132 research outputs found

    Polariton-polariton scattering in microcavities: A microscopic theory

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    We apply the fermion commutation technique for composite bosons to polariton-polariton scattering in semiconductor planar microcavities. Derivations are presented in a simple and physically transparent fashion. A procedure of orthogonolization of the initial and final two-exciton state wavefunctions is used to calculate the effective scattering matrix elements and the scattering rates. We show how the bosonic stimulation of the scattering appears in this full fermionic approach whose equivalence to the bosonization method is thus demonstrated in the regime of low exciton density. We find an additional contribution to polariton-polariton scattering due to the exciton oscillator strength saturation, which we analyze as well. We present a theory of the polariton-polariton scattering with opposite spin orientations and show that this scattering process takes place mainly via dark excitonic states. Analytical estimations of the effective scattering amplitudes are given.Comment: Theoretical paper on polariton-polariton scattering in planar microcavities. The new version contains a slightly modified abstract and a revised introduction. Typos have been corrected wherever spotted. 16 page

    Influence of fluorine on the fiber performance studied through the NBOHC-related 1.9 eV microluminescence

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    The distribution of Non Bridging Oxygen Hole Centers (NBOHC) in Fluorine doped optical fibers was investigated by confocal microluminescence spectroscopy monitoring the characteristic 1.9 eV luminescence band. The results show that these defects are generated by the fiber drawing and their concentration further increases after \u3b3 irradiation. The NBOHC profile along the fiber is anticorrelated to the fluorine content. This finding agrees with the role of fluorine in the fiber toughness and is discussed from the microscopic point of view on the basis of previous works

    v-P 2 O 5 micro-clustering in P-doped silica studied by a first-principles Raman investigation

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    Synthetic vitreous silica is currently the preferred material for the production of optical fibres because of the several excellent properties of this glass, e.g. high transmission in the visible and IR domains, high mechanical strength, chemical durability, and ease of doping with various materials. For instance, fiber lasers and amplifiers exploit the light amplification properties provided by rare-earth ions employed as dopants in the core of silica-based optical fibers. The structure and composition of the nearest neighbor shell surrounding rare-earth ions in silica-based optical fibers and amplifiers have been intensively debated in the last decade. To reduce aggregation effects between rare-earth ions, co-dopants such as phosphorus and aluminium are added as structural modifiers; phosphorus-doping, in particular, has proved to be very efficient in dissolving rare-earth ions. In this work, we provide further insights concerning the embedding of P atoms into the silica network, which may be relevant for explaining the ease of formation of a phosphorus pentoxide nearest-neighbor shell around a rare-earth dopant. In particular, by means of first-principles calculations, we discuss alternative models for an irradiation (UV, x\u2013, \u3b3-rays) induced paramagnetic center, i.e. the so called room-temperature phosphorus-oxygen-hole center, and its precursors. We report that the most likely precursor of a room-temperature phosphorus-oxygen-hole center comprises of a micro-cluster of a few (at least two) neighboring phosphate tetrahedra, and correspondingly that the occurrence of isolated [(O-) 2 P(=O) 2 ] 12 units is unlikely even at low P-doping concentrations. In fact, this work predicts that the symmetric stretching of P=O bonds in isolated [(O-) 2 P(=O) 2 ] 12 units appears as a Raman band at a frequency of ~1110 cm 121 , and only by including at least another corner-sharing phosphate tetrahedron, it is shown to shift to higher frequencies (up to ~40 cm 121 ) due to the shortening of P=O bonds, thereby leading to an improved agreement with the observed Raman band located at ~1145 cm 121

    Scattering states of coupled valence-band holes in point defect potential derived from variable phase theory

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    In this article we present a method to compute the scattering states of holes in spherical bands in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime. More precisely, we calculate scattering phase shifts and amplitudes of holes induced by defects in a semiconductor crystal. We follow a previous work done on this topic by Ralph [H. I. Ralph, Philips Res. Rept. 32 160 (1977)] to account for the p-wave nature and the coupling of valence band states. We extend Ralph's analysis to incorporate finite-range potentials in the scattering problem. We find that the variable phase method provides a very convenient framework for our purposes and show in detail how scattering amplitudes and phase shifts are obtained. The Green's matrix of the Schroedinger equation, the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and the Born approximation are also discussed. Examples are provided to illustrate our calculations with Yukawa type potentials.Comment: 16 pages and 9 figure

    p-wave phase shift and scattering length of 6^6Li

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    We have calculated the p-wave phase shifts and scattering length of 6^6Li. For this we solve the pp partial wave Schr\"odinger equation and analyze the validity of adopting the semiclassical solution to evaluate the constant factors in the solution. Unlike in the ss wave case, the semiclassical solution does not provide unique value of the constants. We suggest an approximate analytic solution, which provides reliable results in special cases. Further more, we also use the variable phase method to evaluate the phase shifts. The p-wave scattering lengths of 132^{132}Cs and 134^{134}Cs are calculated to validate the schemes followed. Based on our calculations, the value of the pp wave scattering length of 6^6Li is 45ao-45a_o.Comment: 10 figure

    Radiation hardening techniques for rare-earth based optical fibers and amplifiers

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    Er/Yb doped fibers and amplifiers have been shown to be very radiation sensitive, limiting their integration in space. We present an approach including successive hardening techniques to enhance their radiation tolerance. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated by comparing the radiation responses of optical amplifiers made with same lengths of different rare-earth doped fibers and exposed to gamma-rays. Previous studies indicated that such amplifiers suffered significant degradation for doses exceeding 10 krad. Applying our techniques significantly enhances the amplifier radiation resistance, resulting in a very limited degradation up to 50 krad. Our optimization techniques concern the fiber composition, some possible pre-treatments and the interest of simulation tools used to harden by design the amplifiers. We showed that adding cerium inside the fiber phosphosilicate-based core strongly decreases the fiber radiation sensitivity compared to the standard fiber. For both fibers, a pre-treatment with hydrogen permits to enhance again the fiber resistance. Furthermore, simulations tools can also be used to improve the tolerance of the fiber amplifier by helping identifying the best amplifier configuration for operation in the radiative environment

    O2 Loaded Germanosilicate Optical Fibers: Experimental In Situ Investigation and Ab Initio Simulation Study of GLPC Evolution under Irradiation

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    In this work we present a combined experimental and ab initio simulation investigation concerning the Germanium Lone Pair Center (GLPC), its interaction with molecular oxygen (O2), and evolution under irradiation. First, O2 loading has been applied here to Ge-doped optical fibers to reduce the concentration of GLPC point defects. Next, by means of cathodoluminescence in situ experiments, we found evidence that the 10 keV electron irradiation of the treated optical fibers induces the generation of GLPC centers, while in nonloaded optical fibers, the irradiation causes the bleaching of the pre-existing GLPC. Ab initio calculations were performed to investigate the reaction of the GLPC with molecular oxygen. Such investigations suggested the stability of the dioxagermirane (DIOG) bulk defect, and its back conversion into GLPC with a local release of O2 under irradiation. Furthermore, it is also inferred that a remarkable portion of the O2 passivated GLPC may form Ge tetrahedra connected to peroxy bridges. Such structures may have a larger resistance to the irradiation and not be back converted into GLPC

    Coulomb singularities in scattering wave functions of spin-orbit-coupled states

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    We report on our analysis of the Coulomb singularity problem in the frame of the coupled channel scattering theory including spin-orbit interaction. We assume that the coupling between the partial wave components involves orbital angular momenta such that Δl=0,±2\Delta l = 0, \pm 2. In these conditions, the two radial functions, components of a partial wave associated to two values of the angular momentum ll, satisfy a system of two second-order ordinary differential equations. We examine the difficulties arising in the analysis of the behavior of the regular solutions near the origin because of this coupling. First, we demonstrate that for a singularity of the first kind in the potential, one of the solutions is not amenable to a power series expansion. The use of the Lippmann-Schwinger equations confirms this fact: a logarithmic divergence arises at the second iteration. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce two auxilliary functions which, together with the two radial functions, satisfy a system of four first-order differential equations. The reduction of the order of the differential system enables us to use a matrix-based approach, which generalizes the standard Frobenius method. We illustrate our analysis with numerical calculations of coupled scattering wave functions in a solid-state system

    Brownian Carnot engine

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    The Carnot cycle imposes a fundamental upper limit to the efficiency of a macroscopic motor operating between two thermal baths. However, this bound needs to be reinterpreted at microscopic scales, where molecular bio-motors and some artificial micro-engines operate. As described by stochastic thermodynamics, energy transfers in microscopic systems are random and thermal fluctuations induce transient decreases of entropy, allowing for possible violations of the Carnot limit. Despite its potential relevance for the development of a thermodynamics of small systems, an experimental study of microscopic Carnot engines is still lacking. Here we report on an experimental realization of a Carnot engine with a single optically trapped Brownian particle as working substance. We present an exhaustive study of the energetics of the engine and analyze the fluctuations of the finite-time efficiency, showing that the Carnot bound can be surpassed for a small number of non-equilibrium cycles. As its macroscopic counterpart, the energetics of our Carnot device exhibits basic properties that one would expect to observe in any microscopic energy transducer operating with baths at different temperatures. Our results characterize the sources of irreversibility in the engine and the statistical properties of the efficiency -an insight that could inspire novel strategies in the design of efficient nano-motors.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Particlization in hybrid models

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    In hybrid models, which combine hydrodynamical and transport approaches to describe different stages of heavy-ion collisions, conversion of fluid to individual particles, particlization, is a non-trivial technical problem. We describe in detail how to find the particlization hypersurface in a 3+1 dimensional model, and how to sample the particle distributions evaluated using the Cooper-Frye procedure to create an ensemble of particles as an initial state for the transport stage. We also discuss the role and magnitude of the negative contributions in the Cooper-Frye procedure.Comment: 18 pages, 28 figures, EPJA: Topical issue on "Relativistic Hydro- and Thermodynamics"; version accepted for publication, typos and error in Eq.(1) corrected, the purpose of sampling and change from UrQMD to fluid clarified, added discussion why attempts to cancel negative contributions of Cooper-Frye are not applicable her