (WNT10BIVS1) which was mainly detected in a cohort of patients with intermediate/unfavorable risk AML. We also identified in two separate cases, affected by AML and breast cancer respectively, a genomic transposable short form of human WNT10B (ht-WNT10B). The intronless ht-WNT10B resembles a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), which suggests its involvement in a non-random microhomology-mediated recombination generating the rearranged WNT10BR. Furthermore, our studies supports an autocrine activation primed by the formation of WNT10B-FZD4/5 complexes in the breast cancer MCF7 cells that express the WNT10BIVS1. Chemical interference of WNT-ligands production by the porcupine inhibitor IWP-2 achieved a dose-dependent suppression of the WNT10B-FZD4/5 interactions. These results present the first evidence for a recurrent rearrangement promoted by a mobile ht-WNT10B oncogene, as a relevant mechanism for Wnt involvement in human cancer

    Genome-wide association study identifies distinct genetic contributions to prognosis and susceptibility in Crohn's disease

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    For most immune-mediated diseases, the main determinant of patient well-being is not the diagnosis itself but instead the course that the disease takes over time (prognosis). Prognosis may vary substantially between patients for reasons that are poorly understood. Familial studies support a genetic contribution to prognosis, but little evidence has been found for a proposed association between prognosis and the burden of susceptibility variants. To better characterize how genetic variation influences disease prognosis, we performed a within-cases genome-wide association study in two cohorts of patients with Crohn's disease. We identified four genome-wide significant loci, none of which showed any association with disease susceptibility. Conversely, the aggregated effect of all 170 disease susceptibility loci was not associated with disease prognosis. Together, these data suggest that the genetic contribution to prognosis in Crohn's disease is largely independent of the contribution to disease susceptibility and point to a biology of prognosis that could provide new therapeutic opportunities.This work was supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (in particular John Todd and the NIHR BRC Genomics Theme), Crohn's and Colitis UK (Medical Research Award M/14/2), the Evelyn Trust (17/07), and the Medical Research Council (Programme Grant MR/L019027/1). J.C.L. is supported by a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellowship (105920/Z/14/Z) and D.B. by a Marie Curie PhD Fellowship (TranSVIR FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008 #238756). C.A.A. is supported by the Wellcome Trust (098051). K.G.C.S. is an NIHR Senior Investigator. This study makes use of data generated by the UK10K Consortium, derived from samples from ALSPAC and DTR cohorts. A full list of the investigators who contributed to the generation of the data is available from www.UK10K.org. Funding for UK10K was provided by the Wellcome Trust (WT091310)

    Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases

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    Background: In 2019, a multidisciplinary panel of experts from eight Italian scientific paediatric societies developed a consensus document for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders. The aim is to provide healthcare providers with a multidisciplinary document including indications useful in the clinical practice. The consensus document was intended to be addressed to paediatricians who work in the Paediatric Divisions, the Primary Care Services and the Emergency Departments, as well as to Residents or PhD students, paediatric nurses and specialists or consultants in paediatric pulmonology, allergy, infectious diseases, and ear, nose, and throat medicine. Methods: Clinical questions identifying Population, Intervention(s), Comparison and Outcome(s) were addressed by methodologists and a general agreement on the topics and the strength of the recommendations (according to the GRADE system) was obtained following the Delphi method. The literature selection included secondary sources such as evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews and was integrated with primary studies subsequently published. Results: The expert panel provided a number of recommendations on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in preschool wheezing, bronchial asthma, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, adenoid hypertrophy, laryngitis and laryngospasm. Conclusions: We provided a multidisciplinary update on the current recommendations for the management and prevention of the most common paediatric airways disorders requiring inhaled corticosteroids, in order to share useful indications, identify gaps in knowledge and drive future research

    ANCA-associated vasculitis.

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    The anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAVs) are a group of disorders involving severe, systemic, small-vessel vasculitis and are characterized by the development of autoantibodies to the neutrophil proteins leukocyte proteinase 3 (PR3-ANCA) or myeloperoxidase (MPO-ANCA). The three AAV subgroups, namely granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), microscopic polyangiitis and eosinophilic GPA (EGPA), are defined according to clinical features. However, genetic and other clinical findings suggest that these clinical syndromes may be better classified as PR3-positive AAV (PR3-AAV), MPO-positive AAV (MPO-AAV) and, for EGPA, by the presence or absence of ANCA (ANCA+ or ANCA-, respectively). Although any tissue can be involved in AAV, the upper and lower respiratory tract and kidneys are most commonly and severely affected. AAVs have a complex and unique pathogenesis, with evidence for a loss of tolerance to neutrophil proteins, which leads to ANCA-mediated neutrophil activation, recruitment and injury, with effector T cells also involved. Without therapy, prognosis is poor but treatments, typically immunosuppressants, have improved survival, albeit with considerable morbidity from glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressive medications. Current challenges include improving the measures of disease activity and risk of relapse, uncertainty about optimal therapy duration and a need for targeted therapies with fewer adverse effects. Meeting these challenges requires a more detailed knowledge of the fundamental biology of AAV as well as cooperative international research and clinical trials with meaningful input from patients

    Loss of function NFKB1 variants are the most common monogenic cause of CVID in Europeans.

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic etiology of primary immunodeficiency disease (PID) carries prognostic information. OBJECTIVE: We conducted a whole-genome sequencing study assessing a large proportion of the NIHR-BioResource - Rare Disease cohort. METHODS: In the predominantly European study population of principally sporadic unrelated PID cases (n=846), a novel Bayesian method identified NFKB1 as one most strongly associated with PID, and the association was explained by 16 novel heterozygous truncating, missense and gene deletion variants. This accounted for 4% of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) cases (n=390) in the cohort. Amino-acid substitutions predicted to be pathogenic were assessed by analysis of structural protein data. Immunophenotyping, immunoblotting and ex vivo stimulation of lymphocytes determined the functional effects of these variants. Detailed clinical and pedigree information was collected for genotype-phenotype co-segregation analyses. RESULTS: Both sporadic and familial cases demonstrated evidence of the non-infective complications of CVID, including massive lymphadenopathy (24%), unexplained splenomegaly (48%) and autoimmune disease (48%), features prior studies correlate with worse clinical prognosis. Although partial penetrance of clinical symptoms was noted in certain pedigrees, all carriers have a deficiency in B lymphocyte differentiation. Detailed assessment of B lymphocyte numbers, phenotype and function identifies the presence of a raised CD21lowB cell population: combined with identification of the disease-causing variant, this distinguishes between healthy individuals, asymptomatic carriers and clinically affected cases. CONCLUSION: We show that heterozygous loss-of-function variants in NFKB1 are the most common known monogenic cause of CVID that results in a temporally progressive defect in the formation of immunoglobulin-producing B cells.This study was supported by The National Institute for Health Research England (grant number RG65966), and by the Center of Immunodeficiencies Amsterdam (CIDA). JET is supported by an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship (MR/L006197/1). AJT is supported by both the Wellcome Trust (104807/Z/14/Z) and by the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust and University College London. EO receives personal fees from CSL Behring and MSD
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