6,843 research outputs found

    A 300 GHz "Always-in-Focus" Focusing System for Target Detection

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    A focusing system for a 300 GHz radar with 5 m target distance and 10 mm diameter spot size resolution is proposed. The focusing system is based on a Gaussian telescope scheme and its main parameters have been de¬signed using Gaussian beam quasi-optical propagation theory with an in-house developed MATLAB® based analysis tool. Then, this approach has been applied to a real focusing system based on two elliptical mirrors in order to reduce the distortion and cross-polar level and a plane mirror to provide scanning capabilities. The over¬all system has been simulated with a full-wave electromag¬netic simulator and its behavior is presented. With this approach, the focusing system always works "in-focus" since the only mirror that is rotated when scanning is the output plane mirror, so the beam is almost not distorted. The design process, although based in the well-known Gaussian beam quasi-optical propagation theory, provides a fast and accurate method and minimizes the overall size of the mirrors. As a consequence, the size of the focusing system is also reduced

    Exotic looped trajectories via quantum marking

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    We provide an analytical and theoretical study of exotic looped trajectories (ELTs) in a double-slit interferometer with quantum marking. We use an excited Rydberg-like atom and which-way detectors such as superconducting cavities, just as in the Scully-Englert-Walther interferometer. We indicate appropriate conditions on the atomic beam or superconducting cavities so that we determine an interference pattern and fringe visibility exclusive from the ELTs. We quantitatively describe our results for Rubidium atoms and propose this framework as an alternative scheme to the double-slit experiment modified to interfere only these exotic trajectories.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Improvement on binding of chondroitin sulfate derivatives to midkine by increasing hydrophobicity

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    The interactions between chondroitin sulfate (CS) and a wide number of proteins modulate important biological processes. Here, the binding properties to midkine and pleiotrophin of sulfated, fully protected intermediates, typically obtained in the chemical synthesis of CS oligosaccharides, were tested for the first time. Using a fluorescence polarization competition experiment, we discovered that these synthetic precursors strongly bound these two closely related cytokines involved in cancer and inflammation. The relative binding affinities of these intermediates were significantly higher than those displayed by the corresponding fully deprotected oligosaccharides, indicating that the presence of hydrophobic protecting groups strongly enhanced the binding of CS-like derivatives to midkine. These compounds offer novel opportunities for the development of potent inhibitors/activators of CS-protein interactions with potential therapeutic applications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2012-3260

    Resonant demagnetization of a dipolar BEC in a 3D optical lattice

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    We study dipolar relaxation of a chromium BEC loaded into a 3D optical lattice. We observe dipolar relaxation resonances when the magnetic energy released during the inelastic collision matches an excitation towards higher energy bands. A spectroscopy of these resonances for two orientations of the magnetic field provides a 3D band spectroscopy of the lattice. The narrowest resonance is registered for the lowest excitation energy. Its line-shape is sensitive to the on-site interaction energy. We use such sensitivity to probe number squeezing in a Mott insulator, and we reveal the production of three-body states with entangled spin and orbital degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figures, Supplemental Materia

    Caracterização física do carvão de cajá (Spondias mombin L.).

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    Estudos voltados para melhorar a estrutura do solo e o aumenta da sua capacidade de retenção de água e nutrientes são constantes. A descoberta da 'terra preta do índio', em registros arqueológicos de comunidades indígenas da Amazônia, tem despertado diversas pesquisas, pois foi verificada a presença de grande quantidade de matéria orgânica, oriunda de carvão, que exibia propriedades coloidais e alta capacidade de troca catiônica, além de possuírem grande capacidade de retenção de água quando comparado a outros solos. O carvão encontrado nesses solos é uma substância orgânica, obtida utilizando-se o processo de pirólise. Esse sistema utiliza o aquecimento do material na presença de pouco ou nenhum oxigênio a uma temperatura média de 400 graus. O que retém boa parte do carbono presente no material orgânico pirolisado, que é incorporado ao solo em uma forma de grande estabilidade física e química. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar alguns parâmetros físicos em partículas com diâmetro das frações areia e silte mais argila, de um carvão oriundo da madeira do cajá (Spondias mombin L.).PDF. 002

    The fate of spiral galaxies in clusters: The star formation history of the anemic Virgo cluster galaxy NGC 4569

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    We present a new method for studying the star formation history of late-type cluster galaxies undergoing gas starvation or a ram pressure stripping event by combining bidimensional multifrequency observations with multizone models of galactic chemical and spectrophotometric evolution. This method is applied to the Virgo Cluster anemic galaxy NGC 4569. We extract radial profiles from recently obtained UV GALEX images at 1530 and 2310 Å, from visible and near-IR narrow (Hα) and broadband images at different wavelengths (u, B, g, V, r, i, z, J, H, and K), from Spitzer IRAC and MIPS images, and from atomic and molecular gas maps. The model in the absence of interaction (characterized by its rotation velocity and spin parameter) is constrained by the unperturbed H-band light profile and by the Hα rotation curve. We can reconstruct the observed total gas radial density profile and the light surface brightness profiles at all wavelengths in a ram pressure stripping scenario by making simple assumptions about the gas removal process and the orbit of NGC 4569 inside the cluster. The observed profiles cannot be reproduced by simply stopping gas infall, thus mimicking starvation. Gas removal is required, which is more efficient in the outer disk, inducing radial quenching in the star formation activity, as observed and reproduced by the model. This observational result, consistent with theoretical predictions that a galaxy cluster-IGM interaction is able to modify structural disk parameters without gravitational perturbations, is discussed in the framework of the origin of lenticular galaxies in cluster

    A utilização do carvão vegetal como condicionador de solos.

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    A terra preta do Índio (TPI) surgiu a partir de ações antrópicas. Evidências provam que esses solos foram formados por antigas comunidades indígenas amazônicas, que habitavam áreas densamente povoadas. O hábito de queimar resíduos orgânicos em fogo lento, combustão em alta temperatura na ausência ou presença de pequeno volume de oxigênio (pirólise), pode reter até 80% do carbono presente no material orgânico ao se transformar em carvão. A adição de carvão ao solo, em partículas no tamanho das frações de areia, silte e argila, pode alterar os limites de consistência, melhorar a capacidade de retenção de água, elevar o pH e contribuir para melhorar a estrutura do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de utilização do carvão como condicionador de solos em Latossolos Amarelos Coesos dos Tabuleiros Costeiros

    Dipolar atomic spin ensembles in a double-well potential

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    We experimentally study the spin dynamics of mesoscopic ensembles of ultracold magnetic spin-3 atoms located in two separated wells of an optical dipole trap. We use a radio-frequency sweep to selectively flip the spin of the atoms in one of the wells, which produces two separated spin domains of opposite polarization. We observe that these engineered spin domains are metastable with respect to the long-range magnetic dipolar interactions between the two ensembles. The absence of inter-cloud dipolar spin-exchange processes reveals a classical behavior, in contrast to previous results with atoms loaded in an optical lattice. When we merge the two subsystems, we observe spin-exchange dynamics due to contact interactions which enable the first determination of the s-wave scattering length of 52Cr atoms in the S=0 molecular channel a_0=13.5^{+11}_{-10.5}a_B (where a_B is the Bohr radius).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Impact of culinary heat treatment on Lodosa Piquillo peppers (Capsicum annuum L.): Total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity

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    Introduction: An emerging concept of disease prevention is ground-breaking these days. Research has been done to examine the possibility that the most common diseases affecting people worldwide may be preventable by a healthy diet. Antioxidants have been the focus of major attention in the attempt for reducing morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases because of their capacity to delay or inhibit oxidative damage (the attack of oxygen-containing free radicals on biological molecules) to a target molecule, linked to various diseases. In the present study, jarred Lodosa Piquillo peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) have been brought into sharp focus, as they are one of the most traditional crops in the region of Navarre. Peppers are rich in antioxidants, but these ones are subjected to a jarring process before they are consumed. For that reason, the principal aim of this study was to examine the influence of different cooking techniques on the antioxidant properties of Lodosa Piquillo peppers. Material and methods: Extracts from jarred Lodosa Piquillo peppers (PDO) were examined. These vegetables were subjected to different cooking methods, microwave heating (1-minute heating at 750 W) and frying (6-minute heating at 90 oC in a pan previously heated at 110 oC for 5 minutes) and were compared to the raw sample. Total phenolic content was quantified following Folin-Ciocalteu methodology using a Spectrophotometer, and the antioxidant capacity was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS assays. Results: Total phenolic content and the antioxidant capacity of jarred Piquillo peppers was not significantly affected by additional thermal treatments in microwaved and fried samples, compared to raw jarred peppers. Conclusion: Additional cooking techniques do not significantly affect the antioxidant capacity of Lodosa Piquillo peppers once they are exposed to a jarring process. Therefore, the antioxidant capacity of the Piquillo peppers is similar independent of how they are consumed.Introducción: La prevención de enfermedades es un concepto pionero que ha revolucionado el estudio de la nutrición estos últimos años. Se ha estudiado mucho la posibilidad de que una dieta saludable pueda prevenir enfermedades que afectan a la sociedad hoy en día. Así, los antioxidantes están siendo el principal foco dietético de estudio con el objetivo de reducir la morbilidad y mortalidad debida a estas enfermedades crónicas. Estos elementos de la dieta son capaces de inhibir o retrasar el daño oxidativo que se produce en las células, relacionado a varias enfermedades. En este estudio se ha examinado el pimiento del Piquillo de Lodosa (Capsicum annuum L.), una de las cosechas más tradicionales en la región de Navarra. Los pimientos son reconocidos por su alto contenido en antioxidantes, pero en este caso, los pimientos se someten a un proceso de embotado. Por ello, el principal objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el efecto del tratamiento térmico en las propiedades antioxidantes del pimiento del Piquillo. Material y métodos: Se analizaron extractos del pimiento del Piquillo de Lodosa (DOP). Estos pimientos fueron sometidos a dos diferentes métodos culinarios, calentamiento al microondas (1 minuto a 750 W) y fritura (6 minutos de cocción a 90 oC en una sartén previamente calentada a 110 oC por 5 minutos), y fueron comparados con la muestra en crudo. Se cuantificó el contenido fenólico total de las muestras mediante la técnica Folin-Ciocalteu usando un espectrofotómetro, así como la capacidad antioxidante de los vegetales siguiendo la metodología de DPPH y ABTS. Resultados: Tanto el contenido fenólico total como la capacidad antioxidante de los pimientos del Piquillo no sufrieron cambios significativos tras la cocción en microondas o mediante fritura, en comparación con los pimientos en conserva. Conclusión: Las propiedades antioxidantes de los pimientos del Piquillo de Lodosa son similares independientemente del modo de consumo