723 research outputs found

    Dise?o e implementaci?n del mundo caim?n del videojuego jaguares, que da a conocer la morfolog?a, uso y significado de la cer?mica de los ancestros del Tolima.

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    98 p. Recurso Electr?nicoDurante d?cadas, el Museo Antropol?gico de la Universidad del Tolima y el grupo GRAPA (Grupo de Investigaci?n en Arqueolog?a y Patrimonio Regional) han realizado investigaciones arqueol?gicas a lo largo del territorio tolimense, logrando hallazgos f?siles de animales y vegetales, adem?s de elementos cer?micos que datan desde 10.000 a.C. hasta la conquista y colonia espa?ola. Sin embargo, las nuevas generaciones se muestran indiferentes ante los conocimientos obtenidos. Este proyecto busca crear un videojuego para ense?ar de manera novedosa, a ni?os con edades entre ocho a catorce a?os sobre las cer?micas tolimenses. Se implementa sobre Unity v5.5.1f1, aplicando la metodolog?a de desarrollo ?gil SUM que se adapta para la creaci?n de videojuegos utilizando roles de SCRUM, e incorpora seis fases consecutivas que son: concepto, planificaci?n, elaboraci?n, beta, cierre y gesti?n de riesgos que se realiza de manera continua durante la ejecuci?n del desarrollo. Durante la fase de concepto se realiza una investigaci?n amplia sobre la cer?mica tolimense, que posteriormente sirve como insumo para crear una propuesta detallada y s?lida en la etapa de planificaci?n. En la fase de elaboraci?n se aplica la metodolog?a de Arquitectura Dirigida por Modelos (MDA) orientada a la elaboraci?n de videojuegos. Esta fase se realiza de manera iterativa y en conjunto con las pruebas Beta que permiten evaluar el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados a medida que se avanza en el desarrollo. Por ?ltimo en la fase de cierre se generan los productos finales y se eval?an las lecciones aprendidas. Palabras claves: Unity, Videojuego 2D, Videojuego Educativo, Metodolog?a SUM, Museo Antropol?gico, Cer?mica tolimense.For decades, the Anthropological Museum of the University of Tolima and the group GRAPA (Research Group in Archeology and Regional Heritage) have carried out archaeological research throughout the territory of Tolima, finding fossil of animals and plants, as well as ceramic elements dating back to from 10,000 BC until the Spanish conquest and colony. However, the new generations are indifferent to the knowledge obtained. This project seeks to create a video game to teach in a novel way, to children aged between eight and fourteen years old, about the ceramics of Tolima. It is implemented on Unity v5.5.1f1, applying the agile development methodology SUM that is adapted for the creation of video games using SCRUM roles, and incorporates six consecutive phases that are: concept, planning, preparation, beta, closure and risk management that is done continuously during the execution of the development. During the concept phase, a comprehensive investigation is carried out on ceramic of Tolima, which later serves as an input to create a detailed and solid proposal in the planning stage. In the elaboration phase, the methodology of Model-Directed Architecture (MDA), oriented to the elaboration of videogames is applied. This phase is carried out iteratively and in conjunction with Beta tests that allow evaluating compliance with the objectives set as progress is made in development. Finally, in the closing phase, the final products are generated and the lessons learned are evaluated. Keywords: Unity, 2D Videogame, Educational Videogame, SUM Methodology, Anthropological Museum, Tolima?s Ceramics

    Interactions Between the Serotonergic and Other Neurotransmitter Systems in the Basal Ganglia: Role in Parkinson's Disease and Adverse Effects of L-DOPA

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, other non-dopaminergic neuronal systems such as the serotonergic system are also involved. Serotonergic dysfunction is associated with non-motor symptoms and complications, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and sleep disturbances. This pathology reduces patient quality of life. Interaction between the serotonergic and other neurotransmitters systems such as dopamine, noradrenaline, glutamate, and GABA controls the activity of striatal neurons and are particularly interesting for understanding the pathophysiology of PD. Moreover, serotonergic dysfunction also causes motor symptoms. Interestingly, serotonergic neurons play an important role in the effects of L-DOPA in advanced PD stages. Serotonergic terminals can convert L-DOPA to dopamine, which mediates dopamine release as a "false" transmitter. The lack of any autoregulatory feedback control in serotonergic neurons to regulate L-DOPA-derived dopamine release contributes to the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). This mechanism may also be involved in the development of graft-induced dyskinesias (GID), possibly due to the inclusion of serotonin neurons in the grafted tissue. Consistent with this, the administration of serotonergic agonists suppressed LID. In this review article, we summarize the interactions between the serotonergic and other systems. We also discuss the role of the serotonergic system in LID and if therapeutic approaches specifically targeting this system may constitute an effective strategy in PD

    Multidisciplinary consensus statement on the clinical management of patients with pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) remains one of the most aggressive tumors with an increasing incidence rate and reduced survival. Although surgical resection is the only potentially curative treatment for PC, only 15-20% of patients are resectable at diagnosis. To select the most appropriate treatment and thus improve outcomes, the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for each patient with PC should be discussed within a multidisciplinary expert team. Clinical decision-making should be evidence-based, considering the staging of the tumor, the performance status and preferences of the patient. The aim of this guideline is to provide practical and evidence-based recommendations for the management of PC

    An?lisis legal, contable y tributario de las posibles transacciones a ser realizadas con criptomonedas por personas naturales y jurid?cas en el Per?

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    Las transacciones con criptomonedas en el Per? no cuentan con ning?n tipo de regulaci?n; sin embargo, de la revisi?n del marco normativo vigente, se ve un impacto en el riesgo de lavado de activos y la vulneraci?n de los derechos del consumidor. A nivel contable y financiero, se determina que no existe con una normativa espec?fica para el tratamiento contable y financiero de una criptomoneda, sin embargo, los criterios de las NIIF sirven como base la correcta clasificaci?n de la criptomoneda, bien como pasivo, o bien como activo, y, por tanto, no ahondan en su naturaleza contable en s? mismo. Finalmente, se encuentra que, si bien no hay una definici?n de criptomoneda en la normativa tributaria nacional, y que aparentemente su uso est? completamente desligado del ?mbito de aplicaci?n actual, s? hay operaciones realizadas con criptomonedas que se encuentran dentro del marco tributario

    Factores que influyen en la intenci?n de uso de tecnolog?a de medios de pago m?vil en negocios minoristas en Lima Metropolitana

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    A pesar del r?pido crecimiento del uso de smartphones a nivel internacional, los pagos m?viles a?n se encuentran en una etapa temprana de adopci?n en la mayor?a de pa?ses, especialmente como m?todo de pago en punto de venta. Los estudios que abordan este tema se centran ?nicamente en el consumidor, a pesar de existir una interdependencia con la adopci?n por parte de comerciantes, cuyas motivaciones son diferentes al estar relacionadas con su empresa. La complejidad de este tema, se debe tambi?n en la existencia de diversos proveedores de estos servicios que abarcan desde banca hasta retail, y en la variedad de tecnolog?a m?vil existente, que avanza cada a?o. Teniendo en consideraci?n estos motivos, la presente investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo proponer y validar un modelo conceptual que permita identificar y determinar cu?les son los principales factores que influyen en la intenci?n de uso de tecnolog?a de medios de pago m?vil en negocios minoristas. El estudio realizado fue de car?cter explicativo, de naturaleza cuantitativa y corte transversal, el cual fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Lima

    Magnetosomes could be protective shields against metal stress in magnetotactic bacteria

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    Magnetotactic bacteria are aquatic microorganisms with the ability to biomineralise membrane enclosed magnetic nanoparticles, called magnetosomes. These magnetosomes are arranged into a chain that behaves as a magnetic compass, allowing the bacteria to align in and navigate along the Earth s magnetic field lines. According to the magneto aerotactic hypothesis, the purpose of producing magnetosomes is to provide the bacteria with a more efficient movement within the stratified water column, in search of the optimal positions that satisfy their nutritional requirements. However, magnetosomes could have other physiological roles, as proposed in this work. Here we analyse the role of magnetosomes in the tolerance of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR 1 to transition metals Co, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cu . By exposing bacterial populations with and without magnetosomes to increasing concentrations of metals in the growth medium, we observe that the tolerance is significantly higher when bacteria have magnetosomes. The resistance mechanisms triggered in magnetosome bearing bacteria under metal stress have been investigated by means of x ray absorption near edge spectroscopy XANES . XANES experiments were performed both on magnetosomes isolated from the bacteria and on the whole bacteria, aimed to assess whether bacteria use magnetosomes as metal storages, or whether they incorporate the excess metal in other cell compartments. Our findings reveal that the tolerance mechanisms are metal specific Mn, Zn and Cu are incorporated in both the magnetosomes and other cell compartments; Co is only incorporated in the magnetosomes, and Ni is incorporated in other cell compartments. In the case of Co, Zn and Mn, the metal is integrated in the magnetosome magnetite mineral cor

    Influence of Polymorphisms Involved in Platelet Activation and Inflammatory Response on Aspirin-Related Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Despite the wide benefits of aspirin and its cost-effectiveness, aspirin prescriptions have been reduced due to idiosyncratic responses in susceptible individuals. Low-dose aspirin and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are independently associated with increased risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage; however, to-date, no studies investigated the SNP-aspirin interaction effect on upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (UGIH). Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the role of 25 SNPs in multiple genes involved in platelet activation, angiogenesis and inflammatory response in aspirin-related UGIH. Methods: A multicenter, full case-control study was conducted in patients exposed and unexposed to aspirin. Three hundred twenty-six cases diagnosed with UGIH were matched with 748 controls (1:3) by age, gender, health center, and recruitment date. Only adults of European origin were included. Participants were stratified by aspirin exposure and genotype [(Aspirin(-), wild-type), (Aspirin(+), wild-type), (Aspirin(+), genetic variation), (Aspirin(-), genetic variation)]. For each SNP, the Odds Ratio of UGIH and their 95% confidence intervals were estimated in each subgroup by using the generalized linear mixed models for dependent binomial variables. SNP-aspirin interaction effect was estimated through Relative Excess Risk due to Interaction (RERI) measures. Results: We observed two categories of SNPs that might modify the risk magnitude of UGIH in aspirin consumers. Seven SNPs (rs1387180 A > G, rs2238631 T > C, rs1799964 T > C, rs5050 T > C/T > G, rs689466 T > C, rs1799983 T > A/T > G, and rs7756935 C > A) were "positive modifiers" associated with an excess of risk from aspirin exposure and carrying that genetic variation (1.75 T, rs1131882 G > A, rs4311994 C > T, rs10120688 G > A, rs4251961 T > C, rs3778355 G > C, rs1330344 C > T, rs5275 A > G/A > T, and rs3779647 C > T) were "negative modifiers" and associated with a reduced risk in aspirin users (-2.74 </= RERI </= -0.95). Conclusion: This preliminary study suggests that polymorphisms in genes involved in platelets activity, angiogenesis and inflammatory response might modify the risk of aspirin-related UGIH. Further studies with larger sample size and in different populations are needed to confirm our findings. If confirmed, this might have great impact on public health, thanks to aspirin's prophylactic properties in diseases of high incidence and severity

    Plan de negocio para la elaboraci?n de una bebida instant?nea saborizada a base de leche enriquecida con alb?mina de huevo en Lima Metropolitana

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    En el siguiente plan de negocios se plantea como objetivo principal determinar la viabilidad t?cnica, econ?mica y financiera para la producci?n y comercializaci?n de una bebida instant?nea saborizada a base de leche enriquecida con alb?mina de huevo en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana. Para el diagn?stico del entorno se utiliz? el an?lisis SEPTE y de cinco fuerzas de Porter evidenciando un entorno favorable para productos enriquecidos. El producto se presentar? en bolsas por 120g con las que se podr? preparar 1 Litro de bebida, adem?s en los sabores de Vainilla y Chocolate. Utilizando encuestas cualitativas y Focus group se determin? la intenci?n e intensidad del mercado y se segment? el mercado objetivo en los NSE B y C. Con este mercado se establece como meta posicionarse en un 4% del mismo, en funci?n de esto se dise?a la cadena de suministro, la cual consiste en un abastecimiento gestionado por la empresa, mientras las operaciones de producci?n, almacenamiento y distribuci?n son tercerizadas con una gesti?n de calidad para supervisarlas. Desarrollando esta operaci?n se obtienen en 5 a?os un VAN Financiero de S/. 449,622.92 y un TIR Financiero de 20.73% con un periodo de retorno del capital de 4 a?os y 3 meses

    Transcriptional Regulation of the Capsular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis Locus of Streptococcus Pneumoniae: a Bioinformatic Analysis

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    The polysaccharide capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main virulence factor, which makes the bacterium resistant to phagocytosis. Expression of capsular polysaccharide must be adjusted at different stages of pneumococcal infection, thus, their transcriptional regulation appears to be crucial. To get insight into the existence of regulatory mechanisms common to most serotypes, a bioinformatic analysis of the DNA region located upstream of the capsular locus was performed. With the exception of serotype 37, the capsular locus is located between dexB and aliA on the pneumococcal chromosome. Up to 26 different sequence organizations were found among pneumococci synthesizing their capsule through a Wzy-polymerase-dependent mechanism, mostly varying according to the presence/absence of distinct insertion elements. As a consequence, only ∼250 bp (including a 107 bp RUP_A element) was conserved in 86 sequences, although only a short (ca. 87 bp) region located immediately upstream of cpsA was strictly conserved in all the sequences analyzed. An exhaustive search for possible operator sequences was done. Interestingly, although the promoter region of serotype 3 isolates completely differs from that of other serotypes, most of the proteins proposed to regulate transcription in serotype 3 pneumococci were also predicted to function as possible regulators in non-serotype 3 S. pneumoniae isolates

    Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes Have Lower Bone Mineral Density That Persists Over Time

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    OBJECTIVE—Individuals with type 1 diabetes have decreased bone mineral density (BMD), yet the natural history and pathogenesis of osteopenia are unclear. We have previously shown that women with type 1 diabetes (aged 13–35 years) have lower BMD than community age-matched nondiabetic control subjects. We here report 2-year follow-up BMD data in this cohort to determine the natural history of BMD in young women with and without diabetes