1,284 research outputs found

    Electric field dependence of thermal conductivity of a granular superconductor: Giant field-induced effects predicted

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    The temperature and electric field dependence of electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity (TC) of a granular superconductor is considered within a 3D model of inductive Josephson junction arrays. In addition to a low-temperature maximum of zero-field TC K(T,0) (controlled by mutual inductance L_0 and normal state resistivity R_n), the model predicts two major effects in applied electric field: (i) decrease of the linear TC, and (ii) giant enhancement of the nonlinear (i.e., grad T-dependent) TC with [K(T,E)-K(T,0)]/K(T,0) reaching 500% for parallel electric fields E=E_T (E_T=S_0|grad T| is an "intrinsic" thermoelectric field). A possiblity of experimental observation of the predicted effects in granular superconductors is discussed.Comment: 5 LaTeX pages (jetpl.sty included), 2 EPS figures. To be published in JETP Letter

    Peculiarities in produced particles emission in 208Pb + Ag(Br) interactions at 158 A GeV/c

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    The angular structures of particles produced in 208Pb induced collisions with Ag(Br) nuclei in an emulsion detector at 158 A GeV/c have been investigated. Nonstatistical ring-like substructures in azimuthal plane of the collision have been found and their parameters have been determined. The indication on the formation of the ring-like substructures from two symmetrical emission cones - one in the forward and other in the backward direction in the center-of mass system have been obtained. The ring-like substructures parameters have been determined. The experimental results are in an agreement with I.M. Dremin idea, that mechanism of the ring-like substructures formation in nuclear collisions is similar to that of Cherenkov electromagnetic radiation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Report at the HADRON STRUCTURE'04 Conference, Smolenice, Slovakia, 30.8.-3.9.200

    Konstantin Dmitrievich Glinka (23.06.1867 – 02.11.1927) – the first academician-soil scientist, organizer and first Director of V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and the first Rector of Voronezh Agricultural Institute named after Emperor Peter I, Professor, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

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    Konstantin Dmitrievich Glinka made a major contribution to the development of such areas of soil science as genesis, geography, cartography and mineralogy of soils. He made the first world soil maps (1908, 1915, 1927), the first soil map of the Asian part of Russia (1927, jointly with L.I. Prasolov), classic studies of weathering processes and transformation of primary minerals into secondary, first studies of buried and relic soils, which laid the foundation for paleosoil science. Fundamental, encyclopedic textbook, written by K.D. Glinka “Soil science” went through six editions (1908–1936) and became a basic guide for many generations of soil scientists. The ideas of K.D. Glinka in the genesis of different types of soils, including gray forest soils, podzols, red earths, burozems (brown soils) have not lost their scientific value until the present day. His outstanding scientific, organizational and pedagogical contribution to the development of genetic soil science has earned K.D. Glinka a well-deserved fame as a scientist of world class

    Current Situation of the Ethical Principles of Social Advertising in Ukraine

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    Ґенеза формування та сучасний стан етичних принципів соціальної реклами в Україні розкривають основні проблеми функціонування на вітчизняних теренах комунікацій, що є носіями моральних норм гуманізму у суспільстві. Origin of creation and current situation of the ethical principles of social advertising in Ukraine brings about functioning issues of communication within the national landscape that is a carrier of moral norms of humanity in the society

    Облачные сервисы: стимулы пользователей к адаптации

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    Information technologies influence a place and competitiveness of the companies on the international scene. Сloud technologies take root practically in all branches of economy both in state and in the private sphere the advanced information technologies. The essence of cloud technologies consists in granting to end users of remote dynamic access to services, computing resources and appendices (including operating systems and infrastructure) on the Internet. The purposes of this work are: the analysis of speed of distribution of cloudy technologies in the Russian Federation and the world; definition of drivers of development and distribution barriers in the Russian market; development prospects of cloud-based technology and proposing measures s for stimulating their development . Survey of representatives of the companies participating of the market of cloud services was conducted for the analysis of the factors influencing distribution of cloud services in Russia. The factors influencing the direction development prospects of cloud-based technology are defined by the factorial analysis of answers of respondents in the SPSS program. Based on the results of the survey, the forecasted values of the development of the cloud services market were made. The infrastructure, economic, marketing factors promoting advance of cloud services in the Russian market are revealed as a result of the conducted research. The factors interfering growth of the market of cloud technologies are legal, social and economic, technological and marketing. Tools were developed for stimulation of distribution of cloud services on the basis of the received results. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that in order to preserve sustainable development, it is expedient to specialize companies for the production of one type of products or in a particular industry. Also it is recommended to develop products for public sector, providers of cloud services only started mastering this sphere. If other information technologies are usually offered to customers through IT directors, then cloud products should be promoted by addressing directly to directors of companies or other representatives distributing the budget.Информационные технологии все больше влияют на место и конкурентоспособность компаний на международной арене. Практически во всех отраслях экономики как в государственной, так и в частной сфере внедряются передовые информационные технологии, в том числе облачные технологии. Суть облачных технологий заключается в предоставлении конечным пользователям удаленного динамического доступа к услугам, вычислительным ресурсам и приложениям (включая операционные системы и инфраструктуру) через интернет. Целями данной работы являются: анализ скорости распространения облачных технологий в РФ и мире; определение драйверов развития и барьеров распространения на российском рынке; выявление перспектив развития облачных технологий и предложение мер по стимулированию распространения облачных технологий.Для анализа факторов, влияющих на распространение облачных сервисов в России, был проведен опрос представителей компаний – участников рынка облачных услуг. С помощью факторного анализа ответов респондентов в программе SPSS определены факторы, влияющие на направление развития рынка облачных технологий. Исходя из результатов опроса были сделаны прогнозные значения развития рынка облачных сервисов.В результате исследования выявлены инфраструктурные, экономические, маркетинговые факторы, способствующие продвижению облачных сервисов на российском рынке. Факторы, препятствующие росту рынка облачных технологий, – правовые, социально-экономические, технологические и маркетинговые. Были разработаны инструменты для стимулирования распространения облачных сервисов.На основе полученных результатов можно сделать вывод, что для сохранения устойчивого развития целесообразна специализация компаний по выпуску продукции одного вида или в конкретной отрасли. Также рекомендуется разрабатывать продукты для государственного сектора, эту сферу провайдеры облачных услуг только начали осваивать. Если другие информационные технологии обычно предлагаются клиентам через IT-директоров, то облачные продукты стоит продвигать, обращаясь напрямую к директорам компаний или другим представителям, распределяющим бюджет

    Composite Ceramics Based on Garnet-type Oxide Y2.5Nd0.5Al5O12 and Silicon Carbide. Preparation. Properties

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    We have obtained powders of garnet-type complex oxide Y2.5Nd0.5Al5O12 – x vol.% SiC (x = 0, 10, 20) using wet chemistry techniques. The ceramics based on the studying compounds were sintered using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) (

    Some factors behind density dynamics of bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) ectoparasites of the boreal chiropterans: omitted predictors and hurdle model identification

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    We investigated density dynamics of three bat flies species (Diptera, Nycteribiidae): Penicillidia monoceros Speiser, 1900, Nycteribia quasiocellata (Theodor, 1966), Basilia rybini (Hurka, 1969) parasitized on two host species: pond bat, Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825), and eastern water bat, Myotis petax Hollister, 1912. Females of M. dasycneme have 3.4 (95 % CI 1.4–8.3) times higher odds of being infested, and in 2.4 (1.5–3.7) times higher average number of P. monoceros than males. Similarly, females of M. petax have 1.7 (1.2–2.4) times higher density of N. quasiocellata and/or B. rybini. We hypothesized an existence of host-sex-recognition mechanism in bat flies, providing it fine “ecological profit” due to sex-biased dispersal among adult host during wintering and the chance to infested a host offspring later (in summer). The decrease (due to mortality or emigration) in density of bat flies can be described as simple harmonic or S-shaped curve, and its “step” apparently corresponds to time of host pairing

    Antitrust regulation of price shifts: problems, paradoxes and prospects

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    The article is devoted to the problems of pricing processes in the economic security system. Pricing processes are one of the central and main processes in the economic. At the same time prices as a flexible tools are very powerful management lever of economic. Pricing processes are certain algorithms for generating prices, when various environmental factors are inconsistent and irregular. The article describes some problems of pricing processes in the economy, explores the practice of price manipulation by business entities. The authors analyze some antitrust regulation tools, content and conditions of their application and also define the disadvantages of these tools. The authors consider the situation, when exerting regulatory influence on pricing processes is on free prices market. The purpose of the issue is to reveal the features of the antitrust regulation tools in the management of pricing processes, to determine the basic principles of creating and functioning of a unified system for monitoring pricing processes. General scientific and special methods such as the system analysis method, the retrospective analysis method, and analytical methods of data research were chosen as scientific tools for conducting this study. The empirical materials of the study are presented by open data and analytical reports of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, decisions and definitions of the Supreme and Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation, official data of state authorities. The authors make recommendations on how to accept some antitrust regulatory tools. They also determine the additional priority of the state’s economic security strategy in managing pricing processes and develop the objectives of creating a unified system for monitoring pricing processes