76 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced phase transition of Bi2Te3 into the bcc structure

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    The pressure-induced phase transition of bismuth telluride, Bi2Te3, has been studied by synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements at room temperature using a diamond-anvil cell (DAC) with loading pressures up to 29.8 GPa. We found a high-pressure body-centered cubic (bcc) phase in Bi2Te3 at 25.2 GPa, which is denoted as phase IV, and this phase apperars above 14.5 GPa. Upon releasing the pressure from 29.8 GPa, the diffraction pattern changes with pressure hysteresis. The original rhombohedral phase is recovered at 2.43 GPa. The bcc structure can explain the phase IV peaks. We assumed that the structural model of phase IV is analogous to a substitutional binary alloy; the Bi and Te atoms are distributed in the bcc-lattice sites with space group Im-3m. The results of Rietveld analysis based on this model agree well with both the experimental data and calculated results. Therefore, the structure of phase IV in Bi2Te3 can be explained by a solid solution with a bcc lattice in the Bi-Te (60 atomic% tellurium) binary system.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Amperometric detection of hydroxypurines at an electrode modified with a composite based on mixed-valence ruthenium and cobalt oxides in flow injection analysis

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A composite material based on mixed-valence ruthenium and cobalt oxides, electrodeposited on the surface of a screen printed electrode, exhibits high catalytic activity in the electrooxidation of uric acid, xanthine, and hypoxanthine. Catalysis manifests itself as a decrease in the substrate oxidation overvoltage and an increase in current at the potential of modifier oxidation. A method is proposed for the simultaneous amperometric detection of two-component systems uric acid–xanthine, xanthine–hypoxanthine, and uric acid–hypoxanthine using a screen printed electrode with two working electrodes modified by this composite. The dependence of the analytical signal on the concentration of analytes is linear in the range 5 × 10–8 to 5 × 10–3 M for uric acid and xanthine and from 5 × 10–7 to 5 × 10–3 M for hypoxanthine

    Features of Forming a Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 Film by Tape Casting

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    Thin films of Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyte were obtained by tape casting.The optimal heat treatment mode without films’ deformation was proposed.The highest conductivity values were observed for the Li7La3Zr2O12 film annealed at 800 °С – 1.5·10–5 S·cm–1 at 215 °С.Received: 13.10.23. Revised: 07.11.23. Accepted: 17.11.23. Available online: 21.11.23.Currently, interest to lithium and lithium-ion all-solid-state power sources is rapidly growing all over the world. However, several issues should be addressed before all-solid-state batteries production: high resistance values of the solid electrolyte membrane and poor contact between electrolyte and electrode materials. The transition to thin-film technologies is one of the promising ways to solve these problems. Tape casting can be proposed to obtain thin-film solid electrolytes. In this research, the features of the structure formation, morphology and lithium-ion conductivity of Li7La3Zr2O12 films were investigated. Li7La3Zr2O12 films with the thickness of 35 μm were obtained by tape casting on Ni substrate. The influence of organic components’ content on homogeneous coatings formation was established. Heat treatment conditions for dried films were chosen based on differential scanning calorimetry and optical dilatometry. Phase change from tetragonal to cubic modification occurs after annealing the Li7La3Zr2O12 films at 700 °C and higher. The annealed Li7La3Zr2O12 films have developed surface, which can lead to improved contact between the solid electrolyte and an electrode in an electrochemical cell. Li7La3Zr2O12 films annealed at 800 °C have the highest lithium-ion conductivity values (2.5·10–7 and 1.5·10–5 S·cm–1 at 90 and 215 °С, respectively). The technology of Li7La3Zr2O12 films formation with the thickness of ~23 μm by tape casting was developed.This research was funded by the Research Program No. 122020100210-9 (IHTE UB RAS), Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Russia.The research has been carried out with the equipment of the Shared Access Center “Composition of Compounds” at the IHTE UB RAS

    Phase Diagram of Pressure-induced Superconductivity and its Relation to Hall Coefficient in Bi2Te3 Single Crystal

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    Pressure-induced superconductivity and its relation to corresponding Hall coefficient (RH) have been reported for Bi2Te3, one of known topological insulators. A full phase diagram is presented which shows a complex dependence of the superconducting transition temperature as a function of pressure over an extensive range. High-pressure RH measurements reveal a close relation of these complex behaviors, particularly, a dramatic change of dRH/dP before structural phase transition and a pressure-induced crossover on RH in the high pressure phase were observed.Comment: 14 pages and 3 figure

    Muon `Depth -- Intensity' Relation Measured by LVD Underground Experiment and Cosmic-Ray Muon Spectrum at Sea Level

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    We present the analysis of the muon events with all muon multiplicities collected during 21804 hours of operation of the first LVD tower. The measured angular distribution of muon intensity has been converted to the `depth -- vertical intensity' relation in the depth range from 3 to 12 km w.e.. The analysis of this relation allowed to derive the power index, γ\gamma, of the primary all-nucleon spectrum: γ=2.78±0.05\gamma=2.78 \pm 0.05. The `depth -- vertical intensity' relation has been converted to standard rock and the comparison with the data of other experiments has been done. We present also the derived vertical muon spectrum at sea level.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Сравнение реологических и вязкоупругих свойств медицинских изделий гиалуроновой кислоты для внутрисуставного введения

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease that affects more than 80% of people over 55 years and in its final stages leads to disability. One of the safe non-surgical methods of OA treatment is intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid (HA).Objective: to compare the viscoelastic rheological properties of HA medical products with different concentrations of sodium hyaluronate (SH) available in the Russian Federation.Material and methods. The study was carried out using a modular rheometer MCR 302 (Anton Paar, Austria). All measurements were carried out at a temperature of 25.0±0.1 °C using the measuring system "cone-plane" (angle – 2 ˚ , cone diameter – 40 mm, gap height – 0.169 mm). The determination of the elastic moduli (G’) and viscosity (G”) was carried out depending on the frequency in the linear region of the shear stress, and the dynamic viscosity was determined at a shear rate of 1 sec-1.Results. The evaluation of the rheological properties of the studied samples revealed a positive relationship with the concentration of SH and no relationship with the molecular weight of SH. The highest viscoelastic properties were possessed by medical products in the 1% SH group: Armaviscon and Ripart; in the group with SH concentration of 1.5–1.6%, all the studied samples, except for Hyalubrix, showed similar higher results compared to the previous group; in the group with SH concentration of 2–3%, Armaviscon Platinum had the highest results and Flexotron Ultra and Armaviscon Forte – somewhat lower results.Conclusion. The study of the rheological viscoelastic properties of HA medical products is the most accessible method, on the basis of which it is possible to predict the clinical effect.Остеоартрит (ОА) – наиболее распространенное заболевание суставов, которое поражает более 80% лиц старше 55 лет и на последних стадиях приводит к инвалидности. Одним из безопасных неоперативных методов лечения ОА является использование внутрисуставных инъекции медицинских изделий гиалуроновои кислоты (ГлК).Цель исследования – сравнение вязкоупругих реологических свойств медицинских изделий ГлК с различной концентрацией гиалуроната натрия (ГН), доступных для использования в Российской Федерации.Материал и методы. Исследование проводилось с помощью модульного реометра MCR 302 (Anton Paar, Австрия). Все измерения выполнялись при температуре 25,0±0,1 °С с использованием измерительной системы «конус-плоскость» (угол – 2°, диаметр конуса – 40 мм, высота зазора – 0,169 мм). Определение модулей упругости (G’) и вязкости (G”) осуществляли в зависимости от частоты в линейной области напряжения сдвига, а динамической вязкости – при скорости сдвига 1 с-1.Результаты и обсуждение. Оценка реологических свойств исследуемых образцов выявила положительную связь с концентрацией ГН и отсутствие связи с молекулярной массой ГН. Самыми высокими вязкоупругими свойствами обладали медицинские изделия в группе с концентрацией ГН 1%: Армавискон и Рипарт; в группе с концентрацией ГН 1,5–1,6% все исследуемые образцы, кроме Хиалубрикса, показали схожие, более высокие по сравнению с предыдущей группой, результаты; в группе с концентрацией ГН 2–3% наиболее высокие показатели имел Армавискон Платинум и несколько меньшие – Флексотрон Ультра и Армавискон Форте.Заключение. Изучение реологических вязкоупругих свойств медицинских изделий ГлК является наиболее доступным методом, на основании которого можно прогнозировать клинический эффект

    Влияние адаптогена аскорбата лития на микробиоту рубца овец-ярок

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    Health and productivity of ruminants directly depend on the state of rumen and digestion in intestinal tract. Normal microflora protects the body from pathogenic microbes, stimulates the immune system, participates in metabolic reactions and plays an important role in energy metabolism. Disturbance of species composition of microflora in rumen under effect of various factors leads to a state of dysbiosis, disorders of products digestibility, changes in enzymatic processes and other disorders. Biologically active substances of an adaptogenic nature can show immunomodulatory and antimicrobial activity. Adaptogen lithium ascorbate has stress-protective, neurotrophic, neuroprotective, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties. In this paper, using molecular genetic methods, the effect of lithium ascorbate on composition of rumen microbiota of sheep was studied for the first time.  Composition of microbiota was determined by NGS sequencing method. In total, 37 phylums, 76 classes, 98 orders, 225 families and 894 species of microorganisms were identified. It has been determined that introduction of lithium ascorbate at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight into the main diet of sheep contributed to increase in proportion of cellulolytic bacteria from 73.6±1.6% to 75.4±0.9% and over 40% decrease in total number of infusoria in rumen content. Cellulolytic activity of rumen fluid in sheep of the experimental group increased by 38% compared to the animals of the control group. The number of pathogenic bacteria decreased from 2.7% in sheep of the control group to 1.6% in animals of the experimental group, while the content of beneficial bacilli increased from 0.3% to 0.5%, respectively. Content of undesirable and conditionally pathogenic microflora decreased in the sheep of experimental group. The obtained data confirm positive effect of adaptogen lithium ascorbate, introduced into diet at a dosage of 10 mg/kg of body weight, on qualitative and quantitative composition of microbiota in sheep rumen. Therefore, lithium ascorbate, a broad-spectrum adaptogen, can be recommended as a feed additive to the main diet of sheep to improve rumen digestion and increase productivity.Здоровье и продуктивность жвачных животных напрямую зависят от рубцового и кишечного пищеварения. Нормальная микрофлора защищает организм от патогенных микробов, стимулирует иммунную систему, участвует в метаболических реакциях и играет важную роль в энергетическом обмене. Нарушение видового состава микрофлоры рубца под влиянием различных факторов приводит к изменению усвояемости продуктов пищеварения, изменениям ферментативных процессов и развитию прочих патологических процессов. Биологически активные вещества адаптогенной природы могут проявлять иммуномодулирующую и антимикробную активность. Адаптоген аскорбат лития обладает стресс-протекторными, нейротрофическими, нейропротекторными, антиоксидантными, иммуномодулирующими свойствами и в качестве кормовой добавки влияет на микробиоту рубца. В настоящем исследовании при использовании NGS-секвенирования впервые изучено влияние адаптогена аскорбата лития на бактериальное сообщество рубца овец-ярок романовской породы. На фоне длительного содержания овец на основном рационе в условиях вивария ВНИИФБиП нормофлора рубца не подвергалась негативным изменениям. Введение органической соли лития в состав основного рациона в дозировке 10 мг/кг живой массы способствовало усилению процессов ферментации в рубце, достоверному росту целлюлозолитической активности, снижению суммарной доли патогенных и доли некоторых условно-патогенных микроорганизмов в рубцовом содержимом. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о благотворном влиянии введения аскорбата лития в качестве добавки к основному рациону на состав микробиоты рубца овец

    The use of lysozyme to prepare biologically active chitooligomers

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    International audienceTwo types of crustacean commercial chitosans (CS1, CS2) were dissolved in lactic acid solutions, hydrolysed by lysozyme and finally fractioned by methanol solutions into two parts containing chito-oligomers (CS-O1, CS-O2). The antioxidant power and antimicrobial properties of both fractions were studied and compared with non-hydrolysed CS1 and CS2. The antioxidant properties were determined by the ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) method while the bioactive properties were evaluated against a strain of Listeria monocytogenes. CS-O obtained from the solid fraction of the chito-oligomers solid fractions treated with 90% methanol showed the highest reducing power. Microbiological tests showed that CS-O exhibit higher antilisterial activity than CS

    Бронхиальная астма: федеральные клинические рекомендации по диагностике и лечению

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    Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease that requires identification of its phenotype and a personalized approach to therapy. At the same time, despite a wide range of therapeutic options, many patients with asthma cannot achieve control over the disease.Methodology. The target audience of these clinical recommendations are general practitioners, therapists, pediatricians, allergologists-immunologists, pulmonologists, and functional diagnostics doctors. Each thesis-recommendation about diagnostic and therapeutic procedures has been scored according to the scales of classes of recommendations from 1 to 5 and A, B, C scale of the levels of evidence. The clinical recommendations also contain comments and explanations to the theses, algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma, and reference materials.Conclusion. The presented clinical guidelines cover current information about the etiology and pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of bronchial asthma. These guidelines were approved by the Scientific and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2021. Бронхиальная астма (БА) является гетерогенным заболеванием, при котором требуется выделение различных фенотипов и персонифицированный подход к терапии. При этом несмотря на широкий выбор терапевтических возможностей, у многих пациентов с БА не удается достичь контроля над заболеванием.Методы. Целевой аудиторией данных клинических рекомендаций являются врачи общей практики, терапевты, педиатры, аллергологи-иммунологи, пульмонологи и врачи функциональной диагностики. Каждый тезис-рекомендация по проведению диагностических и лечебных мероприятий оценивается по шкалам уровней достоверности доказательств от 1 до 5 и шкале оценки уровней убедительности рекомендаций по категориям А, В, С. Клинические рекомендации содержат также комментарии и разъяснения к указанным тезисам-рекомендациям, алгоритмы по диагностике и лечению БА, справочные материалы.Заключение. По данным представленных клинических рекомендаций освещаются современные сведения об этиологии и патогенезе, классификации, клинических проявлениях, диагностике, лечении и профилактике БА. Клинические рекомендации одобрены Научно-практическим Советом Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (2021).

    Amperometric detection of hydroxypurines at an electrode modified with a composite based on mixed-valence ruthenium and cobalt oxides in flow injection analysis

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A composite material based on mixed-valence ruthenium and cobalt oxides, electrodeposited on the surface of a screen printed electrode, exhibits high catalytic activity in the electrooxidation of uric acid, xanthine, and hypoxanthine. Catalysis manifests itself as a decrease in the substrate oxidation overvoltage and an increase in current at the potential of modifier oxidation. A method is proposed for the simultaneous amperometric detection of two-component systems uric acid–xanthine, xanthine–hypoxanthine, and uric acid–hypoxanthine using a screen printed electrode with two working electrodes modified by this composite. The dependence of the analytical signal on the concentration of analytes is linear in the range 5 × 10–8 to 5 × 10–3 M for uric acid and xanthine and from 5 × 10–7 to 5 × 10–3 M for hypoxanthine