816 research outputs found

    Development of encapsulated extracts on the basis of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in the composition of functional foods with oncoprotective properties

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    ArticleMeadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a quite common plant throughout the European countries, including Russia. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the meadowsweet are mainly associated with the action of biologically active substances (BAS), in particularly tannins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, flavonoids, essential oils etc. The main substances with proven clinical effects are salicylates and flavonoids, what allows to consider meadowsweet as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, nootropic, adaptogenic and antihypoxic agent. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of BAS in water and 70% ethyl alcohol extract of F. ulmaria flowers from different regions of Russia and develop their encapsulated forms for further use as an ingredient for functional food products. To increase the shelf life of meadowsweet extracts and create a stable form for their delivery to the human body with various food products, encapsulated forms of extracts in the form of microand nanosized capsules were developed. The method of encapsulation was carried out using a spray dryer. It was shown that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be added to a chicken pate without negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the finished product. The calculation of the cost of the meat product with the complex functional dry mixture showed a slight increase in the cost of the final product compared to the traditional analogue. This study shows that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be used for inclusion in various food products, to ensure the functional properties of food and optimize the population's rations

    Similarity analysis of silage, rumen and milk microbiota in dairy cows

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    Diseases that occur in such a multifactorial system as animal husbandry are determined not only by internal factors of the body, for example, the composition of the microflora of the digestive system, but also by external factors, such as feed. The aim of the study was to analyze the similarity of the microbiota of silage fed to cows with the composition of the microflora of their rumen and milk using the NGS sequencing method. The experiment was carried out on one of the commercial farms of the Leningrad region. The bacterial community of the contents of rumen, milk and silage from perennial cereals and legumes was evaluated by NGS sequencing on the MiSeq platform (Illumina, Inc., USA) with primers for the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. As a result of the study, 22 phylum of attributed microorganisms were found in the microflora of silage, 24 to 30 phylum of rumen, 18 phylum of milk. Similar taxa of microorganisms were identified in silage, rumen and milk, the main difference was noted in quantitative ratios (P≤0.05). For example, the amount of Firmicutes in silage was 52.9 ± 3.45%, in milk - 11.8 ± 0.78%. This suggests that there may be some relationship between the studied biotopes. Pathogenic microorganisms, including the causative agents of mastitis, were present in many samples. The genera Staphylococcus, Acinetobacter, Streptococcus and Fusobacterium were identified by us as the most represented (P≤0.05) in the composition of the milk microflora. Their content was 0.24±0.023, 1.8±1.23, 1.0±0.06 and 0.35±0.031%, respectively. Probably, the microflora of the rumen can influence the formation of the milk microbiota

    Studying the expression of productivity and immunity genes of chickens under the influence of feed glyphosate using the RNA-seq method

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    The aim of the study was to study the effect of different concentrations of glyphosate on meat productivity and differential expression of genes for immunity and broiler productivity. Broilers were divided into groups: Control I, who received a diet without the introduction of glyphosate, Experimental II, who received a diet with the addition of glyphosate at a dose of 10 mg/kg of feed (0.5 MPC for food); Experimental III, who received a diet with the addition of glyphosate at a dose of 20 mg/kg of feed (1 MPC); Experimental IV, who received a diet with the addition of glyphosate at a dose of 100 mg/kg of feed (5 MPC). Transcriptome analysis was performed by RNA-seq on the Illumina Miseq platform, using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit (Illumina, USA). In the 22-28-day period of broiler rearing, a decrease in live weight gain (83 g less) was observed in Experimental group III compared to Control I (P≤0.05). It has been shown that glyphosate at the level of 1 and 5 MPC for food causes activation (P≤0.05) of the proinflammatory response genes (IL15, IL1B, IL34, IL22) and apoptosis (Casp1, Casp2, Casp6, Casp7, Casp8, Casp9) up to 31.1 times, which probably leads to the redistribution of nutrients in in the body towards the immune system, reducing the functions of absorption in the intestine. In parallel, there is an inhibition (P≤0.05) of the expression of genes that have a direct effect on growth and development, which ultimately leads to a decrease in poultry meat productivity. Exposure to glyphosate is an important but unaccounted-for risk factor for reducing meat productivity in birds, acting through a change in gene expression

    Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase β

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    Aim. For strengthening the efficiency of monofunctional alkylating antineoplastic drugs it is important to lower the capacity of base excision repair (BER) system which corrects the majority of DNA damages caused by these reagents. The objective was to create inhibitors of the key BER enzymes (PARP1, PARP2, DNA polymerase β, and APE1) by the directed modification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Methods. Amides of GA were produced from the GA acetate by formation of the corresponding acyl chloride, amidation with the appropriate amine and subsequent deacylation. Small library of 2-cyano substituted derivatives of GA methyl esters was obtained by the structural modification of GA framework and carboxylic acid group. The inhibitory capacity of the compounds was estimated by comparison of the enzyme activities in specific tests in the presence of compounds versus their absence. Results. None of tested compounds inhibits PARP1 significantly. Unmodified GA and its morpholinic derivative were shown to be weak inhibitors of PARP2. The derivatives of GA containing keto-group in 11 triterpene framework were shown to be moderate inhibitors of pol β. Compound 3, containing 12-oxo-9(11)-en moiety in the ring C, was shown to be a single inhibitor of APE1 among all compounds studied. Conclusions. The class of GA derivatives, selective pol β inhibitors, was found out. The selective inhibitor of APE1 and weak selective inhibitor of PARP2 were also revealed

    A Measure-Theoretic Model for Collective Cell Migration and Aggregation

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    The aim of this paper is to present a measure-theoretic approach able to derive an Eulerian model of the dynamics of a cell population with a nite number of cells out of a microscopic Lagrangian description of the underlying cellular particle system. By looking at the spatial distribution of cells in terms of a time-evolving probability measure, rather than at individual cell paths, an ensemble representation of the cell colony is obtained, which can then result either in discrete, continuous, or hybrid approaches according to the spatial structure of such a probability measure. Remarkably, such an approach does not call for any assumption on the number of cells taken into account, thus providing consistency of the same modeling framework across all levels of representation. In addition, it is suitable to cope with the often ambiguous translation of microscopic arguments (i.e., cell dimensions and interaction radii) into macroscopic descriptions. The proposed approach, also extended to the case of multiple coexisting cell populations, is then tested with sample simulations that provide a useful sensitivity analysis of the model parameters

    Влияние травяной муки и пробиотика в рационе кур генофондных пород на микробиом кишечника, жироотложение и фолликулогенез

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    Probiotics are used in poultry farming for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of gastrointestinal tract, immune stimulation, correction of dysbacteriosis of digestive tract, and for replacement of antibiotics in compound feed. Increasing the fiber level in diet for poultry is considered as one of the nutrition strategies with the aim of reduction of the frequency of problems in the gastrointestinal tract as well. The purpose of research is to study the effect of grass meal and probiotic in diet for poultry on the intestinal microbiota, fat deposition and folliculogenesis. The experiment had been conducted on meat-and-egg type of hens of Amrox and Sussex breeds. From 18 weeks of age, within 12 weeks hens of the control groups were fed a normal diet, in the I experimental group 10 % of the usual diet was replaced with alfalfa grass flour, and in the II experimental group 10 % of the diet was replaced with grass flour with addition of enzyme preparation “Cellobacterin-T”, produced by Biotrof Ltd. Feeding grass meal along with probiotic positively affected the metabolic processes in body, so the amount of abdominal fat in carcass decreased. Fat reduction exceeded 20 % in poultry of experimental groups. It has been also determined that the number of maturing follicles in the ovaries of hens in experimental groups was 25-64 % higher, which indicates a positive effect of the experimental diet on potential egg production. Analysis of cecum contents in digestive tract of hens using the modern molecular genetic method T-RFLP showed that use of grass meal in diet for poultry along with Cellobacterin-T probiotic contributed to formation of useful microflora, as well as to decrease in the number of undesirable actinomycetes and pathogenic mycoplasmas in gastrointestinal tract of hens.Пробиотики используют в птицеводстве для профилактики и лечения заболеваний желудочнокишечного тракта инфекционной природы, стимуляции иммунитета, коррекции дисбактериозов пищеварительного тракта, для замены антибиотиков в комбикормах. Повышение уровня клетчатки в рационе кур рассматривается как одна из стратегий питания, задачей, которой является также снижение частоты возникновения проблем в желудочнокишечном тракте. Цель работы – изучение влияния добавок в рационе кур в виде травяной муки и пробиотика на микробиоту кишечника, жироотложение и фолликулогенез. Опыт проводился на курах мясо-яичного типа, пород амрокс и суссекс. С 18-недельного возраста, в течение 12 недель, курам контрольных групп скармливался хозяйственный рацион, I опытной группе 10 % основного рациона заменили люцерновой травяной мукой, а II опытной группе 10 % рациона заменили травяной мукой с добавлением ферментного препарата «Целлобактерин-Т», произведенного в компании ООО «Биотроф». Скармливание травяной муки совместно с пробиотиком положительно повлияло на обменные процессы организма, что нашло отражение в количестве абдоминального жира в тушке. Снижение жира превысило 20 % у птиц опытных групп. Выявлено, что количество зреющих фолликулов в яичниках кур из опытных групп было выше на 25-64 %, что говорит о положительном влиянии экспериментального рациона на потенциальную яйценоскость. Анализ содержимого слепых отростков пищеварительного тракта кур с применением современного молекулярно-генетического метода T-RFLP показал, что использование травяной муки в рационе кур совместно с пробиотиком Целлобактерин-Т способствовало формированию полезной микрофлоры, а также к снижению численности нежелательных актиномицетов и патогенных микоплазм в желудочно-кишечном тракте кур

    Studies of effector molecules exerting autonomous and nonautonomous influence of T lymphocyte apoptosis under the conditions of in vitro “cell neighborhood” in healthy people and patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Cellular homeostasis in the body is known to be maintained by the processes of cell proliferation and death, whereas apoptosis is the most frequent and physiological, “silent” mechanism of cell elimination. It has been currently shown that the process of apoptosis traditionally considered an autonomous event, has a pronounced non-autonomous effect on migration, proliferation, and death of the neighboring cells. This work was based on the data on impaired programmed death of mononuclear cells from the patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) leading to the evolving autoimmune inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate effector molecules exerting autonomous and non-autonomous influence of T cell apoptosis under the conditions of “cell neighborhood” in cell cultures of healthy people and RA patients. The studies were performed with blood samples of RA patients and healthy women of comparable age. These experiments were performed in order to assess the levels of main molecules mediating the in vitro receptor and mitochondrial apoptosis of T lymphocytes. In previous studies, using the original “cell neighborhood” model, no differences were found in parameters of early and late activation apoptosis between the groups of donors and RA patients. At the same time, 1-week incubation in apoptotic cultures of the patients was followed by significantly increased number of viable cells carrying the proliferation marker Ki-67. Different results of in vitro apoptosis induction in cultures under similar conditions of “cell neighborhood” in healthy people and patients with RA have revealed the importance of main effector molecules of apoptosis in the studied groups. In this study, we have revealed low potential of the receptor pathway for apoptosis activation in healthy people, due to suppression of TNFα production during cell incubation under the conditions of “cell neighborhood”, and in RA patients due to initially low TNFα in supernatants which did not change over time and in various incubation variants, along with low content of initiating caspase 8 in both groups. Significant suppression of effector molecules of mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis activation, i.e., Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic factor and p53 transcription factor was detected in cultures of apoptotic cells, as well as mixtures of proliferating and apoptotic cells under the conditions of “cell neighborhood” in RA patients. The amounts of these molecules did not change in healthy persons. At the same time, no differences in these molecules were found between individual variants of cell cultures from the patients with RA and healthy people. The both studied groups were characterized by a significant activation of IL-4 and IL-6 production, i.e., the cytokines with autonomous and non-autonomous protective and reparative properties, Hence, one may conclude that high levels of these cytokines had different effects in cell cultures under the conditions of “cell neighborhood”. Incubation of cells from healthy people under suboptimal conditions was associated with maintaining the balance of proliferation and apoptosis, whereas, in cell cultures of RA patients, this balance caused activation of proliferation processes, being accompanied by an increase in the number of living cells in apoptotic cultures