4,973 research outputs found

    Measures of galaxy dust and gas mass with Herschel photometry and prospects for ALMA

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    (Abridged) Combining the deepest Herschel extragalactic surveys (PEP, GOODS-H, HerMES), and Monte Carlo mock catalogs, we explore the robustness of dust mass estimates based on modeling of broad band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with two popular approaches: Draine & Li (2007, DL07) and a modified black body (MBB). As long as the observed SED extends to at least 160-200 micron in the rest frame, M(dust) can be recovered with a >3 sigma significance and without the occurrence of systematics. An average offset of a factor ~1.5 exists between DL07- and MBB-based dust masses, based on consistent dust properties. At the depth of the deepest Herschel surveys (in the GOODS-S field) it is possible to retrieve dust masses with a S/N>=3 for galaxies on the main sequence of star formation (MS) down to M(stars)~1e10 [M(sun)] up to z~1. At higher redshift (z<=2) the same result is achieved only for objects at the tip of the MS or lying above it. Molecular gas masses, obtained converting M(dust) through the metallicity-dependent gas-to-dust ratio delta(GDR), are consistent with those based on the scaling of depletion time, and on CO spectroscopy. Focusing on CO-detected galaxies at z>1, the delta(GDR) dependence on metallicity is consistent with the local relation. We combine far-IR Herschel data and sub-mm ALMA expected fluxes to study the advantages of a full SED coverage.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Some figures have degraded quality for filesize reason

    Thermal States as Convex Combinations of Matrix Product States

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    We study thermal states of strongly interacting quantum spin chains and prove that those can be represented in terms of convex combinations of matrix product states. Apart from revealing new features of the entanglement structure of Gibbs states our results provide a theoretical justification for the use of White's algorithm of minimally entangled typical thermal states. Furthermore, we shed new light on time dependent matrix product state algorithms which yield hydrodynamical descriptions of the underlying dynamics.Comment: v3: 10 pages, 2 figures, final published versio

    Renyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information

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    The conditional quantum mutual information I(A;BC)I(A;B|C) of a tripartite state ρABC\rho_{ABC} is an information quantity which lies at the center of many problems in quantum information theory. Three of its main properties are that it is non-negative for any tripartite state, that it decreases under local operations applied to systems AA and BB, and that it obeys the duality relation I(A;BC)=I(A;BD)I(A;B|C)=I(A;B|D) for a four-party pure state on systems ABCDABCD. The conditional mutual information also underlies the squashed entanglement, an entanglement measure that satisfies all of the axioms desired for an entanglement measure. As such, it has been an open question to find R\'enyi generalizations of the conditional mutual information, that would allow for a deeper understanding of the original quantity and find applications beyond the traditional memoryless setting of quantum information theory. The present paper addresses this question, by defining different α\alpha-R\'enyi generalizations Iα(A;BC)I_{\alpha}(A;B|C) of the conditional mutual information, some of which we can prove converge to the conditional mutual information in the limit α1\alpha\rightarrow1. Furthermore, we prove that many of these generalizations satisfy non-negativity, duality, and monotonicity with respect to local operations on one of the systems AA or BB (with it being left as an open question to prove that monotoniticity holds with respect to local operations on both systems). The quantities defined here should find applications in quantum information theory and perhaps even in other areas of physics, but we leave this for future work. We also state a conjecture regarding the monotonicity of the R\'enyi conditional mutual informations defined here with respect to the R\'enyi parameter α\alpha. We prove that this conjecture is true in some special cases and when α\alpha is in a neighborhood of one.Comment: v6: 53 pages, final published versio

    The PEP Survey: Infrared Properties of Radio-Selected AGN

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    By exploiting the VLA-COSMOS and the Herschel-PEP surveys, we investigate the Far Infrared (FIR) properties of radio-selected AGN. To this purpose, from VLA-COSMOS we considered the 1537, F[1.4 GHz]>0.06 mJy sources with a reliable redshift estimate, and sub-divided them into star-forming galaxies and AGN solely on the basis of their radio luminosity. The AGN sample is complete with respect to radio selection at all z<~3.5. 832 radio sources have a counterpart in the PEP catalogue. 175 are AGN. Their redshift distribution closely resembles that of the total radio-selected AGN population, and exhibits two marked peaks at z~0.9 and z~2.5. We find that the probability for a radio-selected AGN to be detected at FIR wavelengths is both a function of radio power and redshift, whereby powerful sources are more likely to be FIR emitters at earlier epochs. This is due to two distinct effects: 1) at all radio luminosities, FIR activity monotonically increases with look-back time and 2) radio activity of AGN origin is increasingly less effective at inhibiting FIR emission. Radio-selected AGN with FIR emission are preferentially located in galaxies which are smaller than those hosting FIR-inactive sources. Furthermore, at all z<~2, there seems to be a preferential (stellar) mass scale M ~[10^{10}-10^{11}] Msun which maximizes the chances for FIR emission. We find such FIR (and MIR) emission to be due to processes indistinguishable from those which power star-forming galaxies. It follows that radio emission in at least 35% of the entire AGN population is the sum of two contributions: AGN accretion and star-forming processes within the host galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Methodenentwicklung zum quantitativen und qualitativen Nachweis von Brandkrankheiten (Tilletia spp.) bei Weizen mittels quantitativer Real-Time PCR (qPCR)

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    For a precise diagnosis of the wheat bunt diseases, common bunt and dwarf bunt (Tilletia spp.), reliable and reproducible methods are essential. Further the accurate quantification of the spore number on infested seed is important for seed multiplication and international seed trading, as different thresholds and quarantine regulations have to be considered. At present the determination of the teliospores is carried out according to a filtration method (ISTA 1984) combined with a microscopic examination requiring considerable experience to distinguish the different Tilletia species. Therefore the aim of this research work is to develop an efficient molecular testing method by means of quantitative Real-time PCR (qPCR). Based on genome data species specific markers are designed and tested for their specificity on several strains from different countries. For the quantification calibration lines are established to calculate the spore number of test samples

    Pengaruh Peranan Sumber Daya Manusia, Pelatihan, Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh peranan sumber daya manusia terhadap kinerja karyawan, untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan untuk menganalisis pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, serta untuk menganalisis pengaruh peranan sumber daya manusia, pelatihan, dan disiplin kerja secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. EMI Internasional yang berjumlah 40 orang. Sampel penelitian 40 responden, teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis menggunakan SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian ini adalah peranan sumber daya manusia berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, pelatihan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, disiplin kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan peranan sumber daya manusia, pelatihan dan disiplin kerja secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawa

    Pengaruh Subtitusi Parsial Tepung Ikan Dengan Tepung Tulang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias Gariepinus.)

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    Tepung Ikan (TI) merupakan bahan baku utama dalam pembuatan pakan. Tetapi ketersediaan dan tingginya harga tepung ikan tersebut menjadi kendala untuk para pembudidaya. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan bahan baku pakan alternatif yaitu tepung tulang (TT) yang dapat menggantikan sebagian dari penggunaan tepung ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh proporsi tepung tulang yang berbeda pada pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan lele sangkuriang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboraturium Budidaya Perikanan jurusan Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima perlakuan, yaitu A (40,65% TI + 0% TT); B (36,65% TI + 4% TT); C (32,65% TI + 8% TT); D (28,65% TI + 12% TT); E (24,65% TI + 16 TT) serta tiga kali ulangan. Ikan uji dipelihara dalam akuarium berukuran 60x40x40 cm3 selama 50 hari dengan kepadatan penebaran 15 ekor per aquarium dengan berat rata-rata 1 ± 0,96 gram. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA ( 0,05) dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Duncan. Variabel yang diamati yaitu pertumbuhan berat mutlak, pertumbuhan harian, sintasan, rasio konversi pakan, dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proporsi tepung tulang yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ikan lele sangkuriang. Subtitusi parsial pada perlakuan C (32,65% TI + 8% TT) memberikan pertumbuhan berat mutlak tertinggi pada ikan lele sangkuriang sebesar 12,04 gr serta FCR sebesar 1,42 sedangkan perlakuan E (24,65% TI + 16 TT) memberikan pertumbuhan berat mutlak terendah sebesar 7,19 gr serta FCR sebesar 1,75

    On Composite Quantum Hypothesis Testing

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    We extend quantum Stein's lemma in asymmetric quantum hypothesis testing to composite null and alternative hypotheses. As our main result, we show that the asymptotic error exponent for testing convex combinations of quantum states ρ^(⊗n) against convex combinations of quantum states σ^(⊗n) is given by a regularized quantum relative entropy distance formula. We prove that in general such a regularization is needed but also discuss various settings where our formula as well as extensions thereof become single-letter. This includes a novel operational interpretation of the relative entropy of coherence in terms of hypothesis testing. For our proof, we start from the composite Stein's lemma for classical probability distributions and lift the result to the non-commutative setting by only using elementary properties of quantum entropy. Finally, our findings also imply an improved Markov type lower bound on the quantum conditional mutual information in terms of the regularized quantum relative entropy - featuring an explicit and universal recovery map

    Pioneer neurog1 expressing cells ingress into the otic epithelium and instruct neuronal specification

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    Neural patterning involves regionalised cell specification. Recent studies indicate that cell dynamics play instrumental roles in neural pattern refinement and progression, but the impact of cell behaviour and morphogenesis on neural specification is not understood. Here we combine 4D analysis of cell behaviours with dynamic quantification of proneural expression to uncover the construction of the zebrafish otic neurogenic domain. We identify pioneer cells expressing neurog1 outside the otic epithelium that migrate and ingress into the epithelialising placode to become the first otic neuronal progenitors. Subsequently, neighbouring cells express neurog1 inside the placode, and apical symmetric divisions amplify the specified pool. Interestingly, pioneer cells delaminate shortly after ingression. Ablation experiments reveal that pioneer cells promote neurog1 expression in other otic cells. Finally, ingression relies on the epithelialisation timing controlled by FGF activity. We propose a novel view for otic neurogenesis integrating cell dynamics whereby ingression of pioneer cells instructs neuronal specification