386 research outputs found

    Direct exoplanet detection and characterization using the ANDROMEDA method: Performance on VLT/NaCo data

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    Context. The direct detection of exoplanets with high-contrast imaging requires advanced data processing methods to disentangle potential planetary signals from bright quasi-static speckles. Among them, angular differential imaging (ADI) permits potential planetary signals with a known rotation rate to be separated from instrumental speckles that are either statics or slowly variable. The method presented in this paper, called ANDROMEDA for ANgular Differential OptiMal Exoplanet Detection Algorithm is based on a maximum likelihood approach to ADI and is used to estimate the position and the flux of any point source present in the field of view. Aims. In order to optimize and experimentally validate this previously proposed method, we applied ANDROMEDA to real VLT/NaCo data. In addition to its pure detection capability, we investigated the possibility of defining simple and efficient criteria for automatic point source extraction able to support the processing of large surveys. Methods. To assess the performance of the method, we applied ANDROMEDA on VLT/NaCo data of TYC-8979-1683-1 which is surrounded by numerous bright stars and on which we added synthetic planets of known position and flux in the field. In order to accommodate the real data properties, it was necessary to develop additional pre-processing and post-processing steps to the initially proposed algorithm. We then investigated its skill in the challenging case of a well-known target, β\beta Pictoris, whose companion is close to the detection limit and we compared our results to those obtained by another method based on principal component analysis (PCA). Results. Application on VLT/NaCo data demonstrates the ability of ANDROMEDA to automatically detect and characterize point sources present in the image field. We end up with a robust method bringing consistent results with a sensitivity similar to the recently published algorithms, with only two parameters to be fine tuned. Moreover, the companion flux estimates are not biased by the algorithm parameters and do not require a posteriori corrections. Conclusions. ANDROMEDA is an attractive alternative to current standard image processing methods that can be readily applied to on-sky data

    Proteomic analysis of dopamine and \u3b1-synuclein interplay in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease pathogenesis

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    Altered dopamine homeostasis is an accepted mechanism in the pathogenesis of Parkinson\u2019s disease. a-Synuclein overexpression and impaired disposal contribute to this mechanism. However, biochemical alterations associated with the interplay of cytosolic dopamine and increased a-synuclein are still unclear. Catecholaminergic SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells are a suitable model for investigating dopamine toxicity. In the present study, we report the proteomic pattern of SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing a-synuclein (1.6-fold induction) after dopamine exposure. Dopamine itself is able to upregulate a-synuclein expression. However, the effect is not observed in cells that already overexpress a-synuclein as a consequence of transfection. The proteomic analysis highlights significant changes in 23 proteins linked to specific cellular processes, such as cytoskeleton structure and regulation, mitochondrial function, energetic metabolism, protein synthesis, and neuronal plasticity. A bioinformatic network enrichment procedure generates a significant model encompassing all proteins and allows us to enrich functional categories associated with the combination of factors analyzed in the present study (i.e. dopamine together with a-synuclein). In particular, the model suggests a potential involvement of the nuclear factor kappa B pathway that is experimentally confirmed. Indeed, a-synuclein significantly reduces nuclear factor kappa B activation, which is completely quenched by dopamine treatment.Altered dopamine homeostasis is an accepted mechanism in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. \u3b1-Synuclein overexpression and impaired disposal contribute to this mechanism. However, biochemical alterations associated with the interplay of cytosolic dopamine and increased \u3b1-synuclein are still unclear. Catecholaminergic SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells are a suitable model for investigating dopamine toxicity. In the present study, we report the proteomic pattern of SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing \u3b1-synuclein (1.6-fold induction) after dopamine exposure. Dopamine itself is able to upregulate \u3b1-synuclein expression. However, the effect is not observed in cells that already overexpress \u3b1-synuclein as a consequence of transfection. The proteomic analysis highlights significant changes in 23 proteins linked to specific cellular processes, such as cytoskeleton structure and regulation, mitochondrial function, energetic metabolism, protein synthesis, and neuronal plasticity. A bioinformatic network enrichment procedure generates a significant model encompassing all proteins and allows us to enrich functional categories associated with the combination of factors analyzed in the present study (i.e. dopamine together with \u3b1-synuclein). In particular, the model suggests a potential involvement of the nuclear factor kappa B pathway that is experimentally confirmed. Indeed, \u3b1-synuclein significantly reduces nuclear factor kappa B activation, which is completely quenched by dopamine treatment. \ua9 2010 The Authors Journal compilation \ua9 2010 FEBS

    Kuiper belt-like hot and cold populations of planetesimal inclinations in the β Pictoris belt revealed by ALMA

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    The inclination distribution of the Kuiper belt provides unique constraints on its origin and dynamical evolution, motivating vertically resolved observations of extrasolar planetesimal belts. We present ALMA observations of millimeter emission in the near edge-on planetesimal belt around β Pictoris, finding that the vertical distribution is significantly better described by the sum of two Gaussians compared to a single Gaussian. This indicates that, as for the Kuiper belt, the inclination distribution of β Pic's belt is better described by the sum of dynamically hot and cold populations rather than a single component. The hot and cold populations have RMS inclinations of 8.9+0.7-0.5 and 1.1+0.5-0.5 degrees. We also report that an axisymmetric belt model provides a good fit to new and archival ALMA visibilities, and confirm that the midplane is misaligned with respect to β Pic b's orbital plane. However, we find no significant evidence for either the inner disk tilt observed in scattered light and CO emission or the South-West/North-East (SW/NE) asymmetry previously reported for millimeter emission. Finally, we consider the origin of the belt's inclination distribution. Secular perturbations from β Pic b are unlikely to provide sufficient dynamical heating to explain the hot population throughout the belt's radial extent, and viscous stirring from large bodies within the belt alone cannot reproduce the two populations observed. This argues for an alternative or additional scenario, such as planetesimals being born with high inclinations, or the presence of a `β Pic c' planet, potentially migrating outwards near the belt's inner edge

    Comprehensive analysis of HD 105, a young solar system analog

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    HD 105 is a nearby, pre-main-sequence G0 star hosting a moderately bright debris disk (L dust/L ⋆ ∼ 2.6 × 10‑4). The star and its surroundings might therefore be considered an analog of the young solar system. We refine the stellar parameters based on an improved Gaia parallax distance and identify it as a pre-main-sequence star with an age of 50 ± 16 Myr. The circumstellar disk was marginally resolved by Herschel/PACS imaging at far-infrared wavelengths. Here, we present an archival ALMA observation at 1.3 mm, revealing the extent and orientation of the disk. We also present Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/NICMOS and VLT/SPHERE near-infrared images, where we recover the disk in scattered light at the ≥5σ level. This was achieved by employing a novel annular averaging technique and is the first time this has been achieved for a disk in scattered light. Simultaneous modeling of the available photometry, disk architecture, and detection in scattered light allow better determination of the disk’s architecture, and dust grain minimum size, composition, and albedo. We measure the dust albedo to lie between 0.19 and 0.06, the lower value being consistent with Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt objects

    The gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri measured with SPHERE from a microlensing event

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    Proxima Centauri, our closest stellar neighbour, is a low-mass M5 dwarf orbiting in a triple system. An Earth-mass planet with an 11 day period has been discovered around this star. The star's mass has been estimated only indirectly using a mass-luminosity relation, meaning that large uncertainties affect our knowledge of its properties. To refine the mass estimate, an independent method has been proposed: gravitational microlensing. By taking advantage of the close passage of Proxima Cen in front of two background stars, it is possible to measure the astrometric shift caused by the microlensing effect due to these close encounters and estimate the gravitational mass of the lens (Proxima Cen). Microlensing events occurred in 2014 and 2016 with impact parameters, the closest approach of Proxima Cen to the background star, of 1\farcs6 ±\pm 0\farcs1 and 0\farcs5 ±\pm 0\farcs1, respectively. Accurate measurements of the positions of the background stars during the last two years have been obtained with HST/WFC3, and with VLT/SPHERE from the ground. The SPHERE campaign started on March 2015, and continued for more than two years, covering 9 epochs. The parameters of Proxima Centauri's motion on the sky, along with the pixel scale, true North, and centering of the instrument detector were readjusted for each epoch using the background stars visible in the IRDIS field of view. The experiment has been successful and the astrometric shift caused by the microlensing effect has been measured for the second event in 2016. We used this measurement to derive a mass of 0.1500.051+0.062^{\textrm{+}0.062}_{-0.051} (an error of \sim 40\%) \MSun for Proxima Centauri acting as a lens. This is the first and the only currently possible measurement of the gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    New constraints on the dust surrounding HR 4796A

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    Context. HR 4796A is surrounded by a well-structured and very bright circumstellar disc shaped like an annulus with many interesting features: very sharp inner and outer edges, brightness asymmetries, centre offset, and suspected distortions in the ring. Aims. We aim to constrain the properties of the dust surrounding the star HR 4796A, in particular the grain size and composition. We also want to confirm and refine the morphological parameters derived from previous scattered light observations, and reveal the dust spatial extent in regions unexplored so far due to their proximity to the star. Methods. We have obtained new images in polarised light of the binary system HR 4796A and B in the Ks and L′ band with the NaCo instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). In addition, we revisit two archival data sets obtained in the L′ band with that same instrument and at 2.2 μm with the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. We analyse these observations with simulations using the radiative transfer code MCFOST to investigate the dust properties. We explore a grid of models with various dust compositions and sizes in a Bayesian approach. Results. We detect the disc in polarised light in the Ks band and reveal for the first time the innermost regions down to 0.3″ along the semi-minor axis. We measure a polarised fraction of 29% ± 8% in the two disc ansae, with a maximum occurring more than 13° westwards from the ansae. A very pronounced brightness asymmetry between the north-west and south-east side is detected. This contradicts the asymmetry previously reported in all images of the disc in unpolarised light at wavelengths smaller than or equal to 2.2 μm and is inconsistent with the predicted scattered light from spherical grains using the Mie theory. Our modelling suggests the north-west side is most likely inclined towards the Earth, contrary to previous conclusions. It shows that the dust is composed of porous aggregates larger than 1 μm

    A potential beach monitoring based on integrated methods

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    This study focuses on the analysis of sandy beaches by integrating sedimentological, geomorphological, and geophysical investigations. The beach represents an extremely variable environment where different natural processes act simultaneously with human activities, leading to the gathering of different methodologies of the Earth Sciences to study its evolution in space and time. The aim of this research is to propose a potential procedure for monitoring the morpho-sedimentary processes of sandy beaches by analyzing the textural and compositional characteristics of the sands and quantifying the volumes involved in the coastal dynamics. The study area includes two Apulian sandy beaches (Torre Guaceto and Le Dune beach) that are representative of the coastal dynamics of a large sector of the central/northern Mediterranean Sea involving the southern Adriatic Sea and the northern Ionian Sea. Sedimentological and ecological investigations allowed to describe the textural and compositional characteristics of the beach sands by interpreting their sand provenance and the physical/biological interactions within the beach. The topographic surveys carried out with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner and an Optical Total Station, aimed to quantify the variations of sediment volume over time, whereas the Delft3d software was applied to analyze the effects of the dominant wave motion on the sedimentary dynamics. Lastly, the geophysical techniques which included Sub Bottom Profiler procedures, Ground Penetrating Radar investigation, and resistivity models enabled us to calculate the sand sediment thickness above the bedrock