1,622 research outputs found

    Experimental measurement of the biomass of Olea europaea L.

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    Olive (Olea europaea L.) is an evergreen tree extensively cultivated for its fruit in many warm parts of Southern Europe, North Africa, South Asia and Oceania. The objective of this paper was to obtain information on the total biomass productivity of the olive grove as well as on individual tree biomass productivity and the proportions of the tree components. The study was carried out in Central Italy and estimation of tree woody biomass and total biomass was made by direct measurement and through Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology. To determine the biomass of all the tree parts (including fruits and prunings) of the olive grove, the forestry estimation methodology named “model tree” was adopted and one representative tree was felled and uprooted; the biomass of main trunk, branches, leaves, twigs and roots was determined separately, using their volume, weight and density; also fruits and prunings of this tree were recorded. Wood density, biomass expansion factor, root/shoot ratio, carbon fraction of dry matter and carbon content of the single tree and tree component were calculated. The study showed that “model tree” methodology is suitable for olive grove; IPCC method can be successfully used with good reliability when direct measurement of biomass expansion factor and carbon fraction are obtained from a representative tree of the olive grove. The C stock evaluation methodology made in this research and the calculation of biomass expansion factor can be considered as the first scientific contribution in estimating productivity, CO2 sequestration, carbon stocks and yield of olive groves.Key words: Biomass, biomass expansion factor, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), tree volume, root/shoot ratio, Olea europaea, CO2 sequestration

    System feasibility of using stimulated Brillouin scattering in self coherent detection schemes

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    We demonstrate the first self-coherent detection of 10 Gbit/s BPSK signals based on narrow-band amplification of the optical carrier by means of Stimulated Brillouin effect in a common fiber. We found that this technique is very effective only if it is combined with proper line coding and high-pass electrical filtering at the receiver. In this case we obtain OSNR-performance close to the ideal coherent receiver. (C) 2010 Optical Society of Americ

    The sustainable reuse of compost from a new type of olive mill pomace in replacing peat for potted olive tree

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    The attention for the replacement of peat in growing substrates is increasing due to its environmental and economic advantages. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the impact of peat substitution by new type olive mill pomace and its compost on the vegetative activity of potted olive trees. A new type of humid pomace (hP) derived from an innovative two phase extraction system and its derived compost (C-hP) are used as total or partial (50% vol/vol) replacement of peat in olive growing substrate. The main chemical characteristics (moisture, water extractable organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio and electrical conductivity) of the hP and C-hP were measured. In order to evaluate the effects of the peat substitution on the plants vegetative activity, measurements of mortality, plant height, leaf net photosynthesis and plant growth (through final destructive measurements) were carried out. The use of hP resulted in a significant increase of the salinity of the substrate. The water extractable organic carbon concentration was higher in all substrates where peat was ewplaced and in particular when C-hP was used. The total replacement of peat with hP caused 100% mortality of the plants while C-hP can substitute peat up to 50% without causing a significative reduction of the final plant growth

    "WDM-DPSK Detection by means of Frequency-Periodic Gaussian Filtering"

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    A single frequency-periodic narrow filter converts DPSK to intensity modulation in a high number of WDM channels. It also strongly enhances their tolerance to chromatic dispersion and is exploited in a 16x10 Gbit/s transmission over 240 km G.652 fibre with no chromatic dispersion compensation

    Biological effects of ammonia released from a composting plant assessed with lichens

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    In this study, we investigated whether ammonia emissions from industrial composting of organic waste may influence the surrounding environment, using lichens as bioindicators. To this purpose, samples of N-tolerant and N-sensitive lichens, namely Xanthoria parietina and Evernia prunastri, were transplanted for 1-3 months along transects at increasing distance (0-400 m) from a composting facility in Tuscany, Italy. Atmospheric concentrations of ammonia were measured using passive samplers. The physiological response of lichen transplants was investigated by means of the photosynthetic efficiency (measured as chlorophyll a fluorescence emission), the integrity of cell membranes (measured as electrolyte leakage), and sample viability (measured as enzymatic activity of dehydrogenase). Epiphytic lichen communities were investigated using biodiversity indices. The results showed decreasing concentrations of ammonia, from 48.7 μg/m(3) at the composting facility to 2.7 μg/m(3) at 400 m. The N-tolerant X. parietina was not affected and some physiological parameters even showed a higher performance, while the N-sensitive E. prunastri showed a reduced performance with increasing atmospheric concentrations approaching the source. A shift from lichen communities composed by meso-acidophilous species (actual condition) to more nitrophilous communities in the near future, approaching the composting facility is suggested. It is concluded that lichens can provide useful data for decision-makers to establish correct science-based environmentally sustainable waste management policies


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    This paper reviews the composition of colostrum and the potebntial preventive and therapeutic use of this "first milk" for treating various gastrointestinal disorders in humans. Colostrum is a complex biological liquid that is rich in antimicrobial peptides, immune-regulanting compounds and growth factors than the subsequent mature milk. The main functions of colostrum are to provide essential nutritional components, strenghten the natural defense system, modulate immune response, balance intestinal microbiota and enhance the growth and repair of several tissues. several studies and clinical trials carried out both in vitro and in vivo on humans and animals suggest the clinical benefits of bovine colostrum (BC) supplementation in gastro-intestinal diseases. Despite the encouraging results, there are no contraindications regarding high dose levels and few side effects of clinical relevance have been reported. In conclusion, in the near future, colostrum-based supplementations may be play a role to synthetic drugs in the prevention and treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders

    Monitoring Active Volcanos Using Aerial Images and the Orthoview Tool

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    In volcanic areas, where it can be difficult to perform direct surveys, digital photogrammetry techniques are rarely adopted for routine volcano monitoring. Nevertheless, they have remarkable potentialities for observing active volcanic features (e.g., fissures, lava flows) and the connected deformation processes. The ability to obtain accurate quantitative data of definite accuracy in short time spans makes digital photogrammetry a suitable method for controlling the evolution of rapidly changing large-area volcanic phenomena. The systematic acquisition of airborne photogrammetric datasets can be adopted for implementing a more effective procedure aimed at long-term volcano monitoring and hazard assessment. In addition, during the volcanic crisis, the frequent acquisition of oblique digital images from helicopter allows for quasi-real-time monitoring to support mitigation actions by civil protection. These images are commonly used to update existing maps through a photo-interpretation approach that provide data of unknown accuracy. This work presents a scientific tool (Orthoview) that implements a straightforward photogrammetric approach to generate digital orthophotos from single-view oblique images provided that at least four Ground Control Points (GCP) and current Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are available. The influence of the view geometry, of sparse and not-signalized GCP and DEM inaccuracies is analyzed for evaluating the performance of the developed tool in comparison with other remote sensing techniques. Results obtained with datasets from Etna and Stromboli volcanoes demonstrate that 2D features measured on the produced orthophotos can reach sub-meter-level accuracy