3,920 research outputs found

    Industrial practitioners' mental models of adversarial machine learning

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    Although machine learning is widely used in practice, little is known about practitioners' understanding of potential security challenges. In this work, we close this substantial gap and contribute a qualitative study focusing on developers' mental models of the machine learning pipeline and potentially vulnerable components. Similar studies have helped in other security fields to discover root causes or improve risk communication. Our study reveals two facets of practitioners' mental models of machine learning security. Firstly, practitioners often confuse machine learning security with threats and defences that are not directly related to machine learning. Secondly, in contrast to most academic research, our participants perceive security of machine learning as not solely related to individual models, but rather in the context of entire workflows that consist of multiple components. Jointly with our additional findings, these two facets provide a foundation to substantiate mental models for machine learning security and have implications for the integration of adversarial machine learning into corporate workflows, decreasing practitioners' reported uncertainty, and appropriate regulatory frameworks for machine learning security

    Habilidade competitiva de genótipos de feijão comum do grupo "preto" com plantas daninhas.

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    A hipótese dessa pesquisa é de que há variabilidade entre genótipos de feijão do grupo Preto quanto à competitividade com plantas daninhas e é possível identificar características de plantas que explicam expressivamente a habilidade competitiva. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a habilidade competitiva de genótipos de feijão do grupo preto com plantas daninhas. As perdas de produtividade de grãos em genótipos de feijão preto, decorrentes da interferência exercida pelas plantas daninhas, variaram de 30,8 a 54,9 %, sendo que os genótipos que apresentaram as menores perdas de produtividade também suprimiram em maior grau o crescimento das plantas daninhas. Houve tendência de aumento das reduções de produtividade de grãos em razão da interferência de plantas daninhas com o aumento da produtividade verificada na ausência de interferência. Não foi possível identificar características de plantas que afetam significativamente a habilidade dos genótipos de feijão em competir com plantas daninhas

    Towards Inferring Mechanical Lock Combinations using Wrist-Wearables as a Side-Channel

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    Wrist-wearables such as smartwatches and fitness bands are equipped with a variety of high-precision sensors that support novel contextual and activity-based applications. The presence of a diverse set of on-board sensors, however, also expose an additional attack surface which, if not adequately protected, could be potentially exploited to leak private user information. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of a new attack that takes advantage of a wrist-wearable's motion sensors to infer input on mechanical devices typically used to secure physical access, for example, combination locks. We outline an inference framework that attempts to infer a lock's unlock combination from the wrist motion captured by a smartwatch's gyroscope sensor, and uses a probabilistic model to produce a ranked list of likely unlock combinations. We conduct a thorough empirical evaluation of the proposed framework by employing unlocking-related motion data collected from human subject participants in a variety of controlled and realistic settings. Evaluation results from these experiments demonstrate that motion data from wrist-wearables can be effectively employed as a side-channel to significantly reduce the unlock combination search-space of commonly found combination locks, thus compromising the physical security provided by these locks

    Domain-wall depinning assisted by pure spin currents

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    We study the depinning of domain walls by pure diffusive spin currents in a nonlocal spin valve structure based on two ferromagnetic permalloy elements with copper as the nonmagnetic spin conduit. The injected spin current is absorbed by the second permalloy structure with a domain wall and from the dependence of the wall depinning field on the spin current density we find an efficiency of 6*10^{-14}T/(A/m^2), which is more than an order of magnitude larger than for conventional current induced domain wall motion. Theoretically we reproduce this high efficiency, which arises from the surface torques exerted by the absorbed spin current that lead to efficient depinning.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Velocidade de embebição de sementes de soja submetidas a diferentes recobrimentos.

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    O tratamento de sementes de soja é uma prática utilizada para aumentar o desempenho das sementes, especialmente durante as fases iniciais do ciclo. A utilização do tratamento de sementes com polímeros tem sido uma alternativa para os agricultores por permitir melhor fi xação dos princípios ativos utilizados no tratamento químico. Entretanto, esses produtos não devem afetar as propriedades fisiológicas e físicas das sementes, como a velocidade de embebição. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de diferentes recobrimentos na velocidade de embebição das sementes de soja. Foram utilizados dois lotes de sementes de soja das cultivares SYN1263 RR e BMX Potência RR, as quais foram submetidas a seis diferentes recobrimentos: 1: Testemunha (ausência de fungicida, inseticida e polímero); 2: Fungicida + Inseticida; 3: Fungicida + Inseticida + Polímero A; 4: Fungicida + Inseticida + Polímero B; 5: Polímero A; 6: Polímero B. O fungicida e o inseticida utilizados foram Derosal Plus (carbendazim + thiram) e Cropstar FloRite 1197 (Nitral Urbana (imidacloprido + tiodicarbe), respectivamente, e os polímeros ) (A) e Laborsan (Laborsan) (B). Para a determinação da velocidade de embebição, as sementes foram dispostas sobre papel germitest umedecido 2,25 vezes o peso do papel seco e incubadas àtemperatura de 20°C, mensurando-se a massa das sementes em intervalos regularesde 1h, durante um período de 24h. De acordo com os resultados, o recobrimento das sementes de soja com os polímeros FloRite1197 (Nitral Urbana) e Laborsan (Laborsan) isolados ou em associação com o fungicida e inseticida não retardam a velocidade de absorção de água

    Second harmonic generation in SiC polytypes

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    LMTO calculations are presented for the frequency dependent second harmonic generation (SHG) in the polytypes 2H, 4H, 6H, 15R and 3C of SiC. All independent tensor components are calculated. The spectral features and the ratios of the 333 to 311 tensorial components are studied as a function of the degree of hexagonality. The relationship to the linear optical response and the underlying band structure are investigated. SHG is suggested to be a sensitive tool for investigating the near band edge interband excitations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Rendimento e composição química de espécies em consórcio com milho safrinha e rendimento da soja em sucessão, em MS.

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