16 research outputs found

    Cdc7p-Dbf4p Regulates Mitotic Exit by Inhibiting Polo Kinase

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    Cdc7p-Dbf4p is a conserved protein kinase required for the initiation of DNA replication. The Dbf4p regulatory subunit binds Cdc7p and is essential for Cdc7p kinase activation, however, the N-terminal third of Dbf4p is dispensable for its essential replication activities. Here, we define a short N-terminal Dbf4p region that targets Cdc7p-Dbf4p kinase to Cdc5p, the single Polo kinase in budding yeast that regulates mitotic progression and cytokinesis. Dbf4p mediates an interaction with the Polo substrate-binding domain to inhibit its essential role during mitosis. Although Dbf4p does not inhibit Polo kinase activity, it nonetheless inhibits Polo-mediated activation of the mitotic exit network (MEN), presumably by altering Polo substrate targeting. In addition, although dbf4 mutants defective for interaction with Polo transit S-phase normally, they aberrantly segregate chromosomes following nuclear misorientation. Therefore, Cdc7p-Dbf4p prevents inappropriate exit from mitosis by inhibiting Polo kinase and functions in the spindle position checkpoint

    A agropecuária do sul do Matopiba em perspectiva: Circuito solos arenosos da região Cocos-Jaborandi.

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    No mês de novembro de 2017, foi iniciado um projeto de pesquisa entre a Embrapa Milho e Sorgo e a Fazenda Trijunção, com previsão de trabalho em parceria por cinco anos de duração. Dentre as ações do projeto, com foco em ?intensificação agrícola visando a sustentabilidade do uso de solos arenosos?, foi realizado o Circuito Solos Arenosos da Região Cocos-Jaborandi, com a finalidade de realizar um levantamento dos sistemas de produção das lavouras e da pecuária com foco nas práticas de manejo que vêm sendo utilizadas nas propriedades agrícolas da região do Oeste baiano, notadamente envolvendo os municípios de Cocos, Jaborandi, Mambaí e Sítio da Abadia. Esse diagnóstico permitiu identificar as principais tendências tecnológicas do agronegócio, as demandas em pesquisa local ligadas às limitações e aos desafios para ganhos de produtividade com sustentabilidade e o panorama socioeconômico da região. Para realização do Circuito foram formadas três equipes que percorreram entre os dias 6 e 8 de março de 2018 as propriedades no entorno da Fazenda Trijunção, local onde serão realizadas as pesquisas com solos arenosos do Projeto. As equipes foram compostas por empregados da Embrapa, da Fazenda Trijunção e um funcionário da WWF (World Wildlife Fund). As propriedades rurais visitadas, num total de 18, foram selecionadas pelos empregados da Fazenda Trijunção com apoio da Embrapa, e com foco nos produtores formadores de opinião na região, em propriedades representativas dos sistemas de produção locais, seja de sequeiro, seja irrigado (Figura 1). A soma da área total das propriedades visitadas foi de 242.000 ha, com área cultivada total de cerca de 67.000 ha, distribuídos entre regime de sequeiro e irrigado, contemplando as culturas citadas na Figura 2. O tamanho médio das áreas irrigadas equivale a 1.501 ha, com as áreas variando de 197 a 9.350 ha. Foram relatadas produtividades médias de 52 sc ha-1 de soja, 153 sc ha-1 de milho e 310 arrobas ha-1 de algodão em caroço. Durante as visitas, foram aplicados questionários ao produtor, ou gerente das fazendas, envolvendo basicamente os temas sistemas de produção, pecuária, manejo da fertilidade do solo, manejo fitossanitário (pragas, doenças e plantas daninhas), armazenamento de grãos e transferência de tecnologias, e foi feito levantamento de demandas locais de pesquisa. Em algumas propriedades, foram realizadas também avaliações de talhões cultivados in loco registradas por meio de boletas de campo. Essas informações foram processadas para apresentação e discussão neste documento.bitstream/item/178333/1/doc-222.pd

    Radiation Technology: Processes and Products - Concepts and Applications, in Radiation Processing Technology Applications

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    The basic concepts presented in this chapter are connected with the application of ionizing radiation on microorganisms and its effects that’s enable its use for processes and products in Industry. The radiation technology process is based on the physics and chemistry of radiation interactions with matter and the quantities that are used for monitoring radiation energy depositions. The modifications in a material exposed to ionizing radiation are caused by deposition of energy such as in thermal or chemical processes. However in any thermal or chemical process the energy transfer is relatively small (from a tiny fraction of an eV to less than 10 eV) comparing with ionizing radiation energy that is imparted in quanta of ≥ 10 eV. Taking into account that the binding energies are generally bellow of 12 eV any chemical bond may be broken and/or potential chemical reactions happen during the exposure to ionizing radiation

    Impact of the two different iron fortifi ed cookies on treatment of anemia in preschool children in Brazil.

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    Nutritional intervention in pre-school children using cookies prepared with wheat fl our enriched with iron and folic acid (CWFFeFA) and cookies prepared with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) fl our fortifi ed with iron and zinc and wheat fl our enriched with iron and folic acid (CCFFeZn + WFFeFA).201

    Ubiquitylation of yeast proliferating cell nuclear antigen and its implications for translesion DNA synthesis

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    The Rad6–Rad18 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex promotes replication through DNA lesions by means of at least three different pathways: the DNA polymerase (Pol) η- and ζ-dependent translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and a Rad5–Mms2–Ubc13-dependent pathway. In DNA-damaged yeast cells proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) becomes monoubiquitylated at the K164 residue, and genetic studies in yeast have indicated a requirement for this modification in TLS mediated by Polη and Polζ. To be able to decipher the role of PCNA monoubiquitylation in the TLS process, we have reconstituted this PCNA modification in vitro from purified yeast proteins. We show that, in addition to the requirement for Rad6–Rad18, the reaction depends on the loading of the PCNA homotrimeric ring onto the DNA by replication factor C and that all three PCNA monomers become efficiently ubiquitylated. The availability of PCNA monoubiquitylated on all of its three monomers has enabled us to examine the effects of this PCNA modification on DNA synthesis by Pols δ, η, ζ, and Rev1. Contrary to the prevailing ideas that presume a role for PCNA ubiquitylation in the disruption of Polδ’s binding to PCNA or in the enhancement of the binding affinity of the TLS Pols for PCNA, we find that PCNA ubiquitylation does not affect any of these processes. These observations lead us to suggest a role for PCNA monoubiquitylation in disrupting the PCNA binding of a protein(s) that otherwise is inhibitory to the binding of PCNA by TLS Pols

    Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in selected countries

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    Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading indicator for liver disease. New treatment options are becoming available, and there is a need to characterize the epidemiology and disease burden of HCV. Data for prevalence, viremia, genotype, diagnosis and treatment were obtained through literature searches and expert consensus for 16 countries. For some countries, data from centralized registries were used to estimate diagnosis and treatment rates. Data for the number of liver transplants and the proportion attributable to HCV were obtained from centralized databases. Viremic prevalence estimates varied widely between countries, ranging from 0.3% in Austria, England and Germany to 8.5% in Egypt. The largest viremic populations were in Egypt, with 6358000 cases in 2008 and Brazil with 2106000 cases in 2007. The age distribution of cases differed between countries. In most countries, prevalence rates were higher among males, reflecting higher rates of injection drug use. Diagnosis, treatment and transplant levels also differed considerably between countries. Reliable estimates characterizing HCV-infected populations are critical for addressing HCV-related morbidity and mortality. There is a need to quantify the burden of chronic HCV infection at the national level