748 research outputs found

    Innovative strategies related to forage production, utilization and feeding for dairy cow productivity

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    The SOLID project (Sustainable Organic Low-Input Dairying) carried out research to improve the sustainability of low-input/organic dairy systems in different ways. This deliverable is one of the three that are resulting from the WP1 of the SOLID project and presents and discusses a series of participatory on-farm studies that were conducted to test innovative approaches related to forage production, utilization and feeding in organic and low-input dairying systems. Specifically, the participatory studies focus on a) improvement of soil organic matter through grazing management and establishment of diverse swards b) on-farm strategies for the improvement of forage yield and protein content of the pasture c) utilisation of industrial by-products for dairy cow nutrition and d) the effects of dietary mineral supplementation on mineral concentrations in milk, with particular focus on iodine supplementation

    Helicopter Parenting and Young Adults’ Well-Being : A Comparison between United States and Finland

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    Helicopter parenting, defined as a form of overinvolved parenting of young adult children, is shown to be associated with young adult children’s well-being. Furthermore, the phenomenon of helicopter parenting is increasingly evident across various cultures. In this study, the association between helicopter parenting and young adult children’s well-being problems was examined, and the associations were compared between samples of American and Finnish young adults. With a sample of 441 American and 306 Finnish university students, results from path models suggested that maternal and paternal helicopter parenting was associated with university students’ symptoms of anxiety and depression, life dissatisfaction, and emotional dysregulation. Furthermore, even though the mean levels of helicopter parenting were lower among Finnish parents as compared with American parents, the associations between helicopter parenting and young adults’ well-being problems were, in general, equally significant. The implications for university students, parents of students, educators, and university administrators from different cultural backgrounds were also discussed.Peer reviewe

    Hopping modulation in a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian

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    We consider a strongly repulsive two-component Fermi gas in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice described in terms of a Hubbard Hamiltonian. We analyze the response of the system to a periodic modulation of the hopping amplitude in presence of large two body interaction. By (essentially) exact simulations of the time evolution, we find a non-trivial double occupancy frequency dependence. We show how the dependence relates to the spectral features of the system given by the Bethe ansatz. The discrete nature of the spectrum is clearly reflected in the double occupancy after long enough modulation time. We also discuss the implications of the 1D results to experiments in higher dimensional systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; minor changes in the text, updated references

    Biliary Anomalies in Patients With HNF1B Diabetes

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    Context: The clinical spectrum of organogenetic anomalies associated with HNF1B mutations is heterogeneous. Besides cystic kidney disease, diabetes, and various other manifestations, odd cases of mainly neonatal and posttransplantation cholestasis have been described. The biliary phenotype is incompletely defined. Objective: To systematically characterize HNF1B-related anomalies in the bile ducts by imaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). Setting and Patients: Fourteen patients with HNF1B mutations in the catchment area of the Helsinki University Hospital were evaluated with upper abdominal MRI and MRCP. Blood samples and clinical history provided supplemental data on the individual phenotype. Main Outcome Measure(s): Structural anomalies in the biliary system, medical history of cholestasis, other findings in abdominal organs, diabetes and antihyperglycemic treatment, hypomagnesemia, and hyperuricemia. Results: Structural anomalies of the bile ducts were found in seven of 14 patients (50%). Six patients had choledochal cysts, which are generally considered premalignant. Conclusions: Structural anomalies of the biliary system were common in HNF1B mutation carriers. The malignant potential of HNF1B-associated choledochal cysts warrants further studies.Peer reviewe

    The Impact of Overstocking and Negative Energy Balance on Quantitative Measurement of Non-typhoidal Salmonella in Periparturient Dairy Cattle

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    Stressful conditions in animal production facilities may exacerbate the fecal shedding and foodborne transmission of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. Dairy cows are reservoirs of this zoonotic microorganism, and its prevalence has roughly doubled in the past decade on dairy farms in United States. Dairy cows are commonly overstocked at the feed bunk, and stressors placed on the animal prior to parturition may exacerbate Salmonella shedding. However, no studies have evaluated the impact of overstocking and metabolic stress on fecal concentrations of the pathogen. Therefore, we conducted a field trial with 120 multiparous dairy cows randomized into one of four treatment groups with different stocking densities at the feed bunk during the periparturient period as follows: US, understocked from -60 to -1 DRC; OS, overstocked from -60 to -1 DRC; USOS, understocked from -60 to -26 DRC/overstocked from -25 to -1 DRC; and OSUS, overstocked from -60 to -26 DRC/ understocked from -25 to -1 DRC. Fecal and blood samples were collected at four time points relative to calving. qPCR assays were used to quantify Salmonella invA gene and total bacterial community from fecal samples, and a subset of isolates recovered from fecal bacterial culture were characterized using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and serotyping. Serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were measured as a metabolic stress indicator using an immunoassay. Multivariable analyses were performed to test if changes in Salmonella concentrations were associated with stocking density, energy balance, or days relative to calving. From fecal isolates, three Salmonella serovars were identified, S. Cerro; Kentucky; Meleagridis. Concentrations of Salmonella increased as cows approached calving. Higher stocking densities at the feed bunk did not impact total bacterial community or NEFA; however, cows in the overstocked groups had higher Salmonella fecal concentrations. Further, cows with higher NEFA concentrations after calving had a higher likelihood of detection of Salmonella. Future farm interventions should aim to reduce environmental and metabolic stress during the periparturient period to decrease the dissemination of Salmonella to cattle, the environment, and humans.Peer reviewe

    4.-luokkalaisen fyysinen aktiivisuuden laatu

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀn Pro gradu tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ neljÀsluokkalaisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden laatua pÀivÀn eri vaiheissa. Tarkastelimme, miten koulupÀivÀ ja vapaa-aika vaikuttavat intensiteetin kertymiin sekÀ voimakkuuteen. Tutkimuksemme on osa vireillÀ olevaa Activity of School Aged Children -hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on tutkia muun muassa lasten koulupÀivÀn rakennetta fyysisen aktiivisuuden nÀkökulmasta. Suomessa lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden mÀÀrÀÀ on tutkittu objektiivisilla mittareilla, mutta laadun tarkastelu on jÀÀnyt vÀhÀiseksi. Huoli lasten liikunnan vÀhentymisestÀ, sekÀ ruutuajan pitenemisestÀ, lisÀÀ liikunnan tutkimisen tÀrkeyttÀ. LisÀksi harrastustoiminnan kasvaminen, mutta samalla arkiliikunnan vÀhentyminen, on johtamassa lasten liikunnan yksipuolistumiseen. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden laadun tutkimiseen tulisi panostaa, sillÀ lapsi tarvitsee eritasoista fyysistÀ aktiivisuutta kokonaisvaltaisen kehityksen saavuttamiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin syksyllÀ 2014 ja siihen osallistui 15 neljÀnnen luokan oppilasta. Aineisto kerÀttiin Polar Active -aktiivisuusmittarilla ja tutkimusjaksoksi rajautui yksi viikko. Analysoimme tuloksia tutkimusjoukon keskiarvojen perusteella, sekÀ yksilötasolla aktiivisimpien ja passiivisimpien oppilaiden osalta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin lisÀksi toisen pro gradun samalle tutkimusjoukolle samalla viikolla teettÀmÀÀ aktiivisuuspÀivÀkirjaa (Holm & Juusola, 2015). Kokonaiskuva oppilaiden fyysisen aktiivisuuden laadusta syntyi aktiivisuusmittareista saadun datan luokittelulla sekÀ kuvailulla. TÀmÀn kuvailevan tapaustutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettÀ koulupÀivÀn aikana kertynyt aktiivisuus on merkittÀvÀ osa oppilaiden kokopÀivÀisestÀ aktiivisuudesta. KoulupÀivÀn aikana oppilaat liikkuivat erityisesti vÀli- ja liikuntatunneilla, jolloin jokaisen oppilaan intensiteetti nousi suhteessa pÀivÀn muuhun aktiivisuuteen. Oppilaiden vÀlillÀ oli suuria eroja aktiivisuuden mÀÀrÀssÀ. Aktiivisuuserot korostuivat vapaa-ajalla, jolloin intensiteetti-erot olivat koulupÀivÀÀn verrattuna suurempia. Koulun liikunnalla on suuri merkitys oppilaiden fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, sillÀ se tavoittaa jokaisen oppilaan. KoulupÀivÀn rakenteeseen panostamalla voidaan lisÀtÀ oppilaiden fyysistÀ aktiivisuutta. Esimerkiksi liikuntatunteja hajauttamalla, oppitunteja toiminnallistamalla sekÀ vÀlitunteja aktivoimalla voidaan vaikuttaa positiivisesti oppilaan aktiivisuuteen. Kodilla puolestaan on suuri merkitys aktiivisuuden kertymiseen vapaa-ajalla. Fyysisen aktiivisuuden laatua tulisi tulevaisuudessa tutkia lisÀÀ objektiivisten mittareiden ja aktiivisuuspÀivÀkirjojen avulla, jolloin saataisiin kattava kuva lasten liikunnan laadusta ja sen sisÀllöstÀ

    Respiratory Symptoms in Relation to Residential Coal Burning and Environmental Tobacco Smoke Among Early Adolescents in Wuhan, China: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background Cigarette smoking and coal burning are the primary sources of indoor air pollution in Chinese households. However, effects of these exposures on Chinese children\u27s respiratory health are not well characterized. Methods Seventh grade students (N = 5051) from 22 randomly selected schools in the greater metropolitan area of Wuhan, China, completed an in-class self-administered questionnaire on their respiratory health and home environment. Results Coal burning for cooking and/or heating increased odds of wheezing with colds [odds ratio (OR) = 1.57, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07–2.29] and without colds (OR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.05–1.97). For smoking in the home, the strongest associations were seen for cough (OR = 1.74, 95% CI: 1.17–2.60) and phlegm production (OR = 2.25, 95% CI: 1.36–3.72) without colds among children who lived with two or more smokers. Conclusions Chinese children living with smokers or in coal-burning homes are at increased risk for respiratory impairment. While economic development in China may decrease coal burning by providing cleaner fuels for household energy use, the increasing prevalence of cigarette smoking is a growing public health concern due to its effects on children. Adverse effects of tobacco smoke exposure were seen despite the low rates of maternal smoking (3.6%) in this population

    The Metabolic Syndrome in Men study: a resource for studies of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases

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    The Metabolic Syndrome in Men (METSIM) study is a population-based study including 10,197 Finnish men examined in 2005–2010. The aim of the study is to investigate nongenetic and genetic factors associated with the risk of T2D and CVD, and with cardiovascular risk factors. The protocol includes a detailed phenotyping of the participants, an oral glucose tolerance test, fasting laboratory measurements including proton NMR measurements, mass spectometry metabolomics, adipose tissue biopsies from 1,400 participants, and a stool sample. In our ongoing follow-up study, we have, to date, reexamined 6,496 participants. Extensive genotyping and exome sequencing have been performed for essentially all METSIM participants, and >2,000 METSIM participants have been whole-genome sequenced. We have identified several nongenetic markers associated with the development of diabetes and cardiovascular events, and participated in several genetic association studies to identify gene variants associated with diabetes, hyperglycemia, and cardiovascular risk factors. The generation of a phenotype and genotype resource in the METSIM study allows us to proceed toward a “systems genetics” approach, which includes statistical methods to quantitate and integrate intermediate phenotypes, such as transcript, protein, or metabolite levels, to provide a global view of the molecular architecture of complex traits

    Psychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use and falls among women: an observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Psychotropic agents known to cause sedation are associated with an increased risk of falls, but the role of psychiatric illness as an independent risk factor for falls is not clear. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association between psychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use and falls risk. METHODS: This study examined data collected from 1062 women aged 20-93 yr (median 50 yr) participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study, a large, ongoing, population-based study. Depressive and anxiety disorders for the preceding 12-month period were ascertained by clinical interview. Current medication use and falls history were self-reported. Participants were classified as fallers if they had fallen to the ground at least twice during the same 12-month period. Anthropometry, demographic, medical and lifestyle factors were determined. Logistic regression was used to test the associations, after adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Fifty-six women (5.3%) were classified as fallers. Those meeting criteria for depression within the past 12 months had a 2.4-fold increased odds of falling (unadjusted OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.5). Adjustment for age and mobility strengthened the relationship (adjusted OR = 2.7, 95% CI 1.4-5.2) between depression and falling, with results remaining unchanged following further adjustment for psychotropic medication use (adjusted OR = 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-5.6). In contrast, past (prior to 12-month) depression were not associated with falls. No association was observed between anxiety and falls risk. Falling was associated with psychotropic medication use (unadjusted OR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.5-5.2), as well as antidepressant (unadjusted OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.8) and benzodiazepine use (unadjusted OR = 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-7.3); associations remained unchanged following adjustment for potential confounders. CONCLUSION: The likelihood of falls was increased among those with depression within the past 12 months, independent of psychotropic medication use and other recognised confounders, suggesting an independent effect of depression on falls risk. Psychotropic drug use was also confirmed as an independent risk factor for falls, but anxiety disorders were not. Further research into the underlying mechanisms is warranted
