29,798 research outputs found

    Metallicity of high stellar mass galaxies with signs of merger events

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    We focus on an analysis of galaxies of high stellar mass and low metallicity. We cross-correlated the Millenium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxy catalogue to provide a sample of MGC objects with high resolution imaging and both spectroscopic and photometric information available in the SDSS database. For each galaxy in our sample, we conducted a systematic morphological analysis by visual inspection of MGC images using their luminosity contours. The galaxies are classified as either disturbed or undisturbed objects. We divide the sample into three metallicity regions, within wich we compare the properties of disturbed and undisturbed objects. We find that the fraction of galaxies that are strongly disturbed, indicative of being merger remnants, is higher when lower metallicity objects are considered. The three bins analysed consist of approximatively 15%, 20%, and 50% disturbed galaxies (for high, medium, and low metallicity, respectively). Moreover, the ratio of the disturbed to undisturbed relative distributions of the population age indicator, Dn(4000), in the low metallicity bin, indicates that the disturbed objects have substantially younger stellar populations than their undisturbed counterparts. In addition, we find that an analysis of colour distributions provides similar results, showing that low metallicity galaxies with a disturbed morphology are bluer than those that are undisturbed. The bluer colours and younger populations of the low metallicity, morphologically disturbed objects suggest that they have experienced a recent merger with an associated enhanced star formation rate. [abridged]Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    On the Potential of Leptonic Minimal Flavour Violation

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    Minimal Flavour Violation can be realized in several ways in the lepton sector due to the possibility of Majorana neutrino mass terms. We derive the scalar potential for the fields whose background values are the Yukawa couplings, for the simplest See-Saw model with just two right-handed neutrinos, and explore its minima. The Majorana character plays a distinctive role: the minimum of the potential allows for large mixing angles -in contrast to the simplest quark case- and predicts a maximal Majorana phase. This points in turn to a strong correlation between neutrino mass hierarchy and mixing pattern.Comment: 6 pages; version published on Physics Letters

    Non-degenerate solutions of universal Whitham hierarchy

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    The notion of non-degenerate solutions for the dispersionless Toda hierarchy is generalized to the universal Whitham hierarchy of genus zero with M+1M+1 marked points. These solutions are characterized by a Riemann-Hilbert problem (generalized string equations) with respect to two-dimensional canonical transformations, and may be thought of as a kind of general solutions of the hierarchy. The Riemann-Hilbert problem contains MM arbitrary functions Ha(z0,za)H_a(z_0,z_a), a=1,...,Ma = 1,...,M, which play the role of generating functions of two-dimensional canonical transformations. The solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem is described by period maps on the space of (M+1)(M+1)-tuples (zα(p):α=0,1,...,M)(z_\alpha(p) : \alpha = 0,1,...,M) of conformal maps from MM disks of the Riemann sphere and their complements to the Riemann sphere. The period maps are defined by an infinite number of contour integrals that generalize the notion of harmonic moments. The FF-function (free energy) of these solutions is also shown to have a contour integral representation.Comment: latex2e, using amsmath, amssym and amsthm packages, 32 pages, no figur

    On the Whitham hierarchy: dressing scheme, string equations and additional symmetrie

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    A new description of the universal Whitham hierarchy in terms of a factorization problem in the Lie group of canonical transformations is provided. This scheme allows us to give a natural description of dressing transformations, string equations and additional symmetries for the Whitham hierarchy. We show how to dress any given solution and prove that any solution of the hierarchy may be undressed, and therefore comes from a factorization of a canonical transformation. A particulary important function, related to the τ\tau-function, appears as a potential of the hierarchy. We introduce a class of string equations which extends and contains previous classes of string equations considered by Krichever and by Takasaki and Takebe. The scheme is also applied for an convenient derivation of additional symmetries. Moreover, new functional symmetries of the Zakharov extension of the Benney gas equations are given and the action of additional symmetries over the potential in terms of linear PDEs is characterized

    Hyper-chaotic magnetisation dynamics of two interacting dipoles

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    The present work is a numerical study of the deterministic spin dynamics of two interacting anisotropic magnetic particles in the presence of a time-dependent external magnetic field using the Landau–Lifshitz equation. Particles are coupled through the dipole–dipole interaction. The applied magnetic field is made of a constant longitudinal amplitude component and a time-dependent transversal amplitude component. Dynamical states obtained are represented by their Lyapunov exponents and bifurcation diagrams. The dependence on the largest and the second largest Lyapunov exponents, as a function of the magnitude and frequency of the applied magnetic field, and the relative distance between particles, is studied. The system presents multiple transitions between regular and chaotic behaviour depending on the control parameters. In particular, the system presents consistent hyper-chaotic states

    On the Whitham hierarchy: dressing scheme, string equations and additional symmetrie

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    A new description of the universal Whitham hierarchy in terms of a factorization problem in the Lie group of canonical transformations is provided. This scheme allows us to give a natural description of dressing transformations, string equations and additional symmetries for the Whitham hierarchy. We show how to dress any given solution and prove that any solution of the hierarchy may be undressed, and therefore comes from a factorization of a canonical transformation. A particulary important function, related to the τ\tau-function, appears as a potential of the hierarchy. We introduce a class of string equations which extends and contains previous classes of string equations considered by Krichever and by Takasaki and Takebe. The scheme is also applied for an convenient derivation of additional symmetries. Moreover, new functional symmetries of the Zakharov extension of the Benney gas equations are given and the action of additional symmetries over the potential in terms of linear PDEs is characterized

    On the Ehrenfest theorem of quantum mechanics

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    We give a mathematically rigorous derivation of Ehrenfest's equations for the evolution of position and momentum expectation values, under general and natural assumptions which include atomic and molecular Hamiltonians with Coulomb interactions.Comment: To appear in J. Math. Phy

    The multicomponent 2D Toda hierarchy: Discrete flows and string equations

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    The multicomponent 2D Toda hierarchy is analyzed through a factorization problem associated to an infinite-dimensional group. A new set of discrete flows is considered and the corresponding Lax and Zakharov--Shabat equations are characterized. Reductions of block Toeplitz and Hankel bi-infinite matrix types are proposed and studied. Orlov--Schulman operators, string equations and additional symmetries (discrete and continuous) are considered. The continuous-discrete Lax equations are shown to be equivalent to a factorization problem as well as to a set of string equations. A congruence method to derive site independent equations is presented and used to derive equations in the discrete multicomponent KP sector (and also for its modification) of the theory as well as dispersive Whitham equations.Comment: 27 pages. In the revised paper we improved the presentatio