73 research outputs found

    Pengaruh pemberian Aras Urea Yang Berbeda dan Lama Fermentasi Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Rumen Terhadap Kandungan Fisik dan Kimia (P2O5 dan K2O)

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    Pupuk organik cair dapat berasal dari limbah pertanian  tidak tidak memiliki nilai jual, dapat berdampak pada pencermaran lingkungan  dan belum dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat. Sedangkan limbah peternakan berasal dari limbah rumah potong hewan (RPH) seperti cairan rumen dan bolus yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik, sehingga berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat.  Limbah pertanian dan peternakan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik cair. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui perbandingan komposisi dan lama fermenatsi cairan rumen dan limbah pertanian terhadap kandungan POC. Urgensi dari penelitian yang dilakukan sebagai bahan informasi dasar yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen sapi sebagai pupuk organik cair (POC) yang dapat digunakan oleh petani untuk mendukung pertanian organik dikabupetan Merauke. Penelitian ini bersifat  eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap  faktorial (RAL) dengan 3 Perlakuan dan 3 Ulangan  yang terdiri dari yaitu, Perlakuan I 5%, Perlakuan II 10% dan Perlakuan III  15% yang akan dilakukan dengan fermentasi.  Perlakuan  waktu selama 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggi. Sampel penelitian kemudian akan dianalisis dengan pengiriman sampel ke laboraturium UNHAS. Parameter pengataman yaitu pH dan analisis kualitas pupuk organik cair meliputi  P2O5 dan K2O. Dari hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa nilai P2O5 tertinggi teradap pada PIII (urea 15%) yaitu 0,640 pada minggu ke 2 dan K2O pada perlakuan PIII (15%) yaitu 0,063 minggu ke 3. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pupuk organik cair limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen belum memenuhi standar Kementerian Pertanian

    Innovative assessment of impacts from industrial activities on the groundwater body quality for improved regional groundwater management

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    International audienceGroundwater Directive 2006/118/EC (Daughter to Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC) establishes specific measures in order to prevent and control groundwater pollution. It specifically requires to assess plumes originating from punctual sources such as those due to industrial activities, in order to check if they do not spread and degrade the chemical state of the groundwater bodies. In this context, BRGM (French Geological Survey) supported by the AERMC (Water Agency on the Mediterranean Rhone River basin) has developed an innovative methodologyto assess the impact of industrial activities on the quality of groundwater body. This methodology has been tested and applied on the whole Rhone River basin which covers one quarter of France, five regions and thirty counties. The assessment methodology includes three phases: 1) Inventory of industrial pressures and identification of targeted industrial areas; 2) Assessment of groundwater quality body with respect to industrial contaminants; 3) Assessment of industrial pressures and their impact on the groundwater body. These phases result in technical factsheet on each targeted industrial zone and a proposition for groundwater quality status of each groundwater body of concern. Overall, 57 targeted industrial areas were selected and studied. The assessment of groundwater quality in these zones enabled to identify compounds or groups of compounds causing groundwater degradation. Sixty-five percentage of studied areas were impacted with contaminants (those being by order of importance metals, hydrocarbons, HVOCs and BTEX) originating from around 420 sites. An impact rate (None /local / wide) was attributed for each site / contaminant couple. This " pressure/impact " method enabled to combine industrial data and groundwater data and to give an unprecedented assessment of groundwater quality at the regional scale (contaminated land being mostly managed at the site level in France). It processed numerous groundwater data. The deployment of this innovative methodology at the Mediterranean Rhone River basin scale required a strong engagement with numerous stakeholders (local authorities, regional water agencies, etc.), which in turn fed in the project by providing data and their points of views on the regional-scale project results. The outcomes of this project were used by the AERMC to report groundwater state and quality (with respect to impact from punctual pressures) in compliance with the groundwater directive. The findings enabled to define priority areas where further innovative methodology on regional groundwater body management-encompassing eg multi-sources management, less stringent groundwater objective setting-is currently being developed

    Pendekatan DNA Barcoding untuk Identifikasi Cassidula angulifera (Petit, 1841) (Moluska: Gastropoda)

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    A large number of gastropod species have similarities in morphology (cryptic) makes misidentification probably happen/occurred. Accurate species identification is needed in studying bioecology of  species. This research aims to identify the species of Cassidulla sp. Which was collected from Peyum Beach Merauke with DNA barcoding techniques using COI gene markers. The primers used in this study are forward primers (LCO1490) and reverse primers (HCO2198). The result of identification with DNA barcoding showed that the species analyzed was Cassidula angulifera with a 99.53% similarity level with a DNA sequence length of 650 bp. Phylogenetic reconstruction showing the entire sequence of Cassidula sp. which were analyzed separately based on the type and genetic distance with high bootstrap value. Phylogenetic reconstruction of Cassidula sp. form a monophyletic group, which means that the species come from the same ancestors. DNA barcoding is very good and accurate in identifying species.Banyaknya spesies gastropoda yang memiliki kemiripan morfologi (cryptic) membuat kesalahan identifikasi sangat mungkin terjadi. Identifikasi spesies yang akurat sangat diperlukan dalam mempelajari bioekologi spesies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies Cassidula sp. yang dikoleksi dari Pantai Payum Merauke dengan teknik DNA barcoding menggunakan marka gen COI. Primer yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah primer forward (LCO1490) dan primer reverse (HCO2198). Hasil identifikasi dengan DNA barcoding, spesies yang dianalisis adalah Cassidula angulifera dengan tingkat kemiripan 99.53 % dengan  panjang sekuen DNA 650 bp. Rekonstruksi filogenetik memperlihatkan seluruh sekuen Cassidula sp. yang dianalisis terpisah berdasarkan jenis dan jarak genetik dengan nilai boostrap yang tinggi. Rekonstruksi filogenetik Cassidula sp. membentuk kelompok monofiletik yang berarti spesies tersebut berasal dari tetua yang sama. DNA barcoding sangat baik dan akurat dalam mengidentifikasi spesies


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    Coastal Community Development International Fund for Agricultural Development (CCD-IFAD) or called the Coastal Community Development Project (PMP) is a collaboration of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) with CCDP – IFAD. CCDP - IFAD position in Merauke regency greatly helps the economic income of coastal communities. This study aims to determine the types of fish caught and landed by the CCDP-IFAD group in Payum. The method used is survey. The results obtained 13 types of landed fish including: Lates calcaliver, Johnius macropterus, Pennahia macrocephalus, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, Thryssa spp., Lebtobrama mulleri, Cynoglossus heterolepis, Plototus canus, Rhinoprenes pentanemus, Mugil cephalus, Arius spp., Triusurus savala, Dasyatis spp . Keywords: CCDP-IFAD; Fish; Coastal

    Hubungan Persepsi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    The purpose of this research are to find out the perception and participation of community towards onthe local wisdom-based capture fisheries resource management and to find out the correlationbetween the perception and participation of Kaiburse villagers on the local wisdom-based capturefisheries resource management. The method of this research is a descriptive by analyzing thecorrelation of the data. The perception of Kaiburse villagers on local policy is very good as shown bythe values: 87.5% of know very well and 12.5% of know about the local wisdom. The participation ofKaiburse villagers towards local wisdom is high which is shown by the value: 42.5% of very often,35% of often and 22.5% of quite often, according to their participation on capture fisheriesmanagement based on local policy is quite high with the value 0.705476, which means that 70.54% ofpeople in Kaiburse village do not only have the local wisdom perception but also participate inmaintaining and implementing local wisdom consistenly. Meanwhile, 29,46% of Kaiburse villagersdid not mean to not participate,but they just unconsistently implementl the local wisdomTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaansumberdaya perikanan tangkap berbasis kearifan lokal dan mengetahui hubungan (korelasi) antarapersepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat lokal terhadap pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan tangkapberbasis kearifan lokal. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan analisis data korelasi.Persepsi masyarakat Kampung Kaiburse terhadap kearifan lokal sangat baik ditunjukkan dangan nilai:87,5% sangat tahu dan 12,5% tahu terhadap kearifan lokal. Partisipasi masyarakat Kampung Kaiburseterhadap kearifan lokal tinggi yang ditunjukkan dangan nilai: 42,5% sangat sering, 35% sering dan22,5% cukup sering partisipasinya terhadap kearifan lokal. Korelasi persepsi dan partisipasimasyarakat Kampung Kaiburse dalam pengelolaan perikanan tangkap berbasis kearifan lokal adalahcukup tinggi dengan nilai 0,705476, artinya 70,54% masyarakat di Kampung Kaiburse tidak hanyamemiliki persepsi terhadap kearifan lokal tetapi diikuti dengan partisipasi di dalam memelihara danmelaksanakan kearifan lokal secara konsisten. Sedangkan 29,46% masyarakat Kampung Kaibursebukannya tidak berpartisipasi, tetapi tidak secara terus menerus melaksanakan kearifan lokal

    Avian Influenza in Wild Birds, Central Coast of Peru

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    To determine genotypes of avian influenza virus circulating among wild birds in South America, we collected and tested environmental fecal samples from birds along the coast of Peru, June 2006–December 2007. The 9 isolates recovered represented 4 low-pathogenicity avian influenza strains: subtypes H3N8, H4N5, H10N9, and H13N2
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