4,721 research outputs found

    Online Data Stream Learning and Classification with Limited Labels

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    Mining data streams such as Internet traffic andnetwork security is complex. Due to the difficulty of storage, datastreams analytics need to be done in one scan. This limits thetime to observe stream feature and hence, further complicatesthe data mining processes. Traditional supervised data miningwith batch training natural is not suitable to mine data streams.This paper proposes an algorithm for online data streamclassification and learning with limited labels using selective selftrainingsemi-supervised classification. The experimental resultsshow it is able to achieve up to 99.6% average accuracy for 10%labeled data and 98.6% average accuracy for 1% labeled data. Itcan classify up to 34K instances per second

    Oogst, opslag en voedering van snijmais in Noord-Italie : verslag van een studiereis in september 1972

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    Door de stormachtige ontwikkeling van snijmais komen veel vragen naar voren. Het is daarom nuttig zich te orienteren in landen waar de snijmaisteelt al jaren lang een grote omvang heeft. In dit artikel wordt een korte studiereis naar Italië beschreven. Deze reis werd gemaakt met het doel zich op de hoogte te stellen van de ontwikkelingen bij de oogst, de opslag en de voedering van snijmai

    Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopic characterization of homogeneous solution concentration gradients near a container wall at different temperatures

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopic techniques were used to study the solution concentration gradient in succino nitrile-rich and water-rich homogeneous solutions. The spectroscopic data shows significant concentration dependency. Although FTIR-attenuated total reflectance could not yield surface spectra since the evanescent infrared wave penetrated deep into the bulk solution, it showed that water-rich clusters were decreased at higher temperatures. This result is consistent with the calorimetric results reported earlier

    Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Makueni – Wote, Kenya (KE0202)

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    The village baseline study of Kithoni village in the CCAFS benchmark site of Makueni, Kenya took place from June 11th – 14th, 2012. Focus group discussions were conducted separately for men and women. The village is in a marginal landscape and is food insecure. Frequent droughts and crop failures plague the area. The biggest constraint to agricultural production is the shortage of water. Land holdings have become increasingly smaller due to the increase in human population. The government has to frequently provide relief food during times of crisis. There are many organisations operating in the village, but there is a lack of concerted efforts between them, particularly those working in food security and natural resource management. Very few organisations are working on the food crisis situation in the area, although this is a frequently recurring issue. Networks of information for agricultural advice are based mainly on the radio and friends/neighbours. All the organisations mentioned as providing information are those that operate beyond the locality. There is potential to link these organisations with community groups and individuals especially to develop a feedback mechanism so that the flow of information is two-way. The FM stations can also be supplied with a wider range of information to disseminate. However, this must be in line with the community needs which should be established beforehand

    Rigorous Real-Time Feynman Path Integral for Vector Potentials

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    we will show the existence and uniqueness of a real-time, time-sliced Feynman path integral for quantum systems with vector potential. Our formulation of the path integral will be derived on the L2L^2 transition probability amplitude via improper Riemann integrals. Our formulation will hold for vector potential Hamiltonian for which its potential and vector potential each carries at most a finite number of singularities and discontinuities

    Pyrophosphate-Dependent ATP Formation from Acetyl Coenzyme A in Syntrophus aciditrophicus, a New Twist on ATP Formation.

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    UnlabelledSyntrophus aciditrophicus is a model syntrophic bacterium that degrades key intermediates in anaerobic decomposition, such as benzoate, cyclohexane-1-carboxylate, and certain fatty acids, to acetate when grown with hydrogen-/formate-consuming microorganisms. ATP formation coupled to acetate production is the main source for energy conservation by S. aciditrophicus However, the absence of homologs for phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase in the genome of S. aciditrophicus leaves it unclear as to how ATP is formed, as most fermentative bacteria rely on these two enzymes to synthesize ATP from acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) and phosphate. Here, we combine transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolite, and enzymatic approaches to show that S. aciditrophicus uses AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs1) for ATP synthesis from acetyl-CoA. acs1 mRNA and Acs1 were abundant in transcriptomes and proteomes, respectively, of S. aciditrophicus grown in pure culture and coculture. Cell extracts of S. aciditrophicus had low or undetectable acetate kinase and phosphate acetyltransferase activities but had high acetyl-CoA synthetase activity under all growth conditions tested. Both Acs1 purified from S. aciditrophicus and recombinantly produced Acs1 catalyzed ATP and acetate formation from acetyl-CoA, AMP, and pyrophosphate. High pyrophosphate levels and a high AMP-to-ATP ratio (5.9 ± 1.4) in S. aciditrophicus cells support the operation of Acs1 in the acetate-forming direction. Thus, S. aciditrophicus has a unique approach to conserve energy involving pyrophosphate, AMP, acetyl-CoA, and an AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase.ImportanceBacteria use two enzymes, phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase, to make ATP from acetyl-CoA, while acetate-forming archaea use a single enzyme, an ADP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase, to synthesize ATP and acetate from acetyl-CoA. Syntrophus aciditrophicus apparently relies on a different approach to conserve energy during acetyl-CoA metabolism, as its genome does not have homologs to the genes for phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase. Here, we show that S. aciditrophicus uses an alternative approach, an AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase, to make ATP from acetyl-CoA. AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetases were previously thought to function only in the activation of acetate to acetyl-CoA

    A rigorous real time Feynman Path Integral and Propagator

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    We will derive a rigorous real time propagator for the Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanic L2L^2 transition probability amplitude and for the Non-relativistic wave function. The propagator will be explicitly given in terms of the time evolution operator. The derivation will be for all self-adjoint nonvector potential Hamiltonians. For systems with potential that carries at most a finite number of singularity and discontinuities, we will show that our propagator can be written in the form of a rigorous real time, time sliced Feynman path integral via improper Riemann integrals. We will also derive the Feynman path integral in Nonstandard Analysis Formulation. Finally, we will compute the propagator for the harmonic oscillator using the Nonstandard Analysis Feynman path integral formuluation; we will compute the propagator without using any knowledge of classical properties of the harmonic oscillator

    Strategies from A Multi-National Sample of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Services: Managing Anesthesia for ECT during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is important in the management of severe, treatment-resistant, and life-threatening psychiatric illness. Anesthesia supports the clinical efficacy and tolerability of ECT. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted ECT services, including anesthesia. This study documents strategies for managing ECT anesthesia during the pandemic. Data were collected between March and November 2021, using a mixed-methods, cross-sectional, electronic survey. Clinical directors in ECT services, their delegates, and anesthetists worldwide participated. One hundred and twelve participants provided quantitative responses to the survey. Of these, 23.4% were anesthetists, and the remainder were ECT clinical directors. Most participants were from Australia, New Zealand, North America, and Europe. Most were located in a public hospital, in a metropolitan region, and in a ‘medium/high-risk’ COVID-19 hotspot. Half of the participants reported their services made changes to ECT anesthetic technique during the pandemic. Services introduced strategies associated with anesthetic induction, ventilation, use of laryngeal mask airways, staffing, medications, plastic barriers to separate staff from patients, and the location of extubation and recovery. This is the first multi-national, mixed-methods study to investigate ECT anesthesia practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results are vital to inform practice during the next waves of COVID-19 infection, ensuring patients continue to receive ECT

    Strain Hardening of Polymer Glasses: Entanglements, Energetics, and Plasticity

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    Simulations are used to examine the microscopic origins of strain hardening in polymer glasses. While stress-strain curves for a wide range of temperature can be fit to the functional form predicted by entropic network models, many other results are fundamentally inconsistent with the physical picture underlying these models. Stresses are too large to be entropic and have the wrong trend with temperature. The most dramatic hardening at large strains reflects increases in energy as chains are pulled taut between entanglements rather than a change in entropy. A weak entropic stress is only observed in shape recovery of deformed samples when heated above the glass transition. While short chains do not form an entangled network, they exhibit partial shape recovery, orientation, and strain hardening. Stresses for all chain lengths collapse when plotted against a microscopic measure of chain stretching rather than the macroscopic stretch. The thermal contribution to the stress is directly proportional to the rate of plasticity as measured by breaking and reforming of interchain bonds. These observations suggest that the correct microscopic theory of strain hardening should be based on glassy state physics rather than rubber elasticity.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures: significant revision

    Microwave Components with MEMS Switches

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    RF MEMS switches with metal-metal contacts are being developed for microwave applications where broadband, high linearity performance is required. These switches provide less than 0.2 dB insertion loss through 40 GHz. This paper describes the integration of these switches into selected microwave components such as reconfigurable antenna elements, tunable filters, switched delay lines, and SPDT switches. Microwave and millimeter wave measured results from these circuits are presented
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