8,737 research outputs found

    RMD (Resource Management in Diffserv) QoS-NSLP model

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    This draft describes a local QoS model, denoted as Resource Management in Diffserv (RMD) QoS model, for NSIS that extends the IETF Differentiated Services (Diffserv) architecture with a scalable admission control and resource reservation concept. The specification of this QoS model includes a description of its QoS parameter information, as well as how that information should be treated or interpreted in the network

    LC-PCN: The Load Control PCN Solution

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    There is an increased interest of simple and scalable resource provisioning solution for Diffserv network. The Load Control PCN (LC-PCN) addresses the following issues:\ud o Admission Control for real time data flows in stateless Diffserv Domains\ud o Flow Termination: Termination of flows in case of exceptional events, such as severe congestion after re-routing.\ud Admission control in a Diffserv stateless domain is a combination of:\ud o Probing, whereby a probe packet is sent along the forwarding path in a network to determine whether a flow can be admitted based upon the current congestion state of the network\ud o Admission Control based on data marking, whereby in congestion situations the data packets are marked to notify the PCN-egress-node that a congestion occurred on a particular PCN-ingress-node to PCN-egress-node path.\ud \ud The scheme provides the capability of controlling the traffic load in the network without requiring signaling or any per-flow processing in the PCN-interior-nodes. The complexity of Load Control is kept to a minimum to make implementation simple.\u

    RMD-QOSM: The NSIS Quality-of-Service Model for Resource Management in Diffserv

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    This document describes a Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS) Quality-of- Service (QoS) Model for networks that use the Resource Management in Diffserv (RMD) concept. RMD is a technique for adding admission control and preemption function to Differentiated Services (Diffserv) networks. The RMD QoS Model allows devices external to the RMD network to signal reservation requests to Edge nodes in the RMD network. The RMD Ingress Edge nodes classify the incoming flows into traffic classes and signals resource requests for the corresponding traffic class along the data path to the Egress Edge nodes for each flow. Egress nodes reconstitute the original requests and continue forwarding them along the data path towards the final destination. In addition, RMD defines notification functions to indicate overload situations within the domain to the Edge nodes

    Efficient coupling to an optical resonator by exploiting time-reversal symmetry

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    The interaction of a cavity with an external field is symmetric under time reversal. Thus, coupling to a resonator is most efficient when the incident light is the time reversed version of a free cavity decay, i.e. when it has a rising exponential shape matching the cavity lifetime. For light entering the cavity from only one side, the maximally achievable coupling efficiency is limited by the choice of the cavity mirrors' reflectivities. Such an empty-cavity experiment serves also as a model system for single-photon single-atom absorption dynamics. We present experiments coupling exponentially rising pulses to a cavity system which allows for high coupling efficiencies. The influence of the time constant of the rising exponential is investigated as well as the effect of a finite pulse duration. We demonstrate coupling 94% of the incident TEM00 mode into the resonator.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Stem cell mechanobiology

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    Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are capable of proliferation, self-maintenance and differentiation towards specific cell phenotypes. These processes are controlled by a variety of cues including physicochemical factors associated with the specific mechanical environment in which the cells reside. The control of stem cell biology through mechanical factors remains poorly understood and is the focus of the developing field of mechanobiology. This review provides an insight into the current knowledge of the role of mechanical forces in the induction of differentiation of stem cells. While the details associated with individual studies are complex and typically associated with the stem cell type studied and model system adopted, certain key themes emerge. First, the differentiation process affects the mechanical properties of the cells and of specific subcellular components. Secondly, that stem cells are able to detect and respond to alterations in the stiffness of their surrounding microenvironment via induction of lineage-specific differentiation. Finally, the application of external mechanical forces to stem cells, transduced through a variety of mechanisms, can initiate and drive differentiation processes. The coalescence of these three key concepts permit the introduction of a new theory for the maintenance of stem cells and alternatively their differentiation via the concept of a stem cell 'mechano-niche', defined as a specific combination of cell mechanical properties, extracellular matrix stiffness and external mechanical cues conducive to the maintenance of the stem cell population.<br/

    Modélisation du ruissellement en relation avec l'évolution saisonnière de la végétation (mil, arachide, jachère) au centre Sénégal

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    Sous climat soudanien caractérisé par une unique saison des pluies, les sols sont dénudés en fin de saison sèche suite au pâturage et aux travaux préparatoires au semis. Le ruissellement intense en début d'hivernage diminue progressivement avec la mise en place des couverts végétaux.L'influence du développement de la végétation sur le ruissellement est étudié au moyen des données pluie-débit de 4 parcelles (50 m2) couvertes en mil, arachide, jachère ou maintenue dénudée du centre Sénégal au cours d'une saison des pluies (1994). Un modèle analogique de ruissellement ‡ stockage de surface (BADER, 1994), dans lequel l'infiltration est une fonction croissante de la lame d'eau en surface du sol est ajusté sur les données. Le modèle présente 3 paramètres: un paramètre de transfert n, un paramètre de ruissellement Hl et un paramètre d'infiltration S. Une analyse de sensibilité menée sur les données de la parcelle de sol nu montre que le paramètre n est le plus sensible des trois.Le calage numérique des paramètres sur chaque crue au cours de l'hivernage permet d'étudier leur évolution temporelle. Cette évolution est cohérente avec l'occupation de chaque parcelle. Les paramètres n et S de la parcelle de sol nu sont invariants sur la saison tandis que ceux des parcelles en végétation s'écartent progressivement des valeurs obtenues sur sol nu. Pour les parcelles en végétation, les valeurs de S divergent de celles du sol nu lorsque l'indice radiométrique de végétation (N.D.V.I.) servant à l'estimation du couvert dépasse 0.30 - 0.35 environ. L'évolution des paramètres n et S des parcelles en végétation peut être reliée au temps écoulé depuis le semis (mil, arachide) ou le sarclage initial (jachère) et à l'état d'humectation du sol (pour S). On montre également que le paramètre Hl peut être estimé linéairement à partir d'un indice de rugosité de surface descriptif de la microtopographie.The Sudanese climate is characterized by a rainy season and a dry season (mean annual rainfall between 400 and 900 mm). At the end of the dryseason (June in the northern hemisphere), the landscape is completely bare under the effect of animal grazing or soil tillage. During the first rainfalls this leads to high runoff coefficients. These runoff coefficients decrease gradually as the amount of vegetation increases during the growing season (RODIER (1984-1985); ALBERGEL (1988)).This is particularly true in the Groundnut basin of central Senegal where millet and groundnut are cultivated every other year. As the vegetative cover increases, a system of macropores develops in the soil and preferentially induces water infiltration through mesofauna burrows and along root systems. Hence, many authors have distinguished matrix infiltration governed by the generalized Darcy's law, from preferential infiltration through macropores characterized by a strongly heterogeneous spatial distribution (GERMAN, 1990). These macropores are thought to be responsible for the proportional increase in infiltration with increase in rainfall intensity observed on several experimental plots (BOUCHARDEAU and RODIER, 1960; VALENTIN, 1985; COLLINET,1985; ALBERGEL, 1988). A more complete surface ponding or a differential distribution of the macroporosity in relation with the microtopography can contribute to this phenomenon.A conceptual runoff model accounting for surface storage, which views infiltration as a function of water depth on the ground surface, is proposed to describe the aforementioned phenomenon under three characteristic vegetative canopies of central Senegal (millet, groundnut and fallow). The model (BADER, 1994) is a distributed, three parameter model that accounts for transfer between spatial elements (parameter n), runoff (parameter Hl) and infiltration (parameter S). The model solves the equation of continuity according to an explicit scheme (forward time). The discharge exiting a spatial element is defined by a power function based on the water depth on the element. The value of the transfer parameter n (dimensionless) depends on the roughness and slope of the soil surface. Parameter Hl (meters) is equivalent to the water depth from which runoff occurs and is found in the discharge expression. Infiltration is defined as the product of the squareroot of the depth of ponded water of a plot and a S parameter (dimensionless) representing surface porosity.The experimental work took place on 4 rectangular 50m2 plots (10 m by 5 m) that were initially bare and weedy. At the beginning of the rainy season, two plots were cultivated in millet and groundnut, one left fallow and the fourth stripped by a powerful herbicide. The runoff was measured by a capacitive gauging system with each tank being equipped with a pressure transducer connected to a datalogger. A tipping bucket raingauge was also connected to the datalogger and rainfall and runoff were recorded simultaneously. The measurements were made to a precision of 4 mm in the tanks (0.16 mm uncertainty for surface runoff depth). With a total seasonal rainfall of 711 mm in 1994, the cumulative surface runoff varied between 40mm for the fallow plot to 150 mm for the bare soil plot. The cultivated groundnut and millet plots had cumulative runoff depths of 55 and 60 mm, respectively. The fallow plot would have had less runoff if it had been more than one-year old. The microtopography of each plot was evaluated using a profile meter. The surface roughness was estimated by the standard-error of measured relative elevations (GUILLOBEZ and ZOUGMORE, 1994). Measurements were taken after each significant rainfall and following tillage operations. The index of roughness varied following vigorous weeding of the groundnut plot to 5 mm for the fallow plot whose microtopography remained constant throughout the season. The development of the vegetative cover was indirectly followed by the calculation of a vegetation index (NDVI) derived from red and near infrared reflectances measured with a field radiometer. Although this index tends to saturate with full ground cover, it nevertheless remains a good indicator at the start of vegetative growth.The proposed model was used to reproduce measured runoff during several storm events. Calculations were undertaken with a 10-s time step on a 1m-long spatial element with a uniform set of parameters for each plot. A sensitivity analysis was performed for all runoff events on the bare plot. Hydrograph characteristics (runoff volume, peak discharge and time-to-peak) were particularly sensitive to variations in the transfer parameter (n) and to a lesser extent to changes in the infiltration (S) and runoff (Hl) parameters. For the 42 measured runoff hydrographs for all fourplots, the results were excellent: 70% of the simulated hydrographs had a Nash's coefficient greater than or equal to 0.90.For each plot, the seasonal chronicle of each parameter is coherent with the plot cover. The parameters for the bare plot were invariant throughout the rainy season. However, for the other plots, they varied with the vegetative cover. At the beginning of the growing season, they were similar to those obtained on bare soil and, as the vegetative cover increased, they varied until the NDVI exceeded 0.35 (approximately 20 days after seeding). The evolution of the n and S parameters for the cultivated plots was linearly extrapolated from past events (seeding for the cultivated plots and chemical weeding for the fallow plot) and for S to an antecedent precipitation index. Farming practices that modified surface roughness needed to be accounted for as well. For the transfer parameter (n) of the groundnut plot, an increase of approximately 0.4 was observed when a rainfall event followed weeding. No significant increase was seen for the millet plot. A linear relationship between the index of roughness and the roughness parameter (Hl) was also derived

    Litigants in person in private family law cases

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    1. Context (p1-2 of the Report) The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 removed most private family cases from the scope of legal aid after April 2013. It was anticipated that the volume and proportion of litigants in person (hereafter LIPs) would increase as a result. The Ministry of Justice commissioned research to explore both the characteristics and support needs of LIPs in private family law cases and their impact on the courts prior to the implementation of legal aid reforms. It was designed to inform policy and practice responses to LIPs following the legal aid changes. 2. Research design (p3-10 and p136-164 of the Report) The study was designed to develop understanding of the range of litigants in person in private family law cases, their behavioural drivers and support needs, and their impact on the court system. The research was designed as a primarily qualitative study focusing on understanding the range of experiences and perspectives, rather than a quantitative study seeking to measure variables. The research included three linked studies: • Intensive Cases Study (ICS). The largest element of the research involved detailed analysis of a sample of 151 cases heard in five courts over a three to four week data collection time frame in each court between January and March 2013. The approach was multi-perspectival, involving observation of the hearing in each case, interviews with the parties and professionals associated with the observed case (subject to consent and availability) and scrutiny of the court file. • Local Contextual Study (LCS). This involved a series of focus groups in each of the five courts with local stakeholders (judges, lawyers, Cafcass and court staff), interviews and observations with local LIP support organisations and observations of public areas such as court counters and waiting rooms. • Secondary Analysis Study (SAS). This involved secondary analysis relating to LIPs of two large national datasets from two current studies led by members of the research team. 3. Main findings 3.1 Characteristics of LIPs (p11-34 of the Report) The major reason for self-representation was an inability to afford a lawyer, with only around one quarter of LIPs indicating that their appearance in person was wholly or partially a matter of choice. Over half of the LIPs observed had had legal representation at some stage during the current proceeding and/or in previous family law proceedings. Only a small minority of LIPs were able to represent themselves competently in all aspects of their family law proceedings. Even those with high levels of education or professional experience struggled with aspects of the legal process. The great majority of LIPs were procedurally (and, where relevant, legally) challenged in some way, with some having no real capacity to advocate for their own or their children’s interests. A wide range of personal vulnerabilities were identified with around half of those observed experiencing one or more vulnerabilities which often added to their difficulties in self-representation and in some cases defeated their attempts to do so. A significant number were also trying to handle quite complex cases. LIPs may create problems for the courts by reason of non-appearances, refusal to engage with proceedings, or, less often, violent and aggressive behaviour. While non-appearances may be quite common, the reasons for apparent resistance to court proceedings, as for violence and aggression, may often be related to litigants’ vulnerabilities. Unmeritorious and serial applications did not appear to be brought any more often by the LIPs in the sample than by represented parties, although having to respond to these applications was another vulnerability faced by some women LIPs. 3.2 Pre-hearing preparations (p35-51 of the Report) Much of the work in a family case is conducted before and between hearings rather than in the courtroom itself. The list of tasks to be accomplished in the pre-court and between-hearing phases is quite extensive and technically and practically demanding. The list includes determining legal merits and translating a dispute into legal form; consideration of mediation; making an application using the correct form and filing and serving correctly; possible negotiation with the other side in the waiting room and subsequent handling of the case (e.g. handling disclosure, preparing and filing statements). The successful completion of these tasks was important for the smooth running of the case and for timely and effective hearings. The extent to which LIPs were able to complete those tasks was highly variable. Understandably, many LIPs struggled with a range of technical tasks, including understanding which application form to use, how to complete it and how to file and serve correctly. Some LIPs faced practical problems such as an inability to access or print out online forms. Many LIPs also did not grasp foundational legal principles or concepts such as the importance of disclosure or the expectation of negotiation or settlement. A significant part of the problem is that the family justice system and the pre-court processes, procedures and tasks are predicated on a full representation model with two trained and experienced lawyers undertaking all these preparatory tasks. At least at the time of the fieldwork, there had been limited adaptation of processes to support LIPs and instead LIPs were largely required to comply with existing processes. There had been comparatively little adaptation of documentation (forms, guidance, letters from court etc) to meet the needs of LIPs. There was limited face-to face contact, advice and support at all stages of the pre-court process and on arrival in the court building before the hearing. The support available from court service staff varied locally but was constrained by concerns about straying into giving legal advice. The reduction in court counter hours and switch to an appointment system in some courts has reduced further the opportunities for face-to-face support. The challenging and complex nature of the pre-hearing tasks, coupled with limited support and advice, was a source of anxiety and stress for many LIPs. It also had consequences for court service staff workloads as they had to deal with correspondence from LIPs or pick up the errors or omissions in LIP paperwork. Some of the problems also had a significant impact on the conduct of the hearing itself. 3.3 In the courtroom (p52-78 of the Report) The court system is based on an adversarial, full representation model with two lawyers presenting their client’s cases to an impartial arbiter – the judge – who will make a decision. The role of the lawyers is central. Hearings where both parties were represented were generally patterned, predictable and efficient. All participants understood their roles without any need for explanation or behaviour management. LIP hearings were far less standardised. There was considerable variation in who picked up the tasks that a lawyer would normally perform in their absence – whether it was a LIP, the judge, the lawyer for the represented party or nobody. There was also variation in how effectively those tasks were done. The data suggested that semi-represented cases had longer final hearings and required more hearings than fully represented and non-represented cases. Cases with a LIP were more likely to require adjudication or be withdrawn or dismissed. Secondary analysis of a dataset of financial remedy contested hearings also suggested that LIP cases were less likely to settle and less likely to settle early than fully represented cases. There was variation in how well LIP hearings appear to work or not work in court. Four types appeared relatively fair and efficient/effective: umbrella semi – the represented party’s lawyer works on behalf of both parties; third party (quasi) lawyer – the children’s lawyer acts as broker for both LIPs; fully inquisitorial judge – the judge takes on the role of lawyer(s) and judge holding-their-own LIPs – a competent LIP manages a simple hearing with support from the judge. Four types of hearing appeared inefficient/ineffective or unfair: “hot potato” hearings - chaotic hearings with disruptive LIPs, adjourned or listed for contested hearings; over-confident LIPs - rambling hearings unable to restrict LIPs to legally relevant matters; out of their depth LIPs – LIPs unable to understand/accomplish tasks resulting in longer or extra hearings and unprotected LIPs - LIPs unable to explore concerns/present case. A combination of factors appears to influence how well courts and LIPs cope. These include matter and hearing type (directions vs. substantive hearing), the approach of the judge and any legal representative, the availability of any facilitative third party and the capacity of the LIP(s). The availability of additional professional (legal) support for the LIP was often key to success. Three of the four types of ‘working’ hearings involved either a supportive lawyer or an activist/inquisitorial judge. Causes of delay included LIPs’ lack of understanding and experience meaning sometimes critical tasks were missed out, were done inadequately or were completed by the LIP only with considerable coaching and support from others, particularly judges. Ensuring equality of arms between parties was a real challenge, notably when a LIP was unaware of their legal entitlements and/or unable to do justice to their case. Judges varied considerably in the extent to which they helped LIPs, in itself a source of potential unfairness. Judicial attempts to support LIPs could be seen as unfair to represented parties in semi-representation cases. Two key ‘legal’ tasks - the preparation of bundles and cross-examination - were beyond the capacity of most LIPs unless they had considerable help. 3.4 The support needs of litigants in person (p79-100 of the Report) The LIP experience was mixed, sometimes better than expected but often stressful and confusing. LIPs reported fear and anxiety about the process, feeling marginalised and bewilderment and confusion, regardless of educational level. Factors that made the experience more positive were judges and sometimes opposing solicitors who took time to explain things and being able to draw upon previous experience of being at court. A degree of self-assurance or confidence was helpful, although over-confidence and an over-estimation of one’s understanding of the process could cause difficulties. The main support needs identified by LIPs were for information about process and procedure, emotional support, practical support and tailored legal advice including broad questions about their entitlements and specific questions about tactics and tasks. LIPs varied enormously in terms both of willingness and ability to seek support and of the effectiveness with which support was sought. A minority of LIPs were proactive in searching for information without any prompting by the courts. The proactive LIPs could be divided into the capable/organised and those with a scattergun/shot in the dark approach, although even the capable/organised could find it difficult to find the information they needed. Reactive LIPs responded to instructions or suggestions from family justice professionals, especially where those instructions were clear and precise. Passive LIPs relied on others to provide help, did not engage with the court process or had chaotic lifestyles. Support for LIPs at the time of the study was disparate, variable and limited. The internet has potential for informing LIPs, as well as some very significant drawbacks in relation to relevance, accuracy as well as accessibility for all. Few of the LIPs interviewed reported using the HMCTS or MoJ websites and those who did reported they did not meet their needs. Further, not all LIPs have access to online resources and, even for those who do, websites cannot adequately substitute for the tailored legal advice that many LIPs require. LIPs reported frustration that organisations like CABx, the court service and Cafcass were not able to offer advice and advised them to seek legal advice that could not be afforded. There is a dearth of free or low-cost legal advice in the community. Family and friends could be very helpful acting as informal supporters, but the development of paid ‘professional’ McKenzie Friends was a source of real concern to judges, lawyers and Cafcass officers. As previous studies have found, the courts did little signposting to sources of support. Professional training in how to support LIPs is needed. The development of support services for LIPs and training for professionals should be informed by, and responsive to, the different needs and help-seeking approaches of LIPs. 4. Policy Implications and Recommendations (p101-125 of the Report) 4.1 LIPS after 1st April 2013: eligibility for legal aid and the ‘new’ LIPs Chapter 6 of the Report considers the policy and practice implications of the findings reported above. The chapter begins with consideration of how far the findings are likely to apply after 1 April 2013. The available evidence suggested that the majority of represented parties in the sample who were in receipt of legal aid would no longer be eligible for legal aid after the LASPO reforms. In comparison with the observed pre-LASPO LIPs, the researchers would expect that LIPs post-LASPO would be less likely to be partially represented and more likely to present with vulnerabilities which affect their capacity to represent themselves effectively and create challenges for the courts in terms of safety at court, testing, disclosure and safeguarding children 4.2 Recommendations The report identified that LIPs have considerable needs for support across several dimensions. It also identified what the researchers consider to be best practices for meeting those needs, based on the team’s review of the literature and the observations and interviews with LIPs and family justice system professionals. It has not been part of the research team’s brief, however, to analyse the cost-benefit of these proposals or to produce a fully worked-up blueprint for change. This section, therefore, summarises the broad recommendations arising from the team’s analysis of the literature and the research data. Further detailed policy and operational consideration will of course be required to determine how these recommendations could be implemented. Information needs • That all relevant family justice communications, including forms, leaflets, practice directions, templates and pro forma, are re-evaluated from the perspective of LIPs and (if necessary) redesigned with their various needs in mind. • That a single authoritative ‘official’ family court website is established with all the resources that a LIP needs in one place. • That the court’s communication with parties prior to the first hearing is used more effectively to convey important information to LIPs. • That judges are encouraged to give LIPs clear verbal instructions and guidance on process and procedure. • That the court service provides increased opportunity for face-to-face inquiries with relevant court staff and that guidelines and training for court staff are devised to facilitate information-giving whilst avoiding giving advice. Emotional/moral support • That there is a presumption that a single family member, friend or volunteer may accompany a LIP in court to offer emotional/moral support without the need to submit a formal CV. • That consideration is given to the development of a code of conduct, practice guidance or regulatory framework for paid/’professional’ McKenzie Friends. Practical support and legal knowledge • That initial legal advice to facilitate dispute resolution and, where necessary, for initial preparation for court proceedings is made universally available. • That providing support for LIPs in a consistent way in both semi-represented and non-represented cases is understood as a key element of the judicial role; and that judicial officers receive appropriate guidance and training to do so. • That measures are introduced to ensure greater availability of and access to exceptional case funding in private family law matters. • That a mechanism is introduced to enable judicial recommendation for the provision of publicly funded representation in the interests of justice. • That the MoJ consider which other forms of legal and procedural assistance outlined in this Chapter for LIPs engaged in court proceedings can feasibly be supported or implemented. Other issues • Follow up independent research is needed to examine the impact of the legal aid reforms on the types and experiences of LIPs, their impact on the court system and the effectiveness of innovations and services to support LIPs

    Content Area Reading Preparation: Effectiveness of Four Methods of Instruction

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    The belief that secondary content teachers should have content reading as a course in their pre-service education is an idea that is gaining increasing acceptance. Surveys examining certification requirements show that an increasing number of states mandate a course in reading for secondary certification (Bader, 1975; Lamberg, 1978). This trend is also reflected in increased numbers of teacher training institutions that are now offering a content area reading course for their undergraduate secondary education majors, as compared to ten years ago

    A Computational Method for the Rate Estimation of Evolutionary Transpositions

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    Genome rearrangements are evolutionary events that shuffle genomic architectures. Most frequent genome rearrangements are reversals, translocations, fusions, and fissions. While there are some more complex genome rearrangements such as transpositions, they are rarely observed and believed to constitute only a small fraction of genome rearrangements happening in the course of evolution. The analysis of transpositions is further obfuscated by intractability of the underlying computational problems. We propose a computational method for estimating the rate of transpositions in evolutionary scenarios between genomes. We applied our method to a set of mammalian genomes and estimated the transpositions rate in mammalian evolution to be around 0.26.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO), 2015. (to appear