744 research outputs found

    Age and age structure of an invasive plant, Lythrum salicaria

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    My objective was to determine whether purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) individuals could be aged using the pattern of ramet production. Assuming current year loosestrife ramets produce new basal ramets only in the following year, plant age could be estimated by counting ranks of sequentially produced ramets. I found that in four New Hampshire wetlands the assumptions of the method were generally met, although some ramets were not produced sequentially. Using ramet counts I was able to estimate minimum age for individuals in each of the four populations. All populations were dominated by individuals \u3e 1 year old. I tested whether mechanical damage to ramets releases lateral buds, inducing production of more than one rank of new ramets in one growing season and thus affecting age estimates. Clipped ramets produced lateral ramets (from leaf axils) that were morphologically distinct from basal ramets that characterize normal annual growth

    Apparent Clustering of Intermediate-redshift Galaxies as a Probe of Dark Energy

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    We show the apparent redshift-space clustering of galaxies in redshift range of 0.2--0.4 provides surprisingly useful constraints on dark energy component in the universe, because of the right balance between the density of objects and the survey depth. We apply Fisher matrix analysis to the the Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), as a concrete example. Possible degeneracies in the evolution of the equation of state (EOS) and the other cosmological parameters are clarified.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys.Rev.Lett., replaced with the accepted versio

    Communicative Competence for Researchers working with LGBTQ Communities

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    The ethical principles of respect and justice oblige the use of culturally sensitive approaches when engaging participants in research, however cultural competence training is lacking for researchers who work with LGBTQ populations. The purpose of this study was to explore how researchers can create a welcoming research environment for LGBTQ research participants in the context of historical distrust of medical research as a barrier to research participation among minority populations. Grounded by a framework of communicative competence, this study explored elements of preferred communication during recruitment and informed consent for research involving LGBTQ participants. Grammatical, sociolinguistic, strategic and discourse competence domains aided exploration of the preferences held by participants in LGBTQ sub-groups, as well as the perceived barriers to research. Thirty-six participants, who self-identified as part of the LGBTQ community and were recruited through our community partner, the Center for Health Impact, took part in either focus groups or individual interviews. Preliminary analysis reveals community engagement and building trust are key, particularly in an academic medical center where a patient\u27s clinical experiences may impact their willingness to become a research participant. Participants offered insight into each competence domain, covering: terminology to promote inclusivity, body language to avoid, reducing stigma by being up front and feedback on crafting a more LGBTQ-friendly basic demography questionnaire. These findings will aid in the refinement of an LGBTQ-focused version of our Simulation-based Community-engaged Research Intervention for Informed Consent Protocol Testing and Training (SCRIIPTT) to build communicative competence among clinical researchers

    Reducing care-resistant behaviors during oral hygiene in persons with dementia

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    Abstract Background Nursing home residents with dementia are often dependent on others for mouth care, yet will react with care-resistant behavior when receiving assistance. The oral health of these elders deteriorates in the absence of daily oral hygiene, predisposing them to harmful systemic problems such as pneumonia, hyperglycemia, cardiac disease, and cerebral vascular accidents. The purpose of this study is to determine whether care-resistant behaviors can be reduced, and oral health improved, through the application of an intervention based on the neurobiological principles of threat perception and fear response. The intervention, called Managing Oral Hygiene Using Threat Reduction, combines best mouth care practices with a constellation of behavioral techniques that reduce threat perception and thereby prevent or de-escalate care-resistant behaviors. Methods/Design Using a randomized repeated measures design, 80 elders with dementia from 5 different nursing homes will be randomized at the individual level to the experimental group, which will receive the intervention, or to the control group, which will receive standard mouth care from research team members who receive training in the proper methods for providing mouth care but no training in resistance recognition or prevention/mediation. Oral health assessments and care-resistant behavior measurements will be obtained during a 7-day observation period and a 21-day intervention period. Individual growth models using multilevel analysis will be used to estimate the efficacy of the intervention for reducing care-resistant behaviors in persons with dementia, and to estimate the overall efficacy of the intervention using oral health outcomes. Activity-based costing methods will be used to determine the cost of the proposed intervention. Discussion At the conclusion of this study, the research team anticipates having a proven intervention that prevents and reduces care-resistant within the context of mouth care. Long-term objectives include testing the effect of the intervention on systemic illnesses among persons with dementia; examining the transferability of this intervention to other activities of daily living; and disseminating threat reduction interventions to nursing home staff, which may radically change the manner in which care is provided to persons with dementia. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01363258http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112778/1/12903_2011_Article_198.pd

    Seasonal activity levels of a farm-island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands

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    Harrington KJ, Fahlbusch JA, Langrock R, Therrien J-F, Houtz JL, McDonald BI. Seasonal activity levels of a farm-island population of striated caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands. Animal Biotelemetry. 2020;8(1): 27

    Conductivity of Strongly Coupled Striped Superconductor

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    We study the conductivity of a strongly coupled striped superconductor using gauge/gravity duality (holography). The study is done analytically, in the large modulation regime. We show that the optical conductivity is inhomogeneous but isotropic at low temperatures. Near but below the critical temperature, we calculate the conductivity analytically at small frequency \omega, and find it to be both inhomogeneous and anisotropic. The anisotropy is imaginary and scales like 1/\omega. We also calculate analytically the speed of the second sound and the thermodynamic susceptibility.Comment: 32 page

    Scaling migrations to communities: An empirical case of migration network in the Arctic

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    Seasonal migrants transport energy, nutrients, contaminants, parasites and diseases, while also connecting distant food webs between communities and ecosystems, which contributes to structuring meta-communities and meta-ecosystems. However, we currently lack a framework to characterize the structure of the spatial connections maintained by all migratory species reproducing or wintering in a given community. Here, we use a network approach to represent and characterize migratory pathways at the community level and provide an empirical description of this pattern from a High-Arctic terrestrial community. We define community migration networks as multipartite networks representing different biogeographic regions connected with a focal community through the seasonal movements of its migratory species. We focus on the Bylot Island High-Arctic terrestrial community, a summer breeding ground for several migratory species. We define the non-breeding range of each species using tracking devices, or range maps refined by flyways and habitat types. We show that the migratory species breeding on Bylot Island are found across hundreds of ecoregions on several continents during the non-breeding period and present a low spatial overlap. The migratory species are divided into groups associated with different sets of ecoregions. The non-random structure observed in our empirical community migration network suggests evolutionary and geographic constraints as well as ecological factors act to shape migrations at the community level. Overall, our study provides a simple and generalizable framework as a starting point to better integrate migrations at the community level. Our framework is a far-reaching tool that could be adapted to address the seasonal transport of energy, contaminants, parasites and diseases in ecosystems, as well as trophic interactions in communities with migratory species

    SILAC-based phosphoproteomics reveals an inhibitory role of KSR1 in p53 transcriptional activity via modulation of DBC1

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    BACKGROUND We have previously identified kinase suppressor of ras-1 (KSR1) as a potential regulatory gene in breast cancer. KSR1, originally described as a novel protein kinase, has a role in activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Emerging evidence has shown that KSR1 may have dual functions as an active kinase as well as a scaffold facilitating multiprotein complex assembly. Although efforts have been made to study the role of KSR1 in certain tumour types, its involvement in breast cancer remains unknown. METHODS A quantitative mass spectrometry analysis using stable isotope labelling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) was implemented to identify KSR1-regulated phosphoproteins in breast cancer. In vitro luciferase assays, co-immunoprecipitation as well as western blotting experiments were performed to further study the function of KSR1 in breast cancer. RESULTS Of significance, proteomic analysis reveals that KSR1 overexpression decreases deleted in breast cancer-1 (DBC1) phosphorylation. Furthermore, we show that KSR1 decreases the transcriptional activity of p53 by reducing the phosphorylation of DBC1, which leads to a reduced interaction of DBC1 with sirtuin-1 (SIRT1); this in turn enables SIRT1 to deacetylate p53. CONCLUSION Our findings integrate KSR1 into a network involving DBC1 and SIRT1, which results in the regulation of p53 acetylation and its transcriptional activity