393 research outputs found

    Parkkiintuneen korpisoturin tunteet:rintamasotilaan kirjeitĂ€ jatkosodan ajalta 1941–1944

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    TiivistelmÀ. Tutkimukseni kÀsittelee Muhokselta kotoisin olleen Martin kirjeet Siikajoelta kotoisin olleelle Lempille jatkosodan ajalta. Kirjeenvaihto alkoi postikortilla 1.11.1941 ja ensimmÀinen kirje on lÀhetetty 14.11.1941. Kirjeenvaihto jatkui aina siihen asti, kunnes Martti pÀÀsi siviiliin eli viimeinen kirje on lÀhetetty 15.11.1944. Martin kirjoittamia kirjeitÀ on sÀilynyt 229 kappaletta. Kirjeiden avulla pariskunta tutustui toisiinsa ja alkoi seurustella. He menivÀt naimisiin juhannuksena 1944. Avioliitto kesti 37 vuotta ja pÀÀttyi Martin kuolemaan. Tutkimukseni sijoittuu uuden sotahistorian kentÀlle ja tarkemmin tunteiden historian ja kirjetutkimuksen alalle. Kirjeiden tarkoituksena oli sodan poikkeusolosuhteissa yllÀpitÀÀ ja toisaalta myös luoda ihmissuhteita. Sota-ajan kirjeistÀ löytyy suuria tunteita, kokemuksellista pohdintaa ja traagisia kohtaloita, mutta eniten ne sisÀlsivÀt arkista yhteydenpitoa. Sodan tuottama maantieteellinen etÀisyys merkitsi sitÀ, ettÀ kirjeiden vÀlityksellÀ opittiin nimeÀmÀÀn ja sanallistamaan tunteita. Tutkimuksessani analysoin Martin kirjoittamia kirjeitÀ kolmesta nÀkökulmasta: kirjeille annetut merkitykset, kirjeiden mahdollistama tapa kÀsitellÀ parisuhdetta ja kirjeiden vÀlittÀmÀ kuva sodasta. Kaikissa nÀissÀ teemoissa huomioidaan niihin liittyvÀt tunteet, tunteiden ilmaisu sekÀ muutos. LÀhteiden analysoimisessa kÀytin metodina lÀhilukua. LÀhiluku tarkoittaa kiinnostavan lÀhdeaineiston avaamista keskittymÀllÀ sen yksityiskohtiin. Tarkoitukseni oli ymmÀrtÀÀ kirjoitustyyliÀ, kirjeiden sisÀltöÀ sekÀ kirjeiden luonnetta. KirjeitÀ tarkastelin sekÀ yksittÀisinÀ kirjeinÀ ettÀ laajempana kokonaisuutena osana kirjeenvaihtoa huomioiden samalla tarkasteltavien ilmiöiden historiallisen kontekstin. LÀhiluku liittyy myös kÀyttÀmÀÀni mikrohistorian nÀkökulmaan. NÀitÀ hyödyntÀen kirjeiden ilmaukset asettuvat kontekstiinsa sekÀ ilmiöinÀ ettÀ taustalla olleina ihmisten kokemuksina, joita kirjeiden tekstit pyrkivÀt kuvaamaan. Martin kirjeistÀ nousi esiin paljon tunteita liittyen parisuhteeseen ja sotaan. EsimerkkejÀ tunteista: rakkaus, ikÀvÀ, mustasukkaisuus, turhautuminen ja ahdistuneisuus. Martti kirjoitti tunteistaan hyvin avoimesti ja vÀlillÀ jopa itse pohti syitÀ tunteilleen. Parisuhde ja sota vaikuttivat hÀnen tunteisiinsa, mutta parisuhde sotaa enemmÀn. Tutustumisen ja kihloissa olon aikana kirjeet olivat hyvin tunnepitoisia, mutta naimisiin menon jÀlkeen kirjeiden sisÀltö niin sanotusti arkistui. Sodan luomat poikkeusolosuhteet lisÀsivÀt voimakkaampia tunnekokemuksia ja ylipÀÀtÀnsÀ lisÀsivÀt tunteista kirjoittamista. Olihan kirjeenvaihto ainut keino yllÀpitÀÀ parisuhdetta. Kirjeiden sisÀllöstÀ ja tunteista on mahdollista jatkaa vielÀ monilla uusilla tutkimuksilla. Mielenkiintoisia aiheita olisi perehtyÀ lisÀÀ sotilaiden mustasukkaisuuteen tai sotaan liittyviin tunteisiin ottamalla tarkastelun kohteeksi usean sotilaat kirjeet

    Punkaharjun toimintayksikön vuosikertomus 2006

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    Two-center experience of cannabidiol use in adults with Dravet syndrome

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    We describe real-world experience with cannabidiol (CBD) in adults with Dravet Syndrome (DS) via GW Pharma early access programme at two UK neurology centres. Adults with genetically-confirmed DS had CBD added to existing therapy, titrated up to 20 mg/kg, as tolerated. The primary outcome measure was percentage reduction in convulsive seizures. Secondary outcome measures included changes in myoclonic seizures, and in cognition and quality of life as assessed by the Caregiver Global Impression of Change (CGIC), and incidence of adverse events (AEs). 18 adults (7 female; median age 27.5 years; range 20–51) were included. Median follow-up was 176 days. In one, another antiseizure drug, clobazam, was introduced during the programme. 3/17 (17.6%) had >30% reduction in convulsive seizures (range: 87.5–100%). AEs occurred in all, the most common being transaminitis (52.9%). Behavioural AEs led to discontinuation in 3/18 (16.7%), including a seizure-free responder. In 7/18, CBD was stopped due to lack of effect. 8/18 continue on treatment. Improvements in CGIC were reported in 41.2% and 47.1% by physicians and families, respectively. 17.6% achieved sufficient reduction in convulsive seizure frequency to qualify for NHS funding. AEs led to withdrawal in only 16.7%. Close monitoring and dose adjustments of other antiseizure drugs were necessary

    The crosstalk between FGF21 and GH leads to weakened GH receptor signaling and IGF1 expression and is associated with growth failure in very preterm infants.

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    BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is an essential metabolic regulator that adapts to changes in nutritional status. Severe childhood undernutrition induces elevated FGF21 levels, contributing to growth hormone (GH) resistance and subsequent linear growth attenuation potentially through a direct action on chondrocytes. METHODS: In this study, we assessed expression of the components of both GH and FGF21 pathways in rare and unique human growth plates obtained from children. Moreover, we investigated the mechanistic interplay of FGF21 on GH receptor (GHR) signaling in a heterologous system. RESULTS: Chronic FGF21 exposure increased GH-induced GHR turnover and SOCS2 expression, leading to the inhibition of STAT5 phosphorylation and IGF-1 expression. The clinical significance of FGF21 signaling through GH receptors was tested in nutritionally driven growth failure seen in very preterm (VPT) infants right after birth. VPT infants display an immediate linear growth failure after birth followed by growth catch-up. Consistent with the in vitro model data, we show that circulating FGF21 levels were elevated during deflection in linear growth compared to catch-up growth and were inversely correlated with the length velocity and circulating IGF1 levels. CONCLUSIONS: This study further supports a central role of FGF21 in GH resistance and linear growth failure and suggests a direct action on the growth plate

    Mapping peat soil moisture under oil palm plantation and tropical forest in Sarawak

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    Water table conditions in drained peatlands affect peat decomposition, fluvial carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, and plant growth in oil palm plantations. This study illustrates the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture profiles in cultivated tropical peat under oil palm plantation and uncultivated secondary forest, using maps. At a study plot under each land use the geographical coordinates of sampling points, tree locations and other features were recorded. Peat soil samples were taken at depths of 0–50 cm, 50–100 cm, 100–150 cm and 150–200 cm, and their moisture contents were determined. Overall, soil moisture content was higher in secondary forest than in oil palm plantation due to land management activities such as drainage and peat compaction in the latter. Significant differences were observed between the topsoil (0–50 cm) and deeper soil layers under both land uses. Soil moisture maps of the study plots interpolated using geographical information system (GIS) software were used to visualise the spatial distributions of moisture content in soil layers at different depths (0–50 cm, 50–100 cm, 100–150 cm, 150–200 cm). Moisture content in the 0–50 cm soil layer appeared to be inversely related to elevation, but the correlation was not statistically significant. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation between soil moisture content and the diameters of oil palm trunks. Palm trees with negative growth of trunk diameter were mostly located in subplots which were relatively dry and/or located near drains. The results of this study indicate that soil moisture mapping using GIS could be a useful tool in improving the management of peatland to promote oil palm growth.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Inhaled Xenon on Cerebral White Matter Damage in Comatose Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    IMPORTANCE: Evidence from preclinical models indicates that xenon gas can prevent the development of cerebral damage after acute global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury but, thus far, these putative neuroprotective properties have not been reported in human studies. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of inhaled xenon on ischemic white matter damage assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A randomized single-blind phase 2 clinical drug trial conducted between August 2009 and March 2015 at 2 multipurpose intensive care units in Finland. One hundred ten comatose patients (aged 24-76 years) who had experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were randomized. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive either inhaled xenon combined with hypothermia (33°C) for 24 hours (n = 55 in the xenon group) or hypothermia treatment alone (n = 55 in the control group). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary end point was cerebral white matter damage as evaluated by fractional anisotropy from diffusion tensor MRI scheduled to be performed between 36 and 52 hours after cardiac arrest. Secondary end points included neurological outcome assessed using the modified Rankin Scale (score 0 [no symptoms] through 6 [death]) and mortality at 6 months. RESULTS: Among the 110 randomized patients (mean age, 61.5 years; 80 men [72.7%]), all completed the study. There were MRI data from 97 patients (88.2%) a median of 53 hours (interquartile range [IQR], 47-64 hours) after cardiac arrest. The mean global fractional anisotropy values were 0.433 (SD, 0.028) in the xenon group and 0.419 (SD, 0.033) in the control group. The age-, sex-, and site-adjusted mean global fractional anisotropy value was 3.8% higher (95% CI, 1.1%-6.4%) in the xenon group (adjusted mean difference, 0.016 [95% CI, 0.005-0.027], P = .006). At 6 months, 75 patients (68.2%) were alive. Secondary end points at 6 months did not reveal statistically significant differences between the groups. In ordinal analysis of the modified Rankin Scale, the median (IQR) value was 1 (1-6) in the xenon group and 1 (0-6) in the control group (median difference, 0 [95% CI, 0-0]; P = .68). The 6-month mortality rate was 27.3% (15/55) in the xenon group and 34.5% (19/55) in the control group (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.49 [95% CI, 0.23-1.01]; P = .053). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among comatose survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, inhaled xenon combined with hypothermia compared with hypothermia alone resulted in less white matter damage as measured by fractional anisotropy of diffusion tensor MRI. However, there was no statistically significant difference in neurological outcomes or mortality at 6 months. These preliminary findings require further evaluation in an adequately powered clinical trial designed to assess clinical outcomes associated with inhaled xenon among survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00879892

    Beneficial effects of running and milk protein supplements on Sirtuins and risk factors of metabolic disorders in rats with low aerobic capacity

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    Background Physical activity and dietary intake of dairy products are associated with improved metabolic health. Dairy products are rich with branched chain amino acids that are essential for energy production. To gain insight into the mechanisms underlying the benefit of the sub-chronic effects of running and intake of milk protein supplements, we studied Low Capacity Runner rats (LCR), a rodent exercise model with risk for metabolic disorders. We especially focused on the role of Sirtuins, energy level dependent proteins that affect many cellular metabolic processes. Methods Forty-seven adult LCR female rats sedentary or running voluntarily in wheels were fed normal chow and given supplements of either whey or milk protein drink (PD)-supplemented water, or water only for 21 weeks. Physiological responses were measured in vivo. Blood lipids were determined from serum. Mitochondrial markers and Sirtuins (Sirt1-7) including downstream targets were measured in plantaris muscle by western blotting. Results For the first 10 weeks whey-drinking rats ran about 50% less compared to other groups; still, in all runners glucose tolerance improved and triglycerides decreased. Generally, running induced a ∌six-fold increase in running capacity and a ∌8% decrease in % body fat. Together with running, protein supplements increased the relative lean mass of the total body weight by ∌11%. In comparison with sedentary controls, running and whey increased HDL (21%) and whey, with or without running, lowered LDL (−34%). Running increased mitochondrial biogenesis and Sirtuins 3 and 4. When combined with exercise, both whey and milk protein drink induced about a 4-fold increase in Sirt3, compared to runners drinking water only, and about a 2-fold increase compared to the respective sedentary group. Protein supplements, with or without running, enhanced the phosphorylation level of the acetyl-coA-carboxylase, suggesting increased fat oxidation. Both supplemented diets increased Sirt5 and Sirt7 without an additional effect from exercise. Running diminished and PD supplement increased Sirt6. Conclusion We demonstrate in rats new sub-chronic effects of milk proteins on metabolism that involve Sirtuins and their downstream targets in skeletal muscle. The results show that running and milk proteins act on reducing the risk factors of metabolic disorders and suggest that the underlying mechanisms may involve Sirtuins. Notably, we found that milk protein supplements have some favorable effects on metabolism even without running.Peer reviewe

    Physical activity in adulthood : genes and mortality

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    Observational studies report a strong inverse relationship between leisure-time physical activity and all-cause mortality. Despite suggestive evidence from population-based associations, scientists have not been able to show a beneficial effect of physical activity on the risk of death in controlled intervention studies among individuals who have been healthy at baseline. On the other hand, high cardiorespiratory fitness is known to be a strong predictor of reduced mortality, even more robust than physical activity level itself. Here, in both animals and/or human twins, we show that the same genetic factors influence physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, and risk of death. Previous observational follow-up studies in humans suggest that increasing fitness through physical activity levels could prolong life; however, our controlled interventional study with laboratory rats bred for low and high intrinsic fitness contrast with these findings. Also, we find no evidence for the suggested association using pairwise analysis among monozygotic twin pairs who are discordant in their physical activity levels. Based on both our animal and human findings, we propose that genetic pleiotropy might partly explain the frequently observed associations between high baseline physical activity and later reduced mortality in humans.Peer reviewe

    Physical activity in adulthood: genes and mortality OPEN

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    Observational studies report a strong inverse relationship between leisure-time physical activity and allcause mortality. Despite suggestive evidence from population-based associations, scientists have not been able to show a beneficial effect of physical activity on the risk of death in controlled intervention studies among individuals who have been healthy at baseline. On the other hand, high cardiorespiratory fitness is known to be a strong predictor of reduced mortality, even more robust than physical activity level itself. Here, in both animals and/or human twins, we show that the same genetic factors influence physical activity levels, cardiorespiratory fitness, and risk of death. Previous observational follow-up studies in humans suggest that increasing fitness through physical activity levels could prolong life; however, our controlled interventional study with laboratory rats bred for low and high intrinsic fitness contrast with these findings. Also, we find no evidence for the suggested association using pairwise analysis among monozygotic twin pairs who are discordant in their physical activity levels. Based on both our animal and human findings, we propose that genetic pleiotropy might partly explain the frequently observed associations between high baseline physical activity and later reduced mortality in humans. Intervention studies in humans show several positive effects of exercise on physical performance and health-related metabolism 1 . Also, in humans, observational follow-up studies report an association between high baseline levels of leisure-time physical activity and low all-cause mortality 2 . However, a causal relationship between adulthood physical activity and mortality/lifespan has not been confirmed, either in randomized controlled intervention studies, with initially healthy individuals, or in animal experiment
