65 research outputs found

    Modeling of microbial gas generation: application to the eastern Mediterranean “Biogenic Play”

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlowÂź, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas system

    Modeling of microbial gas generation : application to the eastern Mediterranean "Biogenic Play"

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlowÂź, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas syste

    The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard

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    We analyzed the structure and evolution of the external Calabrian Arc (CA) subduction complex through an integrated geophysical approach involving multichannel and single‐channel seismic data at different scales. Pre‐stack depth migrated crustal‐scale seismic profiles have been used to reconstruct the overall geometry of the subduction complex, i.e., depth of the basal detachment, geometry and structural style of different tectonic domains, and location and geometry of major faults. High‐resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) and sub‐bottom CHIRP profiles acquired in key areas during a recent cruise, as well as multibeam data, integrate deep data and constrain the fine structure of the accretionary wedge as well as the activity of individual fault strands. We identified four main morpho‐structural domains in the subduction complex: 1) the post‐Messinian accretionary wedge; 2) a slope terrace; 3) the pre‐Messinian accretionary wedge and 4) the inner plateau. Variation of structural style and seafloor morphology in these domains are related to different tectonic processes, such as frontal accretion, out‐of-sequence thrusting, underplating and complex faulting. The CA subduction complex is segmented longitudinally into two different lobes characterized by different structural style, deformation rates and basal detachment depths. They are delimited by a NW/SE deformation zone that accommodates differential movements of the Calabrian and the Peloritan portions of CA and represent a recent phase of plate re‐organization in the central Mediterranean. Although shallow thrust‐type seismicity along the CA is lacking, we identified active deformation of the shallowest sedimentary units at the wedge front and in the inner portions of the subduction complex. This implies that subduction could be active but aseismic or with a locked fault plane. On the other hand, if underthrusting of the African plate has stopped recently, active shortening may be accommodated through more distributed deformation. Our findings have consequences on seismic hazard, since we identified tectonic structures likely to have caused large earthquakes in the past and to be the source regions for future events

    From the Field to the Model Bernard Tissot's Path

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    This short article is not aimed to comment the long career of B. Tissot, but to single out certain periods of his professional life that were probably decisive. Of particular interest are the years in which he practiced the profession of oil explorer, and the transition period between these years and his entry into the profession of researcher into the scientific problems associated with the genesis and migration of oil

    From the Field to the Model Bernard Tissot's Path

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    Ressources pétroliÚres pour le XXe siecle : quel avenir ? Oil Ressources for the 21st Century: Constraints and Outlook

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    Les rĂ©serves prouvĂ©es d'hydrocarbures liquides sont aujourd'hui Ă©valuĂ©es, suivant les sources, entre 950 et 1 000 milliards de barils. Leur durĂ©e de vie, au rythme actuel de la production mondiale, est d'environ 41 Ă  45 ans, soit bien supĂ©rieure Ă  celles qui Ă©taient couramment donnĂ©es en 1970 et 1980. Toutefois, cette abondance des ressources ne garantit pas obligatoirement la sĂ©curitĂ© des approvisionnements pĂ©troliers pour tous les pays. Il importe de souligner que les rĂ©serves pĂ©troliĂšres sont gĂ©ographiquement inĂ©galement rĂ©parties et que rĂ©serves et productions sont actuellement le fait des champs gĂ©ants (champs ayant plus de 500 millions de barils de rĂ©serves initiales). Si l'approvisionnement pĂ©trolier semble assurĂ© pour les trente Ă  quarante annĂ©es Ă  venir, quelles sont les perspectives au-delĂ  de 2020-2030 ? L'augmentation des rĂ©serves prouvĂ©es au cours des dix Ă  vingt annĂ©es qui viennent de s'Ă©couler n'est qu'apparente. Cet accroissement, aprĂšs 1986, est essentiellement dĂ» Ă  des rĂ©visions et Ă  des extensions plutĂŽt qu'Ă  de nouvelles dĂ©couvertes. L'article, prĂ©sentĂ© ici, s'efforce d'inventorier et d'Ă©valuer quelles pourraient ĂȘtre les nouvelles sources de pĂ©trole : bruts conventionnels (brut rĂ©cupĂ©rable compte tenu d'un prix au baril de l'ordre de 20 USetdâ€Čuntauxdereˊcupeˊrationvoisinde30 et d'un taux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration voisin de 30 %) restant Ă  dĂ©couvrir, ressources en huile issues d'une amĂ©lioration du taux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration, ressources rĂ©sultant de l'exploitation de zones nouvelles (l'offshore profond), bruts de types non conventionnels tels que bruts extra-lourds, sables asphaltiques, huiles de schiste, et hydrocarbures liquides obtenus grĂące aux mĂ©thodes de rĂ©cupĂ©ration assistĂ©e par voie chimique. The assessment of proven reserves of liquid hydrocarbons currently varies between 950 and 1 000 billion barrels, depending on the sources. The foreseeable lifetime, at the present rate of world production, is about 41 to 45 years, which is much longer than was forecast in both 1970 and 1980. However, this abundance of resources does not necessarily guarantee the security of oil supplies for all countries. It should be pointed out that oil reserves are distributed very unequally from a geopolitical standpoint, and also that both reserves and production are currently limited to giant fields (containing more than 500 million barrels each of initial reserves). Whereas oil supplies seems to be assured for the 30 or 40 years to come, what is the outlook beyond 2020-2030? The increase in the lifetime of proven reserves during the last ten to twenty years is only apparent. The considerable increase in proven reserves that has been indicated after 1986 is actually due mainly to revisions and extensions rather than to new discoveries. This article attempts to inventory and assess what new sources of oil might be : conventional crudes (with a price per barrel of around US20 and a recovery rate in the vicinity of 30%) remaining to be discovered; oil resources stemming from an improvement in the recovery rate; resources resulting from production from new zone, e. g. fields in the deep seas; unconventional crudes such as extra-heavy crudes, tar sands, shale oil and liquid hydrocarbons obtained by enhanced recovery by chemical methods

    Ressources pétroliÚres pour le XXe siecle : quel avenir ?

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    Les rĂ©serves prouvĂ©es d'hydrocarbures liquides sont aujourd'hui Ă©valuĂ©es, suivant les sources, entre 950 et 1 000 milliards de barils. Leur durĂ©e de vie, au rythme actuel de la production mondiale, est d'environ 41 Ă  45 ans, soit bien supĂ©rieure Ă  celles qui Ă©taient couramment donnĂ©es en 1970 et 1980. Toutefois, cette abondance des ressources ne garantit pas obligatoirement la sĂ©curitĂ© des approvisionnements pĂ©troliers pour tous les pays. Il importe de souligner que les rĂ©serves pĂ©troliĂšres sont gĂ©ographiquement inĂ©galement rĂ©parties et que rĂ©serves et productions sont actuellement le fait des champs gĂ©ants (champs ayant plus de 500 millions de barils de rĂ©serves initiales). Si l'approvisionnement pĂ©trolier semble assurĂ© pour les trente Ă  quarante annĂ©es Ă  venir, quelles sont les perspectives au-delĂ  de 2020-2030 ? L'augmentation des rĂ©serves prouvĂ©es au cours des dix Ă  vingt annĂ©es qui viennent de s'Ă©couler n'est qu'apparente. Cet accroissement, aprĂšs 1986, est essentiellement dĂ» Ă  des rĂ©visions et Ă  des extensions plutĂŽt qu'Ă  de nouvelles dĂ©couvertes. L'article, prĂ©sentĂ© ici, s'efforce d'inventorier et d'Ă©valuer quelles pourraient ĂȘtre les nouvelles sources de pĂ©trole : bruts conventionnels (brut rĂ©cupĂ©rable compte tenu d'un prix au baril de l'ordre de 20 US$ et d'un taux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration voisin de 30 %) restant Ă  dĂ©couvrir, ressources en huile issues d'une amĂ©lioration du taux de rĂ©cupĂ©ration, ressources rĂ©sultant de l'exploitation de zones nouvelles (l'offshore profond), bruts de types non conventionnels tels que bruts extra-lourds, sables asphaltiques, huiles de schiste, et hydrocarbures liquides obtenus grĂące aux mĂ©thodes de rĂ©cupĂ©ration assistĂ©e par voie chimique

    The Main Types of Passive Margins: An Introduction

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    Recent results indicate that the margins often exhibit complex structural patterns revealing a great variety in structural style as well as depositional regime. Thus, at the present state of the art it appears difficult to synthesize the available information into one or a few type sections. Some of the fundamental questions relate to how the change from continental to oceanic crust takes place along the margin

    Modeling of microbial gas generation : application to the eastern Mediterranean "Biogenic Play"

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    Biogenic gas is becoming increasingly important as an exploration target in the petroleum industry because it occurs in geologically predictable circumstances and in large quantities at shallow depths as free gas or gas hydrates. As accumulations of biogenic gas result in a subtle synchronization between early generation and early trapping, we integrated a macroscopic model of microbial gas generation within a 3D basin and petroleum system forward simulator. The macroscopic model is based on a microscopic model, which consists in a 1D sedimentary column that accounts for sedimentation, compaction, Darcy flow and Diffusion flow. The organic carbon is the only non-soluble element considered in this version of the model. The dissolved elements are O2, SO4 2-, H2, CH3COOH, and CH4. Methane is dissolved in water or present as a free phase if its concentration exceeds its solubility at given pressure and temperature. In this microscopic model, the transformation of substrate into biomass is described through a set of logistic equations coupled with the transport equations (advection and diffusion). Based on the microscopic considerations we developed the macroscopic model of low maturity/biogenic gas generation in which hydrocarbons are generated through first order kinetic reactions at low maturity. This macroscopic model is adapted to petroleum system modeling at basin scale with TemisFlowÂź, which aims to understand and predict hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation. It is composed of: i) A source rock criteria which allow defining the biogenic gas source rocks potential and ii) A kinetic model of methane generation. The previous model has been successfully applied on different basins such as the Carupano Basin from the offshore Venezuela, the Magdalena Delta (offshore Colombia) and the offshore Vietnam where direct observations of low-maturity gas were available. Furthermore, it has been applied in the offshore Lebanon in order to check the viability of a biogenic gas syste
