330 research outputs found

    Designing a Voip Based Language Test

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    [EN] Assessing speaking is one of the most difficult tasks in computer based language testing. Many countries all over the world face the need to implement standardized language tests where speaking tasks are commonly included. However, a number of problems make them rather impractical such as the costs, the personnel involved, the length of time for interviews and many other factors. Additionally, reliability as compared to face-to-face tests is continually challenged by issues such as comfort with the interface, navigability and, among others and more important, the lack of visual interaction and the high anxiety created by interacting with a interlocutor with more than a limited interactional activity. This paper addresses a new approach to language testing by the use of VOIP devices. It also addresses its benefits and the way to implement it within the Spanish framework of nationally organized standardized tests Designing a Voip Based Language Test. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281207173_Designing_a_Voip_Based_Language_Test [accessed Dec 28, 2015].S1307131119

    Wildlife and Antibiotic Resistance

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major human health problem. While health care facilities are main contributors to the emergence, evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance, other ecosystems are involved in such dissemination. Wastewater, farm animals and pets have been considered important contributors to the development of antibiotic resistance. Herein, we review the impact of wildlife in such problem. Current evidence supports that the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and/or antibiotic resistant bacteria in wild animals is a sign of anthropic pollution more than of selection of resistance. However, once antibiotic resistance is present in the wild, wildlife can contribute to its transmission across different ecosystems. Further, the finding that antibiotic resistance genes, currently causing problems at hospitals, might spread through horizontal gene transfer among the bacteria present in the microbiomes of ubiquitous animals as cockroaches, fleas or rats, supports the possibility that these organisms might be bioreactors for the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among human pathogens. The contribution of wildlife in the spread of antibiotic resistance among different hosts and ecosystems occurs at two levels. Firstly, in the case of non-migrating animals, the transfer will take place locally; a One Health problem. Paradigmatic examples are the above mentioned animals that cohabit with humans and can be reservoirs and vehicles for antibiotic resistance dissemination. Secondly, migrating animals, such as gulls, fishes or turtles may participate in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance across different geographic areas, even between different continents, which constitutes a Global Health issue. Copyright © 2022 Laborda, Sanz-García, Ochoa-Sánchez, Gil-Gil, Hernando-Amado and Martínez

    In Vitro Genotoxicity Evaluation of an Antiseptic Formulation Containing Kaolin and Silver Nanoparticles

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    Worldwide antimicrobial resistance is partly caused by the overuse of antibiotics as growth promoters. Based on the known bactericidal effect of silver, a new material containing silver in a clay base was developed to be used as feed additive. An in vitro genotoxicity evaluation of this silver-kaolin clay formulation was conducted, which included the mouse lymphoma assay in L5178Y TK+/- cells and the micronucleus test in TK6 cells, following the principles of the OECD guidelines 490 and 487, respectively. As a complement, the standard and Fpg-modified comet assays for the evaluation of strand breaks, alkali labile sites and oxidative DNA damage were also performed in TK6 cells. The formulation was tested without metabolic activation after an exposure of 3 h and 24 h; its corresponding release in medium, after the continuous agitation of the silver-kaolin for 24 h was also evaluated. Under the conditions tested, the test compound did not produce gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations or DNA damage (i.e., strand breaks, alkali labile sites or oxidized bases). Considering the results obtained in the present study, the formulation seems to be a promising material to be used as antimicrobial in animal feed. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Competición en el tenis: estudio de su evolución en niños y adolescentes

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    Competition in all sports involves a whole series of states and anxiety and emotions. The young athletes in their journey in the different sport categories in the tennis, must of suffering difficult moments as far as unpleasant sensations of tension are concerned. It has been made a study to compare goals and levels of emotion and anxiety in the tennis competition with athletes ranging from junior to junior. The results manifest, that as it approaches the adolescent period, the levels of anxiety are increasing in competitionLa competición en todos deportes conlleva toda una serie de estados e ansiedad y de emociones. Los jóvenes deportistas en su periplo en las distintas categorías deportivas en el tenis, deben de sufrir momentos difíciles en cuanto a sensaciones desagradables de tensión se refiere. Se realizo un estudio para compara objetivos y nivles de emoción y ansiedad en la competición tenística con deportistas que abarcaban las categorías benjamín hasta junior. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto, que conforme se acerca al periodo adolescente, los niveles de ansiedad van aumentando en competició

    Size determination and quantification of engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles by flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    Facing the lack of studies on characterization and quantification of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs), whose consumption and release is greatly increasing, this work proposes a method for their sizing and quantification by Flow Field-flow Fractionation (FFFF) coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two modalities of FFFF (Asymmetric Flow- and Hollow Fiber-Flow Field Flow Fractionation, AF4 and HF5, respectively) are compared, and their advantages and limitations discussed. Experimental conditions (carrier composition, pH, ionic strength, crossflow and carrier flow rates) are studied in detail in terms of NP separation, recovery, and repeatability. Size characterization of CeO2 NPs was addressed by different approaches. In the absence of feasible size standards of CeO2 NPs, suspensions of Ag, Au, and SiO2 NPs of known size were investigated. Ag and Au NPs failed to show a comparable behavior to that of the CeO2 NPs, whereas the use of SiO2 NPs provided size estimations in agreement to those predicted by the theory. The latter approach was thus used for characterizing the size of CeO2 NPs in a commercial suspension. Results were in adequate concordance with those achieved by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dynamic light scattering. The quantification of CeO2 NPs in the commercial suspension by AF4-ICP-MS required the use of a CeO2 NPs standards, since the use of ionic cerium resulted in low recoveries (99 ± 9% vs. 73 ± 7%, respectively). A limit of detection of 0.9 µg L-1 CeO2 corresponding to a number concentration of 1.8 × 1012 L-1 for NPs of 5 nm was achieved for an injection volume of 100 µL

    Karyotype variability in tropical maize sister inbred lines and hybrids compared with kys standard line.

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    Maize karyotype variability has been extensively investigated. The identification of maize somatic and pachytene chromosomes has improved with the development of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using tandemly repeated DNA sequences as probes. We identified the somatic chromosomes of sister inbred lines that were derived from a tropical flint maize population (Jac Duro [JD]), and hybrids between them, using FISH probes for the 180-bp knob repeat, centromeric satellite (CentC), centromeric satellite 4 (Cent4), subtelomeric clone 4-12-1, 5S ribosomal DNA and nucleolus organizing region DNA sequences. The observations were integrated with data based on C-banded mitotic metaphases and conventional analysis of pachytene chromosomes. Heterochromatic knobs visible at pachynema were coincident with C-bands and 180-bp FISH signals on somatic chromosomes, and most of them were large. Variation in the presence of some knobs was observed among lines. Small 180-bp knob signals were invariant on the short arms of chromosomes 1, 6, and 9. The subtelomeric 4-12-1 signal was also invariant and useful for identifying some chromosomes. The centromere location of chromosomes 2 and 4 differed from previous reports on standard maize lines. Somatic chromosomes of a JD line and the commonly used KYS line were compared by FISH in a hybrid of these lines. The pairing behavior of chromosomes 2 and 4 at pachytene stage in this hybrid was investigated using FISH with chromosome-specific probes. The homologues were fully synapsed, including the 5S rDNA and CentC sites on chromosome 2, and Cent4 and subtelomeric 4-12-1 sites on chromosome 4. This suggests that homologous chromosomes could pair through differential degrees of chromatin packaging in homologous arms differing in size. The results contribute to current knowledge of maize global diversity and also raise

    Capeamento, incisão na base do ramo e uso do ácido indolbutírico na propagação vegetativa do guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana Var. Sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke).

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    O guaraná se destaca como um dos produtos de alto potencial econômico e de grande significado social no meio rural amazônico. O guaranazeiro pode ser propagado por sementes e por estacas. A propagação por sementes tem o inconveniente de obter uma grande variabilidade de plantas no campo. A utilização da propagação vegetativa,propiciando a manutenção das características da planta-matriz, possibilita a produção de exemplares padronizados de alta qualidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de propagação vegetativa do guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis(Mart.)Ducke) por meio das técnicas de capeamento e anelamento, além da aplicação do hormônio indutor de crescimento sobre o enraizamento de estacas. Os cultivares selecionados foram BRS CG882 e CMU 381 que apresentam alta produtividade e baixo nível de enraizamento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 x 2, correspondendo às duas técnicas aplicadas nos ramos, 2 cultivares de guaraná, e a aplicação ou ausência do hormônio, com 3 repetições e 10 estacas por unidade experimental. Após 60 dias da instalação dos tratamentos nas plantas matrizes os ramos foram cortados para a confecção das estacas no viveiro, onde permaneceram por 90 dias sob nebulização intermitente e 50% de irradiância. A aplicação de AIB (2.000 mg.kg-1)aumentou o número de estacas enraizadas. O percentual de estacas mortas não diferiu entre os três tratamentos na ausência de AIB, no entanto, quando se aplicou o hormônio houve redução desse percentual tanto para estacas de ramos capeados quanto para as de ramos anelados. O tratamento com capeamento dos ramos e aplicação de AIB foi o que apresentou maiores valores médios de número de raízes (21,81); comprimento das raízes(6,86 cm) e peso da matéria seca das raízes (4,20 g planta-1)

    La educación física y las relaciones sociales en educación primaria

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    Physical education and social relationship in primary education. This study is a proposal of educational intervention based on corporal expression, in which the belief that social relations can be improved through Physical Education is defended. The main objective of this study is to improve disinhibition in the Primary classroom through games, particularly cooperative learning games, which will help the child to develop better social skills in order to have a better knowledge in how to relate with others. The intervention proposal consists of seven sessions based on corporal expression, which have group activities in which students will lose their inhibitions and express themselves in a natural manner so that student will improve their social links with the group.  Este estudio llevado a cabo es una propuesta de intervención educativa basada en la Expresión Corporal, en la cual se defiende que las relaciones sociales se pueden mejorar a través de la Educación Física. El principal objetivo de este estudio es la mejora de la desinhibición en el aula de Primaria a través del juego, concretamente del aprendizaje cooperativo, que ayudará al niño a tener mejores habilidades sociales para relacionarse con los demás. La propuesta de intervención consta de siete sesiones basadas en la Expresión Corporal, la cual presenta actividades grupales para que los alumnos puedan desinhibirse y expresarse con los demás de forma natural, así podrán mejorar su vínculo social con el grup

    Adverse effects of parenteral nutrition in cancer patients; systematic review

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    La malnutrición hospitalaria tiene gran importancia en los pacientes con cáncer y lleva a mayor riesgo de complicaciones, menor respuesta al tratamiento y peor evolución de los mismos. El empleo de nutrición parenteral (NP) en estos pacientes es controvertida por los resultados heterogéneos publicados en la literatura científica. Éste es el motivo por el que la evaluación de los efectos adversos de la NP, de su incidencia y gravedad, es muy importante a la hora de prescribir una NP en estos pacientes. Esta evaluación de los efectos adversos de la NP es el objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) encontrados en diversas bases de datos y publicados en cualquier idioma. De los 74 artículos encontrados en nuestra búsqueda, sólo 13 ECA (18 tipos diferentes de neoplasias) cumplían los criterios de inclusión para ser seleccionados para la revisión sistemática. Estos ECA incluyeron 669 pacientes con NP central en los que se describieron 225 efectos adversos (33,63%) de la NP, y 92 pacientes con NP periférica, con 54 efectos adversos (58,70%). No hubo efectos adversos en los 47 pacientes del grupo control que recibió fluidoterapia intravenosa. Podemos concluir que los estudios publicados son muy heterogéneos y evalúan las complicaciones de la nutrición parenteral únicamente de forma secundaria. Creemos necesario que futuros ensayos clínicos definan las complicaciones de la nutrición parenteral de forma homogénea y los estudien como objetivo primarioMalnutrition in hospitals is of great concern in patients with cancer. This malnutrition in cancer leads to higher risk of complications, and worse response to treatments and outcomes. Parenteral nutrition (PN) in cancer is controversial due to the heterogeneous results found in scientific literature. This is the reason why the evaluation of adverse events of PN, its incidence and severity, is crucial when prescribing PN in cancer patients. This evaluation of adverse events of PN is the aim of the present systematic review of the randomized clinical trials (RCT) written in any language found in several databases. From the 74 articles found in our search, only 13 RCT (18 different types of cancer) met the criteria to be selected for the systematic review. These RCT included 669 patients receiving central PN in whom 225 adverse events (33.63%) of PN were described, and 92 patients with peripheral PN, with 54 adverse events (58.70%). There were no adverse events in a control group of 47 patients receiving parenteral fluids. We conclude that scientific literature is very heterogeneous and evaluate complications of parenteral nutrition only as a secondary aim. We think necessary that further research do define complications of parenteral nutrition homogeneously and study them as a main objectiv

    Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Direct and correlated responses estimated with a cryopreserved control population1

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the response in 10 generations of selection for ovulation rate in rabbits using a cryopreserved control population. Selection was based on the phenotypic value of ovulation rate estimated at d 12 of second gestation by laparoscopy. To produce the control population, embryos from 50 donor females and 18 males, belonging to the base generation of the line selected for ovulation rate, were recovered. A total of 467 embryos (72-h embryos) were vitrifi ed and stored in liquid N2 for 10 generations. The size of both populations was approximately 10 males and 50 females. The number of records used to analyze the different traits ranged from 99 to 340. Data were analyzed using Bayesian methodology. A difference between the selected and the control populations of 2.1 ova (highest posterior density interval (HPD95%) [1.3, 2.9]) was observed in ovulation rate (OR), but it was not accompanied by a correlated response in litter size (LS; −0.3; HPD95% [−1.1, 0.5]). The number of implanted embryos (IE) increased with selection in 1.0 embryo (HPD95% [−0.6, 2.0]), but this increase was not relevant. Prenatal survival, embryonic survival, and fetal survival (FS) were calculated as LS/OR, IE/OR, and LS/IE, respectively. Prenatal survival was reduced with selection (−0.12; HPD95% [−0.20, −0.04]), basically because of a decrease in FS (−0.12; HPD95% [−0.19, −0.06]). Embryonic survival could have slightly decreased (−0.05; HPD95% [−0.12, 0.02]). In summary, comparison with a control population showed that ovulation rate in rabbits increased with selection without any correlated response in litter size, basically because of a decrease in fetal survival.This study was supported by the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia CICYT-AGL2005-07624-C03-01 and by funds from the Generalitat Valenciana research program (Prometeo 2009/125). The authors are grateful to Wagdy Mekkawy for letting us use his programs.Laborda Vidal, P.; Santacreu Jerez, MA.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Mocé Cervera, ML. (2015). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Direct and correlated responses estimated with a cryopreserved control population1. Journal of Animal Science. 90(10):3392-3397. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas.2011-4837S33923397901