3,568 research outputs found

    Daily variability of Ceres' Albedo detected by means of radial velocities changes of the reflected sunlight

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    Bright features have been recently discovered by Dawn on Ceres, which extend previous photometric and Space Telescope observations. These features should produce distortions of the line profiles of the reflected solar spectrum and therefore an apparent radial velocity variation modulated by the rotation of the dwarf planet. Here we report on two sequences of observations of Ceres performed in the nights of 31 July, 26-27 August 2015 by means of the high-precision HARPS spectrograph at the 3.6-m La Silla ESO telescope. The observations revealed a quite complex behaviour which likely combines a radial velocity modulation due to the rotation with an amplitude of approx +/- 6 m/s and an unexpected diurnal effect. The latter changes imply changes in the albedo of Occator's bright features due to the blaze produced by the exposure to solar radiation. The short-term variability of Ceres' albedo is on timescales ranging from hours to months and can both be confirmed and followed by means of dedicated radial velocity observations.Comment: 5 pag, 1fig, two tables, MNRAS Letters 201

    Isotope Spectroscopy

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    The measurement of isotopic ratios provides a privileged insight both into nucleosynthesis and into the mechanisms operating in stellar envelopes, such as gravitational settling. In this article, we give a few examples of how isotopic ratios can be determined from high-resolution, high-quality stellar spectra. We consider examples of the lightest elements, H and He, for which the isotopic shifts are very large and easily measurable, and examples of heavier elements for which the determination of isotopic ratios is more difficult. The presence of 6Li in the stellar atmospheres causes a subtle extra depression in the red wing of the 7Li 670.7 nm doublet which can only be detected in spectra of the highest quality. But even with the best spectra, the derived 6^6Li abundance can only be as good as the synthetic spectra used for their interpretation. It is now known that 3D non-LTE modelling of the lithium spectral line profiles is necessary to account properly for the intrinsic line asymmetry, which is produced by convective flows in the atmospheres of cool stars, and can mimic the presence of 6Li. We also discuss briefly the case of the carbon isotopic ratio in metal-poor stars, and provide a new determination of the nickel isotopic ratios in the solar atmosphere.Comment: AIP Thinkshop 10 "High resolution optical spectroscopy", invited talk, AN in pres

    Nuclear matter hole spectral function in the Bethe-Brueckner-Goldstone approach

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    The hole spectral function is calculated in nuclear matter to assess the relevance of nucleon-nucleon short range correlations. The calculation is carried out within the Brueckner scheme of many-body theory by using several nucleon-nucleon realistic interactions. Results are compared with other approaches based on variational methods and transport theory. Discrepancies appear in the high energy region, which is sensitive to short range correlations, and are due to the different many-body treatment more than to the specific N-N interaction used. Another conclusion is that the momentum dependence of the G-matrix should be taken into account in any self consistent approach.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    CXCR4 pos circulating progenitor cells coexpressing monocytic and endothelial markers correlating with fibrotic clinical features are present in the peripheral blood of patients affected by systemic sclerosis

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    There is still controversy regarding the role of circulating endothelial and progenitor cells (CECs/CEPs) in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Using a sequential Boolean gating strategy based on a 4-color flow cytometric protocol, an increased number of CD31(pos)/CD184(pos)(CXCR4)/CD34(pos)/CD45(pos) and CD31(pos)/CD117(pos) (c-kit-R) /CD34(pos)/ CD45(pos) hematopoietic circulating progenitor cells (HCPCs) was detected in SSc patients compared with healthy subjects. In SSc, no circulating mature and progenitor endothelial cells were observed, while an enhanced generation of erythroid progenitor cells was found to be correlated with the presence of CD117+ HCPCs. The presence of freshly detected CXCR4posHCPC was correlated either to the in vitro cultured spindle-shaped endothelial like cells (SELC) with an endo/myelomonocytic profile or to SDF-1 and VEGF serum level. These data are related to more fibrotic clinical features of the disease, thus supporting a possible role of these cells in fibrosis

    Curiouser and curiouser: The peculiar chemical composition of the Li: The Na-rich star in ω Centauri

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    We present a multi-instrument spectroscopic analysis of the unique Li- and Na-rich giant star #25664 in ω Centauri, using spectra acquired with FLAMES-GIRAFFE, X-shooter, UVES, and HARPS. Li and Na abundances have been derived from the UVES spectrum using transitions weakly sensitive to non-local thermodynamic equilibrium and assumed isotopic ratios. This new analysis confirms the surprising Li and Na abundances of this star (A(Li)NLTE = +2.71 ± 0.07 dex, [Na/Fe]NLTE = +1.00 ± 0.05 dex). Additionally, we provide new pieces of evidence for its chemical characterisation. The 12C13C isotopic ratio (15 ± 2) shows that this star has not yet undergone the extra-mixing episode usually associated with the red giant branch bump. Therefore, we can rule out the scenario of efficient deep extra mixing during the red giant branch phase envisaged to explain the high Li and Na abundances. Also, the star exhibits high abundances of both C and N ([C/Fe] = +0.45 ± 0.16 dex and [N/Fe] = +0.99 ± 0.20 dex), which is not compatible with the typical C-N anti-correlation observed in globular cluster stars. We found evidence of a radial velocity variability in #25664, suggesting that the star could be part of a binary system, likely having accreted material from a more massive companion when the latter was evolving in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. Viable candidates for the donor star are AGB stars with 3-4 M⊙ and super-AGB stars (~7-8 M⊙), both of which are able to produce Li- and Na-rich material. Alternatively, the star could have formed from the pure ejecta of a super-AGB star before the dilution with primordial gas occurred

    Millstones as indicators of relative sea-level changes in northern Sicily and southern Calabria coast lines, Italy

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    New data are presented for late Holocene relative sea-level changes in two coastal sites of Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy. Reconstructions are based on precise measurements of submerged archaeological remains that are valuable indicators of past sea-level position. The archaeological remains are millstone quarries carved on sandstone coastal rocks and nowadays partially submerged which, to the authors’ knowledge, are used for the first time as sea-level markers. Millstones of similar typology are located on the coast of Capo d’Orlando (northern Sicily) and Capo dell’Armi (southern Calabria). When the archeologically-based sea-level position is compared with the shoreline elevation provided by geological markers (Holocene beachrock, Late Pleistocene marine terraces), a refined understanding of relative sea-level changes and rates of vertical tectonic movements for these coastline locations is gained

    Human, All Too Human? An All-Around Appraisal of the “Artificial Intelligence Revolution” in Medical Imaging

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen dramatic growth over the past decade, evolving from a niche super specialty computer application into a powerful tool which has revolutionized many areas of our professional and daily lives, and the potential of which seems to be still largely untapped. The field of medicine and medical imaging, as one of its various specialties, has gained considerable benefit from AI, including improved diagnostic accuracy and the possibility of predicting individual patient outcomes and options of more personalized treatment. It should be noted that this process can actively support the ongoing development of advanced, highly specific treatment strategies (e.g., target therapies for cancer patients) while enabling faster workflow and more efficient use of healthcare resources. The potential advantages of AI over conventional methods have made it attractive for physicians and other healthcare stakeholders, raising much interest in both the research and the industry communities. However, the fast development of AI has unveiled its potential for disrupting the work of healthcare professionals, spawning concerns among radiologists that, in the future, AI may outperform them, thus damaging their reputations or putting their jobs at risk. Furthermore, this development has raised relevant psychological, ethical, and medico-legal issues which need to be addressed for AI to be considered fully capable of patient management. The aim of this review is to provide a brief, hopefully exhaustive, overview of the state of the art of AI systems regarding medical imaging, with a special focus on how AI and the entire healthcare environment should be prepared to accomplish the goal of a more advanced human-centered world

    3D Patient-Specific Virtual Models for Presurgical Planning in Patients with Recto-Sigmoid Endometriosis Nodules: A Pilot Study

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    Background and Objective: In recent years, 3D printing has been used to support surgical planning or to guide intraoperative procedures in various surgical specialties. An improvement in surgical planning for recto-sigmoid endometriosis (RSE) excision might reduce the high complication rate related to this challenging surgery. The aim of this study was to build novel presurgical 3D models of RSE nodules from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and compare them with intraoperative findings. Materials and Methods: A single-center, observational, prospective, cohort, pilot study was performed by enrolling consecutive symptomatic women scheduled for minimally invasive surgery for RSE between November 2019 and June 2020 at our institution. Preoperative MRI were used for building 3D models of RSE nodules and surrounding pelvic organs. 3D models were examined during multi-disciplinary preoperative planning, focusing especially on three domains: degree of bowel stenosis, nodule's circumferential extension, and bowel angulation induced by the RSE nodule. After surgery, the surgeon was asked to subjectively evaluate the correlation of the 3D model with the intra-operative findings and to express his evaluation as "no correlation", "low correlation", or "high correlation" referring to the three described domains. Results: seven women were enrolled and 3D anatomical virtual models of RSE nodules and surrounding pelvic organs were generated. In all cases, surgeons reported a subjective "high correlation" with the surgical findings. Conclusion: Presurgical 3D models could be a feasible and useful tool to support surgical planning in women with recto-sigmoidal endometriotic involvement, appearing closely related to intraoperative findings

    Curiouser and curiouser: The peculiar chemical composition of the Li: The Na-rich star in ω Centauri

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    We present a multi-instrument spectroscopic analysis of the unique Li- and Na-rich giant star #25664 in ω Centauri, using spectra acquired with FLAMES-GIRAFFE, X-shooter, UVES, and HARPS. Li and Na abundances have been derived from the UVES spectrum using transitions weakly sensitive to non-local thermodynamic equilibrium and assumed isotopic ratios. This new analysis confirms the surprising Li and Na abundances of this star (A(Li)NLTE = +2.71 ± 0.07 dex, [Na/Fe]NLTE = +1.00 ± 0.05 dex). Additionally, we provide new pieces of evidence for its chemical characterisation. The 12C13C isotopic ratio (15 ± 2) shows that this star has not yet undergone the extra-mixing episode usually associated with the red giant branch bump. Therefore, we can rule out the scenario of efficient deep extra mixing during the red giant branch phase envisaged to explain the high Li and Na abundances. Also, the star exhibits high abundances of both C and N ([C/Fe] = +0.45 ± 0.16 dex and [N/Fe] = +0.99 ± 0.20 dex), which is not compatible with the typical C-N anti-correlation observed in globular cluster stars. We found evidence of a radial velocity variability in #25664, suggesting that the star could be part of a binary system, likely having accreted material from a more massive companion when the latter was evolving in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. Viable candidates for the donor star are AGB stars with 3-4 M⊙ and super-AGB stars (~7-8 M⊙), both of which are able to produce Li- and Na-rich material. Alternatively, the star could have formed from the pure ejecta of a super-AGB star before the dilution with primordial gas occurred
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