192 research outputs found

    Metallic nanograins: spatially nonuniform pairing induced by quantum confinement

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    It is well-known that the formation of discrete electron levels strongly influences the pairing in metallic nanograins. Here we focus on another effect of quantum confinement in superconducting grains that was not studied previously, i.e., spatially nonuniform pairing. This effect is very significant when single-electron levels form bunches and/or a kind of shell structure: in highly symmetric grains the order parameter can exhibit variations with position by an order of magnitude. Nonuniform pairing is closely related to a quantum-confinement induced modification of the pairing-interaction matrix elements and size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential to groups of degenerate or nearly degenerate levels. For illustration we consider spherical metallic nanograins. We show that the relevant matrix elements are as a rule enhanced in the presence of quantum confinement, which favors spatial variations of the order parameter, compensating the corresponding energy cost. The size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential further increases the spatial variation of the pair condensate. The role of nonuniform pairing is smaller in less symmetric confining geometries and/or in the presence of disorder. However, it always remains of importance when the energy spacing between discrete electron levels δ\delta is approaching the scale of the bulk gap ΔB\Delta_B, i.e., δ>0.1\delta > 0.1-0.2ΔB0.2\,\Delta_B

    Digital activism: After the hype

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    Research on digital activism has gained traction in recent years. At the same time, it remains a diverse and open field that lacks a coherent mode of inquiry. For the better or worse, digital activism remains a fuzzy term. In this introduction to a special issue on digital activism, we review current attempts to periodize and historicize digital activism. Although there is growing body of research on digitial activism, many contributions remain limited through their ahistorical approach and the digital universalism that they imply. Based on the contributions to the special issue, we argue for studying digital activisms in a way that traverses a two-dimensional axis of digital technologies and activist practices, striking the balance between context and media-specificity

    Efficiency of Energy Conversion in Thermoelectric Nanojunctions

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    Using first-principles approaches, this study investigated the efficiency of energy conversion in nanojunctions, described by the thermoelectric figure of merit ZTZT. We obtained the qualitative and quantitative descriptions for the dependence of ZTZT on temperatures and lengths. A characteristic temperature: T0=β/γ(l)T_{0}= \sqrt{\beta/\gamma(l)} was observed. When TT0T\ll T_{0}, ZTT2ZT\propto T^{2}. When TT0T\gg T_{0}, ZTZT tends to a saturation value. The dependence of ZTZT on the wire length for the metallic atomic chains is opposite to that for the insulating molecules: for aluminum atomic (conducting) wires, the saturation value of ZTZT increases as the length increases; while for alkanethiol (insulating) chains, the saturation value of ZTZT decreases as the length increases. ZTZT can also be enhanced by choosing low-elasticity bridging materials or creating poor thermal contacts in nanojunctions. The results of this study may be of interest to research attempting to increase the efficiency of energy conversion in nano thermoelectric devices.Comment: 2 figure

    Correlation of interfacial bonding mechanism and equilibrium conductance of molecular junctions

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    We report theoretical investigations on the role of interfacial bonding mechanism and its resulting structures to quantum transport in molecular wires. Two bonding mechanisms for the Au-S bond in an Au(111)/1,4-benzenedithiol(BDT)/Au(111) junction were identified by ab initio calculation, confirmed by a recent experiment, which, we showed, critically control charge conduction. It was found, for Au/ BDT/Au junctions, the hydrogen atom, bound by a dative bond to the Sulfur, is energetically non-dissociative after the interface formation. The calculated conductance and junction breakdown forces of H-non-dissociative Au/BDT/Au devices are consistent with the experimental values, while the H-dissociated devices, with the interface governed by typical covalent bonding, give conductance more than an order of magnitude larger. By examining the scattering states that traverse the junctions, we have revealed that mechanical and electric properties of a junction have strong correlation with the bonding configuration. This work clearly demonstrates that the interfacial details, rather than previously believed many-body effects, is of vital importance for correctly predicting equilibrium conductance of molecular junctions; and manifests that the interfacial contact must be carefully understood for investigating quantum transport properties of molecular nanoelectronics.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, to be appeared in Frontiers of Physics 9(6), 780 (2014

    Quantum transport through STM-lifted single PTCDA molecules

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    Using a scanning tunneling microscope we have measured the quantum conductance through a PTCDA molecule for different configurations of the tip-molecule-surface junction. A peculiar conductance resonance arises at the Fermi level for certain tip to surface distances. We have relaxed the molecular junction coordinates and calculated transport by means of the Landauer/Keldysh approach. The zero bias transmission calculated for fixed tip positions in lateral dimensions but different tip substrate distances show a clear shift and sharpening of the molecular chemisorption level on increasing the STM-surface distance, in agreement with experiment.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    Effect of Thermoelectric Cooling in Nanoscale Junctions

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    We propose a thermoelectric cooling device based on an atomic-sized junction. Using first-principles approaches, we investigate the working conditions and the coefficient of performance (COP) of an atomic-scale electronic refrigerator where the effects of phonon's thermal current and local heating are included. It is observed that the functioning of the thermoelectric nano-refrigerator is restricted to a narrow range of driving voltages. Compared with the bulk thermoelectric system with the overwhelmingly irreversible Joule heating, the 4-Al atomic refrigerator has a higher efficiency than a bulk thermoelectric refrigerator with the same ZTZT due to suppressed local heating via the quasi-ballistic electron transport and small driving voltages. Quantum nature due to the size minimization offered by atomic-level control of properties facilitates electron cooling beyond the expectation of the conventional thermoelectric device theory.Comment: 8 figure

    Conceptualizing a distributed, multi-scalar global public sphere through activist communication practices in the World Social Forum

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    This article contributes to debate about how to conceptualize the global public sphere. Drawing on media practice theory and ethnographic research on media activism in the World Social Forum, it shows how ‘global publics’ can be constituted through a diverse range of activist communication practices that complicate both conventional hierarchies of scale and contemporary theorizations of publics as personalized networks. It develops an understanding of the global public sphere as an emergent formation made up of multiple, interlinked publics at different scales and emphasizes the significance of collective communication spaces for actors at the margins of the global network society

    The FGLamide-Allatostatins Influence Foraging Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Allatostatins (ASTs) are multifunctional neuropeptides that generally act in an inhibitory fashion. ASTs were identified as inhibitors of juvenile hormone biosynthesis. Juvenile hormone regulates insect metamorphosis, reproduction, food intake, growth, and development. Drosophila melanogaster RNAi lines of PheGlyLeu-amide-ASTs (FGLa/ASTs) and their cognate receptor, Dar-1, were used to characterize roles these neuropeptides and their respective receptor may play in behavior and physiology. Dar-1 and FGLa/AST RNAi lines showed a significant reduction in larval foraging in the presence of food. The larval foraging defect is not observed in the absence of food. These RNAi lines have decreased for transcript levels which encodes cGMP- dependent protein kinase. A reduction in the for transcript is known to be associated with a naturally occuring allelic variation that creates a sitter phenotype in contrast to the rover phenotype which is caused by a for allele associated with increased for activity. The sitting phenotype of FGLa/AST and Dar-1 RNAi lines is similar to the phenotype of a deletion mutant of an AST/galanin-like receptor (NPR-9) in Caenorhabditis elegans. Associated with the foraging defect in C. elegans npr-9 mutants is accumulation of intestinal lipid. Lipid accumulation was not a phenotype associated with the FGLa/AST and Dar-1 RNAi lines