60 research outputs found

    Metal-induced malformations in early Palaeozoic plankton are harbingers of mass extinction

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    Glacial episodes have been linked to Ordovician–Silurian extinction events, but cooling itself may not be solely responsible for these extinctions. Teratological (malformed) assemblages of fossil plankton that correlate precisely with the extinction events can help identify alternate drivers of extinction. Here we show that metal poisoning may have caused these aberrant morphologies during a late Silurian (Pridoli) event. Malformations coincide with a dramatic increase of metals (Fe, Mo, Pb, Mn and As) in the fossils and their host rocks. Metallic toxins are known to cause a teratological response in modern organisms, which is now routinely used as a proxy to assess oceanic metal contamination. Similarly, our study identifies metal-induced teratology as a deep-time, palaeobiological monitor of palaeo-ocean chemistry. The redox-sensitive character of enriched metals supports emerging ‘oceanic anoxic event’ models. Our data suggest that spreading anoxia and redox cycling of harmful metals was a contributing kill mechanism during these devastating Ordovician–Silurian palaeobiological events

    Spatially Resolved, In Situ Carbon Isotope Analysis of Archean Organic Matter

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    Spatiotemporal variability in the carbon isotope composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM) preserves information about the evolution of the biosphere and of the exogenic carbon cycle as a whole. Primary compositions, and imprints of the post-depositional processes that obscure them, exist at the scale of individual sedimentary grains (mm to micron). Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) (1) enables analysis at these scales and in petrographic context, (2) permits morphological and compositional characterization of the analyte and associated minerals prior to isotopic analysis, and (3) reveals patterns of variability homogenized by bulk techniques. Here we present new methods for in situ organic carbon isotope analysis with sub-permil precision and spatial resolution to 1 micron using SIMS, as well as new data acquired from a suite of Archean rocks. Three analytical protocols were developed for the CAMECA ims1280 at WiscSIMS to analyze domains of varying size and carbon concentration. Average reproducibility (at 2SD) using a 6 micron spot size with two Faraday cup detectors was 0.4 %, and 0.8 % for analyses using 1 micron and 3 micron spot sizes with a Faraday cup (for C-12) and an electron multiplier (for C-13). Eight coals, two ambers, a shungite, and a graphite were evaluated for micron-scale isotopic heterogeneity, and LCNN anthracite (delta C-13 = -23.56 +/- 0.1 %, 2SD) was chosen as the working standard. Correlation between instrumental bias and H/C was observed and calibrated for each analytical session using organic materials with H/C between 0.1 and 1.5 (atomic), allowing a correction based upon a C-13H/C-13 measurement included in every analysis. Matrix effects of variable C/SiO2 were evaluated by measuring mm to sub-micron graphite domains in quartzite from Bogala mine, Sri Lanka. Apparent instrumental bias and C-12 count rate are correlated in this case, but this may be related to a crystal orientation effect in graphite. Analyses of amorphous Archean OM suggest that instrumental bias is consistent for 12C count rates as low as 10% relative to anthracite. Samples from the ABDP-9 (n=3; Mount McRae Shale, approximately 2.5 Ga), RHDH2a (n=2; Carrawine Dolomite and Jeerinah Fm, approximately 2.6 Ga), WRL1 (n=3; Wittenoom Fm, Marra Mamba Iron Formation, and Jeerinah Fm, approximately 2.6 Ga), and SV1 (n=1; Tumbiana Fm, approximately 2.7 Ga) drill cores, each previously analyzed for bulk organic carbon isotope composition, yielded 100 new, in situ data from Neoarchean sedimentary OM. In these samples, delta C-13 varies between -53.1 and -28.3 % and offsets between in situ and bulk compositions range from -8.3 to 18.8%. In some cases, isotopic composition and mode of occurrence (e.g. morphology and mineral associations) are statistically correlated, enabling the identification of distinct reservoirs of OM. Our results support previous evidence for gradients of oxidation with depth in Neoarchean environments driven by photosynthesis and methane metabolism. The relevance of these findings to questions of bio- and syngenicity as well as the alteration history of previously reported Archean OM will be discussed

    Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in the prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients at risk: Model optimization and comparison with other metrics

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    [EN] Complexity analysis of glucose time series with Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) has been proved to be useful for the prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) development. We propose a modified DFA algorithm, review some of its characteristics and compare it with other metrics derived from continuous glucose monitorization in this setting. Several issues of the DFA algorithm were evaluated: (1) Time windowing: the best predictive value was obtained including all time-windows from 15 minutes to 24 hours. (2) Influence of circadian rhythms: for 48-hour glucometries, DFA alpha scaling exponent was calculated on 24hour sliding segments (1-hour gap, 23-hour overlap), with a median coefficient of variation of 3.2%, which suggests that analysing time series of at least 24-hour length avoids the influence of circadian rhythms. (3) Influence of pretreatment of the time series through integration: DFA without integration was more sensitive to the introduction of white noise and it showed significant predictive power to forecast the development of T2DM, while the pretreated time series did not. (4) Robustness of an interpolation algorithm for missing values: The modified DFA algorithm evaluates the percentage of missing values in a time series. Establishing a 2% error threshold, we estimated the number and length of missing segments that could be admitted to consider a time series as suitable for DFA analysis. For comparison with other metrics, a Principal Component Analysis was performed and the results neatly tease out four different components. The first vector carries information concerned with variability, the second represents mainly DFA alpha exponent, while the third and fourth vectors carry essentially information related to the two "pre-diabetic behaviours" (impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance). The scaling exponent obtained with the modified DFA algorithm proposed has significant predictive power for the development of T2DM in a high-risk population compared with other variability metrics or with the standard DFA algorithm.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project PI17/00856 (Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, A way to make Europe). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Colás, A.; Vigil, L.; Vargas, B.; Cuesta Frau, D.; Varela, M. (2019). Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in the prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients at risk: Model optimization and comparison with other metrics. PLoS ONE. 14(12):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225817S1151412Goldstein, B., Fiser, D. H., Kelly, M. M., Mickelsen, D., Ruttimann, U., & Pollack, M. M. (1998). Decomplexification in critical illness and injury: Relationship between heart rate variability, severity of illness, and outcome. Critical Care Medicine, 26(2), 352-357. doi:10.1097/00003246-199802000-00040Varela, M. (2008). The route to diabetes: Loss of complexity in the glycemic profile from health through the metabolic syndrome to type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, Volume 1, 3-11. doi:10.2147/dmso.s3812Vikman, S., Mäkikallio, T. H., Yli-Mäyry, S., Pikkujämsä, S., Koivisto, A.-M., Reinikainen, P., … Huikuri, H. V. (1999). Altered Complexity and Correlation Properties of R-R Interval Dynamics Before the Spontaneous Onset of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation, 100(20), 2079-2084. doi:10.1161/01.cir.100.20.2079Wang, H., Naghavi, M., Allen, C., Barber, R. M., Bhutta, Z. A., Carter, A., … Coates, M. M. (2016). Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet, 388(10053), 1459-1544. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)31012-1Saudek, C. D., Derr, R. L., & Kalyani, R. R. (2006). Assessing Glycemia in Diabetes Using Self-monitoring Blood Glucose and Hemoglobin A1c. JAMA, 295(14), 1688. doi:10.1001/jama.295.14.1688Monnier, L., Colette, C., & Owens, D. R. (2008). Glycemic Variability: The Third Component of the Dysglycemia in Diabetes. Is it Important? How to Measure it? Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2(6), 1094-1100. doi:10.1177/193229680800200618Abdul-Ghani, M. A., Tripathy, D., & DeFronzo, R. A. (2006). Contributions of  -Cell Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance to the Pathogenesis of Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Impaired Fasting Glucose. Diabetes Care, 29(5), 1130-1139. doi:10.2337/dc05-2179(2017). 2. Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes:Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2018. Diabetes Care, 41(Supplement 1), S13-S27. doi:10.2337/dc18-s002Tabák, A. G., Herder, C., Rathmann, W., Brunner, E. J., & Kivimäki, M. (2012). Prediabetes: a high-risk state for diabetes development. The Lancet, 379(9833), 2279-2290. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(12)60283-9DeFronzo, R. A., Banerji, M. A., Bray, G. A., Buchanan, T. A., Clement, S., … Tripathy, D. (2009). Determinants of glucose tolerance in impaired glucose tolerance at baseline in the Actos Now for Prevention of Diabetes (ACT NOW) study. Diabetologia, 53(3), 435-445. doi:10.1007/s00125-009-1614-2Nathan, D. M., Davidson, M. B., DeFronzo, R. A., Heine, R. J., Henry, R. R., Pratley, R., & Zinman, B. (2007). Impaired Fasting Glucose and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Implications for care. Diabetes Care, 30(3), 753-759. doi:10.2337/dc07-9920Ogata, H., Tokuyama, K., Nagasaka, S., Tsuchita, T., Kusaka, I., Ishibashi, S., … Yamamoto, Y. (2012). The lack of long-range negative correlations in glucose dynamics is associated with worse glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus. Metabolism, 61(7), 1041-1050. doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2011.12.007Kohnert, K.-D. (2015). Utility of different glycemic control metrics for optimizing management of diabetes. World Journal of Diabetes, 6(1), 17. doi:10.4239/wjd.v6.i1.17García Maset, L., González, L. B., Furquet, G. L., Suay, F. M., & Marco, R. H. (2016). Study of Glycemic Variability Through Time Series Analyses (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and Poincaré Plot) in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 18(11), 719-724. doi:10.1089/dia.2016.0208Service, F. J., O’Brien, P. C., & Rizza, R. A. (1987). Measurements of Glucose Control. Diabetes Care, 10(2), 225-237. doi:10.2337/diacare.10.2.225Goldberger, A. L., Amaral, L. A. N., Hausdorff, J. M., Ivanov, P. C., Peng, C.-K., & Stanley, H. E. (2002). Fractal dynamics in physiology: Alterations with disease and aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(Supplement 1), 2466-2472. doi:10.1073/pnas.012579499Crenier, L., Lytrivi, M., Van Dalem, A., Keymeulen, B., & Corvilain, B. (2016). Glucose Complexity Estimates Insulin Resistance in Either Nondiabetic Individuals or in Type 1 Diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 101(4), 1490-1497. doi:10.1210/jc.2015-4035Rodríguez de Castro, C., Vigil, L., Vargas, B., García Delgado, E., García Carretero, R., Ruiz-Galiana, J., & Varela, M. (2016). Glucose time series complexity as a predictor of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 33(2), e2831. doi:10.1002/dmrr.2831Weber, C., & Schnell, O. (2009). The Assessment of Glycemic Variability and Its Impact on Diabetes-Related Complications: An Overview. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 11(10), 623-633. doi:10.1089/dia.2009.0043Pincus, S. M., Gladstone, I. M., & Ehrenkranz, R. A. (1991). A regularity statistic for medical data analysis. Journal of Clinical Monitoring, 7(4), 335-345. doi:10.1007/bf01619355Richman, J. S. (2007). Sample Entropy Statistics and Testing for Order in Complex Physiological Signals. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 36(5), 1005-1019. doi:10.1080/03610920601036481Platiša, M. 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    Mesurages en continu des flux polluants particulaires en réseaux d’assainissement urbains : enjeux, méthodes, exemple d’application

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    La poursuite de l’expansion des villes dans la plupart des pays génère des flux polluants croissants rejetés dans les milieux aquatiques urbains par les systèmes d’assainissement, avec des enjeux environnementaux considérables. La connaissance, le contrôle et la réduction des flux polluants ne peuvent plus se satisfaire des mesurages ponctuels classiques par prélèvements et analyses en laboratoire. Différentes techniques de mesure en continu in situ sont aujourd’hui utilisables. Parmi celles-ci, le mesurage de la turbidité permet d’estimer les charges événementielles et annuelles en matières en suspension (MES) et en demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) transitant dans les réseaux d’assainissement urbains. Pour obtenir des résultats fiables et évaluer leurs incertitudes, des méthodes appropriées doivent être utilisées : i) étalonnage des capteurs, ii) application de fonctions d’étalonnage, iii) mesurage des MES et de la DCO sur échantillons avec les méthodes normalisées, iv) détection des valeurs suspectes éventuelles, v) régressions polynomiales spécifiques entre MES ou DCO et turbidité prenant en compte les incertitudes sur toutes les grandeurs, et vi) application des régressions pour estimer les charges polluantes en MES et DCO. Ces différentes étapes sont décrites dans cet article et illustrées avec des exemples. Une étude de cas montre l’application des méthodes proposées pour estimer les charges polluantes rejetées par un déversoir d’orage en réseau unitaire : 30 déversements mesurés en 2004 ont rejeté environ 2100 kg de MES et 2900 kg de DCO. Ces masses sont connues avec une incertitude relative inférieure à 5 %
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