299 research outputs found

    Seasonal abundance and biology of sporophagous thrips and notes on other thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera) on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L. in, Navarra (N Spain)

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    This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported. Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia.This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported. Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia.This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported. Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia

    Genera of fungivorous Phlaeothripinae (Thysanoptera) from dead branches and leaf-litter in Australia

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    An illustrated key is provided for the identification of 39 genera of Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripinae with species that live in association with dead branches and leaf-litter in Australia and are considered to be fungus-feeding. Seven of these gen-era are not previously recorded from this continent, including un-named species of Deplorothrips, Malacothrips, Mystro-thrips, Preeriella and Tylothrips, together with Azaleothrips lepidus Okajima and Terthrothrips ananthakrishnani Kudo. A brief generic diagnosis is provided for each genus, together with comments on systematic problems and numbers of species. Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press

    Core Analysis Combining MT (TIPPER) and Dielectric Sensors (Sans EC) in Earth and Space

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    On terrestrial planets and moons of our solar system cores reveal details about a geological structure's formation, content, and history. The strategy for the search for life is focused first on finding water which serves as a universal solvent, and identifying the rocks which such solvent act upon to release the constituent salts, minerals, ferrites, and organic compounds and chemicals necessary for life. Dielectric spectroscopy measures the dielectric properties of a medium as a function of frequency. Reflection measurements in the frequency range from 300 kHz to 300 MHz were carried out using RF and microwave network analyzers interrogating SansEC Sensors placed on clean geological core samples. These were conducted to prove the concept feasibility of a new geology instrument useful in the field and laboratory. The results show that unique complex frequency spectra can be acquired for a variety of rock core samples. Using a combination of dielectric spectroscopy and computer simulation techniques the magnitude and phase information of the frequency spectra can be converted to dielectric spectra. These low-frequency dielectric properties of natural rock are unique, easily determined, and useful in characterizing geology. TIPPER is an Electro-Magnetic Passive-Source Geophysical Method for Detecting and Mapping Geothermal Reservoirs and Mineral Resources. This geophysical method uses distant lightning and solar wind activity as its energy source. The most interesting deflections are caused by the funneling of electrons into more electrically conductive areas like mineralized faults, water or geothermal reservoirs. We propose TIPPER to be used with SansEC for determining terrain/ocean chemistry, ocean depth, geomorphology of fracture structures, and other subsurface topography characteristics below the ice crust of Jovian moons. NASA envisions lander concepts for exploration of these extraterrestrial icy surfaces and the oceans beneath. One such concept would use a nuclear powered heated tip for melting through the ice sheath of Europa and inserting a down hole SansEC with TIPPER interface. NASA's Juno space probe already on the way to Jupiter as part of the Exploration New Frontiers Program and the planned Europa mission will conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter's moon Europa and investigate whether the icy moon could harbor conditions suitable for life. It has already been observed that Jovian moons have auroras that may serve as naturally occurring active energy sources for a TIPPER instrument

    Inner Core Translation and the Hemispheric Balance of the Geomagnetic Field

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    Bulk translation of the Earth’s inner core has been proposed as an explanation of observed quasi-hemispheric seismic structure. An important consequence of inner core translation would be the generation of a spherical harmonic degree one heat flow anomaly at the inner core boundary (ICB) that would provide an inhomogeneous forcing for outer core convection. We use geodynamo simulations to investigate the geomagnetic signature of such heterogeneity. Strong hemispheric heterogeneity at the ICB is found to produce a hemispheric signature in both the morphology of the magnetic field and its secular variation; in particular, we note the formation of high-intensity flux patches at high-latitudes and American longitudes in our model with strong ICB heterogeneity. In our simulations, this model provides the best match to the Earth’s field over the past 400 years according to previously proposed measures of field structure. However, these criteria do not include the hemispheric balance of the field. We propose new criteria to measure this balance and find that our model with strong ICB heterogeneity produces the poorest match to the hemispheric balance of the historical geomagnetic field. Resolution of the hemispheric balance of the magnetic field throughout the Holocene would provide a strong test of any proposal of rapid inner core translation

    Patterns of speciation in Neotropical spore-feeding thrips of the genus Zeugmatothrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae)

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    Analysis of the morphological characters of Zeugmatothrips species, all of which feed on fungal spores in leaf litter and on dead branches in Neotropical rain forests, indicates that there are two species groups, one essentially northern and the other essentially southern. Vicariant distributions can be recognised between a few species pairs, but local speciation events appear to have given rise to smaller groups of related species both in Peru and in southern Brazil. An illustrated key is provided to the 16 members of this genus

    Assessing the importance and expression of the 6-year geomagnetic oscillation

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    The first time derivative of residual length-of-day observations is known to contain a distinctive 6 year periodic oscillation. Here we theorize that through the flow accelerations at the top of the core the same periodicity should arise in the geomagnetic secular acceleration. We use the secular acceleration of the CHAOS-3 and CM4 geomagnetic field models to recover frequency spectra through both a traditional Fourier analysis and an empirical mode decomposition. We identify the 6 year periodic signal in the geomagnetic secular acceleration and characterize its spatial behavior. This signal seems to be closely related to recent geomagnetic jerks. We also identify a 2.5 year periodic signal in CHAOS-3 with unknown origin. This signal is strictly axially dipolar and is absent from other magnetic or geodetic time series

    The Thrips genus-group (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Iran

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    The monobasic genus Sphaeropothrips is recorded in Iran for the first time. This is the fourth member of the Thrips genus-group recorded from Iran, and a key is provided to distinguish these four genera. Information about these four genera is provided, and some problems in the recognition of true host-plant associations in Iran are discussed

    Resolving the confused identity of Frankliniella panamensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

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    La figure de Jules César dans les Essais Dans les débats idéologiques en Italie, la figure de Jules César se situe au cœur de la grande polémique entamée par les humanistes florentins contre leurs homologues milanais et contre les visées expansionnistes de la tyrannie incarnée par les Visconti, et César est un des personnages les plus cités chez Machiavel. Même fascination en France : Marot se réfère à Jules César pour célébrer le vainqueur de Cérisoles, dans le Liber de militia, Pierre Ramus..
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